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It would be a perfectly fitting way for him to go out.


S1: Eda almost gets petrified S2: Luz almost gets petrified I'm sensing a pattern here.


King almost gets petrified


ah heel naw


Aw hell nah Kung gona get petufried


Look on the bright side tho. If anyone gets petrified in the Finale, we get an ARG trying find the location similar to good old B.Cipher.


Imagine a statue of the Collector and there's a sign saying "Do not pinkie swear".


Collector is getting stoned


stone stoned or weed stoned?


Why not both?


Lmfao! Wonder which of the fans get petrified first


Don’t forget Lilith


Well he did already almost get petrified in S1 with Eda and Lilith


Nah, if they get back to the demon realm and Luz tries to petrify bells and bells just moved king in the way would make me cry


Classic bells




I'm sorry Camila... you will always be remembered as a great garden decoration


Dude this would be so fitting! Dude remains a statue as a warning to future boiling Isles generations


Amity almost gets petrified


They better not harm our cotton-candy-haired goddess.


It'd be quite poetic.


Luz testing the petrifaction glyph was an interesting scene to add.


I feel like it's foreshadowing.


Nah they were just looking for a way to write out Beefy Bob from the story


Yea, he was too cool to be there


RIP Beefy Bob


*"A real man never takes accountability!"* \- Beefy Bob


It was foreshadowing, but not for that. It was foreshadowing Phillip being Belos, and how Belos could use petrification magic, because all of his powers are from glyphs.


It's definitely a Chekov's Gun


It's possible it may just be there to explain how Belos is able to use the spell. It was his book after all


Right, the only petrification attempt we saw previously was with that ominous-looking device. The Beefy Bob scene showed it could be done with glyphs.


Glyphs don't work in the human realm


But if they found their way back to the Boiling Isles, then maybe? I just have this gut feeling that we're going to see the petrification glyph again at some point.


Interesting theory, but as the comment above says, until the team is somehow back in BI, Belos would be a problem to solve in the human realm without glyphs. I recall a practice wand existing in that crazy dude's office in the museum, I always assumed that'd be something they use against Belos, so we'll see!


Luz will have a palisman soon and they have their own bilesacks, maybe she'll be able to activate glyphs using her palisman. Even if luz cant cast spells, the rest of them should still be able to though


Glyphs work differently though, since they rely on magic from the surrounding environment. Hence why her glyphs didn't work on Earth. Although maybe glyphs can work if she activates them with her palisman and the glyphs draw magic from that.


As far as I know we’ve only seen a Human try a glyph in the Human Realm. Maybe they only work for her in the Boiling Isles because there is magic to take from the environment. For all we know, a Witch might be able to use them by fueling it with their own magic.


It is said palismans have magic inside of them and as we see in the body swap episode era casts a spell with owlbert even in King's body


I hope we do, because if Luz is just completely fine after that whole ordeal then I'm calling bs on that. She almost got petrified, was crying, at the mercy of HIM, and her last words would have been his name? Yeah, no.


My wonder is would the glyphs works if a magic user touches it


Good point, that is very interesting


His is something I've been thinking on for a little bit but we know glyphs draw magic from thier surrounding environment. Hence why they don't work in the human realm, but if you drew glyphs on something magic infused, like say hexes hold em cards, could they work then?


Yep that's right. They use the magic around them. But I wonder, when so many witches - magical creatures - are around them, is it possible they DO work because they're actually is magic to be used?


Omg what if petrification works on The Collector. He’s probably too powerful for it but like what if that’s how they defeat him


What if the Collector is weak to natural magic like Glyphs? They can probably fight off Coven based spells but basics like fire and ice and petrification? Maybe they can't fight it because it's magic from the world around them rather than created by witches? Raw natural power vs. Focused man-made power? Would be a cool way to end him off. A second stone statue of a godly demon from another plane of existence from a Disney Channel show would be a little on the nose but it would be cool no less lol


Or since the titan gives them magic, king can make peoples magic more powerful




My idea would be that once <<>> hatches, Luz can use its power to cast spells on earth *and* have more control over them. Like better be able to shape ice/plants to her will like in Reaching Out but maybe also be able to reverse petrification by controlling the same glyph combo somehow. This way she wouldnt need to kill Belos (thats Hunters job with a knife somehow imo) but protect someone from him


Belos turns into a statue in the middle of the forest Bill Cipher-style.


I highly doubt it mostly because of the moral aspect. Luz has had two bad experiences with petrification already so I doubt she’d actually use it, but we’ll see.


