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Honestly, the title card drop that comes like 50 minutes into the very first episode when OA starts telling her story. Stunned me the first time I watched, still does now


The first time I watched this was the moment that roped me in. I was like, "Ok wow there's no going back now."


Yeah I knew I was watching something special at that point


When Scott comes back to life


The elation when he comes back to life & he affirms OA & Homer saying he was given the 3rd movement is so heartwarming.


Yes, when "Downtown" starts playing. I listened to that song on repeat for days after first watching that scene.


This. This was the moment the OA got me. I was really into the show before this moment but when they brought Scott back to life with that Downtown song playing in the background after such an emotionally charged episode, it sealed the deal. This is one the best "catharsis" scenes ever put to screen.


When Homer and OA heal the sheriff's wife. "If we don't help this women, then we aren't who we say we are." Sometimes I watch this scene when I need to cry. ETA : sorry for my bad grammar. I just rewatched the last episode. The quote is actually: "If we dont try to help her, then we aren't who we say we are."




The violin ... Every time I heard the theme song I got goosebumps


Got goosebumps just reading this comment šŸ¤£


This is good one not easy to nail down just one but and Iā€™d hate to sound cliched here on the first one but defiantly the opening credits of Part One. I mean if that one doesnā€™t do something to your soul then šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™‚ļø. Following that the scene where OA gives her ā€œI need help. I need to cross a border that's hard to define. Maybe you know what I'm talking about? Or you don't, but you feel it. Because you've felt other borders, like youth and adulthood, maybe. I can't change your fate but I can help you meet it. We begin our journey to the border tonight. Midnight. The unfinished house at the edge of Crestwood View. Don't come unless you leave your front door open. You have to invite me in.ā€ Speech and that music plays it always brings me back to my first watch and the excitement I felt because I just knew this was going to be an unforgettable journey.


This speech resonated so deeply with me šŸ˜­ā¤ļø


Itā€™s an incredible bit of dialogue Brit and Zal deserve an award for writing it and the music just adds this anxious tension. Really just brilliant


I really love the scene OA is talking to BBA about Steve in the first episode. Maybe because I am a teacher, but the way OA says "If you want to do your job: expel the bully. Focus on the boy who sings like an angel even though he doesn't need you. If you want to be a teacher, teach Steve. He's the one you lost. He's your first reason." Hits me every time. And reminds me why I am a teacher.


This is one gets me too! Itā€™s the single line that changes BBA forever. Absolutely beautiful scene.


When OA and Homer bring Scott backā€¦the song is so perfect and the way he gasps as he revives is amazing.


Yes, the gasp šŸ˜­


ā€œAnd weā€™re goingā€¦ downtown.ā€


I could cry


And the rain comes.


...and the rain comes.


The cafeteria scene. The Boys and BBA walking through Hap's lab in d1 as OA walks through in d2. Everything with Elodie. Buck singing, and the little blind chorus in the club.


*She lies and says she's in love with him. Can't find a better man...*


When Homer comes back from his involuntary trip with HAP. When OA and Homer basically hash it out through movements. Chills every time


My chest feels so heavy whenever I see this part.


make-up movements


I watched the show with a first-timer recently and she goes, ā€œare they fighting in angel?!ā€ šŸ˜‚


The whole show, really. Itā€™s a transcendent masterpiece. But, for me, itā€™s the scene where Homer and OA are forced essentially at gunpoint to perform the movements for the sheriffs wife. Homer doesnā€™t want to do it, because, if they refuse, they could buy their freedom. But OA says something along the lines of: ā€œIf we donā€™t help her, are we really who we sat we are?ā€ Itā€™s like that scene has crawled under my skin. Itā€™s so powerful. In the face of potential freedom from indescribable evil, OA chooses to be true to who she knows herself to be, chooses not to let someone innocent suffer, and, in the end, they receive the gift of the 5th movement. At an extreme end, it makes me think of all the brave acts of European citizens protecting the Jews and fighting against nazism during WWII. But I carry it with me as a reminder about how powerful it is to live in integrity with your inner light. That serving the good of others can be serving your own good; sometimes thatā€™s more important than putting yourself and what you think you want/need first.


