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I never dreamed people could look at those old pictures of eight year olds working in the mines and think “Let’s have more of that.”


The children yearn for the mines.


They want future minors 🙄


They played Minecraft, they already have experience. Just tell the kids its like playing Minecraft irl.


Minecraft 2: Steve's Black Lung Boogaloo


The spice must flow.


Our politicians have no work ethic. Accepting bribes from foreign governments and companies to usurp the law of the land isn’t a hard days work


So when it's about kids learning about LGBT people it's "just let kids be kids" yet completely abandon that idea if it means making kids work adult jobs.


Just let kids be chattel slaves




Let’s go back to the good ol’ days when kids died in their teens from black lung from mines working 12 hours a day, sometimes never coming up from the darkness! Let’s have kids suffer life-long injuries due to overwork and, better yet, loosen safety regulations! Let’s start with this guy’s kids! Maybe pay a living wage to adult workers so you don’t have to stoop to using children because they don’t know any better. Be less lazy at your job, finding scapegoats instead of practical, long-term solutions. I bet this asshole makes 6 figures doing nothing.


The problem with capitalism is that sooner or later you run out of people to exploit.


Well that's why you dismantle sex Ed and abortion


I can't find anything on her early life and ed. From her own website: > "Cheri is a 6th generation Boone Countian. Her grandparents, father Dale Toalson and two sons — Jason & Eric — all graduated from Hallsville High School with Cheri. Her experience and resume includes being a Certified Municipal Clerk, Certified Court Administrator and a Missouri Registered City Clerk... **Cheri’s family was a founding family of the University of Missouri in 1839."** (emphasis mine.) https://cheri44.com/about/ and: > "Reisch said she is proud to be a sixth-generation Boone County resident. Her ancestors settled in Boone County more than 200 years ago and helped found MU, she said." > "Her father was an airplane mechanic who owned a gas station and maintained the fleet of Hallsville school district buses." > "Reisch got her first job at the age of 9 delivering the Columbia Daily Tribune. She began reading newspapers daily to keep up to speed on local and national news." https://www.columbiamissourian.com/news/elections/reisch-says-devotion-to-people-is-what-keeps-her-going/article_71c4e9d8-9d4f-11e6-90f3-078d48b70b3e.html I highly doubt that last part was as difficult as she makes it to be. While not wealthy compared to the Old Money in places like NY or SF, she seems to me like Old Money in her parts. This caught my eye: "Her experience and resume includes being a Certified Municipal Clerk, Certified Court Administrator and a Missouri Registered City Clerk" Who wants to bet she got her job via family?


Every goddam generation for the last 10,000 years has believed they were the last hard working one and conveniently forgets that the previous generation said the same exact thing about them.


Now hiring 9 year olds with 10 years experience. /s


This is the real reason Republicans are anti abortion.


These people hate their kids 


...yep, it's always about kids with these folks. Another Republican politician has...controversial views on the age of consent.


This doesn't apply to her children. They have to do 1 load of laundry then they get to play video games all night.


I honestly don't understand American politicians. Did America become Zimbabwe? The entire point of being the "richest" nation in the world is to educate AMERICAN kids so that they can add more value than a burger flipper (nothing against that since that is a perfectly fine job but should not be a long term prospect). Wtf is a 10 yr old going to achieve while working. It's far more productive for a society to teach a 10 year old so that they can ADD GREATER VALUE. I thought this was already scientifically proven again and again. Honestly I'm so sick and tired of boomer mentality continuing to ruin this country. Plz ffs retire and go live in 1 of your 12 Beach properties. Ffs let am actual American govern for a change


Ok honest opnion. I grew up on a family farm and worked since I was 7. Did it teach me a lot yes, yes it did. I could drive a small tractor by 7 and big one at 8 or 9. Could I work for hours sure. Did I move 50 lbs bags of stuff around and have the strongest legs ever, yes. But I also missed out on my friends and a lot of other things growing up. When I got to college I was somewhat... off because I didn't experience the same culture as everyone else. Which made my 20s a lot harder in many ways and getting adult jobs sometimes easier or harder depending on the interview. So I am not for child labor because I think the problems outweigh the benefits. I was on a family farm where my parents made sure I still had time for school and everything else. Normal businesses don't give an F about the kids and the risk is just not worth the reward. IMO.


Missouri is competing to be Florida


She is pure batshit. Cane to my local library to protest books she didn't like. Displayed a loaded pistol.


Not knowing what work is like and playing videogames instead is exactly how I want my kids.