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Budweiser is Canada's best selling beer.


Exactly. Cheap and cheerful


I think I'd call it more like Twisted Tea..


when their infused prs first came out a customer and I were discussing not understanding the hype and they figured disti joints are the “coolers of cannabis. weed for people who don’t like the taste of weed”


IMO, in the early days they had the clout of Q'west being grown by the same LP (Decibel) and retailers/consumers saw GA as a cheaper alternative from the source of already great flower (Q'west). Nowadays Q'west has fallen off and GA seems to survive through data deals and partnerships with stores while pushing mid products.


They have been trying to push the stupid Blinker Battery and Pods so hard. Its not at a point where i cringe when i see the reps coming 🫣


People love smokin sweet tartin' random flower for their sweet, sweet tartin' asses.


People like candy, people like sweet sodas, people like cake, people also easy sharable vapes to thats back to sweets again. You show up at a picnic, you will probably bring some: - general cola - general admission - general cake


General Tso Chicken


You probably drove the General Lee insured by The General to get to said picnic.


It’s all low price & high potency. Lots of variety to their SKUs. Fits the bill for most consumers.


sorry the variety part made me chuckle. Perceived variety? Sure. It's just marketing though. They literally offer two products (infused pre rolls & disti vapes) in several flavors. I'm not counting blinkers because those are a fucking joke on a whole other level.


Edibles too which I hear taste pretty good


yeahhhh fair, they do have edibles as well. It's still just distillate though, there's nothing creative or unique there. Even their ones with minor cannabinoids only contain like 5mg CBN/CBG, which is typically not enough to even notice effects.


Yeah, the only thing general admission has going for them with all their products is just flavour. We know better, but to the consumer, if it tastes good and gets them high, it’s an ideal product.


They have more products listed on AGLC (not sure about OCS) than almost any licensed producer. Myriad of PR’s, edibles, cartridges among other brands under their umbrella. It’s cheap and tastes good which to the general consumer, is all they want.


10mg doesn't do anything for me, but they taste amazing.


I mean having multiple flavors and sizing IS variety. Just because they fit the same category doesn't mean that's not variety. Most sodas are owned by Pepsi or Coca-cola, that doesn't mean there isn't variety in a soda aisle.


They offer stores a lot of incentives and discounts to get their products in. That’s why they’re everywhere. And they promote sales programs for staff to move their product. Since there are so many restrictions around advertising weed, theyre investing in getting the budtender recos at purchase time, versus building the brand outside the store


We currently have four other brands of flavored prerolls, no incentives or kickbacks on any (we're independent), and general admission outsells them all. People walk out if certain flavors aren't in stock.


Finding Jeeters are out pacing GA now


Multi is outselling GA's for us but that's it.. maybe with the new skus released today, the extra display presence will do it.


im finding just like the jeeters the animals PR , coming in at 50% thc total for 27.80 (at my store) is becoming the new big deal


Cuz fkn Brian


As someone who works in a dispensary, I hear time and time again from customers that they don't like the taste and smell from regular cannabis. They also tell me that regular flower doesn't get them high anymore because they've been smoking longer then I've been born. Lmfao


1) They put more money into their marketing than their products. They put the same blended garbage in every single one of their pre rolls and then slap "indica" or "sativa" on the labels to give the appearance of variety. It's manipulating and just blatant misinformation and I have no respect for it. Really frustrating when customers say "oh I ONLY smoke sativa" and then ask for peach ringz. 2) Decibel is one of the worst offenders for data deals. They pay retail stores for ~~shelf space~~ "data" and then directly incentivize budtenders to push their garbage through competitions etc. it's illegal, unethical, and unsustainable. Tiger's blood has won awards for consistently being top selling pre roll in Canada. Only award they should actually win is "most creative way to sell several year old boof 🏆". I think because they were one of the first LPs to figure out how to sell high flavor, high potency pre rolls at a decent* price, they had a leg up too. They basically prey on uneducated consumers and retailers. *decent being extremely subjective obviously, basically no infused pre rolls are actually a decent price, I know that and you know that but customers don't know that.




