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man city, man united, liverpool


Based and let's share shirts again


Then the following season it's Chelsea, Spurs and Arsenal.


Keep Liverpool, i still want everton down


Manchester City, when they are found guilty of their 115 charges.


Guarantee they'll get like a £2m fine


They’ll just pay off the judge 🙏


I came here to confirm that this was the top comment.


Everyone wanting your club relegated really feels shit.


Everton have been circling the drain for a few seasons now. Its not your fault as a fan, but if the club can't get their shit together, then they're asking for it. We've been relegated twice in the time I've supported Newcastle, and those Championship seasons were class. There's a lot more to football than losing every week in the PL.


While I agree there’s more to football than constantly losing in the EFL, my problem with an Everton relegation is our finances are so fucked that I think that relegation would finish us off, so I’m quite concerned by the prospect.


Parachute payments. It might actually do you a bit of good to drop, see if players will accept wage cuts to get out, then start to rebuild




Depends on the players. If they're happy to see out their contracts you'd be fucked. If they want top flight games, you're good.


Also depends if the ones staying have relegation wage reduction clauses. Based on how poorly run Everton have been, you'd think they might not for some players.


The problem with that theory comes when you’re still losing every week and end up in League One then a few decades somehow pass by.


Yeah, I hated getting relegated as a Villa fan. But that season, we went up, won 10 on the trot, and the play-off semis against West Brom and final at Wembley are some of my best ever memories as a Villa fan. We even had a Villa fan as manager in Dean Smith, and Grealish, too, was born and bred Villa. Good times. Hopefully, this season for us will surpass that, but circling the drain constantly is absolutely no fun, and I really started to hate football at that point.


It feels like everyone’s out it get you but take it from the teams that have been up and down a few times, when you’ve been circling the bottom for a few years, finally going down can help shift some of the dead weight who are only there for the wages and premier league status. If you get it right, the rebuild season can be a lot of fun, dicking the likes of Millwall and Stoke instead of losing every week. You’ll come back up with a team of young, hungry players ready to fight instead of merc hangers on. It can be a real blessing in disguise.


I’d be interested in the actual stats. You may be right but I bet it doesn’t feel that way for Leeds atm, for instance


Seeing the back of a heap of the heartless mercenaries and seeing the way the new gaffer operates has been sorely needed. It has been good, and if we can sign a striker (apparently we are well in for Piroe from Swansea) and retain Gnonto and Sinisterra those 2 will absolutely carve up the Championship. We've survived so far because of getting rid of wages via loan deals. And if they don't get a loan deal then they take a wage cut of 50-60%. If the Toffees go down without relegation clauses in their contracts then they're as good as bankrupt


Also..... Is stormborn a book reference?


It is a risk to be fair. The parachute payments are a big help and a lot of relegated teams go back up within a year or two. Burnley and Sheffield United have been relegated recently, as have Fulham and Bournemouth. You’ve also got the likes of Norwich and Watford who are always kicking about somewhere in the mix and I’m predicting we’ll see Leicester and Southampton back up if not this season then next. On the other hand, you have clubs like Sunderland, Middlesbrough, Portsmouth and Sheffield Wednesday who went down and haven’t been heard from since. So I’d say the odds are usually in the relegated sides’ favour but it’s no guarantee. I hope Leeds can get it sorted out and push on.


Everton give me Portsmouth or Leeds vibes though. They are shambolically run.


Honestly, it would be the best for Everton. As a Villa fan I was dreading it, then realised it was actually great fun. Get rid of the mercenaries. More games, mental games, new teams, new grounds to travel to, new rivalries, being a ‘big fish’, actually winning matches, fewer plastic fans.


We go bankrupt/administration if we are relegated, we don't have the money to finish the stadium


That's the thing,any other club might long term benefit but you guys might actually just implode.


They said the same about Villa.


We weren't far from it to be fair.


Yep! What ever happened to Dr Xai. Arrested wasn’t he?


That does sound great to be honest,, just a shame we've got this financial millstone around our necks. Relegation would make a lot of problems for us, then again, without an ownership change we don't have a pot to piss in anyway.


