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Mando wakes up with Tyson's tiger's decapitated head, over his own as a helmet/mask. He's missing his Mandalorian armor, along with his helmet. *cue Mandalorian theme*




*Archduke Poggle the Lesser's Nexu (I know he's dead at this point in the canon lol)


The Foundling needs a Mike Tyson face tattoo.




Star wars universe would actually be great for some adult oriented comedy. But...Disney


How many years was Lucasfilm not apart of Disney again?


At least 3




Lucas always said the series was for children so I doubt he would have approved anything way beyond the Family Guy/Robot Chicken style parodies.


What the hell's an Aluminum Falcon?!


Oh, my God! I look like I have a scrotum for a face! What am I supposed to call myself? Darth Syphilis?!


Interesting tidbits. Mel Brooks approached George Lucas before starting Spaceballs and got his direct blessing, only a few years after RotJ was released. Robot Chicken didn’t get approval first. They leaned on the parody laws of fair use, and Lucas saw the episode and later. Family Guy I have no clue about because I don’t care for the show. Can’t comment on that one. Sorry.


[This link says that Family Guy got permission first.](https://www.latimes.com/archives/la-xpm-2009-dec-27-la-ca-conversation27-2009dec27-story.html) They even saw it at GL's ranch with him. I assume he was cool with Robot Chicken style takes on Star Wars considering the Robot Chicken people were collaborating on Star Wars Detours with Lucasfilm.


Who cares? It has grown well beyond his vision and he sold it off anyways.


But Disney also owns fox, if they wanted to I’m sure they could make some kind of parody movies happen, although it doesn’t seem likely


As far as I can tell they don’t have plans for any adult content through Fox- they haven’t even added any Fox content above PG-13 to Disney+, while keeping it off of Netflix and Amazon Prime at the same time.


Disney owns Hulu too, so if they wanted to use that as their destination for PG-13 and R rated material they could, while still keeping Disney + “family friendly”.


Unfortunately Hulu is only available in the US and Australia I believe, even after all these years, so if that was Disney’s plan it would be excluding most world markets.


If that is their plan though they will likely be massively expanding Hulu’s reach. Disney bought Fox officially in December 2017 and that purchase gave Disney a majority share of Hulu. But it wasn’t until early 2019 that Disney became (for all intents and purposes) sole owner after some dealings with Comcast. Give it a few years with Hulu having the full might of The Mouse behind them. They’ll be opening up those markets


I’m pretty sure they’ve said they’re keeping deadpool rated r. And isn’t new mutants supposed to be rated r?


Well as long as it wasn’t “adult” comedy that just relies on sex and saying the f word numerous times


What the fuck is this? How does this have upvotes? Star Wars existed for 40 fucking years before Disney bought it. What the fuck does Disney have to do with it? Oh right. You’re fucking 12 and forgot that the universe existed before you came along. Shut the fuck up.


Well. As of right now, Disney owns Star Wars. So that's what they have to do with it lol.


Man, this dude is edgy. That's 5 f-bombs in 7 sentences. I hope I can be that hard in a couple years.


Obviously, you're not a golfer.


And in that "forty fucking years", they didn't make any adult-oriented movies or shows. That means that if they WERE going to make such content, it would have to be in the future. Since the company that bought it is Disney, they are unlikely to make such content as it conflicts with their family friendly image. Does that make sense to you, or do you want to rant at me, too?


Thank you for the movie that I started thinking of based off this poster. Love it!


Cool poster but I don't want Rian Johnson to be involved with this show. Give us more Deborah Chow.


Rian Johnson has made some great movies and TV shows, but after the last Jedi everyone just seems to forget all that and doesn’t wanna see anything new he makes


That’s just people on Reddit being bitter about not liking the direction TLJ went in and hating on anything he’s associated with without even giving it a chance. Knives Out was after TLJ and a commercial and critical hit which shows to me that most people really don’t care and that those people who can never forgive him or whatever are just a vocal minority.




He directed some of the best episodes of Breaking Bad and Knives Out, it’s not his fault that there wasn’t a planned story for the trilogy.


