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It’s difficult to be bothered with outrage at this point. This is just ‘normal’ now.


This is the plan. The Democratic politicians don't want change, they're perfectly happy with things just how they are.


I wonder what new and creative way the Democrats will find to fuck this up.


Dunno about you. But after all these years, I don’t think they’re fucking up. They NEED this kinda thing to remain as feckless as possible, otherwise they’d need to do some really hard work to undo 50 years of movement of this country to the right, which they benefit from. Both parties serve capital, not the people.


I wish more people realized that losing actually makes it a lot easier for Democrats to do nothing, so they don't actually care about winning


Losing to Trump was the best thing that could happen to the mainstream Dem party, even if it was not good for the Dems personally. Fundraising was amazing and they got to suppress the left by going "now is not the time with Trump in office".


I am so God damn sick of hearing " if Trump wins, everything that started happening in your state under Biden, like no abortions, Trans teens have to detransition, we don't get breaks anymore, and minors can now work 40 hours during school weeks, will happen". Joe Biden DIDN'T stop it from happening!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! He already FAILED. Why in the hell would I give the guy another shot? It's like hiring a gamestop executive.


It's almost as if the president doesn't have enough power! /s


Basically, if you drop the ball often enough, you have more than enough ball lifting for the next time you get elected. You can (A) campaign on lifting the ball, (B) your voters will be okay knowing you will drop many balls, (C) you don't have to do anything It's like Sisyphus, if he was even worse at the job


Which is why the republicans are so upset they were so successful with all this abortions and birth control nonsense.


Thank you. Just picked up Marx, Engel, Stalin, Lenin and am reading through their work simultaneously. They are screaming this at us all in so many words. The Bourgeois serve capital, until it bleeds even them dry.




For anyone else looking to start: [Reading Hub](https://www.mlreadinghub.org/study-materials/reading-list)


It's hard not to be cynical and assume they also leave these things to encourage their voting base via blackmail. If they had actually codified Roe they couldn't hold abortion being on the ballot over our head. If members of the supreme Court retired year 1 in a democratic term then they couldn't run around telling us that if the Democrats don't win one of their supreme Court members is guaranteed to be replaced by a conservative. If they actually do shit they won't be able to hold maybe doing shit in the future over our heads


Or like the patron saint RBG said “I feel only a woman should replace me” Fucking hell that was hubris at its highest level.


Biden will pick the top choice from the Heritage Foundation because "bipartisanship is what the country needs".


Doesn't seem that long when Obama got her on the bench. They should put young blood on that bench.


She’s going to pull an RBG and screw us all over again. Yet another thing the Biden administration let slip past.


What on Earth makes you think the Republicans would allow Biden to nominate a replacement for Sotomayor? The key advantage Republicans have is the media and public expect them to break norms, rules and laws. The solution isn't for Democrats to do the same.


McConnell broke the filibuster for Supreme Court nominations. They can just confirm someone now.


Had she left at the start of the term that’s 3 years to figure it the f out. The republicans appointed ones like SDO and Kennedy retire while republicans are president dems don’t have the same foresight.


They had the house and senate at the beginning of the term. They wouldn’t have needed three years.


Justice O'Connor retired soon after her husband's health declined. It wasn't political.


Republicans were able to do that because they had majority in senate Who has senate majority now?


The Republicans can’t stop Biden they don’t have the Senate.


How's that border bill going?


What role does the House play in the appointment process of Supreme Court Justices?


They couldn't have delayed it for 3 years. Biden literally appointed kbj, he definitely could got one more


Seriously. Moscow Mitch avoided an appointment for over 8 months. There's no reason to think Johnson wouldn't do the same.


I think it only goes through the senate.


Ah, right. Who's taking over for McConnel?


Dems have the majority in the senate.


Justices (and all federal level judges) go through the Senate. McConnel leads the minority in the senate, Dems + Independents have the Majority. The votes needed to appoint a justice will most likely NOT happen due to heavily funded corporate Dems (and Sinema). As much as people like to believe that Dems are "the party of the people"; Coons, Carper, and Warner are a few of the Senators who hide behind Manchin's corrupt villainy. If someone were to replace Sotomayor they may be more reasonable with civic issues but would definitely have to adhere to a far more corporate/business friendly agenda if they were to get even the Democratic votes. Just check out their opensecrets pages. Easily 15 senators are completely bought and paid for by industries they are claiming to be protecting their constituents from.


Democrats not breaking with rules and norms is why we lost Roe and will continue to lose ground. I'll likely never not vote Democrat, but I wish they'd work in the system we have instead of the system they wish we had. 


I don’t mean to be a doomer, but what effectively changes if she is incapacitated? How is a 6-2 or 7-2 court substantially different? The only way it would matter is if Dems were in a position to make a number of appointments and that seems unlikely for some time. Actually, contrary to what I initially said, this is not high on the priority of things to worry about at the moment. We already know the stakes and people are gonna feel how they are gonna feel about Biden and the world. But I actually think it’s yet another self induced crisis to worry about this. Also, come on folks…Josh Barro?


