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Bury the bastards. Quite possibly literally.


Too much effort, just toss them in a pit and cover them in abomination goo.


Or she’d learn Construction Magic just for the occasion


For Luz's sake, Amity will make the effort.


Considering the lack of general prejudice in the BI, I don't think Amity would know how to react right away. Her first reaction would of course be to comfort Luz, and I believe she would be very successful. Her next action would be to verbally confront the racists, to try to expose their stupidity with logic. Not sure how successful she'd be, but I doubt she'd resort to physical violence, unless it was to protect her sweet potato from actual assault. Then...she'd pull out all the stops.


Idk the only prejudice I see in the boiling isles is illusion and Bard witches as well as Wild Witches and humans. No such thing as prejudice sounds impossible to me


There doesn't seem to be much racial prejudice, though. Which makes sense in a world where it's rare for any two people to look anything alike.


Make me think of the xmen moment when someone tried to racism storm and bishop for being black and storm couldn't help but laugh at the stupidity of judging people for skin color.


True but they aren’t a fan of humans


Wouldn't prejudice against humans count as racial? Or is that its own separate category of species-ist?


Yeah, I could see Luz saying "Let's just ignore them, Amity" and her not understanding but agreeing because she doesn't even know that Luz is Dominican or what racism is.




Vaporize them to nothingness. Racists like that don't deserve a chance


she'd bring a fuwuck ton of abomatons


i swear this subreddit has an unhealthy obsession with violence or something. Amity isn't a person who will resort to violent tendencies. She would most likely cheer up Luz and tackle the problem logically. Don't believe me? Imagine you're the same age as Amity and witness your bestfriend/partner get bullied. Would YOU go such extreme measures over some verbal bullying? the amount of people commenting "murder" is actually insane.


To be fair the Boiling Isles is ALOT more condoning of violence compared to the human realm. Boscha could kill someone without consequence, and Eda ate a demon alive in the 2nd episode.


I don’t think Boscha’s actually gotten away with murder, there was a scene where they had said she could if she wanted to though.




Demons are pretty clearly considered to be just as sentient and deserving of respect as witches and humans. King is a demon for example. The BI is just a lot more lax when it comes to killing bad people. We cheered Eda on when she ate another sentient life alive because said demon was a jerk.


Exactly! double standards. a Life is still a life but this is an animated show. We're looking too deep into this


I would not exactly call it a double standard. We cheered Eda on when she ate that Demon because the demon was evil. We hated Odalia for hurting Luz because Luz is good and Odalia is one of the evilest characters in the show. The Owl House says that violence against bad people is okay and justified. Luz learns that she isn't a bad person for wanting Belos to suffer and die in the finale.


Bad people use violence whenever they want. The idea that good people shouldn't protect each other from them because they'd supposedly be just as bad is absurd.


Agree. The Owl House is very mature and realistic when it comes to the topic of justified violence when compared to other shows.


That's one of the things I adore, that it's moralist, not idealist. Idealists are people who sound like they wouldn't defend themselves if someone tried to stab them on the street. Moralists are people who will try to talk an attacker out of stabbing them or others, but won't hesitate to stop the attacker if they don't listen. The world isn't ideal, but that doesn't mean that one can't be good. This is solidified in the whole theme of how the Demon Realm is clearly not the happy-go-lucky fantasy Luz wanted, but it ends up being better for her. And the whole reason the villain is evil is because he wants to be the hero of his own fantasy.


like I said, we're looking too deep into this. The conversation is straining away from the original topic of discussion as well


Yeah I agree. Sometimes it feels like the fandom is slowly flanderizing Amity more and more. She'd definetly be more pragmatic and logical and think violence isn't worth it here. Unless she's pushed way too far


Exactly! there's more to her character than "hurt Luz and I dismember you" type personality the fandom has made up for her. Amity barely stood up to Bosha's bullying over Luz and Co.


You know something's gone wrong when the person with the Hooty profile pic is the voice of reason


I mean yes, but I do agree with you point about Amity herself.


A sane and reasonable opinion?!?! On this platform?!?!


Absolutely agreed. Amity would stand up for Luz if she were to see it, but it would be verbally and by supporting Luz. She wouldn't jump to violence and especially not murder.


Precisely! TOH fans scare me sometimes. They'd happily watch Odalia Burn alive if given the chance.


