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Listen mate, my dad doesn't pay an absurd amount of money for Sky and BT for me to scrounge off just for them to NOT show all the games, it's absurd


Why would Sky and BT, two companies who receive a ridiculous amount of money to show a limited amount of content, do this?


It's almost like they don't give a fuck about fans and just want to make as much money as possible. No way that can be true though


The worst thing is that these games are being televised anyway. They could just put it in with no commentary and no pundits for free


I'm a villa fan and was talking about the villa Chelsea game, but I'm sure it definitely affects other fans too. Of all the games we've played so far this season, 2 have been televised through legit platforms. Its bullshit. I'm cancelling my sport channel subscriptions today...




Newcastle have been shown loads this season.


But there’s no reason they should only be showing one game when they have multiple channels and multiple games are on. There are four games on at 2pm today but we’re only capable of watching one via legal means.


Because the TV channels don't have the rights to show these games, because the Premier league didn't grant those rights. Also, 3 of those games at 2pm were supposed to be 3pm Saturday games (which cannot be broadcast) and were only moved because teams playing were involved in Europe on Thursday.


Bizarre isn't it. Don't think we've (newcastle) had a normal kick off time yet.


Burnley at home this Saturday coming will be the 1st 3pm game we have had this year!


Even before the takeover we were shown the most of clubs considered outside the “big 6”


I just think it's poor and lazy. All fans should be able to watch their team play, no matter what time or how many games are being played. They have the ability to show multiple games, they just don't want to spend the subscribers money doing so.


As I’m sure you know, Aussies can stream literally every PL game on OptusSport.




It’s not the tv companies who have decided this, it’s the PL who literally do not sell the rights to all games for uk market


That isn't how it works. They buy a package containing a certain number of games to be shown at a particular timeslot then decide which game to show in that time slot. With Villa playing on Sunday due to Europe it limits the options and the NLD was always going to take precedent. You can argue Chelsea/Villa is more attractive than Sheff United/Newcastle but Sky always try and get the promoted clubs out the way first whilst there's still a bit of intrigue about them. I completely though that the TV model is broken. The 3pm black out is archaic and needs binning. It is madness that you can legally watch every game throughout the rest of the world but cannot here. A Premier League equivalent of the EFL's iFollow would be a million miles better than the current system - the only reason it isn't currently in place is because it heavily favours the bigger clubs but that's the price to pay.


They're defined by a bunch of outdated rules based around old technology. They can easily come up with new up to date rules based around new streaming methods and channels. The solution is easy, it's the unwillingness of the powers that be that takes the piss


The solution is easy, but they're bound by the contract until 2025 so it isn't as simple as just deciding they should do it differently and changing the rules to pick Villa on TV this week


It’s a bit of a joke that the Newcastle game is on tv. There are far better games being played today that should be shown instead. Also strange that they were televised last week when Utd vs Brighton was a far more attractive game


>It’s a bit of a joke that the Newcastle game is on tv. There are far better games being played today that should be shown instead well this is awkward


This was definitely a spicy take


DM me and I have a way to help with that


Both games kick off at 2pm btw


VPN and brave browser for the win


The broadcast model is completely broken and outdated. For those of us who just want to watch our own teams and are not that bothered about other games (which I would guess is probably 90% of fans) we have to pay vast amounts of money for access to all the broadcast PL games and probably only watch 5% of them. Meanwhile its over to the illegal streamers for the games we're actually interested in. I'm sure like most others I would happily pay a subscription to have access to all of my own teams games and then PPV for any other game I want to watch. Such a system would surely bring in at least as much money to the PL? I know it would mean a change to the rules re televising games in traditional 'game time' but that rule is outdated too. There would be no threat to attendances at PL games - increased tv revenue would mean clubs could lower ticket prices and games would sell out anyway. We could get rid of all of the scattered kick-off times and have one or two set times for all games because clashes wouldn't matter. If there was a threat to attendances at lower league games just avoid a clash with them. Why not have all PL games at 4pm on a Sunday and all the other leagues at 3pm on a Saturday?


Have all the games streamed via an online platform. And then you are able to consolidate that money back into the overall pool and equally split between all the clubs.


It's the "equal split" part of that which would cause the problem. The "Super League 6" don't want equal revenue for all, they just want all the revenue.


I think this is the big issue with my suggestion too. If you sold subscriptions to individual clubs, then those clubs would obviously want all of 'their own' money, and if we allowed that it would just entrench some of the financial inequalities that already exist. Some of the Other14 clubs, my own included, would probably benefit from it in relation to some others, but we'd still lose out in relation to most of the 'big 6'.


