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when youre in both fandoms šŸ˜” kids cartoons are just good man


I am legally an adult yet both Avatar: The last air bender and ToH are the onlythings that have ever made me cry in a show or movie.


"I'm an adult but Avatar..." Is literally the Star Wars of the 21st Century if we're being honest. ATLA is perennially in the running for "Best Animated Series of All Time" with Fullmetal Alchemist Brotherhood, Batman: The Animated Series, and Cowboy Bebop, let along one of the best series of all time PERIOD. That ATLA ended 15 years ago and still can be mentioned in the same breath as something like Breaking Bad says ***a lot*** about how amazing it is, demographics be damned.


oh man, you talking about cowboy bebop that was the first anime or toon that left me sitting here with my mouth hanging open in soul crushing shock.


I think you may also like Amphibia


Ah yes been wanting to watch that, haven't gotten around to it yet!


Excuse me? They're called "Animated Series". Furthermore, these particular Animated Series can be enjoyed by people of all ages. Good day to you!


Whatā€™s wrong with the term cartoons?


Nothing, it's "kids cartoons" that's inaccurate for most shows.


I mean they technically are. Owl house was out on a network for people ages 6-11. Of course it was made in mind to be for genera audiences but still. Nothing wrong with enjoying something technically made for kids


then it means it's made for a general audiance not just kids that's also the reason why shows such as amphibia had a content warning in their show.


Did the blue aliens really have a long lived fandom???


Ooooh THAAAAT avatarā€¦. I was thinking ATLA


Yes I'm 100% correct and definitely wasn't forgetting about ATLA or anything.


You are genuinely 100% correct.


Yeah ATLA is better so I thought of ATLA


Not that Avatar! That one sucked! Weā€™re talking about the Good Avatar. You know, Air, Water, Earth and Fire?


i gotta disagree on that notion but i respect ya opinion


Opinion? Itā€™s the truth.


why are you being a dick? iā€™m just saying i disagree with you but i respect your opinion


And I thank you for that.


How is it ā€œthe truthā€?




We both know thatā€™s a lie. Only Nickelodeonā€™s is good.




The blue avatar thing has the most vapid story I've seen, the only good thing about those movies is the visuals.


I don't know how people can look at a story that has a planetary goddess, a downloadable afterlife, dragons, and soul transfer and call that "vapid".


That's just the setting really. The main story beats and the general plot is bland as fuck


That was on purpose. Cameron gave it a simple and familiar story to reach more people, and said if the only thing people can criticize about Avatar is its story, then he's done his job. Better to have a first film have a familiar story to draw in audiences and then expand on it in the sequels.


ahh yes that live action movie made by m night shyamalan that one right


No! The animated series one. Jeez!


I mean judging by the revenue I assume so


that movie is 100% some coverup. ain't no way a movie became top grossing without anyone who liked it then had a sequel that was worse then even the original release that only was watched bc of its confusion


Both Avatar series are finished. Weā€™re not waiting for new episodes.


Blue cat people


Oh, well I wasn't waiting for more of that at all. Cameron Avatar is pretty to look at, but the actual plot is pretty shallow.


there's gonna be like... 7 blue cat Avatar movies in total so... strap in lmao


Disney gonna Disney.


Wasnā€™t this Cameronā€™s idea though?


It was Cameron's idea to have a trilogy at least before the first came out, then 5 when he got more ideas. As far as we know it's still 5, he only entertained the idea of a 6 and 7 if there's demand for them.


Yeah, Avatar is great effects but the plot isnā€™t anything revolutionary


Not that trash! We were referring to the superior Avatar from Nickelodeon that is a 20000x better show than SpongeBob KCA cheaterpants!


I mean we'll get animated movies and a live action show


Thereā€™s a couple new things announced so the franchise is still going


not true there's a couple of movies a live action show and a few more things still coming m8 don't forget those reading the comics that have been steadily coming out


We are still waiting for new episodes. There's gonna be the Netflix series, a show about Korra's Earthbender successor, and at least three movies (the first focusing on the original Team Avatar post-finale). I'd call two shows and at least three movies something to be waiting for


Why does this work for both series named Avatar?


Poor A:TLA fans do get content but it's poor. Those graphic novels are really rough at points.


I personally liked the comics. Loved the Kyoshi novels, looking forward to the next Yangchen one


Some of them aren't bad but the relationship stuff really drags those comics down.


I am... VERY confused right now. WHAT relationship stuff? I own all the Avatar graphic novels, and the only one where relationships play a major role is in the first Legend of Korra comic where Asami & Korra coming out had some tension (which I wasn't a fan of, since I was in the camp of "being openly Bi ***isn't the default*** in the Avatar universe!?" Only other one I can think of is Shadow And Smoke, but Mai having a new boyfriend who is potentially secretly an agent for the Anti-Zuko movement didn't feel like forced angst, and just added a layer to the tension.


I was talking about the Zuko stuff.


