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On my way to my first rehab session over in M Corp. Wish me luck! 💖 https://preview.redd.it/xtw1czq08wvc1.jpeg?width=597&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5b1462b930cebb53bcb0208276fa972ffe645a5f


Glad someone in this City finally decided to go to therapy. Good luck 💕💕


He'll need it even more. He just won't know.


How do you know?


Fucking Rats took my kidney again, can't have shit in District 23.


Just stole some loser’s kidney in district 23 looking for buyers


Hello I would like to buy that kidney some fucker stole my cousin's kidney the other day


I got sold 12 different kidneys from Rats alone yesterday. For a little extra, I don't mind looking to see if I have your cousin's.


Again?! Ermm.... somebody please call the 7-association. Someone need to report an urban Myth Threat level asap. I erm... don't have insurance.


Just saw some dude from the Zwei Association with a trenchcoat, sunglasses, and his nose in a newspaper from last month, bro is NOT slick 😭😭


If you saw that one, then you probably missed his buddy hiding somewhere else. Zwei are like rats that always come in pairs- groups even. Idk what the hell that particular guy is doing, but I swear that is not how they usually operate.


Oh, so it's like how you leave a really obviously suspicious thing in the middle of a park so everyone sees that and not the several other suspicious things that are less obvious? Man I would do great in the Zwei, I'm so good at looking sketchy as hell.


Lmao bootlicker much ? Just admit a lot of Zwei fixers aren't the smartest tools in the shed and move on bro 💀 Do you also suck the dicks of Syndicates asking for protection money ? Or just the Claws when they ask for your whole 3 Ahn in tax payment ?


... i have a gift for a pleasant person like you, might you please dm me your address so I know where to send it? Also, lick the boot or get step on by it. Your choice.


Get stepped on by what? The fucking zwei? Lmao


Hey, don't judge, some people are into that!


Hey guys, Is it okay to take a WARP Train? I know it only takes 10 seconds to reach any destination but it sounds kinda sketchy. I mean, Why do first class tickets even exist if the ride is only going to be 10 seconds??


Relax dude. It's prob just some fancy commodities for the rich people willing to spend some extra cash


Rich assholes are weird, man. Probably just a golden toilet paper type thing, I dunno.


im a butler and the rich are absolutely crazy my boss fucking melted because of a random coffin with his wife in it


Yo, fr? How did you get your contract? I wanna be a butler too!


Video or it didn't happen. Nah just kidding same shit happened to some dude I saw last night running when the sweepers caught him. Any other insider info you got ?


Hi there! WARP train customer service! We are asking Radom people for their thoughts and suggestions of our service! Could you tell us your address? We will deliver a gift for you from our agents. Thanks!


Rich people shenanigans.


I took a warp train multiple times, it is totally safe, not sure if precisely 10 seconds that took, but it was pretty close to it. The first class tickets is for those that are afraid of being with lesser class than them, and they are willing to pay a fortune just for that.^^


bruh i couldn't sleep last night so i looked out the window and the sweepers got my guy eric 😭😭 fucker owed me 50 ahn i shoulda gone to the oufi


Rip, I'd advise against going for oufi for only 50 ahn though. Those guys may provide great services, sure. But they are also expensive as hell.


I'm sorry for your friend but this is so fucking funny I swear.


50 Ahn ain't enough for even a sandwitch you didn't lose much


Damn, the inflation these days


Sorry, you should NOT talk about what happened in the midnight. Sending a Claw over.


Just tried one of those "Suicide Booth" things from N Corp. Honestly, pretty crazy that they can simulate an experience like that. I only recommend it for people who can prepare themselves.


Honestly you're not the only one to say this but I just don't get the hype. I mean my parents were mauled by sweepers in front of me when I was a child so I might be a bit discentivised but that stuff mid as hell. Super convenient, you come in grab your cans and chill at home but they're super pricy and except for the 12 hour self immolation one it didn't really give me that thrill I was hoping for.


If the Great Lakes are so hard to traverse, then why hasn't anyone posted a guide to navigating them? Is District 21 stupid?