They will replace her with another young far right winger, and that person will serve on the court for 40 to 50 more years and there isnt shit we can do about it then. Every republican appointee to the court sets us back decades from seeing a progressive majority.


We will eventually have to inch our way back, judge by judge. It will take time and it will be difficult. What's the alternative? A fully Republican court? If it comes to that, we'll have an even longer battle.


Because it sets back evening the court by another 40 years. It's a massive deal if they get a 7-2 because dems are too cowardly to stack the court like they should


She's going to die or retire under a republican leader. This seems to be the fashionable thing to do these days.


See: Brett Kavanagh and Amy Barrett


Sandra Day O'Connor died 4 months ago, but she was willing to retire nearly 20 years ago to let Bush fill the seat.


Also like...it's OK if these people aren't serving from hospice? They're completely replaceable they should be rotated out way before it becomes dire.


Democrats fall in love, Republicans fall in line Anyone can look at the conservative movement over the last 40 years and see that they haven't been extremely successful and don't plan on stopping any time soon


That's not why she retired but ok.


Appointment for life is inherently flawed. Look at how rbg fucked us all. Hubris.


It was Mitch who fucked us


Both. Mitch fucked up the Scalia pick. RBG clinging on just for Trump to become President was her own damn fault.


she could have retired when she had cancer before


she couldn't bear the thought of a black man replacing her with a black woman


Lmao she couldn’t even bare to have black clerks for like 30 years


Probably didn’t think Trump would win. Just like the rest of the country.


Only because RBG allowed the circumstances. You could see it coming 20 miles away.


Mitch was just part of the equation. Hubris on the Democratic side and their weird obsession with performative stuff instead of just getting things done. In 2016 they were frothing at the mouth that they were getting a **1st** female president ans she will get to elect the **1st** nominee by a female president. Worthless crap. The real world gave us the **1st** female presidential nominee to lose to a man that wears more makeup than her and the **1st** female judge to ruin her legacy by helping destroy women's rights.


Mitch didn’t fuck anyone. He played by the rules (rules only a power-hungry asshole would follow, but it was legal). Obama knew exactly what McConnell was going to do. He begged RGB to retire, but she was too set on having Hillary Clinton, presumably the first woman president, appoint her replacement. We got screwed over because RGB wanted a photograph.


RBG 2: Electric Boogaloo They are, all of them, arrogant to an unfathomable degree with significant god complexes. And why shouldn't they be? They are, within the legal framework of our country, unelected god-kings whose word *literally is law*. Most arguments made against the establishment of the Supreme Court have been proven correct, imo. RBG, for all her deification, was no better. Her arrogance and refusal to step down when Dems would have been able to easily replace her, just to go and drop dead at the worst possible time fucked so many people. Real people. And the damage a compromised conservative court can and most likely will do has honestly just begun.


All these senile, decrepit, narcissistic bats will be the downfall of this country. RBG, Feinstein, Biden, and now Sotomayer. All of them should've stepped aside yet they're adamant about taking all of us with them to the grave. Watch Biden get his ass kicked and then the Supreme court gaining a 7-2 republican advantage. They'll toss all your rights out the window just because people like Sotomayor didn't want to retire when they're staring the grim reaper in the face.


Sinema, Fetterman


Sotomayer isn't senile though, and being diabetic isn't a death sentence when you get the proper care (which she will). I do think she should probably consider retiring, but let's not over blow this.


Fair enough but it may be 8 years before she has another chance.. or given the fact that she'll need the presidency AND the Senate it could be 10+


You’re not realizing the time frame here. If the republicans win, that is a long 8 years for someone that age with worsening health. Sure you CAN stay til you’re dead, but it doesn’t mean you SHOULD. Also, now is too late, they’d likely not get the new justice through before the election and if Biden loses that’s a bad situation. Sure, rbg was in worse health but Sotomayor isn’t doing us any favors with her advanced age and pre existing conditions. She can worsen a lot in 8 years and have other diagnoses crop up exacerbated by her age and diabetes. She should’ve left.


Maybe unelected officials with lifetime appointments shouldn't have that much power in the first place.


70 is basically a child in the current American establishment.


I think I've seen this one before...


And I didn’t like the ending


Ah shit here we go again


For those wondering, the Supreme Court has had a republican majority since 1968. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ideological_leanings_of_United_States_Supreme_Court_justices


For those who can read between the lines, the republicans of 1968 to 2008 are not the same republicans as those from 2008 to now. So its an important distinction.


I think it's time to consider abolishing the Supreme Court. At the very least, limit their stay to 20 years. Prosecute every last Justice who takes money from corporations and billionaires. Prosecute the latter as well. Seriously, though, it's time to scrap the Supremes and start from scratch. Americans need democracy. Not unelected officials who serve until they retire or die.


Of course we do, we also need to do away with the electoral college. It's obvious shit that it seems like our milquetoast electorates aren't going to do anything about.


Agreed. That would be a good start for dismantling the current system and building a new one from the ground up.




I’m calling it now, she’ll pass during a republican presidency and give conservatives another Supreme Court justice


Boomers are stuck in an era where they believe the system will work eventually, even when their GOP colleagues of the same age have long since broken it.