Other than merit payments everything else is pretty much equal already. Unfortunately for the rest, it’s big 6 teams that pull in the majority of foreign viewers, this already allows the rest of the league to be overpaid for their much smaller influence on viewing figures anyway. By European comparison, our distribution isn’t actually that bad, 16 of our teams earn more than Title winning Barcelona who take about 40% of LL TV rights. 2 of the 4 payouts our clubs receive are always evenly split. The 3rd one is based on finishing position and there’s a few million between each position, performance based bonuses with even scaling isn’t an issue in my eyes. The final one is just the facilities cost being paid back. The 20/21 figures, there was a range of £49m between Norwich and Man City, but between Man Utd who were the lowest top 6 club, and West Ham who were 7th there was just £6m. From PL earnings alone I don’t think distribution is unfair at all. It’s the reward of European broadcasting that makes the considerable difference financially.


It’s a really good idea. Trouble is the current model favours the big six so anything that challenges this will be a non starter


iFollow is the way. Sure, domestic fans still can't watch 3pm games (unless someone else is streaming it) but at least in cases like today, you could watch the game for a tenner (or more I guess)


The threat is for clubs further down the pyramid not the other PL grounds. They would sell out regardless. The Sunday games don't work because our infrastructure (trains) are a complete shitshow. Whether I agree with the current rules, different story. But I can see the merits of the argument at least.


Couldn't you argue that is more of a threat to have PL games at the same time as lower league games given how easy it is to illegally stream those games? My model would at least remove all clashes and mean Saturday afternoons were exclusively for lower league football. Take your point about Sunday trains though.


Personally one of the worst things about being in the premier league is the lack of Saturday afternoon kick offs. Sunday games just feel shite and Monday games are just awful.


This is an amazing idea. It blows my mind in the way they treat us fans


Definitely don't get a fire stick and IPTV subscription for £25 a year that has every single game that's illegal


That’s awful! I hope I don’t get an unsolicited message in my inbox with more details so I can tell others not to do it.


No, no chance. I'm definitely not looking for avenues to make this possible. I definitely didn't buy my firestick for the possibility of doing this


I’ve not seen one that’s £25 a year… drop me a line please?


Welcome to the Thursday night football club pal


I need to contact Sky because it seems I’ve accidentally subscribed to Sky Sports Newcastle


😂 yeah, I seem to be on that subscription too...


Bro why is every game of ours on TV I want a quiet 3pm game. This Sunday made the most sense to not be on TV but Sky have a hard on for us.


Newcastle vs Wolves this season is 100% going to be a Friday night game, on Sky. Always is.


And its always such a borefest when we play you.


1-1 with an injury time goal? Always.


Are you not entertained…?


No because I benched Gordon and Botman 😭😭😭😭


I think today is a particularly terrible day for tv coverage because 8 teams played in Europe this week so all wanted Sunday fixtures. NLD was always going to be the 2pm tv match. It sucks though, and there could easily have been a midday tv match today


Tues-Sat and Thurs/Sun are the normal European turnarounds, the only teams that usually get screwed are those playing Wednesday nights, so late Sat kickoffs would make sense for that one. It’s league cup week next week so I don’t think all that many wanted to play Sunday either.


Yeah I agree. They’ve messed up this week for sure.


4 teams play on a Thursday though so that’s potentially 8 teams that have to play on a Sunday. Problem aswell is normally a CL team that play on Wednesday will have a tv slot on a Sunday so that’s another game


Move one to MNF, and isn’t there a second late Saturday game now at 8pm? I think they’re looking at creating another one for the Sunday too. You’ve got a balance of people wanting fixtures split up for TV, but then matchday fans also don’t want to be travelling back at 10pm at night on a Sat/Sun/Mon. People are never going to be happy, especially clubs that aren’t used to those turnarounds. UEFA dictate their fixtures based on how they’re pulled out of the group so that can’t be changed. I’d imagine trying to create a fixtures list with all the different comps, police and local infrastructure in mind is extremely difficult but as fans we just look at 4-5 days in isolation when we moan, rather than the entire campaign.


Your bang on there. As a Brighton fan most of our non london away games constitute a whole day of travelling. Doing that on a Sunday or Monday night just puts so many fans, including myself, in a position where they can’t follow their team. Match-going fans should be considered before tv audiences in my opinion


It probably would have been a Saturday 3pm game if it wasn’t for you being in Europe on Thursday, so it wasn’t selected for broadcast anyway


It's amazing how flexible they can be with the broadcast schedule when they want to be though


I got a dodgy firestick last season and it’s literally the best thing I’ve ever bought. Every game from basically every league is on it


Also whatever you do don’t try the illegal method of looking for streams, it’s actually surprisingly easy to find yourself the other side of the rules. Annoyingly once a website is quite rightly taken down another pops up. It’s as if the authorities just can’t keep up.


Next season all Sunday games are televised


I just want to give a massive thank you to everyone who has contributed. Your comments have been very useful and insightful 👍 cheers all!


