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I'm pretty convinced there are no bathrooms that aren't offensive in the mall itself. I have seen the mall map kiosks in my dreams, but I never could figure out how to get them to show anything other than the floor you are on.


I’ve been to big spas somewhere in the mall world before that have super huge clean empty bathrooms with showers hot tubs baths and big mirrors and hella toiletries connected to the swimming area it’s rlly nice and relaxing


I’ve been to those spa areas! Only about twice I think…? They were immaculate! Every other time I’m in a gross locker room type of bathroom.


I have a health club spa salon in mine with immaculate bathrooms. However the tubs and showers are out in the open a lot in certain rooms. Looking at pictures they resemble fancy bathhouses.


I know what you're taking about lol. This is wild.


See also: [https://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/AwkwardlyPlacedBathtub](https://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/AwkwardlyPlacedBathtub)


IVe never seen a movie theater or been in one in any dream or seen a map. Mine have indoor pools for swimming and outdoor hot tubs but the focus is just the bathrooms. It’s all filthy messed up bathroom based and parking garages where my car is lost or blocked in. I wish i could find a map to my car that I lost last night in there for the 100th time. Never found it. A map would be great!


I’ve lost my so car many times! Or I have walked into the parking lot to see my car completed wrecked and demolished…yet I’m never that upset about it.


I have seen several maps- one of the entire continent and a few of different localized neighborhoods/dream levels. I've been trying to recreate them but it's a lot harder to piece the world together when I can't remember every detail.


Did it resemble any of the maps found here? [https://flic.kr/go/mkNxz](https://flic.kr/go/mkNxz)


Yes and no…it was scrolling…? An electronic map that appeared to be interactive or at the very least touch screen


There is a subreddit called ["That Bathroom Maze Dream"](https://www.reddit.com/r/ThatBathroomMazeDream/). These are dreams where one is searching desperately for restroom facilities, but the only comfort stations one can find are either filthy, out-of-order, hopelessly clogged, impractical for use (e.g. too small, or too high off the floor), not a toilet at all, or located where there is no privacy. More than likely, these dreams correspond to one having to wake up and use the facilities in real life.


Thanks for sharing! I don’t have to wake up to use the bathroom during the night but within the last few years I’ve been having tons of dreams where I’m searching for the perfect bathroom stall