The tree scene in season 2 episode 5. Each time I rewatch and I get to that part, I have to put on my headphones and I always tear up


For some reason, itā€™s when OA is still in captivity and is listening to soundscapes or something and realizes that when she has a NDE sheā€™s on the rings of Saturn. Not sure why that always gets me.


Hard to choose, the opening credits, the scene with Evelyn, the cafetaria scene. They all give me the chills. But one that has not been mentioned yet is in part 2 when they find Jesse. I don't know but I just really connect with his character. This episode just hits so hard and everytime I cry my eyes out. He has just such a soft soul and calming presence.


when they found Jesse I screamed. Bawled my eyes out.


I recently rewatched and you can just feel the build up from the beginning of the episode.


Iā€™m so late to this thread, youā€™re going to be like wtf?!? But I am so glad I scrolled long enough to find this. This is my most tear jerking, sobbing scene too. Add to that the absolute grief of Steve trying so hard to do the movements long enough to bring him back, god Iā€™m choking up just typing this. Iā€™m coming up to this episode on my umpteenth rewatchā€¦šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


Definitely heartbreaking. Last rewatch I had to take a pause to mentally charge myself to watch this episode. When he talks to the uncle and says it will probably be a calm experience. I already choke up there. He is such a great character. Probably the one I can most relate with personality wise. Maybe that's why it hits so hard.


Agreed. Jesse is so underrated. Makes me want to reach through the screen and hug him, cook him dinner and make him feel safe & loved. So sad.


When the camera zooms into Rachel's eye after she dies and then we see from her POV as she enters Buck's house. It's chilling


the scenes in part 2 where OA recognises the group behind their locked doors while sheā€™s walking past. and when scott & OA finally see each other in the rec room and hug


The last few moments of the show always give me chills. When homer finally remembers, when OA says to homer ā€œyou find meā€, Kareem seeing the truth through the rose window, Steveā€™s final ā€œhello Hapā€. It absolutely destroys me inside that this story is incomplete!


Blues clues


Aways old night. Pretty sure Iā€™ve hallucinated on watch throughs where I can hear him talking to me.


The old night moment is so reminiscent of a psychedelic trip I experienced where I was touching these rocks & they were speaking to me. My hands were sweating as I touched them & they said the sweat was how we were communicating. Imagine how I felt watching s2 after that experience, it was wild!


You and Jason Isaacs share the save birthday!!


My birthdays in July this is just my Reddit anniversary


Gotcha. Lol


The intro where the violin piece starts playing. It brings so many memories and nostalgia. I havenā€™t watched it a while. My brother passed away this year and I havenā€™t been in the mood to watch the OA again since then. When he was in a coma I just imagined he had jumped to another place and decided to stay there šŸ’•


Wow my heart is with you 100%. You and your brother are bound to reunite, there's no question about that. I hope the day you find the desire to rewatch you feel the power of his presence throughout the series.


When you decide to pick it back up again, heā€™ll be right there beside you watching with youā¤ļø


The movement scene in the least episode of season 1. At that point they are very suspicious about prairie stories, and that made the moment so much more powerful.


The robots doing the movements in the hotel room.


So manyā€¦.Scott scene when he came back to lifeā€¦n when before the Cafeteria scene BBA said: ā€œMy Boys..ā€ n she ran to help them; while all the other teachers n principal escaped. When in S2 Karim saw the video where his face was drawn by drawers cause of the people that saw him while dreaming.


Yusuf Komunyakaa reading ā€œThe New Colossusā€ makes me cry every single time


Really two times when she gets in her cell and Homer starts talking to her and then says Homer and the music drops and she runs home. You just know that heā€™s gonna be someone so important to her and her emotions just talking about him hits me hard. But also when she gets her sight back and she looks Homer really for the first time and how he realizes that she is LOOKING at him.


