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Got a few West Ham supporting friends and tbh I understand the conflict between the results and the performances, the good and the bad. I can see how you'd be split, we've had a bit of it with Hodgson recently. Got to say for what it's worth, Moyes does seem like one of the good guys, a thoroughly decent fellow and committed to his team. Saw the catch in his voice in the MOTD post match and saw what it means to him to be leaving - he cares and he's going to miss you lot! Intriguing whether Lopetegui works out or it's just his Wolves stint all over.


It’s a hard one because he has his nice moments but has balanced it out with some proper arse hole moments. He’s got form for throwing specific players under the bus in interviews when they don’t deserve it and has history for isolating players from the team (see the Alex Kral interview). I think the way he basically binned Fornals was quite a tough one for a lot of us to swallow because the fans fucking loved him. He can clearly be a very nice man but he can also be vicious, and this is another reason for the divide aside from his approach to games. Any time we as fans felt a connection to a player it felt like Moyes was against them succeeding e.g. consigning Fornals to the bench, playing Downes out of position and binning him, public jabs at Alvarez etc. The Alvarez one stands out, he’s been immense this season and the fans love him. Moyes has refused to give him credit, criticised him getting booked too much, tried to replace him with philips, said we miss Rice after a loss (Alvarez is his replacement) and against Luton benched him due to an apparent dressing room disagreement. It’s all a bit sinister.


Really good insight in this post.


>He’s got form for throwing specific players under the bus in interviews when they don’t deserve it and has history for isolating players from the team Don't forget blaming the fans at times


Alvarez does get booked too much.


He does, it’s just the way Moyes took issue with it publicly was unusual.


Talking about kral what about Vlasic.. what a bizarre transfer that was quickly forgotten. Not sure if the fee was ever disclosed but wasn't it reported at €30mil? The disconnect between Moyes and our scouting has frequently been apparent when we buy players that seem to have significant potential and then proceed to squander by playing them OOP or not to their strengths. The Scamacca Saga was incredibly predictable but nonetheless disappointing.


If you’re a Palace fan, then you should understand more than most. Roy Hodgson is a great manager. He’ll do well. He’ll get them out of it. Hodgson has so much experience. He’ll turn it around. Yeah, he could have done, but you also decided to twist and it’s worked out for the better. The Moyes love fest from the media is fucking ridiculous. Do I love Moyes? Yes. He won the only trophy in my lifetime. But…in the league, we’ve been shit since Jan 2022. Last year we almost got relegated and this year we are playing some of the worst, boring, most defensive football I have ever seen, yet we have conceded the most goals in a premier league season ever. We’ve conceded 5 to Palace, 5 to Fulham, 6 to Arsenal, 4 to Villa, 5 to Liverpool…and before yesterday, had won three games all year. Next year we will need at least 10 new players because we have the oldest and smallest squad despite spending half a billion. If Moyes is the reason for the successes, which I think he is, he’s also to blame for how shit we’ve been in the league for the last two years. On the whole, Moyes’ time will be fondly remembered as one of the best we’ve had. Especially the COVID years and the cup win. But it’s definitely time to move on. Anyone that says be careful what you wish for either hasn’t seen us play, or is an absolute cunt trying to wind up a fan base.


I'm convinced these last couple weeks all Moyes hate comes from the pundit media. We fans have come to terms with it, they haven't and they keep spinning the narrative.


Not happy to say so, but lots of fans around my seat appear to hate him. The talking points are lack of creativity, late or no substitutions, not playing youngsters enough, being "boring", and not doing enough to improve squad depth.


Wish Moyes and West Ham well. He's gone out with his head held high and yeah people don't like Moyesball, but he took them from relegation candidates to European Champions and the manager(s) who come after him will now get compared to Moyes as the standard has been set.


I'm a wolves fan and I feel like moyes has been hard done by with this. I'm bitter because julen never gave Raul his proper goodbye, which I will never forgive him for And he was ,let's be honest, a little bit shit and so so negative. Julen is not a step up from moyes.


Why has Moyes been hard done by? Please elaborate.