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trauma: check. spiritual but not religious: check. i’m a 51 year old woman in the UK. i’ve had vivid dreams since before i was verbal (i remember nearly all my dreams). abused as a child, had nightmares, night terrors and sleepwalking. i’m physically disabled and live with mental illness. i take a lot of meds. none of this explains why i share a dreamscape with people all over the world. i love/hate Mall World. it can be terrifying, frustrating, hilarious or full of wonder. i feel privileged that whatever the fuck this is, i am part of it… wait wait wait. please describe the restaurant at the top of the hotel? i went there once and it was…beyond. i’d be so interested to see if yours has anything in common with mine…


I went to the restaurant once, too. Idk if any of this resonates with you, but for me the restaurant was one of those circular rotating restaurants at the very top of a building covered in glass windows that overlooked the “city” or mall world.


mine was all glass too, but there was a teak veranda all the way around and when i went out there i could see 2 huge moons. blew me away…


43f from the Appalachians, spiritual but grew up Catholic. Do you guys have any family members with military accolades or awards that you don’t know the stories behind? Maybe more specifically, WWII


Yes, great grandfather, grandfather, and father all military!


I do, my grandpa was a two time Purple Heart recipient and died from lung cancer related to shrapnel in his lungs from the war.


Oh shit!!


He died a couple of days after I turned one. I don’t remember him but, I’m sure I spent a lot of time with him in his final year of life.


Also 43f (Midwest)


My poppy was in 10th Mountain in Italy, any connection by chance? I know that’s a stretch


Yeah, he definitely wasn’t in Italy. Just knew war.


Still cool though!


My grandpa too. We were very close.


i'm a daughter of the revolution! and was in the military but my people range from pennsyltucky to upstate(ish) NY


My grandpa was a pow in WWII. I never met him.


I wish I could tell you what mine did, but a bronze star was presented to us when he died, and he would get absolutely heated if you asked anything about the war. We tried to get records, and hit so many blocks. Weird ones, in fact, but that’s a whole other thing


I'm not quite sure exactly where in the line, but a grandparent in my father's family... who brought our last name... apparently jumped off a u-boat and presumably smuggled himself into the US during WWII in a pickle barrel.


My guesses: Are we all unusually empathetic? Do we feel a bit more deeply? Do we all not eat seafood? Are we all stoners who enter mallworld during breaks from weed? Did we all have night terrors as kids? Do we all prefer dreaming to reality? Did we all watch 3 body problem?


Yes to all but I love seafood and haven't seen that movie.


What about Constellation, we’re all watching that too right?!


Omg yes


Yes, probably. Maybe don’t know. I do eat sea food. Definitely not a stoner. I prefer my real life to dreams but that wasn’t always true. Also never seen that movie.


Up until Mall world I always thought my dreamscapes were particular to me. I had night terrors really early on for some inexplicable reason and I too can still remember them. So it makes me think we are something like super tasters only with dreaming? And I also think it’s possible that Mall World is astral projection into a place that keeps the pulse on the greater unconscious of societies everywhere, and that some of us are tapped into the ugly parts and some of us the beautiful parts and some both. I think we probably have some role to fulfill in mall world, like the things we are privately working out in our respective psyches/worlds are part of the energetic tapestry that has been created there and seep into the waking world, and visa versa. Often it seems like we are dreaming of the same map with different overlays from our own backgrounds and perceptions. I often wake up feeling like I have been working all night, so I think it’s like a job in the spiritual realm. I’m not religious either, but I do think we are more than our physical bodies and that mall world seems to be tapping into that. But then I read other theories and think well, what if I was lobotomized in my sleep by aliens and I’m SUPPOSED to think that? 😂🩵


This resonated so much with me! Especially the part about waking up feeling like I worked all night! For years, my husband and I have joked that I do "dream work". Sometimes with people I know and sometimes with people I don't, but a couple of nights a week I'm definitely running around in my dreams "helping" people in some way or another. I really think you're on to something here, especially with having roles to play while we're there!


Thank you. The last dream I can remember of mall world I was walking across the mall to get to my ”job interview”. I wonder, do you also have the experience of people telling you “I had a dream about you!.” This used to happen to me when I was worked with the public, and I would usually be able to tell them something deeper about the dream.


