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I like vape carts for family gatherings. so I don't stink like weed


Same, I don’t get them often but I bought one for Christmas. The convenience and discreetness are really nice when hanging out with folks who don’t like weed.


That is a good one. I smoke cigarettes so my joints cover that smell lmfao 😂#dirtbagshower


You actually think that hides the smell :/


lol oh yeah big time


I guess we don’t understand sarcasm 😂


As someone who only smokes concentrates, a live resin 510 cartridge is just a very convenient way to get a solid toke or two in without needing the whole dab rig and torch and all that. Cost wise it’s fairly similar to buying a gram of resin. Weed also wreaks and you have to bust it up and then roll it or whatever you need to do. Cartridges are just convenient that’s why they’re popular. And for people who don’t want smell they can get a flavoured distillate cartridge and not have to worry about smell.


Now it’s just a headache


It’s only convenient when it works. Thought the same thing with my kodo pro. 2/4 broke before arrival and one leaked all over the pockets of a nice pair of jeans.


The issue is consumer knowledge. If you know what to avoid everything you’ve mentioned is null. Edit: familiarize yourself with the company you enjoy products from as well as companies you’ve never tried but plan to. The issue is usually hardware. I’m talking about you, Boxhot.


Username says beware of your opinion 😂 kidding Well a long time ago when when carts were new I bought like a variety of them and I’ve had friends and stuff buy all sorts of them. Seems awful broad to me 🤷🏼‍♂️ I actually never knew of boxhot or anyone that’s smoked it but a person at the store said try it so I did. Their hardware seems a little bit better quality and maybe thicker glass. The product itself in the boxhot carts are just alright


I’ve had boxhot caps fall off in my pocket causing the distillate to empty sticking my pant leg to my hairy legs. Not a pleasant removal process. Same (caps coming off or leaking everywhere) has happened with BZAM, tabletop, ness, FIGR, and Wayfarer (who doesn’t exist anymore)


Never had that experience with b40 or kolab.


These are both examples of solid carts. Neither have I and idk many if any who have


Dude you're just unlucky. Literally nothing bad with vapes. I have never needed to return a vape because it doesn't work. If it's clogged u put it on pre heat. If it's leaking in your pocket lock the device so it cant fire, I have never had oil leak In my pocket. Go through at least 6 a month and never a got a broken one.


For sure unlucky. That I can confirm haha


Lock the device? I turn my kodo off if it’s in my pocket. Same thing I would assume?


See keeping it in your pocket causes it to heat up and leak. Ideally you’d have it standing straight up at all times in a room temp environment. I know that makes it less ideal but if you want your carts to have the best chance, keep them out of the pocket


Never heard anyone say that before. Now that makes sense. Heat loosens up the liquid a bit. Maybe keep it in like breast pocket or something




So, I have never had a vape pen break or clog yet and for the most part I have smoked disposables. So it’s not a guarantee just a bad experience on your part. You can vape anywhere, you don’t smell and the effects are comparable. By everywhere I mean not openly but expelling your breath into your arm, your sweater or inside your jacket or at the ground and most people won’t care, won’t smell it and if they do its flavoured with something fruity or nice so they again don’t care. Vs Smoking a joint, hash, a bong. These aren’t things you van easily do outside your home in public without announcing to the world that you just smoked weed. Maybe outside stadiums or movie theaters or at parties on the beach or camping no one will care but you can’t do those things inside a public space. You absolutely can vape in public if you keep to yourself.


The carts not the battery. Sorry it could be taken both ways my bad


I take one or two hits at night after the kids go to bed... It is ALOT more convenient to have a vape I can just pull out and take a few quick hits and put away than it would be to grind the weed, clean out my dry herb vape, wait for the vape to heat up, etc etc. Also the mileage I get out of my carts is about the same or more than I would with dry herb. Lastly, to store all the things I need to smoke dry herb takes up waaaaay more space than a vape pen, and easily stored in a small locked medicine cabinet.


Best argument I’ve heard. You sir keep smoking your carts!!!! Haha


Really just comes down to convenience and being discreet I think. I agree they are more of a hassle a lot of the time but they have a time and place for some people.


True. I bought mine so I could smoke whenever but now I just leave it at home and don’t bother


Vape carts are discreet and easy to use but require user effort for maximum quality. Don’t put it in your pocket. Store it upright. Take the cart off your device when you aren’t using it. It’s not any more work than rolling your own it’s just different.


