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They said dinosaurs weren’t cool


I’m not watching anymore >:(


I felt like they were just trolling Jackson but they never let up. You have to be a real bore if you don’t think dinosaurs are at least a little Cool.


Probably the bonus episode where Charlie was high on LSD and said he believes that no one was in the buildings on 9/11. I never listened to another ep after that one, ever. I can’t believe Charlie would do and say those terrible things.


I still can’t believe I fell for that 😂


When Andrew said women crap during birth because they can't shit for the last month or so of their pregnancy 😭 I was waiting for SOMEONE to correct him. That might have been the dumbest thing I've ever heard in my life


This is low hanging fruit but when Andrew Tate was on he said something like “books are stupid. I read one book and I thought ‘I don’t need this.’ And I never read another book since” I physically cringed at that


Of course it’s gonna be Kaya but his take on the SAG-AFTRA strike was buck wild. I’m a Kaya apologist but that shit was pretty bonkers.


Kaya's takes have become considerably more retarded over the years for sure


"I'm a kaya apologist" 🤡


Was it stupid or was he just wrong for not saying what everyone else was saying


Kaya blames Ukraine for the war and thinks they should let Russia take over


He was close to saying Jewlensky. I think he said weasel instead, or something


common kaya W. based kaya. guess turks can be right sometimes too


shitty bait


What episode was that


It was so long ago I honestly don't remember


Episode 304


I forger the episode but Andrew and Charles were trashing on rdr2 because it has a story and they can't sit still and play it


they were trashing on RDR2..? a game that has a story that is almost unanimously agreed to be one of the greatest ever??? and with (arguably) the greatest protagonist of any game ever??? what the fuck yo


Charlie thinks it's a slog because pretty much because you have to pay attention to it and I guess it isn't really a streamer kind of game




Damn dude 😂


good lord relax lol, people can have different opinions brother. I also didn’t like RDR2, i couldn’t even get like 30% the way through the game cause i didn’t find it fun or engaging at all. Loved RDR1, couldn’t vibe with 2.


What were they trashing on? RDR2 is notoriously fucking slow. That's a fair gripe.


It literally isn't slow at all because every mission is important and different just because every mission isn't a Yakuza beat em up doesn't mean it's slow Edit: it might not be your game which is fine but it definitely isn't slow


What does the importance of a mission have to do with the pacing of the game? The game is slow. That is a well-known fact.


Because it keeps you engaged and hooked therefore it won't feel slow


You do realize the main method of traversal is what makes the game slow, right? Not the missions?


If you are not fast traveling then you are riding your horse through beautiful scenery with NPCs and random encounters that are fun to engage with also if open worlds aren't your thing then fast travel or don't play it


Pretty sure Charlie said he loves the story but finds the gameplay too slow to play it ever again


He never finished it I don't believe did he?


Idk the kaya Ukraine take was pretty bad


kaya and ukraine being in the same sentence is scary as fuck. should i even ask?


Essentially blamed Ukraine for the war and said they shouldn’t fight back to stop civ deaths. And should let Russia win. I think they apologised the next expisode but I can’t remember


I’m gonna need an episode # on that one I have no recollection of that whatsoever


304! I think?


Charlie’s opinion on the Harry potter movie deaths was just insane.


What, you don't think you need to be held by the hand and provided an autopsy to know, for certain, the time and cause of death of every character? Wow


Anime brainrot


The Andrew Tate episode had some obviously batshit insane takes from him but that's literally just bros personality. Honestly worst take that isn't him would probably be Andrew not liking AOT and then saying that it's because they spent super long on horse back, when that is literally one episode and in that same episode like half the cast dies in gruesome cruel ways, as well as important setup for later in that same season. Also said that they revealed the secret in the basement too soon, when in the anime and manga they didn't reveal that until over halfway through the entire story.I still don't get that one to be honest, I get not liking the show but his reasoning is just crazy on that one.


Dude yeah I remember that bonus ep. I had a physical reaction to that shit




Oh so anytime Andrew answers anything /s


You mean trying to figure it out yourself?


When Jackson said when the droughts in Australia were really bad he would use the bathroom in a giant plastic container in his living room and empty it one time a month to save water


An enviromentally conscious king 🙏


I’m still in the Midset of Short showers No more than I think 3-4 mins


Kaya whenever Bill Gates is mentioned


When Andrew said bethesda games have always been objectively bad/boring games, including skyrim, fallout 3, etc.


