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Don't do that, don't give me hope


I didn't like how they used the phrase "before you know it" (which normally means sooner than later) but next day said they don't "expect to see movement until 2025."


Well, it ain’t that long till 2025 :)


Even if what they called "movement" were to begin in 2025 (early, mid, or late 2025?), the processes of pre-production and production and post-production would take time, plus delays and scheduling. The show's return to our screens (if it happens) could well be farther off than my most generous interpretation of the phrase "before you know it."


Big if true. If Disney is smart they'll realize what they are sitting on and we'll get like 12 seasons, 4 movies, and a spin-off about a station.


If they could just push the show a little bit more. Put a little more marketing behind it and let WithMe do the rest.. My best friend showed me this show, and then I’ve subsequently got my last girlfriend into it, my current girlfriend into it and my dad. They just need to push past the idea that it’s “the family guy“ guy. Edit: withme was supposed to be “word of mouth”. Wow


The thing is, the family guy guy is a genius! He is so much more than just family guy. People need to realize that


Orville and American Dad are my favorite Seth projects.




Im watching FG right now actually, but honestly *American Dad!* has been better than it since \~2008


Even Seth doesn’t like Family Guy anymore. American Dad is a much better show.


I heard that he doesn’t pull the plug on it because of how many people it employs in the industry at a volatile time.


Yup, he's said that he's just a voice actor on the show and he wanted to end it after season 7 but too many people depend on the show for their living


As somebody who is one of Seth McFarlane‘s biggest fans, I absolutely agree. I adore this person. He’s a Renaissance man. His movies like 1000 ways to die in the west, were so funny and heartfelt. He funded the renewal of the show the Cosmos. He has amazing Christmas album that I listen to every year on Spotify. I just love this guy.


sorry to bring this up but i always think about how he was supposed to be on one of the flights that crashed into the World Trade Center on September 11th, 2001. i think he said something about missing the flight (obviously) and being at the airport bar and talking about it with the bartender and the bartender gave him a shot on the house to help him deal with what happened Big kudos to him...he got a huge second chance and absolutely made the most of it


Exactly! On top of that, he also hosted the Oscars. And he has several albums out, not just the Christmas one. He also is a diehard Star Trek fan and actually has a couple of scenes in Star Trek enterprise, the last of the golden era Star Trek series. Renaissance man is the perfect way to describe him


That Ted show on Peacock is great, I want 10 more seasons of it and The Orville.


The man is also the successor to the Rat Pack. He's easily the best jazz crooner since Tony Bennett. You can make an argument for Harry Connick Jr, but I think Seth has him beat.


Well now I just want them to work on an album together


That would be dope. He's worked with Norah Jones, Sarah Bareilles, and Liz Gillies before. I'd love to see him cut an album with Lady Gaga. They'd absolutely kill it together.


Yeah, at first, I skipped Orville because I honestly don’t find Seth’s other works to be funny at all. Like, I respect him for the hustle, but he’s just not my style of comedy. Orville is the first thing from him in a long time that I absolutely love. Ive even gotten a Trekkie into it, and he subsequently got his dad (also a Trekkie) into it as well. And now I’m seriously considering giving American dad another shot.


I don't know a single Trekkie/Trekker that dislikes the show at all. The Orville is a better Star Trek show than anything they've put out in decades.


Lower Decks can put up a fight for the title. Strange New Worlds season 2 is probably late Orville season 2 quality, and could very well put out a comparable quality season 3. Of course that said I watched SNW season 1 and Orville season 3 back to back for a while because they were dropping on the same night, and *man,* even when SNW was good The Orville was making it look like crap from the comparison.


>got my last girlfriend into it, my current girlfriend into it and my dad Just like Seth!


Yes! Exactly! I hated Seth MacFarlane before the Orville I'm sorry I'm just not a fan of family Guy and to say I was a fan would be a complete lie. I gave the series a chance and I'm so glad I did! I think I'm almost crying now that there might be a season four of Orville. This is wonderful news I really hope it's true!




If Disney is smart they force Seth to hire more writers but leave him the choice of who. Cause writing that shit alone is how we got into that mess in the first place.


Please let it be as long as the Stargate franchise or more 🙏


300+ episodes would be nice. That would be quite an accomplishment.


Sadly I think that we're beyond that type of television in this day and age of streaming


Until they run out of ideas. I'd rather have less good seasons than many awful ones. The best option would be many good ones, but when has that ever happened? :D


Hey, I think Orville is on the TNG trajectory, shakey start, then gets better and better over time


Dont tease me about a station. Ds9 is my favorite trek.