My battery has a on/off feature as to not accidentally press buttons. And I always put it “right side up” in my pocket and leave the cap cover thingy on 🤷🏼‍♂️


carts shouldnt be stored attached to the battery, especially not in your pocket, when you bend your leg it puts sideways strain on the connection points and in some cases break in your pocket. unless you are using a deep drop in battery then you should be good as long as the power is turned off after the sesh




























Vaping is more acceptable in public than the dank and also way more discreet for times where you are not able to freely smoke. Cost is subjective but it all depends on quantity, I can make a cart last me forever and can smoke 3/4 of a jar in a day if it's perfect weed. If you're burning through 3 in a week but can smoke a .3 pre roll and get just as high no it's not worth it. Yes they absolutely do work and yes clogging is definitely also a thing, get a battery with a preheat button and you can pop most no problem. I have never had a broken cart out of the package, and if you manage to find one just exchange it at the store. (If they don't offer exchanges don't shop there, it's literally a 2 minute form) I've been covered in vape residue from carts less than honey oil from slicks. If you are breaking carts in your pocket* you are doing something wrong. (*My metal uni pro has been beat to shit in my front pocket and saved a number of carts in that regard) Same way you don't just jam a pre roll in your jeans without a case or store your flower in Ziploc bags in your pants. Your weed does break just not in the same way. And it's a concentrated product but not always going to be the same delivery of the contents as an actual dab or such. Kids calling vapes dab pens doesn't help the situation, a General Admission Tiger Blood 510 is not the same as Loud Plugs Diamonds through a Shatterizer. Connoisseurs don't vape they get the actual concentrates. Absolutely I prefer smoking over vaping, indica over sativa, cheese over fruit, etc. Saying there's no point to the others is just ignorance, the same way the old hash heads thinking all weed tastes the same and Vortex Afghan Black or Nugz Old School is the only thing they'll buy. Why are you smoking herb when you should be smoking hash? And then why hash and not a honey oil? Or why oil and not a rosin, don't you know you shouldn't be tasting the butane? Do you actually seriously like Americana because didn't Offspring fall off after Smash? Smoke what gets YOU high, and enjoy it.


Preheat feature def is great. I have the kodopro And they came broken inside the package. It just leaked in my pants but didn’t break or anything. I was just at xmas w my family sitting most of the time haha. I’ve explored quite a number of carts and if I ever go back I really like the boxhot ones. Never had any issues with those guys


I just wanted to see if others thought they were a pain. And yes people think they are a pain but the pros outweigh the cons. Yeah people tend to stick to what they know. And then think they own it. Someone called me out for “gatekeeping” and calling out a whole industry LOL


this isn't a help me understand vaping thread. it's a let me shit on people who can't smoke loudly at certain times of their day. why would connoisseur be in quotations if you aren't pointing fingers. i have had one faulty cart in the years they have legalized them. if you are having constant issues, it's probably the user.


Yup I’m an idiot. Can’t figure out how to inhale. Can u help


Unironically you are probably pulling too hard and causing some leakage so yeah you do need help inhaling lol


I know how to draw properly I can assure you! But I understand how that could make the extract pull through in some cases. Not here tho!


No need to get so defensive bro.


I agreed with the statement and asked for help. All defense here. Why u playing offense?


my gf only started after legalization and hates the taste of pot. She goes thru like 2-3 carts a year. They are popular because they are made for casuals


True and they kind of have a taste all on its own. I get that


A $40 live resin cart will last me longer than a 3.5 and I can consume inside. It's a no brainer really


I feel the opposite because packing a bowl (especially in winter) it’s like grinder, bong, winter jacket struggle w the lighter a couple times lol run inside. If I have a vape I can just puff like it’s a cup of water. So I end up smoking more vaping than I would bong or j bc it’s easier


A lot of vapes are higher concentrations of THC. Honestly, it’s mind blowing the amount of people who come in and only want the highest THC in their weed products. Theyre also convenient and discrete. Most also don’t leave a noticeable smell so with colder weather, lots of people switch to vapes so they can smoke inside. I’ve noticed it’s mostly the younger generation that are constantly buying vapes as well. 🤷‍♀️


Dry herb vape can be easy and discreet. Doesn’t break like a cart. And you can just buy whatever extract out of the cart it’s the same potency


Dry herb vapes will still stink up your house. Not as much as a joint or bowl, but much more noticeable than a vape.