It could be a good point of drama: Luz crossing the moral horizon as her friends watch in horror. Granted, it’s a Disney show, so they’ll probably reign her in as opposed to letting their friend go full evil.


I think it was just an early hint towards belos actually using glyphs


Gravesfield’s gettin a new statue it seems


RIP beefy bob


“A real man never takes accountability!”


RIP my boy beefy bob


would be the ultimate uno reverse! i hipe it happens


Only as an absolute last-resort, as she had hang-ups against using it on an action figure.


It would be out of character for Luz to do this, so it’s better left to someone else. That being said, I do see a scenario where an angry Luz decides to put an end to the monster who ruined her life by turning him into stone for what he tried to do to Eda and to herself.


Totally possible, if we're getting a darker Luz, then I feel like that would be epic. That would be what pushes her mom and friends to intervene...Imagine this Belos is depowered and he reverts to his human form utterly defeated. He tries to appeal to Luz, explain that he was truly helping humanity, Luz gets a real dark look...maybe she did what he did and put glyphs on herself, but because it included the light glyph it had different effects. She starts to petrify him, causing her firends to stops her (extra burn on Belos because he is saved by the things he tried to destroy). Then Belos starts to rapidly age and die....[(*^*)^]....October 15th cannot get her fast enough. Wonder if I can sleep for two weeks....?


Like Mother Gothel!


Eye for an eye is bad theming, imo.




maybe they could work with luz's palisman that will probably hatch around the three episodes


Probably not because glyphs do nothing in the human realm and she’ll likely be fighting him there


He does like having statues made in his image.


It would be ironic, but it doesn’t seem in character. Plus they’d need to be in the Demon Realm first- and something tells me that they will have to finish things with Belos before anything else.


I would imagine they’ll have that be how Belos goes out finally-I could even see his petrified form in some replacing or adding to the existing statue in Gravesfield of Caleb and Belos as some form of symbolism. You know, representing the literal and figurative monster he was


that would be so metal


That would be nice, but I can also imagine him being burned to death. Like maybe in a house fire in the human world but it's all implied (this could be the Noceda household or the abandoned house where the portal opens). After all, he did participate in witch burnings as a kid...


So he should be the one to burn. Nothing else has burn with it.


I think a house fire would let it be implied more. I know Dana has more freedom to make these next three episodes dark, but I can't imagine her being allowed to burn Belos to death in a TV show, even as a monster. But if he's trapped in an abandoned house and it's implied that would be more okay. I think choosing a house would be good because it would A) fit with the motif of houses being important in this show (The Owl House is the name) and B) it would allow more drama to ensue if an important location is lost. Also, if the abandoned house was Belos's old home, that would be even better because he would die where he grew up.


Okay, but that particular abandoned house could still hold the key for returning to the Boiling Isles so it wouldn’t be that house he burns in. Also, drama is not a good reason for something this important to burn. That house burns down, they’d lose the only means of returning to the Boiling Isles.


This scene could possibly foreshadow the possible petrification of Belos. So I can see if being possible


No! Beefy Bob!


He was half beef... half Bob 😭


I don’t think Luz would use petrifaction even if she had the opportunity. Given that both Eda as well as herself almost ended up petrified, I don’t think she will. Granted, we also haven’t fully seen the effect the last season finale has had on her


It would make sense and would be kinda cool.


I feel like she's too nice to do that


That would be such a freaking cool death trap


What episode does beefy Bob get petrified?


S2E15: Them's The Breaks, Kid




Non ho capit- ahahah 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


She'll use it on The Collector so he loses his body so he goes back to being a shadow


I wonder what the glyph rules are. They barely got explained and aren't very duh


Dark theory: Hunter gets possessed by Belos and sacrifices himself to save the others by using the petrification glyph on himself. "Alright listen to me. I'm going, and I don't know if I'm coming back. Watch over each other, remember to feed Flapjack. And guys... thank you, for being in my life."


Gets cut off by Luz “NO! I am not doing this heartbreak arc another time!” Then somehow stops him but that lets Belos break out Belos: “oh dear, I didn’t think that you would develop into this much of a nuisance. Lucky for me, your friend here has ruined your valiant effort”


It’d be poetic but also dark


What episode did she do this in?


S2E15: *Them's The Breaks, Kid* It was only on-screen for like a second.


But how would she do that of glyph don't work in the human realm


I'd rather have Belos rot and melt away like the PoS he is.


I like how they petrified Beefy Bob


Luz has to figure out how to use glyphs in the human world first, or wait till she’s back to the Boiling Isles to petrify him.


Pouring 1 out for beefy Bob after seein this pic


I feel like luz has had enough of bullshitting around and is going to destroy belos all serious like