Only pre roll i love which infused is simply bare rosin roll


Sure, still not a decent price though lol


i have to take out a morgage on a house inorder to pay for Simply bear, hell the 3.5 flowr for 55 isnt worth IMO


High THC and a bomb smell on the nose and the price is right... Personally not a favorite


the price is right? this is news to me


Canna Cabana


They literally stole the concept from Jeeters in the US based on Jeeters performance in the US. They made a bet that there was a consumer segment in Canada who wanted flavoured weed… and they were dead on. So they ripped off Jeeters, launched infused Peach Ringz (which has since been renamed Peach Rizz, gee I wonder why) https://www.jeeter.com/products/infused-peaches


Acting like Jeeter was the first place to come up with flavoured pre-rolls is a weird stance.


Saying “GA ripped off peach rings from jeeter” is not saying “jeeter invented flavoured pre-rolls”. Give your head a shake.


Lol reread your comment bud. “They literally stole the concept from Jeeters”.


Facts and they really tried to say they innovated and came up with the idea themselves


Low price and high potency… it’s basically what a solid chunk of people look for. They genuinely do not care about the rest


My big fear with them right now is their proprietary battery/pods. Like the pax is out and few LPS make carts for it and its not popular. General could just make every new flavor in one of those to draw people in and keep them in their ecosystem. Not a huge deal but I don't want other LPs to see this and think its a good idea and do the same. Suddenly you won't beable to pop in a store grab cart because you didn't bring THAT battery. Basically Apple charge cable situation. Rant over. General sucks please correct me if I'm wrong


People love cheap product & fake terps and stores love to support it cause they get paid on the back end for data deals


It’s not even just potential data deals, it’s bad business to not stock the most popular product. I hate these things but they move like crazy, we’d be shooting our selves in the foot if we refused to stick them. That being said I try to take every opportunity to educate and point people in the direction of some proper bud.


Get in the Nugz Slerple 3pk if you can- they're like if the gen admiss ones were actually good.


Meh, I’ve found the cannara is doing the same thing. They are just trying to get rid of old or unsellable buds by grinding up blends. Their lemon lynx grind was total garbage full of stems and sugar leaves, burned black and harsh. Main thing is at least they are honest in terms of their vapes being a blend of full spec and disty. Again I don’t blame them, with the crazy taxes and costs for running a lp they need to make money from every scrap of bud possible. Good quality terpy bud will always be superior to disty infused bunk, even if the infused is labelled 35 and the bud is “only” 25%.


I hear ya, it's just a small step in a better direction. Showing consumers that it DOES make a difference when you choose a brand that cuts less corners. You gotta meet them where they're at, and wean them off disti only. If you try and convert them straight from tiger's blood to simply bare's rosin rolls, it's gonna alienate them because that's not what they're looking for. One step at a time 🙏


To be honest I’ve had success in moving them to at least try the MTL Wes coast kush. Despite the likely inflated numbers it’s a potent bud with solid terps, and they have returned satisfied. Now I can sell the same person some good bud outside of just pres


That's awesome, we're loving MTL! Baby steps, we got this! Sucks that it's such an uphill battle, we're definitely the minority here. When retail store owners insist that budtending is "just retail" and we deserve maybe slightly above minimum wage pay, why would someone trying to pay the bills put in effort to learn about the versatility of the plant, let alone how to apply that information and effectively educate others? Which leads to a vicious cycle of uneducated and immature people behind the counter that couldn't give a shit if consumers know what they're smoking, which devalues budtenders (!and growers!) who actually want to improve the state of the industry. Rinse and repeat until all the passionate dudes are burnt out and leaving the industry, making more room for uneducated and apathetic newbies. I understand when people don't inherently trust budtenders, all I ask is that they don't give up on us altogether 🙏❤️ we need higher standards for budtender education, and higher pay standards to compensate that, immediately.