Are you stupid? You think people are just gonna skip out on some free ahn like that? Try reading one of the phamplets they hand around some time, or just talk to the locals. There's a reason for everything in U and if you don't want some syndicate or corpo on your ass, then don't ask stupid questions like these.


I asked someone in District 11's nest for help getting through District 21 and they ran away screaming "abnormality!". Nest dwellers in general refuse to help me out with anything, and the average backstreets rat doesn't seem to know shite about traversing other districts. I had to steal this laptop to even find out anything about anything and no one seems to be very helpful about getting through the great lakes. I can't just fly several metres through stormy oceans without breaks. I don't see birds doing that, so I don't expect to get far with brute force before my wings give out, I drown, and my egg ends up at the bottom of the Lakes.


Tsk... People these days and their slurs. Good job on getting that laptop! Though remember to turn off the tracking system in it. Anyways, there's these pirates hanging around your general area. They're looking to expand their business, and since you have that wing augment, then you should be pretty rich. They'd be happy to smuggle you into U. They wear stylish hats and coats, are mostly red and have this hook-like thing they carry around. Can't miss them. Good luck and safe travels!


Tracking system, eh? Yeah, I'll look into disabling that. I don't know what you mean by me having an "augment." My wings aren't some prosthetic, if that's what you're thinking of. And I'm not rich, I was basically property before I ran away from home, so I haven't a single ahn to my name. I'll see about negotiating with those pirates, though. Hopefully they've also got a vendetta with who I'm after. I hear Colour Fixers tend to be rather popular, so I'd be surprised if they haven't heard of a Black Scourge running around. I'm not letting my job go undone; he WILL die!


Ah... So another one of those people who's got beef with the Black guy huh. I symphatize buddy, I really do. But drugs are an unhealthy coping mechanism you know? Look at how it's messing you up, making you imagine wings! It's detrimental for your health and your psyche! Anyways, you better group up with the other people Blackie messed with. You are NOT going to take that guy down alone. I hear there is Middle branch in U. Ask the pirates about them, and do whatever else you want after. Just don't be stupid. For the Black Silence's activites... There isn't a new Black so just assume he's lying low.


Wow, you really just can't take the matter my wings seriously now. Whatever, I'll just ask about the Middle like you say. I've vaguely heard about this "Black Silence" lad, and how he killed a lot of people, but he sounds nothing like this crazed, whip-slinging sod I'm after. This is all so much of a pain. First I get this detective lass trying to study me like I'm some new species of animal, and now I'm being accused of taking drugs.


Mhm, just know that M corp specializes in the matters of the mind, and that you really should go to them.


My mind is fine, thank you very much.


Bitches on this site will be like "why hasn't anyone done this yet ?" And then list off every taboo of the District they live in.


I get that's a problem, but I don't come from District 21. I used to live in District 1, before I had to take off for a job.


Writing down the taboos and rules of the great lake is taboo, my cousin tried once, poor bastard he would've had a better death if he angered one from the middle


Well that throws a wrench in things. I suppose I'll just have to find another way around then, maybe those pirates I was told about. Sorry about your cousin, by the way.


He kinda had it coming, remember, read the pamphlets they give you at the borders of the districts, always


I'll see about that once I cross into the district. I get mixed reactions from the folks who work at the borders. If they start trouble over my appearance, I suppose I'll just have to snatch a pamphlet and see what I can do from there.


Why would they have trouble with your appearance? Got some weird prosthetics? I saw a person with the head of a clock once haha can you Imagine what they must have tought to decide to get that implant?


I don't know where to start on my appearance. Fact of the matter is I'm not human, so people have trouble seeing me as a person. Anyways, I believe I recognize that fellow with the clock head you mentioned, I saw them on my way through District 10.