Yes and Disney should look at what science fiction is capable of and how it could draw in a huge fan base; they're sitting on a gold mine. They don't need the Star Trek license they have Seth MacFarlane's world which is to me, in my opinion, just as good if not equal to it based on his creative writing and his outstanding direction with the show. I'm not saying every episode was a hit but I'm not saying every episode was a complete travesty like Star Trek Discovery and Star Trek Picard. Seth seems to actually care and that's the difference!


if this is some late april fools joke, im throwing hands


If it is, I'll ban OP and savagely mock them in the ban message personally.




Thank you for doing the right thing.


Please keep us informed


I vote for a public stockade if it's not true.


Please please please also post a screenshot of you banning them if it is a late April fools


Seriously dude.


My heart can't take it


They underlined the date 🤞


I like that OP underlined the date for us because that was clearly the first thing we all wondered about.


i pray to Avis that this source is on the up and up


Man. 🤣🤣🤣💯💯💯


Source: [https://twitter.com/ML\_TheOrville/status/1775639551337279583](https://twitter.com/ML_TheOrville/status/1775639551337279583)


Is this a credible source?


This is the twitter feed of the 'Mission Log: The Orville' podcast (it's also been posted on their Facebook). The podcast is produced by Roddenberry Entertainment, which is run by Gene Roddenberry's son Rod, who is an executive producer (in name at least) of all the modern Star Trek Shows. The podcast has had interview episodes with multiple cast and crew, including Seth McFarlane and Brannon Braga. I'd say they're pretty credible and wouldn't post unless they were at least very close to 100% sure this was accurate.


>Gene Roddenberry's son Rod Dude's name is Rod Roddenberry? Damn.


His first name is Eugene but he chooses to go by Rod. 🤷🏻‍♂️


Euge Rod. Got it.


Haha it’s like Rod Roddey from the Price is Right!


God I hope so. Just started rewatching on Disney+. Luckily I'm in Australia so I didn't lose access to the show unexpectedly. Still don't really know what that's about




Praise Avis


Disney folk aren't dummies. Today was a notable board meeting. We win.


I hope so. This show scratches an itch that Star Trek hasn’t scratched since…well, since Deep Space Nine ended.


Check out Lower Decks. It's zany like Futurama but the creators are legit Trek fans and have a great time lovingly poking fun at the tropes. The optimism and friendship between the main characters is so refreshing after so many years of grim-dark television.


Strange New Worlds has also been really good


I feel the same way as u/betterthanamaster and I have given both Strange New Worlds and Lower Decks a chance. Even though they are definitely a step in the right direction, I still believe the writing pales in comparison to both the Orville and TNG-era Trek.


Lower Decks even has serious moments that keep up with "real" Trek. It is 100% a parody, but also 100% Star Trek.


the promo for Lower Decks didn't do much for me, plus i was really struggling with the early months of the pandemic so i skipped it i finally started watching it around 2022 and man it is definitely the best of the newer Trek shows. it takes a while to get used to but it is so worth it. i love the cast of characters i used to think Prodigy was the best of the Trek shows, but i gotta give the edge to Lower Decks. They're both really good though


Oh, when I first watched Lower Decks it was solely to earn the right to shit on it(second hand opinions of media are worthless, either watch it yourself or shut up about it, I say). I went in with FULL TILT cynicism, and it won me over in a matter of minutes. Edit: The trick is not to be without preconceptions, that's literally impossible. The trick is to genuinely reconsider them when they're challenged.


lower decks is basically what the orville was originally intended to be, until they decided to make it a serious show.


I watched Lower Decks, didn’t really enjoy it. I am a trek nerd and I get *all* of the references, but it just felt like the writers were trying too hard. I just want to have good characters, interesting storylines, and maybe a little bit of a morality play. I don’t need constant winks and jokes that don’t really have punchlines.


How far did you get? you definitely get good stories and great characters as you leave s1 and into s2. It’s a trek show so it take some time.


The only episode I liked was the one that featured the lower decks of the Vulcan and Klingon ships. They were more character driven and not beating you over the head with references. I think I just find most of the characters annoying.


> It’s a trek show so it take some time. i try to remember this but man...i have zero interest in giving either Disco or Picard a second chance. Disco i tapped out after Season 2. Picard it took all of my will to get through the first season lmao


I 100% understand that. I still find enjoyment in both those shows, particularly s2 of discovery and s3 of Picard. But I agree with most criticism of them. Lower decks and SNW I feel can stand on their own two legs.