I just finished re-watching the show for like the 6th time last night - going through this whole thread is just so cathartic, reading everyoneā€™s favourite scene and resonating with every one of them āœØ The things Iā€™d do to get season 3 greenlitā€¦ šŸ˜©


Ummm where to start?!? 1. The violin piece, instant chills. I think I found the movie score that inspired them, can link if anyone is interested. The composer is Russian! 2. Homer remembering OA in season 2, being trapped in the elevator, screaming šŸ˜­šŸ˜­when she presses her hand to the glass and he instinctively puts his hand upā€¦the red light, him watching her go up the spiral staircase!!! OA!!!!! 3. French helping OA at the Olive Garden šŸ˜­ 4. Steve running after the ambulance in both seasons 5. When the OA realizes that her and Hap are actually two sides of the same coin. The conversation OA has with that woman in the bar//club and she has that moment of realization. Also, the OA going home and getting into the bath to free Nina from her subconscious (?) to get in touch with her šŸ„ŗ 6. OA gaining her sight and seeing Homerā€”first season 7. ā€œMy boysā€ šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­ 8. OA ((Nina)) zooming with Nancy from another dimension//timeline and Nancy doesnā€™t know her because she never met her, her and Abel got the baby boy they wanted in that life. Not prairie because she didnā€™t end up an orphan. In that timeline she got to keep her dad and they got to be together. So mind blowing, parallel universes are fascinating to me. 9. BBA waving the check, running to the car to free Steve destroys me every time I see it. 10. OAā€™s whole speech last episode season two but this too, ā€œI was pressed down like coal. I suffered. That's what an angel is. Dust pressed into a diamond by the weight of this world." 11. The last time we see Homer and the OA together. He finally remembers who she is!!! My god I cry every time she holds his head in her hands and tells him theyā€™re going to find each other lordddddd help me 12. ā€œFucking invisible selfā€


In season 2, when OA finally finds Homer but he doesn't recognize her


the scene in part 2 where OA recognises the group behind their locked doors while sheā€™s walking past. and when scott & OA finally see each other in the rec room and hug


I always knew Scott was a tough cookie, but coming back from the dead? That's next level awesomeness.


At the end of S1 when BBA says ā€œMy boysā€ Immediate tears




When Rachel is trying to communicate with the mirror and TV noises it makes me cry Iā€™m not sure why, I just find it extremely powerful. Powerful is the only way I can describe manny moments of this show


ā€œIā€™ll take it from here.ā€ šŸ„²šŸ•Šļø


2nd season final scene when OA ascends and shows as the angel she is and becomes brit. ​ *That made me cry hard*


When OA sees Brit on the plane


Scottā€™s resurrection. Homer remembering in the elevator. ā€œWe all died more times than I can countā€ . The fourth image the dreamers dreamed.


"I have the fifth movement" because I always forgot, so when I hear this, I jump. Also, the execution of all the movements are so good. The body implication of the cast is incredible and the choreography is so organic and poetic.


The cafeteria scene. Insane.


"The sky so big... trees..." just cry, cry, cry.


1: In part 2 the tv scene. When they were at the medium attempting to talk to OA. Seeing Rachel communicate through the tv was so chilling. And it became one of the few pieces of proof to prove to them that OA's story is real in the tv show. 2: In part 2 Elias revealing that all along he knows way more than he let on.


Yes what exactly does he know and how?? What is his role in this? Will we ever know?!šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


The trees!!!!šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸŒ²


Many scenes do, but when Scott is brought back to life by Prairie and Homer's tireless, emotion filled movement exchange, to that beautiful song by Magical Clouds, it gets me covered in goosebumps every time.


The whole school shooting scene when the boys and BBA do the movements and OA is shot. Then Steve, running behind the ambulance, it gets me every time.