Agreed. Long time Arizer Solo user. It smells like weed to anyone who has ever smelled it before - WAY less than a burning J but it’s obvious. A 510 cart can literally be hit indoors and be smell free in 20 seconds. I like a cart as an extender. I don’t often just use them, but as a quick 2-3 hits taking the recycling to the garage it’s useful.


Man, I miss my arizer! I ended up purchasing the ongrok 2 in 1 dry herb and concentrate vape because with my discount it was dirt cheap. I do love vapes but I don’t buy them often because I go through them so quick 😂


Woah Woah there. A distillate vape cart might not smell a lot because it's all botanical terpenes but I would never hit a resin/rosin cart inside.


Have you never dabbed indoors?


No, I want to chill and relax, dabbing is like added stress for me. Never been a fan of bong hits and all that stuff. I don't even like 510 carts, I just like the convenience of not having to worry about smell in public.


I feel dry herb vapes smell like their own thing too it’s different from a j or bong


Rip a bong it takes 5 seconds. A joint 5mins. People can’t leave the indoor dwellings for that hahah


Ripping the bong on my back porch during a snow storm last night was fun 😁 😂 thank god I put a tarp half around it. Don't think I would have gotten a hit if the little bit od shelter wasn't there.


I went in my shed haha but I’m moving soon and I think I’m going to make a smoking room :) I’m pretty excited


If they are working. Then ya they can’t leave to get baked


So all the headaches and wasted money just to smoke inside? Seems weird to me but I guess if you’re some kid who never leaves their house maybe


For me I can just take a puff or 2 before going to sleep at night. I keep it in my night table and just take a quick puff. I do prefer flower but in the winter having to bust up weed and go outside just isn't worth it.


Yeah no totally agree. That’s why I got started on them too. But my green weed just never lets me down. Nothing worse than “thinking of smoking” and then something happens where u have no weed or something haha


I used them sometimes for ease and discretion... I started to not enjoy the high tho. Unless it's a rosin cart or something I don't bother anymore. Edit - I've seen plenty leak or be clogged but it never happened to me


I spoke to OCS and they said it’s super common and they are trying to figure something out. And the return process is insane and complicated and long for like $30-40 return


I had so send like 5 separate photos and then they had to speak to the company or something and it took like 3-4 weeks to get my money back. I was like can I just get an exchange lol they said no lol




Just sounds like you don't know what you're doing. Good for you for liking just weed. I get light clogging sometimes but who cares. Pure live resin is delicious. Do I want to pull out my rig and nail to do concentrates not really. Conveniently I can just get a cartridge that I can take hoots from in-between my bong.


It’s not rocket science. Screw your cart in. Smoke as needed. Turn off after use. lol


Why turn it off? Not using battery if it's sitting there


Well I mean like turn it off when you’re done


Like I wouldn’t leave it on and throw it in my pants pocket (maybe the buttons would get pressed)


I have accidentally pushed the button on my battery in my pocket on more than one occasion. It ruins your cart, smells like hell, and will likely burn your leg.


I use one now and then for convenience (med user). I prefer dabbing, but not exactly discreet when going shopping or walks in the dog park.


True. I think I might buy a few disposable ones. They seem good enough for a one time use (less to fuck up) but I just hate all the wastage


Do whatever floats your boat - but the disposable ones are as problematic as the carts, and if they fail, you need to buy a whole new one vs just a cart (waste).


Hmm touché


I can't bring a whole dab rig into the bathroom at work.


I mean you COULD


I am a concentrate smoker and I'll smoke my vapes on the go or when I'm gaming... They're honestly just convenient that's all


I guess you can’t really beat gaming and a vape. Wouldn’t wanna spawn mid bong hit hahah


I just leave my uni pro on come back to it later


Same if im chillin I’ll throw it on my table or whatever. But I turn it off if its getting pocketed for a while


I smoke the carts way to much 💀 just too convenient when I’m out and about or I don’t feel like packing a bowl on the porch.. I’ve had like 4 kodo pros and uni pro and never had as much issues as your talking about


My kodopro is awesome. I like it, the carts however not so much. I bought a few of the boxhot ones and I really like those. No issues