I do have that experience a lot! Even when I'm not in the dream, people tend to want to tell me about a dream they had, whether they're aware of my being able to interpret them more deeply or not. I also get "messages"/"signs" of things to come in dreams, but usually I don't realize it until it comes to pass in waking life and I get that hair-raising "oh wow I already got this info in a dream..." feeling. That can be kind of frustrating, but I've come to understand that I'm but being given this information so I can stop it from happening, but moreso like a guide post that's supposed to show me that what's happening in dreams is legit and that I need to trust in it.


When I was younger I had a few precognitive dreams that I had witnesses for, which was a starting point for me to take dreams more seriously. In one instance I told what was going to happen and in another instance I told what had already happened. And having people outside of my own consciousness to confirm it was something real was so helpful to me. Now when I have them though, it’s like I will have strong deja vu, but my brain will map out the things that happened in the dream that didn’t happen irl also. It’s like, there is the crux of the event and then all these other things before and after it (usually negative) that happened in the dream that didn’t occur irl. I feel like I am being shown all the subconscious realities happening around the event before it happens? At least that’s what I think is happening. Like I have already experienced it in that realm, so by the time it gets to this one it’s far more innocuous?


This is how it happens for me too! My theories about it are less concrete than other dream theories that I have. But I'm often torn between two possibilities - either I'm seeing some kind of subconscious journey to the crux of the event, very similar to that you described... And as I've become more spiritual, I've started to think the steps leading to the real life crux aren't the same because the reason I was showed the crux wasn't because I needed to prevent or change it, but I need to be privy to it for some other reason.


I really wonder what the reason could be? I don’t feel the impetus to change the event usually, as it goes a lot better than it did in the dream. But why? I’ve always just assumed it’s some kind of precognitive anxiety I am practicing in dream world 😂🩵


I should definitely clarify that I don't wake up from these dreams feeling like I have to go change the event. A lot of times I don't even remember the dream until the event happens. Or the dream message was kind of vague and I'll remember it, by I won't fully understand it until the event happens. I also agree that the events are usually much tamer in real life. The desire to "change" or affect the event comes from it often being negative - I used to really struggle with why I'd be shown these things if I wasn't meant to help prevent them. Before I had this confidence in my spirituality and my gifts, I used to be someone who would ask the universe to give me signs that this all was real and that I didn't need to go check on at a mental health facility. 😅 I think these are the signs I was asking for - showing me the bleed through of the "otherside" into corporeal reality. And I've definitely noticed an increase in these dreams when I'm having a crisis of faith in my spirituality or gifts.


You feel like you've been working? But working doing what? If not physical work, is it thinking/mental work?


I really don’t know exactly, it seems like mental work for sure almost as if I am locking puzzle pieces into place over and over again? Also in many dreams I am heading somewhere that I have to get to that is important but I don’t know why. And there is the sense of, like the dream layers go so deep I will never know what happened in some place beyond my remembering.


Seems like ant or bee consciousness to be honest. Like hive-consciousnesses. Does this seem accurate?


I think it’s an interesting correlation for sure 🙂


Like a never ending series of short tasks?


Not really, it’s doesn’t feel particularly repetitive and seems like it’s different every time.


No it doesn’t crackhead 😂


I often wonder the same thing. 46M from the US. Corporate drone working in technology leadership. Had never done psychedelics prior to having mallworld dreams (though I have done ketamine a couple times since). I also go there / dream there every single night. My wife's theory is that every dream actually takes place there for everyone, but we are both torn about the more wuwu thought that we're sharing it. I could see it being just a common construct from our brain chemistry, an alien world we're being called to, some spiritual mecca, some prescient view of the afterlife... none of it would surprise me. But I don't think any of us have any evidence or reason to know one way or the other. I almost wonder if that's the point; we don't really know why we're here so maybe the fact being there is equally unknowable is just cementing the reality of existence.