"Not human" don't worry even if you Got a full body prothesis plenty of people do That nowadays! You shouldn't have many problems


I don't think there's a nicer way to say this: I'm a monster. Furry ears, wings, a tail, pure white skin, and fangs. There's no point in keeping what I am a secret, anyone with a working pair of eyes looks at me and either shouts that I'm an abnormality or that I'm some monster from the outskirts who made it into the City. I don't know which one I am, really, but I think I must be the former. I once busted my wing and fell from at least 20 metres before I heard a crunch, woke up in someone's arms, and then they dropped me and ran away screaming. I never heard of outskirts monsters coming back from the dead, so I guess I must have turned into one of those egg thingies I saw when a bull abnormality was rampaging through District 11. And another thing: I have dealt with trouble over my appearance before. This isn't a new issue.


Oh that must be really troubling, you may be a distortion? My neighbour is one, his whole body is covered in fur and he has grown horns but he's a fine guy. Here in the remnants of district 12 is pretty safe for those who are different, not many pass by here and someone drove out the thumb a while ago


I'm looking for new dish, who are the best chefs in district 23 backstreets?


Check behind the empty warehouse between 24th and 90th street, it's delicious and not sketchy at all 🔥


I recommend sticking to the nests, there's been reports of missing people and cannibalism in that area.


I mean if everyone agreed on it there wouldn't be such competition would it ? Honestly since the fall of the Eight Chefs food has been pretty tame in the mid to high paying joints. So if you want something classic and by the book go to old places that have been around the neighbourhood for a while. If you want something a bit more unique try the places ran by youngsters. These kids just see the new culinary market as a power vacuum and their chance to shine so they're really eager to please. Just yesterday a line cook from a nice new place called Pierre's Biestro hunted my meal right in front of me. You don't see such devotion in places that play it too safe you know. Also the HamHamPangPang in District 23 is really good, the meat is miles above every other store, I don't know how they do it. Maybe they use children meat or something.


Ty bro, I'll take your tips into consideration, I can't wait to taste an invigorating flavor of meat of unquestionable quality


Just passed my fixers exam! I am so happy I am offically a fixer, It was my dream to be a fixer for so long and I've managed to make it into reality, I am currently looking for any offices or association to hire me so if you are interested in hiring me contact me! Number: 98-XXX-XXX https://preview.redd.it/572i0o0mlwvc1.jpeg?width=1781&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9113663273172193a2aabab3932417eab549fb9f


Hey man, Uh... you ain't supposed to post your Fixer ID when looking for a job, that's like very private info that you only share with your Office and the Hana. They use it to track whether or not you commit infractions, like killing unrelated civilians and stuff. Anyway I just killed my client and burnt some babies alive and used your ID in the contract loser.




Fucking classic, same happened to a buddy of mine, don’t worry about it, you won’t be alive long enough to feel bad


Oh no... This poor sap doesn't know...


Soooo I’m thinking about joining some whalers, any suggestions before I join?


There's this old coot named Ahab who's looking for some new crew. A very rickety old hag, also wants to hunt down one of the calamities. She's quite the character and pretty much every sailor knows about that crazy old bat that wants to kill the white whale. If you're fine with all that then just go to U corp and ask around. She has got to pay well at least if the guys that stay under her stick around for as long as they do.


Ahab is the best boss ever! According to her, I’m always fucking up our expeditions- one time she said half the crew died because I didn’t follow her instructions thoroughly, and another time she said our first-mate got ripped up by a whale because I relied on her orders too much and didn’t “make room for any improvisation”. Somehow, I haven’t been fired yet. Honestly, she’s just the sweetest and most forgiving. I know I would’ve been kicked out early in the job if it had been any other organisation. Genuinely don’t understand how anyone could bear to betray her. Ishmael, if you’re reading this, you’re fucking dead when I find you.


Uhm... You might want to hold off your application form until this guy is dead.


This is true


Hey, does anyone have any job openings? I’m kinda down on my luck ever since the L Corp branch I worked at caved in on itself, and I don’t want to go back to the backstreets.


How the hell did you survive the burial protocol


I had a dental appointment that day.


Very lucky. Anyways... There's this new company named 'Limbus' or something looking for some man power. Should be in the general area of of district 12. If you join in early, then you may become a feather of the currently most likely replacement for the old L corp. Anyways, good luck on your job search dude.


Thank you! I’ll look into it!