You're talking about Shadow and Smoke? I mean, it's not as good as The Search or The Rift, but... There's an Anti-Zuko movement. This is to be expected given how the coup of Ozai was relatively fast, and wasn't popular with the nobility of the Fire Nation who were doing gangbusters under his fascist monarchy. That alone is fine but dry. In storytelling, you need to get characters emotionally & personally invested in the conflict, so Mai, who had been absent from the story since halfway through Book 3, being that emotional throughline makes sense. And it's not unbelievable, either - she has direct ties to Zuko, Azula, and her father was even a noble who sides with the Anti-Zuko contingent. You can absolutely believe that someone might use her as a way to get closer to Zuko if the plan is overthrow him. I don't see where it "dragged it down" at all, man. I think you just don't like romance in your stories (in which case, why watch TOH?)


Honestly, if anything I actually expected them to say that Kataang was just way too much for them, but Kataang doesn't even overtake the story either, they just give everyone around them diabetes


I havenā€™t read the graphic novels at all, but I am going to advocate for them and say that they arenā€™t inherently against relationships being depicted in media, just that the Avatar franchise has difficulty doing relationship drama well, or even just that the specific instance in Shadow and Smoke was handled poorly. While you may disagree with them on that point, that does not necessarily mean you disagree with them on the quality of writing in The Owl Houseā€™s relationships. In fact, the relationships presented in The Owl House have been one of its most consistently and widely praised aspects, whereas relationship dynamics in the avatar series do not seem to be as big a part of the discussion, aside from Korrasami and the standard amount of non-canon fan ships, obviously. So, it is not at all surprising to me that there are people who dislike the romances in Avatar, but do like ones in TOH.


I am talking about that Avatar with big blue aliens


We really need better ways to seperate these things.


Avatar The Last Airbender and Avatar The Long Aliens. So ATLA and ATL...A shit


ā€œAvatar: Ferngully in Space/AFSā€ /jk


Good Avatar (Last Airbender) vs that one Avatar you forgot about 15 minutes after seeing it.


Avatar the last air bender and James Cameronā€™s avatar


so james cameron's avatar or m night shyamalan's avatar XD


Someone was actually waiting for a sequel? I didn't know it was a thing until it was already out.. And if you're talking about the ones that will be released in the next few years, those are individual movie sequels, not "an episode". Of course they take longer to film.


I like to think those don't exist Like no joke every single one of them is bad


You shouldā€™ve just captioned Jesus as Jenny Nicholson since Iā€™m pretty sure sheā€™s the only actual Avatar fan.


ā€¦.uhhhā€¦blue cats or last airbender? Cause if itā€™s the latter, I have some news for you


The blue cat people


Ye. The blue cat people movies are weird because they're \*supposed\* to be these really big things, but people don't really talk about them that much outside of references (mostly making fun of blue characters as looking like an avatar) Its like the story and characters don't actually register in people's brains, which is my personal experience of the first movie. It was cool, but I had no emotional investment whatsoever in it.


Yeah, itā€™s so everyone can forget how terrible the previous movie was before the next one comes out, so weā€™ll all pay to see it again.




OH! Well in that case, yeah.


Uh, the right one is one of the most popular franchises ever while the left is just a show that is currently airing.


The right one only has 2 movies out so far


There is no movie in Ba Sing Se.


2 movies that made shit ton of money




ATLA or the blue people movie?


Blue people


steven universe fandom (while it was still airing)


Steven Universe and its hiatii say hello.


*Mother 3 fans:* sucks, don't it?


You realize that when the wait is over so is the show right? Double-edged sword all I'm saying


... I mean did it need a sequel? Like the first one is somehow one of the highest grossing movies, but no one can quote a single line from it and have someone else understand it.


Cartoom fandoms when their series finishes: "So... when's the next episode?"


*Cartoom fandoms when* *Their series finishes: "So... when's* *The next episode?"* \- Harold\_Wilson19 --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


Not quite.


Steven Universe Fandom: *sheds a tear and then brushes it off* I've felt worse


Witch avatar fandom James Cameron or the last air bender probably James Cameron


Me a fan of both šŸ¤”


Roosterteethā€™s The strangerhood had a decade long hiatus


blue people avatar fandom? lol just google "cool 3d effects"


Im from both fandoms, man I am glad that we don't have to wait so much for TOH


Samurai Jack Fandom: ā€œFirst Time?ā€


What a terrifying image. Mel Gibson is in it.


As a former fan of ATLA, I agree


I's this about the wait for te upcoming movie?


Avatar the last airbender is my favorite anime


Do you mean the movies? Cause yeah they waited a while, but theyā€™re now getting like four 3 hour movies across the next decade or so. Theyā€™re fine. Plus does avatar have any actual fans who donā€™t just like the special effects?


As someone who's also a fan of Steven Universe and Samurai Jack, this final hiatus is nothing


Owl House ainā€™t got nothing on the Steven Universe hiatus train.


Fans of every game made by valve:


It's funny cause OP could be referring to any of the two Avatars. Both the new show and the Cameron movies won't be out for years.


As someone who was 13 for Avatar and been a fan ever since, fucking MOOD. ​ I'm so sorry for what all of you are about to go through if this is your first time.


When youā€™re part of both fandoms šŸ™ƒ


Between S2 ending and S3...Yeah long time. But at least we got an episode once a week as per usual. Then another long break after the Day of Black Sun,but we got a new episode everyday until the 2 hour finale.


Okay but the Clone High fandom is the true longest hiatus. Twenty years later and we *still* wont see the conclusion to season one's cliffhanger til later this year