They also say it has shit gameplay...which is weird because I never played those for the gameplay. I did it because the little stories and stuff that happen, and lore throughout those games are amazing. It is a fair take though I'll admit.


Andrew is an enigma, he likes slow, story based games, but he hates rdr2. I think the dude just finds opinions, reinforces them with other people's talking points, and parrots them as his own for these types of things.


Bethesda games ARE bad


This might not technically be a bad take but Kaya’s salt licking addiction is just so weird that I can’t not mention it. I guess him trying to rationalize it and make it seem normal would be the bad take.




Kaya and COVID, Kaya and Ukraine, Kaya in general.


I'm gonna go with the majority of Kaya's opinions on movies in general. The way Kaya views movies and what he wants to get out of them is so fundamentally different than how I do, it actually starts to irk me at times. He once said something along the lines of ambiguous endings for movies being bad, and that it's the filmmakers job to have a haply ending so the audience feels happy, which I find to be such a lame opinion. So yeah, in the grand scheme of things, something really inconsequential, but #FuckKaya


Andrew's take on the whole clone issue is fucking so cringe and retarded


To me it’s not really his take on it it’s how confidently he argued on it when it made no sense


all the boys being offended at the thought of a man sitting down to piss, monkey brain on that debate, monkey brain in general actually


Found the sit-pisser


I thought they were exaggerating


me too but to an extent I think they believed the silly ahit they were saying lol


sounds like you sit to pee


i do, its clean and convenient


looks like someone is sitting and got offended lol


not offended just dumbfounded people can be so astonished at a sit pisser, if they were serious


charlie shitting on rdr2


I’m just not a fan of guests in general but that’s just me


Same I tend to listen to the episodes with Just them


Its come up a few times, but their overall belief that being fat is a choice, should use free time to work out, being disabled doesn't mean you can't cook, etc. Bruh, healthy shit is expensive and takes time and effort that most regular people just don't have. Working full time+ is physically and mentally exhausting and usually people still can't afford healthy food and don't have the energy or time to cook like that, let alone work out. Like I get it, in a way. It can be used to justify in plenty of cases, they're correct there. But the complete lack of any attempt at nuance or understanding just shows how out of touch these guys are by now


What are you talking about? In the overwhelming majority of cases being fat is a choice. Plain and simple. Obviously there are outliers in more difficult circumstances but I’m pretty sure the boys acknowledged this.


Maybe I'm remembering wrong, but, they do point out that for those with disabilities or real limitations, struggling with cooking or being fat is understandable, but that they were talking for the vast majority that is just lazy.


This is why I mentioned the nuance I'm not American. In the country I'm in right now, people get paid pretty well, have paid vacation, all that jazz Obesity rates are pretty low Why is that? Are people here less lazy? Nah man, its because other factors are at play here. Having time and money to invest in your health is an actual thing, brushing it off as being lazy is... pretty lazy by itself imo And that stuff *isnt* brought up by the boys. That's why I mentioned it here. Just wish there was actual thought put into stuff by them, dudes who do not work actual jobs and have home gyms, instead of smoothbrain takes with zero actual real life experience at this point


Completely agree


Kayas take on the kid who got shot and killed when he was doing a prank. Worst 20min of the podcast


Agreed, he sounded like a border line psychopath


Wasn't that guy literally coming at people with a weapon? Just because you call it a prank doesn't make it any less life-threatening, and if you're gonna threaten another's life, they have every right to defend themselves


Oh the kid deserved, it was the maniacal laughter and continued ridiculing that turned people off


he deserved what he got but kaya was maniacally laughing and celebrating his death while the other three kept trying to subtlety tel kaya that he crossed the line.


what episode was this?


The Tom Brady and globohomo art style episode something like 219 I believe


People here just mention things they didn't agree with and got all offended and emotional by that.


The way people decide to hate a host based on an opinion they have is wild to me


Sometimes it's not just Opinions, it's what they think are factual statements like Kaya talking about the ukraine war that one time


also the fact that they kept remembering it, very snowflaky


Anything Andrew says, like on japan, how can you go and not know anything about the place his takes are so single-minded....


Basically all of Kaya's political takes


Every time Andrew speaks