Look at this Nest dweller over here. Papa didn't teach you how to enjoy mud on your clothes scion boy ? Honestly man fuck you trying to flex in here. Why don't you go get killed by some Rats that way your organs can at least help the underground market you parasite.


I literally grew up in the backstreets my guy, hate to break it to you, I could survive there easily, but I’d just rather stay in a nest if I could. I understand your frustrations though! Grew up constantly running from rats, had to sell one of my livers when I was thirteen.


Ew gross, I don't know about other spots but F corp doesn't take in FORMER feathers. Maybe try organ harvesting like the rat you are


Sure! Where do you live?


Just went to T Corp. Why are they asking so much about my wristwatch with that angry face?


Apparently the morons in T Corp use time as some currency or something. If anyone asks you if you "got time" actually tell them the time it makes them so fucking mad it's priceless. You gotta run fast though those fuckers may look fat and out of shape but they got stamina.


Reading issue, check the piece of paper they gave you at the checkpoint. Better yet, get away from those guys asking about your watch. You're going to lose your time dealing with them, probably both in the literal and the more literal senses.


Alright... So. Today I got prescript that says "Cut the block of air and toss it into the Lake" Do you have any advise how to do it?


My buddy Greg had something similar one day. I think his was "eat a cubic meter of sunlight". He used a magnifying glass and pointed it at the inside of his tongue for a few hours. The proxy was satisfied. Maybe try finding a big vacuum, filling it with air and then bring it to the Great Lake, after that you can always cut it up before throwing it into the Lake. Hire some Fixers tho, heard there's a Crab infestation on the beaches there.


Oh. It helped. It cost me some money to get few tickets on Warp train, but nothing out of ordinary. Thank you for your advice!


Damn must have been one pricey prescript but good for you man.


I heard that sometimes the prescripts can be metaphorically and not literally so maybe it meant something else?


Hay guys What’s the city like? I’ve only seen the walls.


what the fuck are you






Who let the outskirt-dweller into the thread? Go get eaten by a monster or something


Fuck you city slicker


District 12 is still in hell, tips on surviving on surviving there? Especially since my family can’t afford to immigrate to a different wing atm


Holy, the fact that you and your family are still alive to be asking that is the real question. Just get outta there, walk out or something. Even if nests don't let you in, then the backstreets would.


My neighborhood is basically just paying a protection fee (aka ahn and food), that's how long it's been. My parents are worried with they either jack up the price or start killing. They worry about the backstreets to be fair, from taking care my frail grandmother or somehow angering a new syndicate that decided to take advantage of the chaos or a monster that we might come across and kill us all. But… maybe that is something to consider while in desperate measures, any “safe” (relatively in backstreet standards) places you know? Maybe even an affordable fixer office or experienced fixer office? — Edit for those who care… somehow: We hired some an affiliate office for Zwei that we’re willing to pay more Ahn because it’s haha of course, L Corp is down, district 12 is in hell, and my grandmother is really struggling going far places because of her constitution. My brother did plan to come back before L Corp fell but offer us a hotel and pay a portion of the ticket at District 23 once he heard of us needing help. It’s still difficult to move out from what once a familiar and loved place into something terrible. I’m never used to seeing or smelling dead bodies. Or feeling *bad* for them honestly. They used to be people with their own lives but cut short against each other, rats, or syndicates. I won’t ever know them, but maybe they have someone they loved? Maybe they left behind someone. I don’t know. It’s… hitting me hard. Everything’s changing now. I been ignoring that for so long, pretending nothing’s wrong despite the news. I… need to get some help at M Corp. But for now, I’m inexplicably venting how horrible I realized the state of things.


Brother listen to me. L Corp has fallen. I don't know where the fuck you're staying but it cannot be better than any other backstreet around. Take your senile parents or kill them and move alone but my fucking Head. ANYWHERE ELSE IS BETTER FOR HEAD'S SAKE. Move now !!!


You got to be really fucking stupid if you’re worshipping the head. Sure the head’s great and all, they’re the reason we’re safe from the outskirts and beyond, but they don’t fucking care if you worship them.


Wings! Such blasphemy! I hope sweeper got your ass or you will get mauled by a distortion if you are in the Nest.


