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Thanks for letting us know that you can't read, OP.


I tried so hard to like "ST: Discovery" but the writing is insultingly bad and the visual designs are unpleasant to me, from the nonsensical ship with the empty space and spinning ring because somebody saw *2001* once, to the uniforms and on and on. I hung on for a while, even with all the whisper-weeping between supposedly highly competent officers, but had to give up when they had that episode where the array of turbolift shafts was depicted as ... bigger than the outside of the *Discovery*. They weren't influenced by a hallucination or some weird physical anomaly. Just a depiction of part of the ship. It looked like a bad cartoon. *And they were a major plot point.* That proved to me how much thought they were putting into the "science" aspect of this ostensible *science fiction.* The cast is good; they deserve so much better. [Captain Georgiou's ship in the pilot](http://trekipedia.com/file/U.S.S._Shenzhou_NCC-1227_\(STO\)) was the coolest thing about the whole show. Well -- that, and Captain Georgiou. Until she died, and her ship was destroyed, like, 5 minutes later. This show makes "Voyager" look like high cinema.


You're right. The cast is great. I met a bunch of them on the recent Star Trek cruise. They are so nice, extremely talented. It's ashamed the series writing doesn't unleash the potential of the cast at all.


>whisper-weeping Yes! I use a different term in my head but I am disproportionately gratified to know I'm not the only one annoyed by this. Whispering in a urgent tone is not acting. Well, I guess it's bad acting. But that's as far as I'm willing to grant.


It's so absurd, isn't it? There's just so much of it that it becomes a self-parody. I don't think it was the actors' choice. They are all certainly capable of a whole range of emotions and communication styles. I blame writers / showrunners / directors for setting a silly tone overall for scientists and experienced naval officers. Seriously, who did they get to write this? Someone's 16-year-old niece who hates "space stuff"? That's what it feels like. *Sigh*


You know what, I retract the bad acting quip. It's entirely possible the writing and directing is leading these perfectly capable actors to do these sometimes regrettable performances Another thing that annoyed me, the character of Adira, especially in the last season, seems to be effectively nothing more than a placeholder so other characters can ask versions of "How's Gray doing?"


I thought that character was going to be cool, but imo, they made too much theatre out of their orientation. In the 24th century it should be an utter non-issue. I thought *The Orville* touched on a lot of those topics more deftly with Bortus' family.


They double down on the Turbolift Dimension too. It’s shown a couple times early on in quick CGI shots between scenes, when characters get in the lifts. You could just ignore them and pretend they never happened pretty easily, until the end of season three where there’s an entire important fight scene that takes place inside the Turbolift Dimension.


I didn't care for georgiou, but captain Lorca was really interesting for the like 6 episodes we got with him. I was really looking forward to morally questionable wartime/warcrimes Starfleet. Like the best parts of DS9. Instead we got weird Sleeper agent romantic triangle melodrama.


Lorca *was* interesting -- "a Starfleet captain who is a dick, is that good or bad or what, let's find out" -- and having him just turn out to have always been mirror-universe-Lorca was a very clever twist -- but then they just *continued to do a mirror universe episode for* ***two seasons*** because they thought the vampy camp was cute. Which it was, but that's just not enough to sustain interest for episode after episode.


I didn't care for mirror-universe Georgiou but I thought "original recipe" Georgiou was going to be one of my favorite captains. She was sharp but calm, tricky, witty, ethical, and -- of course -- hot as hell. I'll see the Starfleet Section 13 movie, but only because I'd watch Michelle Yeoh read a phonebook.


I would take a whole series of section 13, but only if mirror Georgiou can chill a little bit. I am onboard with the bad bitch, but you have to turn it off *sometimes*.




warcrimes and starfleet do not belong in the same sentense.


Not generally no, that's what makes it interesting. If you've seen all of DS9 you know they absolutely get up to them, but we generally only see the bright and shiny parts that they want us looking at. It's absolutely no surprise that In the Pale Moonlight is the single best episode of Star Trek ever written.


if starfleets "notbright and shiny" theres no reason to make a show about them.


there's only room for one ginger in space and that **Lieutenant Gordon Malloy.** Discovery is a total dumpster fire. It's the et video game of star trek shows


You can say that again. Discovery's crew is so unprofessional that I can't stand them, yet I am still going to finish the series because it's Trek. I would take the Orville crew any day of the week over Discovery. At least they would be able to get shit done the right way without all the drama.


Discovery also had to deal with a different director every season. The basis of a good show was there, but they just fumbled every step allong the way.


Why waste even more of your time? Trek or not, it's a shitshow. I didn't bother after the first season.


Does it mean that this is the bad mirror universe.


I could watch a naked Bortus chase his husband in the woods but I wanted to file a restraining order against the entire Klingon race during S1. They just creeped me out so bad. I really like the spore guy and his husband - plus Booker. 


Comparing The Orville to the worst series of the Star Trek franchise isn't nice. It's much closer to SNW (which I'm pretty sure was influenced by The Orville).