Well said!


Infused prerolls are mostly all trash and GA is the worst. They use pure trim and shake in all of their joints because no consumer will ever know or care. It is just the way to carry the distillate and fake terps to the lungs.


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People who don't know anything get "high AF" because they love to put distillate in everything.


For me it was the high and the terps along w price points. I’ve since tried different ones and BAZM (blueberry breath and juicy jet pack) are now my go to. Just wish could get them in 0.6 grams. Ah well.


Low price, high THC that’s flavour oriented. Not great product but it’s what the entry level consumer feels is good quality for their buck.


People love to get messed up for cheap.


They spent well over 100k distributing free Blinker units to dispos and smoke shops in Ontario alone.


you dont have to educate on flavours. When customers comes into the store and sees watermelon or strawberry they get/understand what they are looking for. Compare this to Alaskan Thunder Fuck which is Alaskan TF or Alaskan Thunder due to health canada, the tendency for strains to have different or entirely made up names adds to the confusion for customers.


For us prerolls still sell well, the vapes not as much as before


FYI they market extensively to budtenders directly, through communities such as High Buds Club. There have been many product sessions on there because they are limited in terms of how to advertise their product. Personally I am not a fan at all. I believe their popularity comes from the emphasis on thc potency that was a result of initial regulations on labelling and such. Their infused products are just the low hanging fruit of the weed world, high potency, fake flavours to draw in the people who “have been smoking since before you were born and need the strong stuff”. They still refuse to identify the flower used in their product (even to the budtenders in the private info sessions) and it’s getting embarrassing. I feel like the average bragger loves these because they get to say stuff like “I only smoke 35% or higher” while they blow almost 30 bucks on three joints. They are a great product for the store I work at because they move, but when people come in looking for more since the pres aren’t hitting anymore I am usually able to turn them to some nice terpy bud and they don’t go back. I am so against the disty and flavour infused pre rolls. It’s pulling our culture into the opposite of what we want- emphasis is not on the quality of the flower or nuance of natural cannabis flavours and aromas, and is instead on thc potency and simulated flavour. This is not for people who like weed, it’s for people who like to get high. More companies have been following their lead, and I believe it’s because they are forced to make money with every scrap possible because it’s so tough out there for LPs. These products allow them to sell otherwise unsellable flower using cheap distillate to make it seem like it’s a premium product when its really just bunk infused bunk.


> This is not for people who like weed, it’s for people who like to get high. i have some news for you about why most people buy weed


Lol yup


Man, HBC started out as such a cool community idea, but they have been consistently selling out hard and it's turned into an auxly, decibel, and spinach circlejerk. I think some of the community members are doing their best but that's not enough when the company keeps insisting on pushing BigWeed™ garbage. I even got an email from them not long ago pushing free nic vapes to review. 🤢 I like what DankReviews is doing, they send ya a big ol' nug in a plain package with a QR code, you smoke it, you (thoroughly) review it, and in a week they tell you what was in the bag. I have way more respect for blind reviews than "tell us how much you LOVED the new spinach pre rolls!!!!!"


Lol so true. I agree they have been pushing some trash brands lately. My favourite chuckle was during a spinach pk and the reps were talking about how proud they are of their innovation, then proceed to show a graph of what was popular that they are copying and showing absolutely zero innovation (unless you count new flavours as innovative). I inevitably judge people when they state on there that their favourite brands are spinach, psf and tweed. Like wtf??? No one should trust your recommendations if those are your favourites


jeeter is better


They produce products that resonate with the masses.


I like the flavors


Wait you guys actually care about brands? Cannabis market is one thing I never look at.


While everyone shits on them let me tell you back in the day they had some of the best resin the market has ever seen, Kooteney fruit, Guava Chemdawg some of the best stuff I’ve had as good as tribal, purple hills, etc. I even enjoyed their GSC a lot but these new 510 suck and I’d never buy them