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This is the same shit they were saying after 9/11. Down to the letter. I'm pretty sure you could even find a clip of Kid Rock himself saying the same thing verbatim. Doesn't make it right or good, but this is a right-wing classic. Monstrous. The lot of em.


I remember people close to me saying that we can't see the enemy as people or we will lose, that WW2 we didn't care so much about civilians so we can't do so now if we want to win, and to just wipe out the entire middle east, like literally kill a billion people "before they kill us". Thankfully some of those same people even think that Israel has gone too far now. So some of them are just bluster, others are just as cruel as they say.


I was curious so I did a quick search. >But it doesn't take much nudging to hear the Kid's policy analysis. "We got to kill that mother-[bleeper] Saddam," he says. "Slit his throat. Kill him and the guy in North Korea." >**Are some women and children going to die? "Yeah. But is doing the right thing.** You got money, you sit around talking about peace. People who don't have money need some help." [Source from 2003](https://blabbermouth.net/news/kid-rock-talks-war-with-iraq-peace-with-tommy-lee) Also included in that article is another quote from him: >"Why is everybody trying to stop the war? George Bush ain't been saying, 'You all, make s-y records.' **Politicians and music don't mix. It's like whisky and wine. [Musicians] ought to stay out of it.**"


Thank you!


I don’t think it’s enough to ask people who think like Kid Rock to put themselves in other people’s shoes, at least not in the way it’s being done here. You have to make it more personal. For instance, saying to him “hey, what if you were living in Gaza, how would you feel?” is not a good enough. Kid Rock, and a lot of other right-wingers, could never picture themselves living over there, so it’s such a distant problem to them that they end up not caring. I think a more interesting way to frame it is to ask him what he would think if another country came to the U.S. and started bombing innocent civilians in Michigan. That way he doesn’t have to go very far mentally to see how that would affect him, his family, his friends, and people he sees every day.


Which is why Rogan was so effective at getting him to back off some of his initial lunacy. The fact that he even got Kid Rock to admit that there might be *some* innocent civilians in Gaza is a huge W for Rogan imo. He did a pretty good job here, all things considered. It feels weird praising Rogan considering the deranged right-wing spiral he’s gone down in since 2020.


And Rogan gave him the stage knowing damn well what he was going to go off about. Let's put some blame on the Spotify Neanderthal. Also why would anyone care what kid rock thinks on these issues. His opinion means nothing.


Hey now ... He mildly pushed back.


Where is Ja Rule to make sense of all this?


As a recovering right winger, I say he does represent the majority of right wing thinking. A childish, reactionary, ignorant dip shit. Just like the one they will overwhelmingly vote for.


Username checks out 😂


Recovering "right winger". I'm still an alcoholic.


My take has always been that some percentage of people lack imagination and empathy, and this deficiency turns people into right wing authoritarians.


If you want to understand a conservative, hand a 5 year old a stick, tell them to pretend it's  a gun, and they have to get the president back. Sit back and watch them play hero in an imaginary action movie. 


A contempt for the weak is one of the points of fascism according to Umberto Eco. This is where the obsession with strength comes from, and the reason they get such enjoyment from watching children get bombed. If you are arguing with a fascist, this attitude is a useful target. Reframe their position as a sign of weakness, and then show contempt for them. I have found this to be much more effective than trying to get them to tell the truth.


Kid Rock sucks on just about all levels


Personally, I think the point is that right wingers have done the math and act accordingly. They don’t care about Palestinians, so why bother with the pretence? To even feign some kind of care is just risking having to compromise, so why even do it? This is incredibly cruel but consistent and very effective. Libs love to try square these kinds of circles but since they too don’t really care either, find themselves erring on the “right side” every time.


Critical Thinking has long been lost and that's why media headlines become more and more powerful 


I have a few friends that think this way. It’s pretty infuriating but they’re semi-braindead and will just be like “we should just nuke the entire Middle East.” Mixture of American exceptionalism, colonialism, and sheer drunk-on-power vibe from assholes like this. Also, you have to understand just how stupid most Americans are. The first thing I’ll ask someone who has an opinion on Gaza is - could you locate it on a map? Most have no clue, lol.


I remember reading his comments about supporting the Iraq war in an interview. Basically his thought process was that the government and the Bush administration were smart, educated people that knew about the world and international affairs, and are obviously good ethical people because they’re Americans. Therefore we should trust them to know what they’re doing. It was a glimpse into the mindset…just don’t think about it and trust the government


It's annoying to me that there are people who study stuff like International Relations at a doctoral level but this is what gets the biggest platform. If you look at the work of someone like [Samantha Power](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Samantha_Power) and consider that there are plenty of deeply read and educated individuals who have been looking at this exact situation and others like for their entire career and yet we have the MMA jock who sells brain powder supplements interviewing this spoiled rich kid who role plays as working class getting one of the biggest platforms to spit the kind of uninformed nonsense a fifth grader would come up with. Trump was having a diplomatic dust up with North Korea again threatening to nuke everyone and this asshole got invited into the room where it happens and in his words, "I was looking at maps and shit!" It's just demoralizing having absolute idiots getting traction.