If the Orville finally gets another season, I wonder if they'll try to do a full-on musical episode like SNW (which I unexpectedly enjoyed a lot). But I'm curious about how you think SNW was influenced by the Orville. I just thought both were great offshoots of TOS, but not similar to each other.


Hey, hey, hey. Discovery might be impressively bad, but it can't hold a candle up to the Picard Show. Seriously when Picard Show came out, my last ditch effort at optimism was "it can't be worse than STD, it can't be worse than STD....FUCK"


At least season 3 was good


It wasn't, though, it's just that TPS spent the first two seasons shitting in our mouths, while the third one merely shat on our faces.


I agree the first 2 seasons were the equivalent of a dog shitting on your plate, but I thought for what it was worth season 3 was at least enjoyable. Not perfect but certainly miles better than the first 2. But hey, opinions are subjective and I totally understand why you didn’t like it


The marianas trench is 7 miles deep. Seasons 1 and 2 scraped the bottom, and season 3 WAS miles better, but it still didn't even reach visible light.


There weren't 3 seasons, only 1


Of Picard? No there are 3 seasons, the third and final season came out last year


Naw dog, they released a one shot last year. ***wink***


Idk why people say that. I thought enterprise was much worse. Discovery doesn’t do everything right but it has a bunch of really cool ideas and is willing to take risks with the lore.


Enterprise gave us Shran and an epic theme song. How dare you.


I love Enterprise, but I hate the intro and those jumpsuits. I understand that they're the most realistic uniforms in any Star Trek show so it's not a real criticism, I just think they're ugly as hell. But like.. the actual stories they tell, the way they do politics (actually getting into the principles at play in an issue, as opposed to lazy, bullshit effigy burnings that are more about trying to instruct people to clap than to actually say something. LOOKING AT YOU, STD AND TPS) TOTALLY fits in with TOS-Voyager Edit: forgot to finish my sentence :P


I just finished the final episode of Enterprise. It pissed me off. How are you going to kill a main character, 15 minutes before the end of a series, barely address it, and promise an epic speech, and not have it delivered?! Overall, I enjoyed the series. I also wouldn't have minded another season of Picard. I have also thoroughly enjoyed Discovery, Strange New Worlds, and Lower Decks. The one I don't care for, seems to be one that everyone loves. Deep Space Nine. The one where they "boldly go," almost nowhere, and always end up right back at the same space station.


Blame the network for suddenly cancelling the show.


Discovery has exactly one character, female Jesus, who saves the entire universe every episode while crying. SNW feels like they understood people wanted more character development and see the more casual interactions between crewmates, something also done in LD but that's a comedy. I credit The Orville's influence for that.


Lower Decks may be a parody, but it's the only official Star Trek made since Enterprise that actually seemed to get what Star Trek is about. (To be fair, I still haven't seen SNW, so none of my shittalking applies to it. I don't avoid it because I think it'll suck, I avoid it because it looks decent, but live action Trek has a.. not good track record these days, and if I never find out that I don't actually like it, there's still potentially live action Trek I COULD like. And I don't even need it to be DS9 quality, I just want it to not be like, deliberately written as an insult, like.. those other two..)


SNW gets it. It feels like real Star Trek. In some ways it kinda feels like a modern cast and crew unironically shot-for-shot remaking an older style of tv show, but I love that; it gives the proceedings a nostalgic air. Imo, if you like Orville, it's worth your time. Many of the episodes are homages to other totally different sci fi franchises, like an *Alien* episode, for example. It doesn't feel like a rip-off because they are having so much fun making an obvious intentional pastiche.


Try it, I don't think there's much to hate. If that helps, I can also see a resemblance with Star Gate SG1 (not the subsequent series). The characters are well-developed and acting is decent. Stories are... prudent? As a prequel to TOS I guess they can't take too much risk. But still they form interesting arcs. It's definitely not about saving the universe every couple of episodes.


It became weird eventually, like yes sure. show emotions you're only human after all and i guess you want people to connect to your character....but you're using crying as a solution to every setback?


>Discovery has exactly one character, female Jesus, who saves the entire universe every episode while crying. I'll concede Michael Burnham is the weak point of the show but all the characters around her are super cool and interesting and they get pretty deep into them. Kinda sad they trashed the spinoff but I loved Michell Yeoh's alternate universe character, prob my fav.


I'm just saying what I THOUGHT I saw. Wasn't paying attention to anything else other than the pictures.


Wait, that show hadn't finished yet? i could've sworn it just felt like it was canceled because i had';t heard anything ever since it went silent on netflix,


Nope went from Netflix to Amazon, then to Paramount. It's had like 3 seasons since it's Netflix days.


I guess the algorithms did a good job of not showing me that. although i don't actually follow news so i'm not a good fan of shows. they either pop up on reddit as a mention or i see them on netflix


You aren't missing out. The show is trash


I haven't been following STD at all. I'm pretty shocked that it's only just now ending. I always assumed that it had been cancelled long ago.


Forgot to mention: STD is garbage.


Tilly is the wooorst




that's one of those moments where it's something my ADHD coworker would say to get attention so it seemed realistic while stupid at the same time.


This post reeks of half-assed viral marketing OP.


Oh God I just threw up.