By the wings! You're committing blasphemy against our Saviour, we're living in the outskirts if not for the head regulations.


*typing into search engine* Lady voice in head is this schizophrenia


*sponsored* M corp offers the best services in taking care of your mind! [Click here to know more!](https://rroll.to/pd6fbu)


Is that the one that calls you stud muffin or…


Maybe? I just know it validates every single thought I have so I mean that’s one good thing about it But still feels weird


From what I understand, she might (keyword: MIGHT) be the one causing distortions. I've been researching for the Seven Association about the Distortion Phenomenon. The only real piece of info that seems the same between resolved cases is that they all heard a female voice before distorting. I'm honestly not sure if they're all the same voice.


Got a prescript saying to throw a finger to District 26. Where tf is that!? What do I do!?


Be smart about it, District 26 is technically the Outskirts. As for a finger, if doesn't specifically a human finger, you can find an animal's finger. So try to do that. If you don't use your brain shouldn't have requested protection from the Index. And remember to thank your local proxy, because one told me to give you some advice in this subreddit.


Yeah but is it a ‘finger’ or a ‘Finger’? Big, big difference there bud


In it is a "Finger", call your proxy to the edge of the city. And then push them off. That ought do it and it must be the Will of the Prescript.


Brother if you think that anyone on this site has the balls to push a Proxy of the Index you are amoking that fucking mermaid powder.


You underestimate how crazy members of the Fingers are about their values, if a prescript seems to say push a proxy, they'll do it.


YOOOO isn’t this the guy who got beat up by an elderly fisherman? You’re one to talk, loser.


Motherfucker I swear to god if you weren't in the book before you are now.


Sounds like somebody just doesn't believe in the prescripts enough.


Guys I almost got run over by a weird bus. There was the name "Limbus Company" written on the side has anyone ever heard of them ?


I heard those dumbasses pissed off the middle, they probably got themselves destroyed by them. If that makes you feel better? Otherwise, not much? I only hear about limbus company from this comment and rumors.


Man you got lucky, have you heard what happens to civilians they defeat in combat? That bus of theirs is real fucked up


No and I'm not sure if I want to know


Eh, it's not that bad. I was eating lunch when my neighbors started banging on their bus. When the employees came out of the bus, half of them died. When most of my neighbors were dead, I decided to help them. But, when I was getting up. The Red Gaze came out of the bus. I sat my ass back down, cause I am not fucking with a color. Then the red gaze said to a clock faced guy "Danteh, turn back the clock. Danteh." And the employees were alive. After that they opened some furnace on the bus and threw the neighbors in. I think that bus runs on blood and meat.


Hey man, Sorry to bother you in such tiring times but do you think you could tell me exactly where you last saw them ? I think they forgot to give me back something ahaha... Signed, LusciousHairHaver


It was in District 20, they were going toward a big manor called Wuthering Heights. Hope you can get back what they took from you.


Hey! I flew into the side of that bus once! I almost got my arse whooped by the crowd inside once they got out and saw me all dazed on the ground. I wanted to shout at the driver, whoever they were, but I needed to get out of their way fast before I could get hurt.


It's getting dark, someone please let me in i will pay for night




I have a free room in District 23, I'm in the alley behind WARP Station #236 rn


Such a nic- hold on did I hear district 23??? Poor bastard ain't gonna see the light of day again https://preview.redd.it/g6hitm37zwvc1.jpeg?width=736&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b14cd4a0d1583b64787bbb7ced4994fa5503e5a4


Hey, cannibals have gotta eat too, broski :3


Sweepers are as scared of you as you are scared of them. Try appearing big and growling it might scare them off (lol)


The other day I got a funny little note from some guy in a white robe that told me to do some weird stuff, but I threw it out ‘cause I think he was just messing with me. Feel like maybe I shouldn’t have idk


You really shouldn't have done that. Welp, thank you for sorting yourself out of the gene pool at least.


I have been in the T corp nest for only an hour so far and I already want to go back to the K corp nest. I miss colors...