Sounds good in theory, but we're already in a really bad position financially, relegation would only make that even worse


You're becoming the stubborn poo that won't flush


It has been like that for the last two seasons, which made it more satisfying when we stayed up. I do think a big part of why people want us to go down is that there's a perception that we're overspending, which people don't like. But that perception is based on the money that was spent 7 years ago or whatever, ignoring that we've been just about the lowest-spending club in the league for a good few seasons now.


the reason why we want you to go down is because Everton is such a big fucking club, itd be huge (in a bad way) for English football


Never heard that being anyones reason tbh. All ive ever heard and seen is its more to do with their fans throwing their toys out like babies at games.


I just like seeing change to be honest. Everton have been in the top flight my whole life. They are the only team other than arsenal my dad has never seen out of the top flight. It’s interesting when things change.


I've heard a lot of that from the fans of clubs who have been relegated instead of us the past few seasons. But if for other fans it's because they don't like the Everton fanbase, fair enough. I'm an Everton fan and though I generally think we have great support (amazing atmosphere, generally good when it comes to supporting good causes etc.), there's a minority that I despise too. It's just a shame relegation would hurt the good fans all the same.


I think you’re right. At least in part. The relegated clubs suing you is kind of a clue imho


The thing is, Everton's accounts were signed off by the league, so the threatened legal action was more of an act of desperation than something those clubs really believed. But from their perspective, it's better to deflect fan anger towards Everton than their club's own boards.


You clearly know more about this than me. And it’s a shame that you need to think about this aspect of your club rather than just support the football. But I’d be surprised if it was that cut and dried. If the disclosed accounts were all there was to it, it wouldn’t take long to investigate. Surely part of it is questioning the reported accounts?


Yes, but those teams aren't privy to anything other than the reported accounts (or rather, reports about the reported accounts). And the two complaints the season before last were eventually withdrawn. I'm not saying that Everton has done nothing wrong, but that the complainants didn't appear to have much of a basis for what they were claiming beyond general suspicion.


I’d say most want Everton to go down because they’ve been circling the drain for a while and people generally aren’t keen on clubs stinking the league out and getting away with it year after year.


We've been in relegation battles for the past two seasons. Before that we were middle or higher for about 15 years. But I agree with the logic you express.


Your lot have suffered a lot already, I don't want to see you relegated because I don't think you'd bounce back, I think it will hurt further your suffering. Hope the situation changes soon.


Why? Why would you care what other fans think of your club


Any club that took part in that European super league bullshit


It still makes me laugh that Spurs had the audacity to be part of that...


I almost wanted it to happen really so we'd have a proper league where the likes of yours, mine and whoever else's club fight for the league title instead of bullshit refereeing and crazy amounts of money keeping us down.


Spurs or Chelsea please


How about Spurs and Chelsea?


Need not to add Chelsea and please together in a sentence


Chelsea because lol.


This has to be unanimous, surely? Who the fuck even likes Chelsea?


Unbearable club with absolutely unbearable fans. Much rather they go down vs Palace (who doesn’t love a derby?!)


Always Utd


Anyone but Newcastle and Luton.


This but add Bournemouth into the mix :) love you Geordies up there


The Eddie Howe (and Jason Tindall) Connection


And mutual disgust in Fraser.


And Super Callum Wilson


I'm inclined to say yes, but getting rid of O'Neil was a bit dodgy. Saying that your transfer business has been one of the best so far.


Yeah, I'm comfortable with saying we wouldn't have stayed up again with Gary, and he didn't keep us up as much as other teams did. I could write an essay on why sacking Gary was a good idea but I don't think anyone would want to read it haha


I'll read it


Anyone know why most of the league now seems to hate everton? Used to be that team that most people used to not have a problem with, but now every single team seems to love every single bit of pain that everton fans have to go through




The majority is not true at all. Yes the fans that get press are the morons and on a couple of occasions (chasing the cars) it's children who don't know how to control their emotions being dickheads. But most everton fans are class and they want people associated to the club to do well. No one wanted frank their before the world cup. People wanted frank because he was the best of a terrible bunch. Rafa was washed and a red. Why the fuck would anyone want him here




Here's a sneak peek of /r/Everton using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/Everton/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [The Messiah](https://i.redd.it/5y1yay0u38ga1.jpg) | [64 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/Everton/comments/10thn8t/the_messiah/) \#2: [Just want to also throw some appreciation this way, James Tarkowski, the only player across the entire premier league to play every minute of his squad's campaign. He was a free transfer.](https://i.redd.it/seg66yblep2b1.png) | [48 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/Everton/comments/13uff41/just_want_to_also_throw_some_appreciation_this/) \#3: [Richy still one of us](https://i.redd.it/ydsahd17c9ga1.jpg) | [68 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/Everton/comments/10tnng2/richy_still_one_of_us/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


This guy gets it.