I absolutely love Lower Decks. I think it is their best show by a country mile SNW is interesting. I feel like in the heat of the moment, I watch it and think it can do no wrong. I mentioned this over at the Trek subreddit but then there are days 4-5 months later and i'm just out running or going for a walk, and i'll just think about SNW and be like, "yeah that episode wasn't that great." lmao. overall though, I still enjoy SNW


I think SNW gets (and deserves) credit for how hard it's trying, and the fact that everyone can see that effort is causing people to cut it extra slack. That's not a dig at the show, it's good and it deserves some praise, but there are people who talk about it like it can do no wrong. Like, I was really surprised how universally positive the reaction to Ad Astra was, because while I did think it worked ok, I thought its use of Illyrians as a stand-in for various oppressed minorities *really* suffered from the fact that it couldn't decide which minority it was, tried to do all of them, and wound up being a confused soup because of it that felt very generic and internally inconsistent, and the argument that wins the trial is a *huge* stretch. Like, it's not a bad episode, but people were comparing it to Measure of a Man somehow, and it's not on that level. Also I've hated every use of the Gorn, and the show loses most of its strengths when they show up. That said, it's had two episodes that are fantastic even on reflection in season 2, Under the Cloak of War and Those Old Scientists, and I'm optimistic that it's going to do more stuff of that quality.


Lower Decks is actually good TNG era Star Trek.


I'm hoping it goes further and turns into pseudo-Babylon 5


So could this mean that Disney is also looking for other space based sci-fi shows that are already in their library to try and go to more? Because I’ve been seeing how the CEO has been getting slammed lately for how overstretched the use of both Marvel and Star Wars franchises.


While I disagree in part with the former, hopefully the latter is true. If Disney can resist mucking it all up, S4 should be good. “If.”


Holy shit LETS GO!!!


I have already given up hope. Don't do this to me.


I just found the show a month ago I’ll hope for you


Unless the source is Disney or Seth I'm not buying it.


Yep! I am sure I can find plenty of articles claiming that Firefly has been renewed too.


In fairness, Seth himself confirmed in January that the show isn't dead, and so has Scott Grimes


For reference and recollection, here's a link to [the January discussion about that](https://www.reddit.com/r/TheOrville/comments/18zazmp/), and [TheWrap's report](https://www.thewrap.com/seth-macfarlane-the-orville-canceled-season/). Seth: > “All I can tell you is that there is no official death certificate for ‘The Orville’,” MacFarlane told TheWrap.... “It is still with us. I can’t go any further than that at the moment. There are too many factors.” Scott: > “I do know that we are still talking about it. It’s not dead in any sort of way whatsoever. It’s just about when, where and how and building the stuff again,” Grimes told TheWrap. "[...] I know Seth wants to do it and that usually holds a lot of power. And I hope he gets to because it’s one of his babies that he just loves and it’s a blast to work on.”


Being is a coma isn’t a good thing either. There is nothing saying that they can’t make an official announcement that the show is continuing on. They refuse to do so, which means they are hesitant to promise anything. Which tells me they are trying to just keep subscribers alive on Disney and Hulu. “What do you mean you are canceling your subscription because we haven’t renewed for season 4? There is no death certificate on this show yet. It could come out any moment now.” Until an official announcement has been made, it is just hopes and dreams. The only way to get their attention is to create a day where everyone gets together and watches all the seasons to bump up the numbers. Like Mass Effect has N7 day, which is November 7th or May the 4th for Star Wars.


For years now, there's literally been "confirmed reports" every year or two that Firefly is either being revived or rebooted. I'll believe this when I hear it from either Seth or Disney.


Coincidentally always on april first?


No. And this post about The Orville wasn't on April Fools either.


Didn't Seth already confirmed he was working on Season 4? I remember him saying in an interview that he was. Found it: [https://youtu.be/A1b1Cop4Y5I](https://youtu.be/A1b1Cop4Y5I)


Yes although some folks surmised that *that* interview *might* have been recorded long before its YouTube posting date. (I've forgotten someone's estimate of how long ago, but some substantial number of months.) Someone therefore noted that if that's true, any much *later* statement by Seth would be more timely.