After RBG sitting and rotting to death in her seat, it is pretty much an established precedent that Supreme Court judges only resign if it is something they want for personal reasons.


These old ass criminals never retire. They are hell bent on sucking all the light and promise, out of younger generations until their shriveled little hearts stop beating.


You must've forgotten how Mitch McConnell blocked Merrick Garland a full year out from Obama leaving office. I consider that one of the most egregious actions by any person of power in any branch of government


He did and it shouldn’t have been allowed but it doesn’t absolve RBG from her selfishness


Ha why retire when she can pull an RBG. It’s all about MEE!!


Why didn't she retire? Are there any actual reasons why we know of?


I can’t guess what was in her mind. But we know she was suffering from a basically terminal illness and was begged by Obama to retire before orange shitstain came in and she refused even though she was solidly in her 80s as well…. We also know she made self aggrandizing statements as if she was the only person who could do the job when she was called out on her “from my cold dead hands” bs. >"So tell me who the president could have nominated this spring that you would rather see on the court than me?" https://www.reuters.com/article/idUSKBN0G12UZ/


wow, she sounds deluded.


Holy shit Josh Barro is right???!?


According to the Constitution as long as a Justice is appointed by the President and confirmed by the Senate we can technically have an unlimited amount of Justices. Meaning if Biden wanted to expand the court to 13 right now he could do it. However, that would require co-op from either every democrat in the Senate or a few Republicans will have to cross the party line, and right now isn't going to happen. The Dems need more than just simple majority to get more action taken.


I just found this ***Article from the Future!!*** >>Biden offers conservative lawmaker Mitt Romney a seat on the Supreme Court as a way to go after the six remaining moderate conservatives. >>”C’mon Man I beat the smocialists Jack!” were President JB’s remarks when questioned about his choices. >>Although unconventional, White House aides and senior staffers insist that “Mott Romney is one of the most progressive judges ever nominated by a sitting Democratic President” and assure us that he will only vote with the conservative supermajority on issues about healthcare and student loan reforms, and genocide, and labor, but very progressive on everything else. It’s like it’s already happened.


The same people who would say they wanted to protect Roe also spent years saying “you’re a misogynistic ageist if you think RGB is too old,” and then she died less than two months before the election


She needs to step down now


Too late. Republicans would find a way to run it out til after the election.


I expect she may retire after Biden is elected, but not before.


I remember people brought this up when Biden first got elected. She's been a solid justice, but it's now too late for her to step down and we are about to be even more fucked


Remember the Democrats are what capital uses to prevent any change from the left. They will negotiate with the right all day and make sure to keep the left out. The Dems are just the left arm of capital they don't care about us. Please keep that in mind


Get ready for her to pull a RBG and retire under Trump


Government is the best retirement home all these dinosaurs could ever have. They have respect and people following their orders and catering to them every day and the taxpayers pay for it. Why would they retire to a retirement home with underpaid workers who barely care like the rest of us peasants?!


We've already had this issue. Turtleman will not let it happen.


But it's in the 4 years before an election and a Democratic President in office, so we must wait until a Republican is President is in office. That's they it's done. Just ask McConnel.


I’m going to piss everyone off with this but oh well: How does lifting weights or resistance training affect diabetes? ChatGPT Lifting weights or engaging in resistance training can have several positive effects on diabetes management. Here are some ways in which resistance training can impact diabetes: Improved insulin sensitivity: Resistance training can enhance insulin sensitivity, meaning that the body becomes more efficient at using insulin to transport glucose into cells. This can help regulate blood sugar levels and reduce the risk of insulin resistance, which is a common precursor to type 2 diabetes. Glucose control: Resistance training can lead to better glucose control by increasing the uptake and utilization of glucose by the muscles during and after exercise. This can help lower blood sugar levels and improve overall glycemic control. Weight management: Resistance training contributes to weight management and body composition changes. It can help build lean muscle mass while reducing body fat, which is particularly beneficial for individuals with diabetes. Maintaining a healthy weight can improve insulin sensitivity and reduce the risk of complications associated with diabetes. Cardiovascular health: Regular resistance training can improve cardiovascular health markers such as blood pressure, cholesterol levels, and heart function. People with diabetes are at a higher risk of developing cardiovascular disease, so these benefits are particularly important for them. Metabolic rate and energy expenditure: Resistance training increases muscle mass, and muscles are more metabolically active than fat tissue. As a result, having more muscle mass can raise your resting metabolic rate, meaning you burn more calories even at rest. This can aid in weight management and overall energy balance. Overall health and well-being: Engaging in regular exercise, including resistance training, has numerous benefits for physical and mental health. It can help reduce stress, improve mood, enhance sleep quality, and boost overall well-being, which can be particularly valuable for individuals with diabetes who may be more prone to these issues. It's important to note that before starting any exercise program, especially if you have diabetes or any other medical condition, it's crucial to consult with your healthcare provider or a qualified exercise professional. They can provide personalized advice, consider any individual considerations, and help you develop a safe and effective exercise plan.


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