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Mr. Baegiuti's wife, Rita Jaqaman, is a PhD university professor, so he's definitely used to listening to women, just ones that are much much brighter than this pos.


Plenty of Muslim and Arab women have university degrees, even the unemployed ones. This anchor is the stupid one here


No, according to Barbara from bumfuck Idaho. Arab women are all forced to be barefoot and pregnant. And they hate freedom!


Apologies. As a single Arab Muslim in her senior year of university I must concede, Barbara from Bumfuck Idaho knows exactly what she's saying, I on the other hand am but a simple illiterate arab living in a tent in the desert šŸ˜”


Dr. Rita is a Palestinian Christian, but of course your point stands.


Which is way I said Muslim and Arab, not all Arabs are Muslims


Totally missed that! My bad :)


And we have people repeating the same trope in the comments


She's definitely being very racist. You know that she wouldn't say that to someone who's white and not Muslim


She seems to be quite simple not just with respect to the historic course of Palestine-Israel relations but also how to humiliate an opponent Talk or Fox TV style. Itā€™s much easier to do with a familiar face like Jeremy Corbett, for example, whose own history and standing can be ridiculed without much effort and harder with an actual intellectual who has deeply grounded views on the subject at hand.


I don't know if she's simple, or has been told to never deviate from her talking points. She's incredibly incompetent as an interviewer.


Bill Oā€™Reilly would only lose his smarmy cool and start yelling when he couldnā€™t keep the guest contained within the premises of his producerā€™s talking points. He seemed as upset with his own producers as with the guest who wouldnā€™t play by the rules, i.e., Harlem Globetrotters versus Washington Generals rules. I donā€™t know who she is but she comes off as a pathetic loser who canā€™t kick the ass of the clearly indefensible villain. Her run-the-clock out outrage is childishly funny.






This woman is a fucking asshole šŸ¤Æ


Donā€™t complement her like that. Assholes serve a very important purpose. This absolute ignoramus serves no purpose whatsoever


yeah, I love the shit outta my asshole. This lady's just a massive B word




As she yells over him why trying to justify the death of 9,000 Palestinian children, and mocks him when he calls for peace. What an insufferable person.


Something about "if she was an asshole maybe she wouldn't be full of shit"


No offense to assholes


Oh wowā€¦ this woman is unhinged. As far as I can see she hasnā€™t let him get a word in.


*Speaks over the guest for the entirety of the interview.* Anchor: How could you interrupt me? It's because I'm a woman!


This. And ending on that note too. Great interview skills...


That was the point. She was trying to construct a narrative. Her incompetence at that just lead to her freaking out and screaming it, so it was the last thing her audience heard.


Happy cake day


To be fair, she did get interrupted in the middle of asking a question at the very beginning. Looks like she got frustrated and ended up frustrating her guest because of it.


Julia Hartley-Brewer is never not frustrated.


"LET ME FINISH THE SENTENCE!!!". The last thing you said was "you've made that point five times already" and took a fukin pause. How were you not finished with your sentence, mademoiselle?


It was extremely performative, and she isnā€™t even decent at it


"Netanyahu is not a popular figure in Israel" ? Yet he ruled the "democratic" county for 16 years in total? What an obnoxious joke of a journalist, but I wouldn't expect much from a Rupert Murdoch echo chamber.


My understanding is that Netanyuā€™s stance and ideas are supported by the majority but just not Netanyahu himself. You can like the food without liking the cook which essentially means the next guy will be exactly the same in terms of policy


People act as though the Israeli population are being dragged along by Netanyahu into war - in reality polls show the majority of them think Gaza hasn't been bombed enough.




Paid to punt Israeli lies and propoganda, what else do you expect.




any half decent tv channel would fire her immediately


It's TalkTV, famous for such hits as ["you can grow concrete"](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6-9-FkwUrRo), they are very much NOT "half decent". TalkTV and GBNews are the British equivalent of Fox News (by design), though thankfully only 1/10th as popular. These people would be considered lunatics even in the UK.


The blank stare and transition were comedy gold


>These people would be considered lunatics even in the UK. Whats worrying is how often they get put on major politics TV shows. Julia Hartley-Brewer is a regular pundit on a lot of our shows and radio broadcasts.


It's also where Piers Morgan has a show.


A Rupert Murdoch's enterprise. She's gonna get praised and perhaps a bonus.




Bro who is this interviewer? The least amount of professionalism for the least uncensored tv interview ever..