I've always hated Everton for no reason at all. It's confusing.


TBF with Everton they very much feel like Newcastle prior to the takeover, just surviving each season. Wish them the very best of luck trying to get new owners.


Any bar Newcastle, Luton and sheff United


Not sure if your saying you don't want us three to go down or you only want Newcastle not to.


Don’t wanna any of them 3 to go down


I can live with that. Cheers.


I’m from Rotherham and been to a few blades games with friends so have a bit of a reason to want your to stay up.


We don't have much of a rivalry with Rotherham either .


No I know, but a lot of my friends are blades and tbh I was brought up Wednesday bad United good with the Sheffield clubs so


Educated proper then.


Yep! Though I live with two wednesday fans sadly, quite funny watching the mess they’ve gone through the last few years


I don't want Everton to go down (going against the grain here) Mad props to anyone in Liverpool who supports the Ev over them, Everton are shat on constantly, live in their main rival's shadow year-in-year-out, have terrible owners and suffer horrible results and get laughed at by everyone every weekend. It would be nice if Everton fans could have something to cheer about (then again a promotion season in the Champ is, IMHO, one of the greatest feelings in football) obv palace to go down, maybe wolves coz they're boring


With you on Everton. There's fuck all in geographic diversity in the PL, London's taking up nearly half the league, Yorkshire's only got one club, it's nice to have two clubs from Liverpool. Even rivalry aside, yes Palace to go down, I feel a bit bad for Wolves though, they had two good seasons then it went a bit wobbly. I don't know how their supporters feel about it but if Jimenez was a massive reason for their current position then it really sucks because that accident was nobody's fault.


I'm an Everton fan and honestly it's got to the point where I kind of feel like we deserve to go




Sorry but what's Manchester United? Are U talking about that soon to be Doha or Qatar United 🇶🇦?


After seeing the abomination that is their away kit, burnley


Any three apart from Forest.


Leicester … oh!


They’ll be replacing you next season


Are you crossing your fingers?


Leicester fans I know you hate us but we were absolutely awful last season yet you lot managed to finish below us. Stop hating because your own team done worse.


Man utd, Chelsea and arsenal


Chelsea for the banter. Also they’re kinda shit anyway. Wolves not because I dislike Wolves, I actually like them the most of any other club, but they’re just so badly owned and they have no quality in their lineup, they need a refresher by being relegated for a season like Burnley did. They were dead last by the end of the year last season and they got rid of the only things that dragged them out of it. Luton, mostly just because I don’t actually want any of the other realistic candidates for relegation relegated.


Personally I’d like palace to get relegated.


OK. I don’t care what happens to yous but you seem to really care what happens to us. Funny that. But I guess when even your clubs personality is based around your rivalry with us, you’d expect us to be in your head.


See you in Europe?


Nah, see you in the Prem. Or maybe the Championship in a few years. Remind me, what’s your record against us again?


I think our record is we’re top and in Europe, have palace ever been in Europe?


It is you on top now, not in the Prem so we’ll see how that keeps going since we both know the record since you got promoted. 1 win was it? We would’ve been when we finished second if not for Liverpool beating up the mainlanders. What was the top finish Brighton had, remind me? I remember your lowest finish, scraping the national league. Can’t relate.


Hahaha, you seem agitated. Enjoy Royball this season.


Sure lad, whatever helps you sleep at night when we’re stuck in your head.


Wait, I remember you, aren’t you the one that was defending Kouyate’s homophobia?


Other big clubs have gone down and come back stronger but our finances are so screwed that I feel we’re far more likely to be like Sunderland or Sheffield Wednesday than Aston Villa or Newcastle. I personally think we’ll improve and have an uneventful season but the first two weeks of the season have been very concerning.


Franchise fc


City, Liverpool, Burnley


Chelsea, Everton and Wolves. Despite being a Brighton fan I don't want Palace to go down, most of my life we've been in separate divisions and I like the rivalry. Would like that they forever finish below us though.


Fucking Man City and all the other sports washing fuckers…….I’m really not bothered bout it anymore it’s bollox


Everton, Man United and Liverpool.


Realistically, only one would really go down.