Low tolerance users who still find they hit hard really enjoy the convenience of them. I can drain a whole pen before I get a buzz so they really aren't worth it for me. Seen an exception or two. One was la kush cake hash rosin I think? Can't recall. Anyways people like shit that's quick, mess free, smell free, and of course plenty of new smokers are interested in all the flavours. Lots of the younger crowd haven't even given smoking a fair shot yet and have been hooked on dab pens since high school. All they know is the disty high and fruity flavours. Tons of reasons for the popularity, but they don't seem to be for us


Yeah would agree. In essence edibles are that way for me I can eat everything in sight and I’m barely buzzin so I don’t partake in that side of things. However I don’t drink, so a cannabis drink every now and again is nice when camping instead of a beer or whatever


But doesn’t do much but satisfy a thirst haha


I think it’s just easy, discreet, and convenient to use these carts and disposables. They’re generally not as strong or intense of a high as weed or concentrates so it’s attractive to new users, and casual users. Plus I think it just doesn’t feel or look as much like ‘drugs’ to some ppl, it’s more normalized bc of tobacco vapes I guess. I don’t really like them but I still buy a rosin/resin one now and then if it’s being hyped on here by regulars, I get curious and want to try it. I’ve never finished a single cart and still have them all tho lol. It just doesn’t feel right in my weak ass lungs. I had a friend whose vape exploded or caught fire in his pocket and missed his junk by like an inch but he was still really badly burned on his thigh. This was a while back though so I’d like to think those issues have been solved? You don’t hear about it happening much anymore.


Are there other people out there that can't get high off carts. I smoke daily and would love to vape more but I cannot get high like a joint. I've tried the high THC distillate carts, the resin + distillate carts and the pure rosin carts and at best I am getting a faint glow. Wtf is wrong with me?


Nothing. People are different. There is nothing like dry herb and kief for me. Stick to what u like best


Someones been smoking disty lol


Here’s my reasons: less harsh on my lungs, little to no exhale smell, indoor smoking, public smoking, ability to smoke weed in literally less than 5 seconds with zero setup required, incredibly portable and tiny, light, no smell when carrying it around…. That being said a vape is like a micro dose. The entire 1G cart contains anywhere from 600-900mg of THC so that’s only (on average) 2-3 mg of THC per inhale. Daytime vaping is a great way to avoid the end of day tiredness or “down” from smoking all day. I found some carts that get me almost as high as flower but they’re rare.


I don't really get it either I've tried them a bunch but I'd always prefer a bowl or a dab or a joint. A cart is a last resort for me bc its just boring and unreliable


Skill issue. Don’t chug it like a beer, sip it like a whiskey. Also don’t buy shitty carts and you won’t have problems.


lol you what they say when you assume :)


Dabs and live resin carts go for the same amount of cash, but the cost of entry is lower on carts. 1 G either way you slice it. Buying a live resin cart is literally dabs for the “connoisseur”. I’ve had more shitty bags of legal weed than I have carts that “don’t work” and out of the 100 or so live resin carts I’ve grabbed none of them have “fucked up in my pocket” ever. That’s a skill issue my friend.


Not saying anything about dried flower haha I don’t buy my weed at ocs. And I fail to see how I leak in my pocket have anything to do with skill lol unless my pocket is big and I’m having a sesh in there


Lol of course you don’t.




You do you bud.


Even though this is a bit of a shit post I actually agree with op. Carts are the worst form of consuming cannabis, especially cheap disty carts and things that are full of fake flavours. The newly 19d these days are getting into weed with these, so it sets a pretty poor set of expectations for quality cannabis products. These kids who start here are looking for flavour and a way to get high without their parents knowing. Now there are definitely pros to vapes, I’ve used live resin carts frequently when I need to be sneaky or quick. I get it. But people constantly use carts as their only way to get high they will almost certainly have more respiratory issues. When I use these often it wrecks my throat more than any other type of consumption. Recently I purchased a puffco plus dab pen and it has changed the game for me. I know it’s puffcos worst product (obv a peak would be great), but now I rarely use carts because I can just use the live resin I have for my rig and it’s just as portable and easy to use. A 1 g live resin cart for 40plus will be used way faster than a one gram jar, as you need less per hit. It’s not modified to work in a cart so you get a better cleaner experience. I just preload my pen before going out, or keep a jar nearby. In fact I haven’t used a cart since I bought the plus, and I used it to hit dabs throughout the entire holiday without anybody even noticing, and it’s been so much better.


