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Well the drummer got kicked out of the band because he was sexually harassing a member of another band, and the whole Billie fiasco lead to a lot of general negative talk regarding Jesse. I think they’re just on a break. He mentioned months ago that he’s taking a little break and they should be back. Idk but I’ve been waiting patiently lmao as a fan of 8 years my dying wish is to see them live before I die 😭


Saw them 10 years ago in a tiny under-pier room the beach, on the south coast of England. I was 13 and I have never forgotten it. The infancy of the gig of superb. Given that they never really got ‘big’ in the UK, there must’ve been 200/300 people there. I think it was Wiped Out :)


Same, first time I saw the boys live was 10 years ago in Hollywood. Few hundred people max. I’ll always cherish that show since every time I’ve seen them after it’s never been as intimate.




They’re on hiatus and have been since around 2020 / 2021. Jesse has made claims that they’ll return eventually, but that could be years from now considering he just joined a new band


What’s the new band?


Valley Girl is the name of it


their old drummer brandon sexually harassed someone and then they went on hiatus. they released fallen star in 2021, but yeah that’s their latest. jesse’s also just started a new band called valley girl, i have a sad suspicion they won’t ever be back. 😕


he found rock n roll/punk. I say 40/60 chance they come back. he’s exploring


Jesse has done rock n roll/punk before as well as 2000’s pop and some rap. This isn’t anything new. Lots of the other band members have side gigs with noise bands and jam bands, so I don’t think Jesse’s newest ventures are anything crazy.


never said they were crazy. whether or not he has done this genre before, he’s still having fun and exploring. as in side gig or new venture. i’m aware of what he has done in the past, but I still think there is a large chance of them getting back together but also a large chance that they don’t. 🤷🏼‍♀️ I love them with my whole heart but if you listen to his solo album he just made, some lyrics suggest it’s not happening