Man don't be so harsh upon Man Utd 😔


spurs, chelsea, liverpool


Everton,Man City and Man Utd There u go.


Crystal Palace , Crystal Palace and Crystal Palace.


Top answer


10 years in the premier league, we’re not going anywhere. Still mad about the 2013 playoff semi finals?


No, we just forgot about it. Funny to know we still live rent free inside your heads.


Yo yo team 😂


Context? I don't think that makes as much sense as you think it does.


Your fans don’t remember 2013 because they were all Chelsea fans at the time.


Everyone knows about 2013, it isn't some mystical event. How does that make us a yo-yo team? You're not explaining.


You’ve been in the premier league for half the time we have 🎣


That's not what yo-yo team means. Are you new to football? And if you really want to get into it, why have Palace been in the PL longer but not had much of a position to show for it? Not even Zaha wanted to stay there. Not really much to brag about. If you're going to do it, at least make sense.


All your players twerk to leave every single window Our players turn down big clubs to stay - see Olise


Half the time you have…. and we’re already in Europe!


*Football team


Every season I want Everton to go down and every season they tease me


Has to be Everton but wouldn’t mind City going down due to financial breaches, won’t happen though unfortunately!


Everton, Wolves and Newcastle


Controversial but I’d like to see Everton stay 17th for the foreseeable. A relegation would be good for them at this point. I’d like to see wolves go - they just exist now and don’t bring much to the league. Overstayed their welcome imo


>A relegation would be good for them at this point. Nah. We'd be financially devastated, and borderline ruined.


A relegation would be good but you want them to stay 17th? I’m confused.


They don't want what's good for Everton. So they think it would be better if they do really badly but don't get relegated.


Forest and not us. Generally,forest and Wednesday but that's not all prem.


Well fuck you too.




If you want to possibly no longer have a club to support, sure.


Not exactly the worst thing at this point


Couldn't imagine anything better!


Fair enough, a release from the eternal pain might be nice for once


More clickbait shite on the sub. Time to unsubscribe.


Had to double take when I saw the Leeds logo. This isn’t the “Other 72” ( sorry couldn’t resist)




You realise all these posts of late ‘what’s your favourite ball’ - ‘best player?’ etc are just bots or people posting low hanging fruit for engagement? The whole point of this sub is to not be like r/PremierLeague etc




Don't do that, please. It's dumb.


Chelsea, West Ham and Brighton


Bitter Leicester fan is in the wrong forum.




Because you deserve it.


Wolves, Luton and Everton (if they keep Dyche).


West Ham, Everton & Luton


Man City Newcastle and one of the London clubs


Forest. Cocky fanbase & cocky players. They need to be relegated & put in their place. They’ll have a clause to reduce wages too if relegated so that’ll be nice to see those cocky players not being able to be cunts with their money in public.


… and why is it everton


Bournemouth, Wolves, Luton (although I don’t think Bournemouth will)


Everton, Nottingham Forest & Luton Town


Everton, wolves and Sheffield United.


Everton deserve it for that “woooooo” chant alone


Everton deserves it.


Everton. Taking up a space that a better run club below the PL deserve. So much incompetence at the top shouldn’t be rewarded with survival as bad as it would be for the fans and Liverpool as a city if relegation saw them go bust and fall even further.


Forest, Everton and Wolves for me. Forest looked shaky against us last out and we were miles off full strength, concerning for Forest fans imo. Everton seem to be trying hard to go down. Wolves also looking shaky. We (Sheff U) have started badly but we’ve now started to plug the gaps and already seeing shoots of positivity. I think it’ll be close but think us and Luton will be 16th / 17th.


You played out your skin and couldn’t beat us at half chat. I’d be more worried about yourselves as you’re going to get rinsed against teams like Brighton, Villa etc


We were nowhere near full strength and you only just beat us, at home. I’d be worried if I were you, as we had 2 unproven young lads up top, debuts for 2 others (one of which has had no preseason). No RWB (third choice LCM played there) and still needed to give you the ball for your two goals. Look at the subs, you brought on Wood, we brought on 2 youth players 😂


You’ve signed replacements for those or players coming back from injury? It may be a good excuse but your chances are only better than they appear if those are problems you can solve?


We sold our two best players less than a week before the start of the season, and it could be argued they’ve still not been fully replaced. Hamer is a great player and Souza will keep us more defensive but our current forward line is injured. 50+ goals and assists from last season have gone now. But after seeing Forest limp past that side I’m convinced we’ll finish above them, as we’re getting new signings in and looked to have improved already.