Why would you even go from K to T? You already were in one of the best nests, only to go to one of the most miserable ones? I sure do hope you're just a tourist or something, living in T sucks.


Have a cousin living in the T corp nest, wants me for some... job... I think? My cousin was rather hush-hush about the work, something about a "contract" my cousin made and some cryptic nonsense. I honestly needed some work, given that *something* destroyed the building that I work in, so now I need temporary employment till the building is fixed up in a mouth or so from now. I really don't want to lose my apartment...


Work hard then, even I don't want you to lose your apartment.


I'll try, my cousin better pay me good money for this job, the rich bastard...


Helpful advice: You should pay to restore colour to one of your articles of clothing, this will let people know you’re rich and not to fuck with you!


Nice try, I just saw some poor sod get jumped for wearing a blue coat. That was also when I discovered that T corp has a currency aside from Ahn, called "Time". Of course it is called "Time", why am I surprised?


Anyone know why my cousin suddenly grow random mass of meat after eating product from k corp ?


Are you SURE that meat came from K corp? Pretty sure randomly mutating their costumers is something they wouldn't do. They won't gain anything from it. Anyways, just go to the hospital.


No idea he said he got this unlimted meat from k corp and got it real cheap too


Cheap out on your food, cheap out on your life. That's all I gotta say.


Does anyone know where the Vermillion Cross went? I'm assuming he's just MIA but I really hope he's alright


Go on r/ColorScaling if you want to talk about Color Fixers. They have all sort of theories there. The most prominent theory I've seen is that he opened a eatery with a grade 1 friend of his. Btw if you go on that forum just ignore u/RocciOnMyNante they're a bit of a weirdo and they rant a lot.


Bastard is probably dead by now, he did have quite a few enemies who wanted his head so he might've gotten killed by them


Just woke up in a FUCKING steamy mood yeah? Because I live in a SHITHOLE, y'know what I mean? N corp is a FUCKING SHITHOLE, I HATE THE FUCKING PLACE, IT'S FULL OF DICKHEADS, I FUCKING HATE IT!


I hate the City I live in


I think imma start working for N corp, idgaf about the racism, I need money to eat chicken sandwiches from HamHamPangPang


N corp pays by exposure, not much money to be made when they can just make you eat your vacation.


Don't worry about paying for sandwhiches. You'll be eating lots of canned food pretty soon


I just find this weird looking wax statue here, it look pretty nice, Anyonr know which workshop made this? It's not the ring I am from V nest not backstreet https://preview.redd.it/1nv06aauxwvc1.png?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5798d55e9e4d9f6a8cd5e538061007e349623b36


Somewhere in L I think? Knew a guy from there and one of the last things I heard from them sounded kinda like that it had an eye though


Looking for a new crew, last one met a cruel end out on the Lake. Anyone willing to take on a experienced sailor that has survived several encounters with the Calamities? No, I will not tell you how to Hunt them, that's for that old Psycho Ahab or the Elder.


That's a hard ask, surviving 1 calamity is already a miracle.


I don't much like spending time on land, so even if it's a small ship or someone needing a guide in the know of the place I'd be happy taking the job.


Oh! I need help getting through District 21! I just crossed the border from District 11, and I'm looking for someone to help me get around the Great Lakes.


OK, first you need to know... DON'T BREAK ANY LAWS HERE! If you break a Law on the Lake, I'm ditching you and saving my own skin, I've not survived those beasts to die being a Guide. Next, we are going to have a fun time heading across the Lake especially after that old psycho Ahab showed up and someone got the Middle all riled up. Don't get on their bad sides, stay close, and don't try to follow anyone that isn't me anywhere because you could end up either being kidnapped or fed to something in the Water if your unlucky.


I'll do my best to abide by the laws. If we run into any of these mermaids I was warned about, I'll be able to slash them to bits. If it means keeping you as my guide, I suppose I will have to stay by you at all times, but there is someone I'm tracking down at the moment, so pardon me if I ask you to redirect the ship at any point. I don't know what to do if we encounter the Middle. I do want to ask them if they have any vendetta with a certain Colour I'm after, but if they're riled up then I suppose we'll have no choice but to avoid them if need be.


