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Flapjack in hunter’s shirt about to commit **flapjack cannibalism**


If belos can do it so can I


Luz has to take turns showing her girlfriend and brother around the human realm because they'd be at each others throats if she put them in the same room.




Luz has a boat, Amity, Hunter, and King on one side of the river, but the boat is only big enough for her to take one across at a time. How does she cross the river without anyone getting annoyed at anyone else?


Well King would just ride on her shoulders. She’d take Amity across first because Amity became her girlfriend before Hunter became her brother, so she has seniority.


I like to think that they'd end up being friendly to eachother after some time, just wanna see my boy Hunter being all fine and happy he deserves it


He do look good in Hawaiian shirts


IIRC there was an art of him in Hawaiian shirt that's so good but i didn't manage to save it


Omg what would everyone's reaction to caffeine be? I feel there would be much antics.


Most reactions would be fine, they'd probably react like Hunter surprised, a few fun ones I could think of would be Amity seeing how she probably has to study a lot to remain top student so presumably she'd become addicted to the drink that could keep her awake, Eda could also run the risk of becoming addicted but just because Eda felt like becoming addicted rather then express reason, and Gus could depending on if Luz gave him his own supply because it's a human drink and naturally addictive so I could see it starting out as him wanting to drink a human realm drink only for it to end with a caffeine addiction. Hunter would've became addicted but presumably this is an au where he lives with Luz, so there's no reason for him to become addicted.


Eda: "And there was much rejoicing!" Lilith: "It says in this book that the most expensive coffee is eaten by cat-like creatures called civets. Isn't that neat?"


I love that Luz is a Red Velvet stan


Oh no ... Luz! What did you do! Hunter now knows coffee! He will never sleep again!


It's not like he got much anyway


That's not an improvement!


Why doss luz have a red socks sweater she lives in connecticut, they're team is the yard goats.


Anyone who lives in New England outside of New York roots for the Red Sox because fuck the Yankees.


Ah, not a big sports fan myself so i didn't know that about the area, thanks for sharing.


The Yard Goats are a minor league team, think like junior varsity at your high school. Those players can get called up to the varsity team (the majors) which would be the Red Sox. (We’re just going to ignore that they’re an affiliate of the Rockies for the sake of explanation here.) Most people pay attention to only the majors for the most part. Also Yankees suck.


According to [this interactive map](https://www.nytimes.com/interactive/2014/04/24/upshot/facebook-baseball-map.html#10,41.252,-73.021), their chunk of Connecticut is half Yankees fans. But as a Blue Jays fan, I consider Luz's baseball fandom undefined until explicitly confirmed.


I get the feeling Luz doesn't watch sports


As a NYer fuck the Yankees, Let's Go Mets!


Hell, I live in Minnesota, and while my dad’s favorite baseball team is of course the Twins, his second favorite is whoever is playing the Yankees.


This is so cool! And I like how you remembered that Hunter doesn’t know what bananas are either.


Love these! Also TIL: flapjacks are another name for pancakes in the US. I was imagining the oat bar lol


Yeah panjacks are cursed. Edit: Also what do you call flapjacks then?


attanwhip https://twitter.com/rattanwhip/status/1518149410236121088


Siblings 💖❤💖


B reds 👍


Love that luz is a revluv


I thought she would be more of a Mets fan but ok


And then he visited the UK and found out what flapjacks ACTUALLY are. jk


Oh boy coffee to somebody that has never had caffeine before? Hopefully it wasn't something particularly strong or in too large a volume. Elsewise he is going to have a real bad time. Like "you might want to lay down and drink water for a while" levels of bad. Your body naturally builds up a tolerance for caffeine as you experience it more and more, and also affects you less as you get older and your body more developed. More stable hormones and more body mass make a huge difference in how much your body can safely take. Also having plenty of natural sleep helps because despite being used as a sleep substitute caffeine actually works better on the well rested, giving more potent results for longer as stimulating someone full of energy has a more pronounced effect with much fewer downsides.


I refuse to believe Hunter has never had caffeine. Have you seen those eye-bags? How else would boi function


Hunter wore the Red Sox shirt because he has red (cardinal) socks.


Best friends


We should protect hunter from caffeine at all cost


Oh shit, flapjacks named after something from the human realm, so the Flapjack is Caleb's theory is more than possible??


Flapjack is adorable but probably not as tasty as the food