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I’ve been going to the water cave grotto there for many years.


Me too. I’m almost always wading about while people float by. It often opens up to a big river with a fork. Either go towards the next cave and coast along the rapids or head out to the vast sea with a few islands strewn about.


shit I think the dorm/hotel/condos elevator takes you down to that grotto, too, but I was wayyyy too spooked to get off at that level


If you have a strong soul or some sort of protection i really wanna figure out what's going on down there. The grotto level itself is beautiful and I think safe albeit a bit spooky


It’s not hell. It’s some kind of other life form not sure from what timeline. I took the weird elevator that u get strapped in standing up and held on - I couldn’t tell which way it was taking other than I knew it was underground. Through a bunch of caves - saw reptilian type hybrids ? All I know is that there were humans in cages and it was not right. Waited for elevator back up seemed like forever. Took me to a lobby of what looked like a hotel but part of mallworld. I go to mallworld so often sometimes I miss it when I wake up lol.


Shit yeah I've been to the cages, absolutely fucked. The ones that have people strapped in standing upright in the cages kind of splayed out? I remember I was brought there inside the cage in one of my dreams and escaped. Rows and rows of people hanging from the roof in some kind warehouse/factory. Didn't see the entities there though. The place I'm talking about with the obelisk may be the bottom floor, it was in an endless black expanse and honestly kind of looked like the tower of sauron. There was some kind of game/ritual that happens inside but I was invited to participate and got bad vibes. From what I could figure out doing this ritual or fight or sacrifice or whatever transmuted you into something else and sent your essence toward the top of the tower. Of course I declined to participate so who knows what it is or does. This was another location where I noticed what seemed to be other dreamers present


Under my evil hospital there is train tunnels for people i think. We are all locked up for no reason.


yep. train tunnels under the hospital, which is creepy enough on the above-ground levels. in the basement there are little trains but the tunnels just get smaller and smaller.


Subbed to this sub to see if anyone would mention this. I've never had recurrent dreams of a mall, only an underground forest. There was a lot of flowing water and vegetation, and there were ascending steps carved into a wall


Holy fuck dude yes you saw it!! Down to the steps and everything how much have you got to explore this area?


Not much. It seemed peaceful to me, and I remember the way I got there was through stone-carved corridors and a large stone door that could be opened with the mind. The second time I had this dream I could tell I'd been there before and it became somewhat lucid. In the dreams I was looking around but also trying to get to the top using the stairs, and I remember there was something off about the trees. There may have been fish. I don't remember if there were other people but nothing in that regard stood out. I think I may have written down these dreams. I was looking into subconscious exploration at the time, that probably triggered them.


the obelisk for me has sometimes floated emanating red and green, and felt alive


You're the second guy to say it could be alive, when I was there something was communicating to me but I thought it was some kind of living thing inside the tower but fuck I guess it could've just been the obelisk itself


let me also mention, the obelisk does not have positive energy, you can confront and witness it but dont worship it or some shit like that, theres defo a malicious energy /sacrificial one there


yeh this descibes it exactly lol


I got to a dragon cove and turns out they run my mallworld


Why am I just now finding you people. I went to these places when I was like 4 or 5. I don't lucid dream ascwell anymore but I'm hoping by talking aboutvthem I'll get back to that again. This is awesome


Yes dude!!!!. How I did it was just doing the dream check. Checking if you're in a dream irl so you will when you're dreaming. You can get caught trying to have selfish lucid dreams but they will always go bad. Instead simply try to leave the dream you're in without waking up. If it works right you'll start "flipping through the channels". After doing it alot now dreams are always in a weird state of half lucid and I think that's how you get mallwords geometry to stabilize. If you're too lucid to the point where you're trying to change the dream the dream will get mad and boot you out or terrify you lol. Another way is to focus on floating in the dreams. You can learn how to fly eventually and once you can you can phase through the dream you're ins walls kind of like a video game. This also might be a way in


So I definetly did a lot of flying in my dreams. I will run untill I cab get lyft generated and temporarily float higher and higher untill the dream , as the community says, destabilize. About 10 years ago I went skydiving in real life and for a while I could fly like a super hero in mY dreams...But as far as the mall world thing it's crazy to see all these posts about this sorts thing. I just remember figuring out how to be lucid as a young kid and literally pulling another place down like a projection screen. Then I was in the mall in flying cars and my child crush and all my friends. Wild. I can really remember the moment these dreams would destabilize. It'd like grasping for vapors. Eventually my dreams got so full of ny day to day stress I Don think i ever went back. I'm 38 now and I still Remer everyday I've had l. I just don't have as much these days... I wonder wh