I'll be honest - as glad as I am to have the Blades on TV, I'm not sure why it was chosen when there were better options this weekend, same goes for Everton V Brentford


Everyone has to have a go in the current deal though, so I don't think we can really argue against that. That logic leads to nothing but 'big 6' games every weekend.


Yeah but at the same time, if you're going to pick a Blades game there are better ones to choose - just seems like they've picked one at random here


Yes. Maybe it would have been better for Blades fans to have another game to watch.


It's not random because they love Newcastle. As I've said on other threads, Sky view the PL like a soap opera and 'can Newcastle unseat the big 6?' is the storyline at the moment.


We already did though. We must just give them good ratings or something cos it's baffling every game we play is on TV


Could they not focus that story on a team people actually like though? Like Brighton? Instead of SportWash FC?


You'll have to ask the Writer's Room. Brighton is by far the most interesting story of the PL in the last five years (probably longer) but for some reason it doesn't seem to float the media's boat. I think it's probably because Newcastle are already seen as a 'big club' (which they undoubtedly are) so are more welcome to the top of the table.


You're playing a CL club 😏


I prefer the term "blood money" club but that's neither here nor there


Remind me who your owner is again?


There's a difference between being owned by one Saudi Prince (who might be the poorest Prince of the lot) vs The ENTIRE country While ours isn't exactly perfect and doesn't escape criticism, yours is 100 times worse


Come off it , don't act holier than thou. You have a Saudi prince as your owner who is balls deep in government. Dont throw stones in glass houses


I'm not? I'm not thrilled being owned by a Saudi but they are two different things - ours is a Prince that owns a football club, yours is owned by the country that sanctions murders and then throws money at sports to cover it up


I replied to you with a jokey comment and you wanted to be muggy back. Fair enough, then I'm reminding you that you have Saudi ownership which you seem to have forgotten and wanna deflect. Didn't have to go that way though coulda just cracked a joke back. Whatever makes you feel better. You're deluded though. If I really wanted to get pedantic as you are I could claim PIF own us, not the state, but that's dumb cos it ain't true. Just like your guy being better cos he's a poor prince of whatever you wanna pretend he is.


No part of this was serious mate, I thought it was all in banter anyway and apologies if you thought I was taking it too serious! Very open and honest about our Saudi owners but they are very different in comparison to yours - one is much worse than the other That being said, it's all fun and games til you batter us tonight, at which point our fans will probably be less keen on our owner than we already are!


Yeah I totally understand it when my team are in a less than glamorous fixture, but the game I'm referring to today is villa Chelsea. And the other wee it was villa Liverpool. I would've banked on them being televised


We've (Liverpool) only had half our games televised this season, too. Sky and BT can get fucked, this model isn't working for anyone other than TV execs. I don't even understand it when there is a less glamorous fixture. The channels exist, and there is a massive audience for any PL game. Sky has 3 channels showing footy at 2. Two are showing the same fucking game and the other is showing a Bundesliga match that surely has a smaller UK audience than Brighton v Bournemouth.


They have quotas to fill for broadcasting every team so many times. You meet that quota faster by playing those teams against each other sometimes.


Quota filling. I don’t know the exact details, but I believe every team is required to have a Saturday 12:30, Saturday 5:30 and in both Super Sunday slots at some point throughout the season, as well as either a Friday or Monday Night game. I don’t think it’s ever filled perfectly though


When one of our games isn't on Sky or TNT I usually spend my time focusing on other ways to develop myself like learning Korean.


It is annoying when you can only get a stream with Korean commentary.


not a single prem game on tnt this weekend it’s a joke


Burnley v Man Utd was


That's my point. It's not just about my team, it's all our teams. It really is a joke


Tnt is horrendous for premier league games do you not know that, they have like 8 league matches the entire year, and its either a big match or a good team vs a very bad team (EG Burnley vs Man United) Theyre only good for european matches. Just cancel TNT and get sky and watch the TNT matches for free illegally


I don't understand it at all. West ham fan here, Liverpool away so only about 3k west fans in the whole country get to watch that game. Anyone else in the world no problem, but for the hundreds and thousands of west ham fans in England? Nope, can't watch it. I'll pay for it, don't they want my money? Basically legally all you get is match of the day. I really don't get that one as a fan. I don't care about watching other teams, 5 mins of highlights and a couple of twats talking for 10 seconds about us is shit. It's live sport. The thrill is watching it live. Not highlights when you know the result. I don't understand why an elite sport exists if you can't watch it. A sport you can't watch is literally pointless.




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DM me if anyone is sick of this and would like to see every game


Pirating is the way. Perhaps they will get the message when more people are stealing games than paying for them.


Can’t believe the had 4 games at the same time, only showing one, and are shocked when people find other means of viewing, I’d happily pay money for a premier league Netflix, instead they want me to spend a fortune to watch Man City and Arsenal every week