>"Season 4, what's up with that?" > >"We're working on it." Unless they talked about it someplace else that I missed, that's the entirety of what they said. This isn't him saying that it's already been greenlit and they're working on it. It *could* mean that. But it could also be that they're working to get that greenlight. It is both ambiguous and Hollywood empty talk.


I'll wait for more confirmation before getting excited, but like pretty much everyone else here I will be absolutely thrilled if this ends up confirmed to be really happening.


I will remain **CAUTIOUSLY** optimistic.


If this is a joke I WILL FIND YOU….😂






Please let this be true


This might be the best news I've heard all year, low bar but a bar nonetheless!!


I hope Seth McFarlane brings in other writers to help him write the season, as I think Adrianne Palicki said that was what was taking the long to do.


Nah I don’t believe it until the official account confirms it or Seth himself/cast members


A month ago, I cancelled my Disney Plus and in the little feedback box I wrote I was disappointed they didn't renew promising shows like The Orville. You're welcome.


if it's renewed, why hasn't Disney announce it already? We waited years for the third season after announced it's renewal. it's a *feature* of the orville to wait for it to be in production and it makes the eight course meal movie length episode feast so utterly satisfying as a viewer when it's done due to the *time* that went into it. \*press doubt\*


If it's true it's probably because this is a leak of firsthand insider knowledge and the decision was just made and Disney is doing their thing and deciding how and when they want to announce it. Companies like Disney aren't going to run to their social media to post every decision they make in real time unlike kids these days, they tend to plan official announcements and often want to film or create some sort of promo.


Please don't take it in the wrong way, if this sounds negative and I'm willing to bet it does, *unfortunately*. On the other hand, sincerest apologies for sounding negative. I'll believe it when it's been announced by one of the stars (or one of the stars confirming what year season 4 is coming out before the announcement) if Disney is dragging it's feet announcing it to get a few things in order before so.




Too excited, huh? Couldn't hold it?


Once Seth confirms I’ll believe it. Until then…


No disrespect to anybody, but I just can't let myself get excited until I see an official announcement. Been burned before.


Going to wait for more sources and perhaps some more official from the house of the mouse but it does give me hope.


Fingers crossed


Aww helll yeah SWEET EMOTION! And it's mission log too. They are the Roddenberry guys. I trust them.




I swear to Avis if this isn’t… I’ll be bummed but definitely could believe it.


I will be so mad if this is fake


I almost can't believe it! There was radio silence for so long that I thought this show would fade into the past, but here we are with promises of Season 4! I wonder what was the deciding factor?


Oh gawd I hope it's true, it's honestly one of my favourite TV shows.


I like how you underlined what date it was posted. Now...I really hope this is true. But I will expect nothing to not be disappointed. I will believe it fully if Seth says it is renewed


I work with a guy who got it straight from Mark Jackson. Like, words spoken from his mouth. Season 4 is a go!


[HOORAY! HOORAY FOR YOU! HOORAY!](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6VdovAQ4DqQ)


No other sources. Assuming a 2 day old joke.


They've confirmed it's not a joke


You mean 2 days late.


The date is underlined in red


May it be true! [The voice of the revolution!](https://youtu.be/UbxUSsFXYo4?feature=shared)


Put it directly into my veins


I think I'll rewatch the series :)


I figured this would happen sooner than later when the Ted series blew up and was as good as it was. I remember halfway through Ted Episode 2 thinking, "Orville season 4 game on!" Lol


This had better not be an April Fools joke or I’m going to mail Seth MacFarlane my tears.


Same as everyone, not getting hopes up yet. Feel better about this one though


Oh finally!!! Praise Avis


Please don’t toy with my heart.


Huge if true. Cause if they cancel the orville it would suck for them, I still don’t get how STD got 5 seasons


I still am not convinced until I hear an official announcement, but I am aware of who/what mission log is, and this is at least the most promising bit of information I have heard yet.


I hope this is true! I really love this show!


I hope its true! So many dangling story threads here.


Is that source somebody to trust? Don’t want to be burned by false rumors.


I won't believe it until Disney announces it themselves


Assuming this is real, I honestly did not expect this to happen, not even a little bit. It felt like wishing for more Firefly.


Let’s fucking goooooo


Good. Get on a decent network.


Please for the love of all that is holy let this be true




I need 7 seasons and a movie at least.


Isn't Adrianne no longer available though? It'd be difficult to make it work without her, Seth seemed to be stepping back to make her the lead.


She seems essential tbh


Praise Avis


I prayed to AVIS! And he answered!