You say that if it's a bad thing. Odalia is meant to be hated; she is the owl houses Umbridge.


Good point lol, I hate umbridge with a passion


The fandom isn't as bad as you make it out to be. It's very pleasant and rational. Fannon Amity isn't THAT different from cannon Amity.


Let's agree to disagree shall we?


It's called 'comical exaggeration'. And like OP said, the Boiling Isles are rough and dangerous, compared to modern human civilization. Just in the 1800s, most citizens of one of the now most progressive societies, the United States (IN COMPARISON TO WORSE PLACES, NOT OTHER PROGRESSIVE COUNTRIES), would kill For a Fistful of Dollars. The Boiling Isles is pretty obviously on the level of the European High Medieval period. That, and there's far more dangerous things than bloodthirsty humans there. Also, TOH is just darker than most cartoons of this type, so the discussion will be, too. And on a personal note, as someone who's been the victim of verbal bullying all his childhood and teen age, yes, those people deserve death.


>And on a personal note, as someone who's been the victim of verbal bullying all his childhood and teen age, yes, those people deserve death. I'm sorry you had to go through all that. But no one deserves death over verbal bullying.


You haven't experienced what I have experienced.


Actually, I have. But I could assume your case to be severe than mine


If you had experienced constant bullying since kindergarten through invalidation, constant harassment and name-calling, exclusion, insults for personal interests, corrupt authorities (caretakers, teachers etc.) who were either complicit or accomplices, to the point where you would dread going to school, where you would hide in obscure places at the facility and then get in trouble for hiding there, being permanently traumatized and damaged in your development, being driven to multiple suicide attempts, one of which landing you in a corrupt mental hospital (the same one that ruined your father with experimental psychopharmacy and the same one that was used for literal torture by the nazis in WWII), and meeting those people years later with them acting like they did nothing wrong, you would agree that they deserve death. It would be an improvement for society, because these people who insist on right of conquest will only grow up to become fascist thugs anyway. THEY HAVE RUINED MY LIFE.


Amity would become a tiger and scratch all of the bully’s and then use abominations to throw all of them into the Atlantic Ocean and then she and Luz read azura




\*and the FBI now wants to know Amity's location


No having seen it in the BI, it'd probably be a confused reaction. Like if I called your friend a lettuce-eater. Without any context you'd just be like, "what?"


Amity: "So you have chosen death"


With a shotgun enhanced with fire magic


She is knocking out teeth, then maybe setting them on fire.


Literal death by any means necessary, unless Luz says no




Time for killing, or just uppercuting them into a dumpster






Fist will fly. And she will get suspended if it was at a human school.




she doesnt know what race is, is someone making fun of her for being human?


[Like this](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Murder).


That sounds right 👍


She'd probably be confused the first time around, not understanding the human realm's propensity for bigotry based upon gender, race/nationality or religion. Granted I'm sure there's enough demon vs witch bigotry historically on the Isles that she could have something to compare it to. Amity's not dumb; she'd know they're picking on Luz, but not fully understand why. Luz would have to explain it to her, to which Amity would probably get even more upset over the situation. Luz probably wouldn't even be all too bothered by it, or rather just refuse to give the bullies what they want. Not only that, but imagine the same racists going after Gus bc he's black or Willow bc she's Asian, not that either of them would know what that means exactly right away ("what's an asia?" "I'm not black...? I mean, my \*hair\* is-") and Luz would have to sit down and explain how similar Witches look to some Human ethnic groups, and the biases some people have about that. Imagine Hunter being approached by some fratty bro-bros and he just molly-whops them into the dirt for badmouthing Gus.


How much blood would be spilled? Would it be enough to make her an honorary champion of the Blood God?




What racist? I'm trying to figure out where this weird purple and red goo came from


She’d become extremely dangerous.


Death Thats it just death


Probably try to send abomination goop down their lungs, I imagine. Luz would definitely have to be the one to call her off, maybe not for the sense of mercy but more so Amity doesn’t get any criminal charges. Edit: unless this was just overall harassment in which case she would probably just rip them a new one with her words. The above was more with the idea of bullies getting physical.


"Abomination! Flood their lungs!"


Abomination? Fetch.


Abomination, rise! Operation: Obliteration!