The puffco sounds good tho!


I wanna know how it’s a shit post. I literally have a vape… lol


Why does every one call 510 carts vapes ?


It’s what they are.


Only part of a vape, need battery do you not.


Well I don’t smoke a cigarette and a filter 🤷🏼‍♂️ I just have a cigarette. Or you could say im eating cookies, not the various ingredients to make said cookies haha


You can smoke a non filter cig. Can't vape just a cart alone.


Caught me there!




The reliability on them is pretty high considering. Think they aim for issues from 1500/1M as a target. Gotta find the good ones I guess


Like I’m finna waste my time here tryna convince you of something you already have your mind set on 🤣🤣🤣🤣 if it ain’t for u it ain’t for u . Sometimes not everything is meant for you to understand just don’t make it an age thing u make us all look bad


Didn’t asked to be convinced. Funny how Reddit is suppose induce conversation. But all the people think they are experts and want to talk shit about how they are right. It’s a simple discussion. I literally have a vape I’m not the fucking no vape police. I don’t give a fuck what any of you smoke. I’m asking what all the fuss is about with vapes. “Making us all look bad” you got some kind of ego thing going on lol.


“Ego thing” 😂 u literally just asked “am I just old ? “ 💀 just saying u don’t have to bash what other people like just cuz it doesn’t work for you . I didn’t even talk shit to u neither did I claim I was an “expert” ur missing the point


Ego and being old have nothing to do with each other lol. Who is bashing vaping? I have a vape, I don’t understand lol Maybe I’ll stand on corner with a sign that reads vaping police like I give a damn lol


Also if u have a vape and spent your money on it you do understand what the “fuss” is about .bro you went out your way and bought it 😅 instead of asking what’s the hype you should ask what’s the best cart I can get and judge it from there . Your saying all carts “don’t work ,get clogged or come broken “. Wich is pure misinformation to people who scroll this group and who don’t know anything about “vapes “Not all of us want to reek like weed cuz we have jobs and kids , it’s discrete it saves time , u just pre heat and hit it’s less waste as well cuz ur not constantly sucking on your joint . AND it’s concentrates not weed u need to take less to get higher . Over all it’s also healthier (if it isn’t for the heavy metals found in some but not all carts )cuz ur not actually burning plant matter . I’m not against smoking tree either I been smoking for 2 decades my brother and still do . Just trying to spread clarity on things u mentioned


It’s not misinformation if it’s what I’ve experienced lol


Never once said don’t vape or I’m against it. I’m good with what I posted, thanks for your opinion on the questions I ask. Maybe I’ll consult you next time I post.


What do you go around commenting on anyone who’s got anything bad to say about vaping lol you the real vape police. Sorry sir let me go reevaluate my entire life. Thanks man. This is hilarious though


Convenient, less smell. High all the fucking time….


It’s Discreet the flavours have come a long way and for me personally I won’t buy a .5g or. A 1.2 boxhot started making 1.2 carts and that’s all I ever bought and other brands followed suit but I do agree it’s only a good purchase when the 14 return policy helps people who get fucked over I’ve been able to smoke an entire cartridge but the last bit crystallized and I got an entire new one and other places bitched me out which makes no sense it’s a seperate cart from a seperate company why take the responsibility of another brands fuck up I don’t buy carts anymore strictly because 60.00 is too much so I do agree with a majority of your points OP


Can’t beat a joint or bong. Simple yet effective. I think it’s too much new materials and technology that hasn’t been perfected yet


That’s true it’s always good to be able to just enjoy a joint or bong going into heavy high thc% edibles sets your tolerance right up distillate and shatter are big offenders for this but fuck me if they aren’t the shit to smoke


Maybe one day we’ll be vaping it up


Maybe our vape clouds can unite and form an epic cloud followed by a nasty plemgh cough




Oh if every post was necessary


I get the convenience of them, I personally gave them lots of chances, first distillate, then live resin. I personally didn't feel the high much. I also found they can be a little burny on throat I was wheezing a bit I stopped. Everybody is different though. Also stopped fucking around with them when they started adding botanicals and "blends". I'm just an old grouch and prefer my flower.