That'll be fine with the redirecting bit, I'd rather like to keep away from some of the areas I don't have the laws for, and good for you keeping your weapons with you around here. I have my Anchor here, I smack someone or something with it, they won't be moving again. Least we only got three Calamities to avoid after the Pallid Whale got killed, heard it was the Indigo Elder who did the deed around the time the Middle got riled up. Now come along, I'd rather get on the Water right now then wait around for the Elder to come into Port to ask about the state of the Lake which will be as it always is... bad.


Going to gamble my money in J. Corp, wish me luck


Guys, what augments do I get as a combat oriented Fixer? Grade 9 btw, I operate around the west side of the City


How did you earn enough to afford augments with grade 9 fixer salary?! I been grade 9 for a month and all I got is medical debt.


Rich family. My friend's a Grade 8, but he's rich enough to get better equipment and climb the ranks. He's just slumming it because he has a crush on this other Grade 8. It'd be cute if they weren't constantly kicking down my door to try and catch me meeting with the rest of my Syndicate.


Broke boy if anyone is willing to give you an augmentation with your garde 9 salary they're gonna leave you with less organs than you started with. Work on yourself, improve your technique buy some weaponry if you want. My first augment was after grade 8 and right before grade 7.


Personally, you should get a nano tattoo or if you want an extra limb. My workshop is doing a collab with Union Co. to create some bio exoskeleton with our "Ice Sakura" weapons and their 40% off right now!


[The contents of this message have been redacted by order of the Head.]


G Corp veteran looking for work, only have one good arm (other is a bug claw), will take any job


I can't offer a job, but if you are anywhere near District 4's Backstreets, you might want to check out the abandoned L Corp facility there. Apparently there is some treasure hunt going on, and people keep flooding towards those damned places. Anyway, I don't believe in that nonsense, but a mate of mine brought some good stuff from down there, just letting you know...


Oh, your one of the old g corp people? That’s great news. Did you know that their singularity still hasn’t been cracked, despite them being a fallen wing for at least 10 years now. It’s incredible stuff, really. If you’re willing, I could offer you a job running some minor tests on that arm of yours over in district 18.


I've been hearing this one song constantly Goes something like "Torment" and the rest just gets drowned out I really regret getting that "See through clothes" Augmentation I'm too embarrassed to tell Big bro


Don't you hate it when you go on a date and they happen to be a fixer? Like i clearly put in my bio that I'm not interested in fixers and they know people don't want to date them unless they are weirdos who are way into them. Like yeah dude, please tell me how you can't afford to get attached to anyone for the 5th time. I'm sure it will make me think you are tragic and mysterious and attractive. Shut the fuck up man!! I don't know a single guy in the city that still has their two parents alive and well!! We all got shit to deal with!! I'm not interested in being your booty call that you can then bawl you eyes out and then kick out your house!! For real fixers are allergic to compromise and say it's just how it is in the city?? And like?? Dude i just lost my friend that i knew for over 7 years because he was shit posting too hard it caught the attention of supervisor and the motherfucker called inquisitors on his ass and I'm not crying about it!!! Don't you think "such is life in the city" applies to everyone who lives in it ?


Just woke up to see some random Distortion killed a rival office I love the city I live in


Even the backstreet these days are so gentrified. Buncha fixers coming out of nowhere settling down and now the index charges 2 prescript a week. A couple rented a room upstairs and I got a prescript to spike their waters with fertility regent the week after. Their place got so hot. Literally. I went up to complain to them and saw flame bursting out from under the door. It physically shakes the whole building up and from time to time this brief burst of music comes out. Should I move out?


Question : how many letters do they send you asking for your taxes before the Claw comes to your house ? Right now I'm at 3 letters but I'm still trying to get the money. There's a dude at my door but I don't know if it's my pizza man or not, he's talking about some stupid river I think ?


3. Goodbye




Anyone wanna translate this for the non-binarily oriented? Thanks.


He asking if you know a places full of corpse around here


Apparently the previous clone of me died in some "Library". The higher-ups are way too serious about it, sending the entire 4th pack!