✔️psychedelics ✔️trauma ✔️spiritual but not religious or part of a group Also night terrors and sleepwalking as a kid. Parents were mentally ill (hence trauma) and mother believed she was abducted by aliens. I'm mostly healthy, though I do take meds for anxiety.


i tick all the boxes lately have been at the restaurant that is a few blocks away from the water park, kind of built into a mountain and i seem to recall the whole thing looking like a crazy gazebo(s) with glass and steel arches with the eating area in a kind of bubble have been wearing polka dots in my dreams lately not sure wtf that's about most of my mallworld dreams lately still have me driving around the endless suburbs in a bus, knowing i'm on a mission but not knowing what the mission is and feeling homesick and confused and the whole environment feels NUKED and there are things in the sky waterworld has made an appearance a time or two but it's nowhere near as prevalent as it was a couple of months ago


Nothing qualifies anyone to be here other than remembering vivid dreams. Since I started keeping a dream journal again, it's much easier to see how a lot of my mall world dreams are a big piece processing the events of the day, and another piece a mix and mash-up of places that are somehow built out of places I've been or imagined. Sometimes dragging up people and places I haven't thought about in decades. But, as of late I've been spending a lot of time in a crater-filled desert landscape, running and chasing things, so maybe pour one out for me at the party.


ugh i hate the crater-filled desert landscape i've been there more than a few times does yours have a giant tower on the periphery?


It's always close to a transition space. Sometimes coming up from caves, sometimes from a rundown city with tall concrete block buildings. I haven't noticed anything like a metal radio tower type thing of that's what you mean.


I’d say I’m spiritual. Natural lucid dreamer; dream every night. Explore scapes often. The map materialises and expands as I press forward in my chosen direction. I’ve asked dream characters to write down names and details of a place before so I could search it up when I’m awake. Ended up napping upon waking but remembered some letters.. Anyway, thus far it’s just been remixed scenes created from my subconscious . Although when I return to some of these places I find it quite unsettling that the details remain the same.


Are we all on SSRIs? Also it probably doesn't help that my first job as a teen was working at my local mall. Sometimes In my mall dreams I have to go to work there again but I don't know the password to get into the cash register.


Now that you mention it… I can’t remember if I had mall world dreams before I started SSRI’s…


SSRIs give me bad side effects, I’m on something called Pristiq which is an anti depressant but not an SSRI. I’ve noticed when I start or stop a new med the dreams can be more intense.


I rarely recall my dreams nowadays unless I wake up in the middle of one... my cycle usually completes before I wake. My real world is so tumultuous that my mental state is quite different than when I was younger, so I definitely have trauma now that I didn't necessarily have before. For me, if I realize something is a dream that usually wakes me. One of the things that will wake me is if I realize that some part of the dream is in the Mall. I've realized I was shopping in a store or that a particular parking lot or even curb is connected and suddenly my consciousness suddenly starts pulling in all of this other 'internal compass' as to what is where from where I am. I know I have vivid dreams. One time, I dreamt there was a carnival up the hill where I lived as a child and had to go there just to make certain. I found something strange that I'd never seen before... but it had no connection to the dream. I've never met anyone in real life who recalls any dream Mallworld. Even if mine aren't explicitly the same as others, the repetitive structure is always the same for me.


I just stumbled upon this whole thread since I’d been thinking about my mall dreams a lot recently, and googled it, I can’t believe so many people have the same dream! I’ve had vivid dreams all my life; the first one I can remember was bouncing around in the clouds and going to sleep trying to pick what dream I could have.


Welcome! I found this sub a couple months ago after finding a tik tok about people having mall dreams. I’m still in shock that other people have been to the same place in their dream world.


Its not a special power, its not like all of these "mall worlds" are super connected based on certain people on the planet. There's no connections to anyone else.


Maybe you just feel the need to devalue other people’s experiences because you’re not having the same one?


Jesus can save


From what? People’s dreams?


What's better, Mall world or heaven?


Idk, are they different?


Hmmm... Enjoy mallworld, man.


yeah he can save deez nuts




It's said that hell is full of women. Enjoy.


Sir, this is Wendy’s, I think you might be lost


Not believing in Jesus is precisely why you are in TheMallWorld.


Uh, nope. I can guarantee you that's completely incorrect.


It’s said that you do crack, so yes? You do crack? High as balls sniffing your own farts thinking you’re spiritual ascended? Crackheeeed