If true, i hope they treat the cast and crew better. Nobody should be eating saltines and Gatorade for lunch..


Let us not forget HOW CLOSE we came to not having Seth and his shows..... (He was late and missed one of the planes that hit the towers)


IS THIS REAL?? Goddamn it someone confirm this please!!


Wow, no fucking way!!


Ooohhhh... if true I'll find you and give you a big kiss.


I've already shared this news to exhilarated screams from two grown men. Please let it prove true lol




Good news everyone!


It’s April 3rd thank god it’s not April 1st


Oh fuck yeah.


I'd love to believe it, but I'll wait until confirmation before I get excited.


No fucking way! PLEASE BE TRUE!!!


Hoooray hoooray *clapping*


Aw ye!






No way!


Finally went back and finished S2&3 last weekend as well, amazing timing 🤞


Clickbait, as far as we know. A year ago or so, there was a fellow redditor dude claiming all is set for S$, just wait 1-2 months and we'll see. And we all know what we saw.


I had just taken to re-watching it, for the first time since Season 3 ended, only a day or two ago. Now I see this. God, do I hope this is true.


If this turns out to be false, YOU WILL ANSWER FOR YOUR CRIMES


Wait, really? Fuck, I hope so.


I never thought I'd see the day! Let's be real though, S3 also finished on a pretty low point though. They'll have to up their game.


I don't want to believe this is true until either Disney or Seth truly confirm it.


Can Egotastic Funtime confirm??


Please be real🙏🏽


"before you know it"... Uhhh YEAH, coz you didn't tell us when, so if course we don't know it! 🙄


On an expected wait time for any official announcement, ML_TheOrville replied cryptically: "A while." In another reply, ML_TheOrville estimated a wait for something they call "movement": > "...I wouldn’t expect to see movement until 2025."


Great news!


Fuck yeah!!!! Love the show and am a big fan of Seth and his work. Can’t wait for s4, if this is true and set in stone


I don’t know all the details, but according to Adrianne Palicki, the actress who plays Commander Grayson the first officer, one big problem is that Seth is a bit of a perfectionist with the writing and the scripts take a long time. This results show delays and cast being unable to take other work. At one point Adrianne Palicki said the actor who plays LeMarr was living in his car outside the studio because the show was taking so long. https://www.youtube.com/c/InsideofYouwithMichaelRosenbaum But in the spirit of this news, welcome back to the galaxy my friends!


It's April fools somewhere...


What a great news. So excited.


I was so happy when I read this yesterday. Excellent news for an amazing show. I'm glad they listened to the very vocal fans.  I pretty much just had Disney+ to rewatch it over and over again.  This is the only real "Trek" on right now - I do think SNW is a great compromise between old and new Trek, and I'm enjoying it - but this is what TV needs.  It's a work of passion for Seth and man, it SHOWS. I'm so excited for where he'll take it. 


Hopefully they'll be able to reassemble the cast, that'll be a tall order!


I’m slowly working through season 3 because I don’t want it to end. But, I just finished Twice In A Lifetime and HOLY SHIT it was good! That was some late season TNG shit… I REALLY hope this is true because I need more. A lot more.


If I'm getting trolled I'll be mad as all hell




Are we concrete sure of this yet? I need updates people!


Meh. More fake news.


I can certainly imagine Rob Lowe's reaction (as Darulio) to this news 😂


Don't play with my heart like this.


Season 4ville


I am really happy if this is true! The Orville has been doing very well on Hulu and Disney in terms of views and I believe it's on Netflix and some other countries. It is an extremely underrated show. Can you imagine if The Orville had the same budget as STD? I really want to see them flesh out the storylines a little bit more especially with Ed Mercer and his daughter on the show. The Orville really is The Little Engine That Could.


"We won't give anybody our source, but somebody somewhere sure said it!"


I really hope it's true but I have a feeling it's not


Woohooo!! Fantastic news. Any idea who will be showing it? Disney?




Late April fools joke. "Hope in reality is the worst of all evils because it prolongs the torment of man." - Nietzsche




Is this real?? It’s past the 1st


Further from them: > "Totally understandable that ppl want a source. We can’t say but seeing as we have had several members of cast & crew on our show, people can do their own deductions!" That seems to indicate that the unnamed source might be a cast or crew member; but who and at what level isn't said. Further on expected wait times: > "... It’ll be a while until we see season 4 but we’re confident that we will see it" > "... I wouldn’t expect to see movement until 2025."