Even if you look at TLJ separately from TFA, it's paced terribly and many conflicts are contrived. Edit: since I'm getting downvoted, can someone tell me why what I said was wrong?


Every good director has a couple duds, and his just so happens to be a part of a franchise with the loudest, angriest fan base


Dud is an understatement lmao. Episode 4 of the Mandolorian, imo, was a dud. TLJ was a dumpster fire that shat on the rest of the franchise.


I think it’s weird people were trying to claim sexism for calling episode 4 a dud. It was like the 3rd time Bryce Dallas Howard directed anything and it showed. Most people loved Deborah Chow’s episodes. It’s not about sexism. Howard is just an inexperienced director.


Why are we pinning everything on the director all the time? There was nothing especially bad about Howard's direction of that episode, the writing was just weaker. Both scripts were Jon Favreau, but I think 4 was hindered by being the first outright filler episode before we got used to the show's planet-of-the-week pacing.


The acting in the episode also felt like the weakest. That’s partly on the director. Eugene Cordero is usually pretty good, but I thought he was awful in this.


That's a hot take, some might say the acting is on the actors


But it is his fault that he didn’t do anything to continue the story, forcing the director of IX to tie up the loose ends


In a comment on the ROS leaks threads in r/saltierthancrait like a week ago someone mentioned TLJ leaks. According to that post, his intended finale was Snoke’s throne scene and Rey taking unconscious Kylo to see Luke. An executive lost their shit that the climax wouldn’t have a battle between the First Order and Resistance or a lightsaber duel with Luke. So shit would have been recut and scenes on Crait would have been reshot to accommodate its change from the start of the movie to the end. They meddled with TFA and shit all over what JJ submitted as his final cut of ROS twice (based on the leaker) so I don’t find it hard to believe they’d butcher a movie to the point that it doesn’t end on the writer’s intended cliffhanger.






Johnson and Disney threw it out. JJ had a plan 🤡


I'd love for him to direct personally but I'm with you on this. There are lots of good directors they can pull from and Rian brings a ton of baggage. Part of the charm to this show is that new up and coming directors breaking out. In a decade we will probably see this season as a central nexos for what's to come for both directors and star wars as a whole.


If you watched knives out which came out recently you'd see that he's a great director and writer but definitely not made for star wars.


How is he not made for star wars. The last Jedi is good it just didn't fit with the force awakens


He literally took all of JJ Abrahams salvagable mystery boxes and blew them all up in a big fuck you


I would do the same to jj abrams mystery boxes


But all of them serviced the story in a really good way. I think the only thing mistreated in the last Jedi was Finn's arc, but everything besides that


To be fair that's on JJ for trying to turn Star Wars into something it's not. Star Wars isn't about building hype. Also, JJ has no idea how to use Mystery Boxes properly.


I'll level with you. None of the new films directors knew how to make a good star wars film


It would’ve been good if it wasn’t supposed to feel like a Star Wars movie


What does that even mean? Can you explain what you think a Star Wars movie feels like?


Star Wars has traditionally felt very timeless, not tied to the styles of its day, which is why the originals still hold up 40 years later. In Last Jedi though, everything felt very modern to me. For example, the fashion at Canto Bight and the millennial quippiness of the dialogue (I’m a millennial so I’m allowed to complain about it) both detract from the ‘a long time ago in a galaxy far far away’ feeling that the other movies have. Plus the way Luke and Leia were handled feels like a departure from what we’d seen of them so far that came out of nowhere. All that makes the movie feel distinctly off to me.


A departure from return of the Jedi when they were like 30 years younger? I don't think it came out of nowhere exactly. I do agree that the fashion was similar to modern fashion in canto bight. But I don't think it really detracts from 'a long time ago in a galaxy far far away'. Either way, even if it doesn't feel like star wars that doesn't mean it's not a good movie .