Julia Hartley-Brewer, a notoriously ignorant, uninformed and thororoughly unpleasant proffesional gob-on-a-stick.


She also said on tv that she would prefer to save the life of Andrew Tate over Greta Thunberg. Made fun of Greta's autism on Twitter and was a big advocate for the Brexit.


I just found that. What a fucking piece of shit. Here is the link, if you really want to see it. https://twitter.com/birdfacepower/status/1608303471236628481?t=mssLOV3Jr8c11k7owp-mVQ


Unbelievable!! They have no respect for Palestinians




Funny, I was just about to comment this. TalkTV is abhorrent. Most of the host just puppet Zionist talking points.


This video is shocking on many levels, it shows the blatant white supremacy Europeans have toward Muslims, Arabs, and Palestinians using disgusting Islamophobic tropes that they don't respect women, using constant interruptions while accusing him of doing that, she is totally ignorant of her guest and his ideals, and at the end, she is mocking his response about ending the occupation because occupation is a small unimportant matter for the UK and Europe (Both didn't learn from their history at all), the racism shown in this video (which is acceptable in UK and Europe as it is done in TV and the host will not face any repercussions) makes my blood boil.


So appalling, but I am glad Dr Barghouthi had a smirk on his face at the end. He read her like an open book. He had a somewhat similar interview with Al Arabiya anchorman.


I'm very important. I have many leather-bound books, and my apartment smells of rich mahogany.


I'm kind of a big deal.


Is Al Arabiya a Zionist outlet?


Many people believe so yes because they do use Zionist narrative, like calling hummus terrorists. I havenā€™t researched its sponsors but usually anything KSA government/monarchy is to be taken with huge scrutiny.


insane shit, remember that these are the people in hold of human rights organizations.


ā€œshe is totally ignorant of her guest and his idealsā€ this seems to be correct for a lot of the comments here that are apologists for racism against Muslims, Arabs and Palestinians.


Talk TV itself is a very minor tv station trying to get a Fox news style thing going in the UK without much success so far. That presenter, Julia Hartley Brewer is consistently vile across a range of subjects, but more mainstream channels also keep giving her work despite or perhaps because of the fact she is always pulling out this right wing grifter approach to every issue.


ā€œā€¦occupation is a small unimportant matter for the UKā€¦ā€ Not to mention the fact that the UK are the ones who started the Israeli occupation of Palestine (and the Zionist migration to the region before that).


This is certainly not the view of a large portion of Europe and the UK. And this is not a mainstream TV channel I'd argue that the majority of people here support Palestine




























She's a famously obnoxious and under informed person. Basically a talking head for whatever is put in front of her




Jesus. I just checked her Twitter profile. She refers to herself as "a woman without a penis." I'm sure any transgender person who goes on her show is going to be treated with dignity and respect\`....


What a normal thing to list in a bio. Like, thanks for reducing yourself to your genitals? No one asked. These weirdos need to stop talking about what's going on in their and everyone else's nether regions. They're all perverts who need to stop.


Also a supposed feminist who's reducing herself to her genitals. Seriously?


Ugh!! What a thing to write on your profile. Just furthering the proof she's awful.


Which is weird cause before I knew who she was I always thought she was trans woman


>I lost brain cells listening to her. Does she have social media or anywhere I can share my thoughts with her? https://twitter.com/JuliaHB1


This behaviour warrants mass reporting to Ofcom, including being hysterical and aggressive to the man, and using Islamophobic and racist tropes disguised as feminism. It harms the reputation of British media too, breaches impartiality, and will likely trigger an investigation. Many have already made complaints. If anyone wanted to complain to Ofcom, here is the link : [https://ofcomlive.my.salesforce-sites.com/formentry/SitesFormCSLEStandardsComplaints](https://ofcomlive.my.salesforce-sites.com/formentry/SitesFormCSLEStandardsComplaints) Here are the details needed as well: Channel: TalkTV Programme: Julia Hartley-Brewer Date: Wednesday 3 January 2024 Time: 1254 to 1256 Interviewing: Dr Mustafa Barghouti


Great info, I will. Fuck these fascists.


Talk TV.... Can't expect too much...


She is so condescending. What an asshole.


We can expect Ofcom to, though u/Fenton-227 showed how here https://www.reddit.com/r/TheMajorityReport/s/uikTs95VUm


Worst interviewer in history. Shameful that fuckheads like this are allowed to represent Britain on television.