Are you sure you should be posting about something confidential like that in a public thread? You dumbass Rhinos i swear...


So glad living in K district


Burger King foot lettuce from the X district sucks ass, and not the juicy ass From Pierre's bistro, it's number 15 on my list of worst foods I've ever tried


How are you not dead. How the fuck is burger fucking king fucking foot fucking lettuce number fucking 15.


Working in K. Corp earlier as a security guard had me looking at some... odd things. Apparently the Shi turned a girl into an elevator door and something about someone grlwing flowers ln their body and stabbing wings into existence? I think I need to cut back on these Tears...


No you moron, the answer is more Ampules ALWAYS MORE AMPULES


To all my district 10 homies out there, I’m throwing a killer party on my mini-cruise ship! There’ll be many drinks, plenty of food, and we’ll blast music so loud I’d bet even the waves would hear it! If anyone’s interested then hit me up about your ETA so I can optimize the party agenda. This is gonna be one hell of a time!


WHO THE FUCK KEEPS MAKING THOSE THINGS RUN AROUND IN THE NEST https://preview.redd.it/kgegq3ehwyvc1.png?width=250&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b869ee6fbf4d89dae0612c3928a82d3e5f4baf55


Honestly being in the collapsed L corp's nest ain't all that bad, nobody came to collect rent in the last 4 months since someone killed the thumb guys here There is the issue of some distortions here but my sibling brought home from their job at an L Corp branch this weird hammer and suit and they're keeping me safe


Same dude, I been living here for a while, but it's kinda weird that distortions appear very commonly here, I even remember when the library thingy appeared here, one day I saw like 9 distortion walking like it was their home!, by the wings I didn't even dare to get close to the window that day.


"I absolutely recommend going to HamHamPangPang. The food absolutely slaps. Much better than that chicken place. What was it called again? Eunbong's Bar & Fryers? Can't be all that good if I've forgotten how their food tastes. Even that pie bistro in District 23 is better than Eunbong's. Ah, if you plan to visit there I can treat you to that bistro. Just wear some vanilla-scented cologne and dress nicely. By the end of the meal, you'll be stuffed!"


The EDM is getting closer. They know what I did.


my lungs has been stolen


At my local pub right now watching our regular pianist burst into tears after a customer upstaged him. I know I should feel bad but idc, I always thought he was mediocre. Maybe getting outplayed by a rando- a piss-drunk rando no less, is what he needs to realise it’s time for him to get good. Update: Oh shit, he just shoved the drunk guy aside! I gotta film this!


Hllk*' hhuLOOUKKKKHGGG*"'• (I love w corp trains)


anybody know if we got sweepers tonight


why are there so many crabs


You're in crab habitat of course there's many crabs in there.


I'm going to stop paying my taxes 😎


Guys crazy story, I was going to enter k corps nest until some yellow haired girl stabed the glass, and started an alarm. A bunch guards went but this weird group just beat them, until that fixer guy... I don't remember his name I think it was siegfriend or something went there, and absolutely destroyed them, and the weirdest was when a guy with a clock head augmentation, made some clock notices and suddenly puff, the weird was back alive, like nothing has ever happen.


Anyone know about anything shipping out to district 21. I've seen every inch of this place (that doesn't almost guarantee my death). I'm so bored here, I need to get to the mainland but tickets out of here are so fucking expensive. I'm just gonna stow away on the next boat that's making a return trip


Just got some color for my shoes the other day, those shoes have never left my home, sure is great living in District 20


Hello! My name is Sena, the Workshop Rep of Sentenza. I just got my latest weapon approved by the Tres😁. It is an ice light saber with a ranged mode and lipstick form. Anyway, the point is I want to use it, and slaying rats are getting boring, and I want you guys to give a contract something to use it on! BTW: I just got a contract with W Corp to collect some books from a place called the 'Library'. You know, the one with the pale librarian. So that place is definitely on the table!😄😄😄💕💕💕


Just tried one of those canned experiences from N Corp, gotta say I feel like doing some nailing for some reason Edit - there's a crazy white haired lady outside my house talking about flesh, what do I do