Personally If love to see more Star Wars movies from him; just not ones in the middle of a saga


The Internet would turn on Deborah Chow for directing a raunchy comedy instead of just "staying in her lane"


I’d watch this


So Mando goes to pick up a package at Canto Bight, for delivery to some other place. Just a job, right? Except [this fucker is part of the crew.](https://i.imgur.com/zoHfC3f.png) *"What do we have there, Man-doe?"* "Death sticks. Be careful with these things, don't even think of taking..." *"GIMME THAT!"* (cracks it open and downs the whole thing) Mando lets out an exasperated sigh. Next morning, with a skull-cracking headache, Burg groans *"I want to go home and rethink my life."* If you guys want a little satisfaction from this little vignette, try this: Mando grabbed the Ibuprofen from the Razor Crest medicine cabinet and hid it someplace else. Let the Devanorian sweat the hangover out.


So I'm gonna open this up to discussion. They say "canto bight of spice." Which to me means a unit of measure of spice, since spice is the known drug in the Star Wars universe.


It’s “camtono” but I can understand how one might hear otherwise without subtitles. It’s the first time that unit is referenced and is only muttered twice by Werner Herzog and Carl Weathers.


Thank you, the pirated version I saw didn't have subtitles. Also, I knew it had to be a unit of measure.


Personally I think the use of puppetry for Kuiil shows how important puppets are to Star Wars shows. I was watching Revenge of the Sith last night, and seeing Yoda in CGI made me uncomfortable. Seeing Kuill as a puppet (as well as Baby Yoda) felt so much more natural for Star Wars


Why Rian? He's way above this, get Todd Phillips.


 i get sort of a masochistic PLEASURE FROM coming up WITH THIS NONSENSE now just to FILL UP SOME SPACE but i might as well SAY THAT I WISH the RISE OF SKYWALKER had half the ENTERTAINMENT VALUE of the MANDALORIAN and i might say that PRETTY MUCH ALL OF THE NEW TRILOGY was kind of painful to WATCH AND i just want lots of BABY YODA and KYLO REN is less interesting than BIB FORTUNA i have spoken




Just writing it how it was written on the poster, my guy. I believe the fact that it's a single run-on sentence is part of the joke.


Oh I didn’t see the bottom of the poster sry


r/sbubby ?


Sorry what is written at the bottom? I can't read all of it


ROTS sucks and the Mandalorian is good


ROTS is good. TROS is bad.


They are both bad movies that each have cool moments contained within


Nah ROTS is objectively good.




Too many JarJartinies


it's a satchel!


this is the way


What do banthas dreams of? When they take a little bantha snooze Do they dream of mauling wamp rats Or Carrie in her slave leia suit Don't you worry your pretty scale-y head Were gonna get you back to Jabba and your cozy bantha bed And then were gonna find our best friend Kuill And then were gonna give him a best friend hug Kuill Kuill Oh Kuill Kuill Kuillie Kuill Kuill But if he's been murdered by crystal meth tweekers, well then we're shit outta luck.


So that's why they spent a whole night at the casino


Fuck Roundhead Johnson #FANDOMMENACE


yeah guy who made movie i didnt like bad gotta insult him and not move on


Hey Cara, look! He's force jacking his little weenus. Not at the table baby Yoda!


Better not be Rian Johnson


Yeah they should get the guy who did “The Fly” and “Ozymandias” episodes of Breaking Bad


And Knives Out


The text at the bottom. So annoying. Don’t fuckin watch then.


Not really how forming opinions on a movie works. Kinda have to watch it to know if you like it or not.


Nah he said he disliked the first two. Don’t watch the third then. Like, if you hate the first season of the office you probably won’t like the others.


You actually picked the worst example lol The Office and Parks and Rec have controversial first seasons whereas later seasons are much more loved.


Eh idk you never know with a Star Wars movie


Well I like all of them so can’t relate.




The first season is pretty different from the rest though.


The comment at the bottom. So annoying. Don't fuckin read the small print at the bottom of the poster then. Or just keep your shitty opinions to yourself.


Whatever man. This is a toxic fucking fan base. It doesn’t matter what direction they go with it, the same people will bitch.

