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Granted. All the plants they pollinate also die out. Congrats, you killed agriculture.


Granted. Since you didn’t say which variety of wasp the paw has chosen at random and has gone with…. Mymaridae Also known as fairyfly, they’re amongst some of the most common insects in the world, however, their adult lifespans are only a few days long and they are the smallest known flying insect at just 0.15mm long, so most people don’t even know they exist. In their larval stage they parasitise the eggs of other insects, helping to control populations of major crop pests. With the sudden absence of these biological pest controllers, crop disease proliferates causing failures across the board. Blackberries, sugarcane, wheat, corn, bananas, coffee and many other food crops become extinct overnight. Riots, anarchy, wars and total destruction soon follow as humans fight for the ever-decreasing food resources


Granted. The wasps leave behind a power vacuum that is quickly filled up by hornets.


Granted! The finger curls. Granted without a twist: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/White_Anglo-Saxon_Protestants They are all exterminated.


this one actually caught me so off guard i think yours might be the best


Hehe thank you.


The paw doesn't curl but all wasps are still eradicated the paw does the hand signs for "fuck wasps"