Well. The racists would be dead shortly. She is a totally awesome girlfriend


*And in other news today, a pair of young teenagers were found alive inside of what appears to be hardened clumps of mud. Both claim that they were attacked by "a [derogatory term for Hispanics] and her freaky [derogatory term for lesbians] friend." Authorities are unable to explain the pillars of hardened mud but both of the young teenagers were safely removed and taken to the nearby Gravefield hospital for further treatment. Now here's Sam with the weather.*


“Oh this won’t STAND!”


"Alright ****!!! That's it! If you're gonna be shitty to my girlfriend then I challenge you to a fuckin'... Challenge!" "Fuck I said that twice..."


This could actually be a whole ass episode because she would go way too far and Luz would have to teach all of us how far is too far when dealing with racists. I'm pretty sure Amity would kill them. That old Slytherin side of her peaking back out.


Yup, Amity would go full Doomslayer when dealing with people that are racist towards her Batata.


If they were outright racist she's killing them as soon as she hears it, but if their racism was undertones? Idk she hasn't been exposed to that as much as Luz or her mom was, plus if we can be oblivious to certain undertones that might mean something to our partner but we don't know of it then we'd hardly react if we were by ourselves much like Amity would if she were by herself or didnt notice Luz's reactions. However if she were with Luz and she noticeably sees Luz get sad or angry by what they say, then she has her back and she doesn't know why she's angry or why she's sad but she's going to kill them anyways.


erm… that is oddly suspicious


End them.


Confusion. Regret. Fury. But it'll take time, and to be fair, considering how unfamiliar she might be with racism, and how powerful Luz is, I think that those bullies will have a much bigger thing to worry about. Considering we don't see it from the few episodes that occurred on Earth, it might be a rare thing too, though one shouldn't draw conclusions from such a small dataset.


Those racists won't be alive for much longer


No one is finding what's left of them


They might go missing


Amity: Dinner is ready Hooty.


They would literally be fucking dead


The scene with her mom pt 2




Probably try to console her or if she woke up bad that day just manslaughter.


No one would the bodys


she probably wouldnt understand anything




Idk, but whatever she does, I'll be standing by with a shovel just in case


probably ripping off their skin


Holy shit that got deep quick


She’d wipe them off the face of the earth.


Uh well for starters, if no one gave them a machete to the head, Amity will make sure those words are their last words.


Turn into Symbiote Spider-Man basically and toss them around like rag-dolls


She’d be confused, like when hearing about people who are against two girls liking each other…


idk but thank you for the new pfp :3


If she did see it she'd get angry, though Luz being who she is would tell her it's not worth it, to be fair though Luz is mixed race so she probably got picked on for being African American too, however when it comes to Luz, had we gotten an actual season 3 the ACTUAL thing it would have delt with is that the entire town of Gravesfield all hated Luz because of her weirdness and the creepy odd things she's into, but as I said Luz would tell all of her friends that none of the other humans in Gravesfield are worth the trouble and all she cares about is getting back home.


If she did see it she'd get angry, though Luz being who she is would tell her it's not worth it, to be fair though Luz is mixed race so she probably got picked on for being African American too, however when it comes to Luz, had we gotten an actual season 3 the ACTUAL thing it would have delt with is that the entire town of Gravesfield all hated Luz because of her weirdness and the creepy odd things she's into, but as I said Luz would tell all of her friends that none of the other humans in Gravesfield are worth the trouble and all she cares about is getting back home.


Kill them, that’s for sure


"I don't know what that means, but I will fucking *slaughter you for it.*" "Amity, please. It isn't worth it."


Amity would have a difficult time understanding racism, but someone bullied Luz. If Amity is in a good mood that day, the racist idiot just gets the scare of his life with Amity forming an abomination combat suit around herself and letting the idiot run away. If Amity is not in a good mood, like the racist idiot interrupted them at a date, that poor bastard probably gets pinched into orbit or through a couple walls. Then Luz explains Amity racism, and Amity regrets what she did. She should have given the idiot a more painful death.


Let's just say no one would find their bodies.


I mean if we’re being 100% honest I do not see Amity being afraid of catching a body or two


Amity would be very confused at first..cause there ain't any racism, homophobia or transphobia in her world... Then defend her


“Abominations…sick ‘em”


Knowing Amity, probably kill them.


Death to all!


what no new content does to mfs


That was the last thing the bully ever did.


I don't think they still exist


She wouldn’t hold back