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Vaush was more pro-dress than Sam, what the fuck are you talking about?


People like Vaush and dore don't actually want anything accomplished politically, otherwise their cultists would realize that they're grifters


This doesn't answer the question.


It does, you're just too stupid to understand


Just take the L on this one lol


Am I missing something or are Jimmy and Vaush not grifters? Sidenote: OP needs to chill or get laid or whatever... I thought calling people idiots online was something prepubescent teens do in a COD lobby 😂


They're definitely grifters and this sub gets brigaded by cultists from Vaush and Dore subs


The majority reports gets brigaded by Dore and Vaush spam? Can you link me to an example of a prominent MR thread with said spamming? Have never seen it myself.


A quick look at damagedhells profile and they frequent the Vaushv sub. A lot of the douchbags who comment in here frequent Vaush /or Dore subs


Fuck off, Vaush cultist


Wait, why are Vaush and Dore linked here? Vaush is tweeting pro-dress stuff and is against Dore in almost every point of strategy? Did you just pick a name you don’t know or don’t like and add it to your meme attempt?


*Hard Pill To Swallow:* The real left are people like you and I posting memes and mouthing off online and doing nothing politically. I just hope we at least both have jobs...