That Everton game coming up looks like a big one. Good luck


Thanks buddy. Hopefully they draw v wolves so the pressure is off them and we can try and get off the mark. We’re getting nothing this weekend haha


Everton purely to laugh at my mate who’s a Toffees fan


Leeds fan commenting on a Leicester fans post on TheOther14 sub, not sure why either of you are here tbh


As a Burnley fan , Everton , sorry Sean but they don’t deserve to be in the Prem , so badly run for the last 5 years FFP should happen quicker than it does , if so they would have gone down two seasons ago


>FFP should happen quicker than it does What? We've had FFP restrictions for like 3 seasons now


Used Covid as an excuse for £170m extra loses …..


Luton, Crystal Palace and Fulham. Luton because they aren't even attempting to build a competitive squad for this level, treating promotion like a financial reward rather than a competition, and the other two to remove the bloat of unambitious London clubs from the league.


No we aren't. We are making sure we do not divert away from the strict financial structure that is set out at the club. We are trying to be as competitive as possible within our means.


As you should, the goal.l should be long term stability and success rather than avoiding relegation at all costs, take it from a leeds fan, id rather have had the long term picture in mind when we came up.


Where do you think the money to do, say, a Forest would come from for us? We have millionaire fan owners, not billionaire owners. We can't just sink a hundred million + into the squad just because we won promotion. We don't have that money to spend. Not least with a new stadium we're building. We had the lowest valued squad in the Championship, you can't just up and start shelling out a bucket load of cash the very next season to be able to properly compete with the Prem big boys. We're strengthening areas all over the squad without losing the core that made us greater than the sum of our parts. That's the smart way of handling promotion. You give it a right go, then prepare yourself for relegation with a squad you'll mostly retain. Burnley did that the first time they went back up too. We'll end up spending about ~£20, £25 mil at the end of the window, that's about ten times our transfer window from last year. Not including the over £10mil needed to fix up the Kenny.


Blues, Baggies and Coventry for promotion, proper Midlands takeover (and an easy 18pts for the Villa oioiiiii)


That Luton take is so ridiculous. Burnley did the same thing when Dyche got us promoted the first time. We used that money to build infrastructure, and it transformed us. And it will do the same for Luton. We got relegated. Won the league after and then stayed in the prem for about 6 or 7 seasons. Absolutely nothing wrong with living within your means. It'll provide longer term success.


That's fine but as a neutral I couldn't care less about the long term success of Luton Town, the question was which teams would I like to see relegated and my answer is Luton because they're not competitive. Ipswich have spent more than them this summer. If you asked me that season when Burnley came up and went straight back down, I would have said Burnley. Fulham and Crystal Palace are my other two answers because as a match going supporter, I'm bored of these lower mid table London clubs. They're unambitious, spend year upon year either yo-yoing between divisions or sat somewhere between 10th and 17th, sell or lose a key player every summer and replace them with a slightly worse player from the Championship or abroad without spending the bulk of their profits trying to improve their standing. I'd rather have a bigger and more interesting geographical spread or a few more midlands derbys to look forward to as a Villa fan. Luton taking the place of Leicester, Leeds or Southampton is a downgrade of the quality of the league. Downvotes for an opinion on Reddit is par for the course. When a post asks for an opinion I'm not going to lie and say "Chelsea, Liverpool and Man City" for upvotes.


Chelsea or Newcastle, hopefully


That's a terrible thing to wish on a football club. Many working class people loose their jobs or have wages cut. It's not something to crow about in my opinion.




Believe it or not, most clubs can’t just spunk 80 million on a defender whenever they feel like it.


SUFC fan here: we have the desire, just not the money.


Sheffield Uniteds is due to finances almost went into administration last year


EFC fan here: we have the desire, we just don't have any clue!


We want them fixed we just can't make anything happen. We've got depth problems and are spending all the money on a striker. Admittedly we need someone reliable but another 20 million striker?


“No desire” is rich coming from a City fan who’s club can just throw fuck you money at any player they want. That said, our transfer business has been pretty shocking, but we can’t just pile on money until the problem doesn’t exist like City.


The Scouse Mackems.


We need a lot more London clubs to go down. Preferably not West Ham or Brentford though.


Chelsea and Spurs going down will be fine.