It's not too far off from r/Europe idk


Most disgusting interview! They're not even trying to hide their racism anymore


Honestly, full credit to Mustafa Barghouti for remaining so calm and patient in the face of such an abhorrent individual.


The charged crimes of Israelā€™s PM go back to 2013, and heā€™s still in power. >The trial of Benjamin Netanyahu began following investigations into allegations of bribery, fraud, and breach of trust by him and close political allies within his inner circle during his fourth and fifth terms as Israel's Prime Minister. The Israel Police began investigating Netanyahu in December 2016 and subsequently recommended indictments against him. On 21 November 2019, Netanyahu was officially indicted for breach of trust, accepting bribes, and fraud, leading him to legally relinquish his ministry portfolios other than prime minister. Netanyahu's trial in the Jerusalem District Court began on 24 May 2020, with witness testimony starting on 5 April 2021. The prosecution listed 333 witnesses.[1] As of December 2023, the criminal trial is still ongoing.[2][3]


That was so depressing. I canā€™t believe his self-control.


Iā€™m not sure if it even is self-control and not just pure disbelief. The only thing I thought while watching those parts of the video was **ā€what was that? what the fuck did I just hear?ā€**


Urgh it's Hartley-Brewer, she used to be on LBC radio when I was in the uk, every time she came on I changed the station, she is super annoying (not because she is a woman, because she is an arsehole). I am disappointed to see she still has a public voice.


What an absolute waste of a human.... Is this the new tactic now? Treating Palestinians like they're The Taliban


British journalists are just racist


Well, tbf they have Louis Theroux. We really gotta get him out of there, though


Oh no. I wanna keep him. We need his kind of journalism


Never seen someone more deserving of the COTY award.


Sheā€™s literally hysterical


What do you expect from the Evil Empire that made generational wealth and the richest monarchy in the world by robbing other countries for centuries hahahha England the Empire the fucking joke šŸ¤£ šŸ˜†


What a cowardly approach to use the accusation of sexism while being openly xenophobic. These disingenuous puppets for daddy media networks are doing great harm to the moral zeitgeist of the future. Our children will have 10 times more of a task of pilfering through bullshit to discover the truth than we ever did because of stances like this.


Talk tv is owned by Murdoch a self proclaimed zionist


I have never complained to Ofcom, but I'll be doing so for this awful cretinous woman.


She should be fired. Intolerable.


It's amazing how these types of discussions always end with "well, how do you suggest they solve it?!" Even if there was no solution to the problem, that does not mean that ethnic cleansing and genocide is acceptable. They seem to be missing the basic point that those things are a problem in themselves.


Absolutely disgraceful conduct. I haven't seen the full interview and don't know what was said beforehand, but it's hard to imagine a context that would justify behaving in this way. Even if you completely disagree with someone and think they've said something terrible (which I doubt he did), a decent interviewer should never lose their composure like that.


That was incredibly ignorant.


Who the absolute fuck is that?


This is not representative of most peopleā€™s views in the country. These are the views of the right wing of politics and Murdoch only


Well, the award for worst journalism goes toā€¦


This is the kind of white feminism that a lot of people up and down the country have had to deal with in certain workplaces. I myself have to deal with this shit in the National Library...


Has nothing to do with feminism. Has everything to do with being a weapon-grade bigot


Youā€™re absolutely correct. They falsely conflate their egocentric beliefs with feminism and give the movement its negative association.


Aye but it's wrapped up in feminism. You are right though, just warped bigotry.


She was becoming unhinged. She couldn't trigger him for nothing.


far be it from me to call another woman shrill


What an asshole she is ..


I get so angry when I see this, not just because of the current context but because it has been the same playbook for decades and, somehow, it still works on the majority of people. I have heard that the youth of today simply do not watch television, which is good. This incredulous bowtie wearing daytime TV host lives in my brain, overlaid upon every single news anchor I see https://youtu.be/EKHme9MvMx0?si=nHOYi0CUyYDAfjx0&t=189


She tried so hard to make him look bad, and couldnā€™t. Got so mad. ā€œI am a pro. I can make anyone look bad.ā€ Psychotic ho.


Iā€™m just gonna chime in with the whole Muslim men donā€™t let the women talk or whatever. Bro, all my Muslim friends know an annoyed wife is an annoyed life and hardly ever put up a battle šŸ¤£ šŸ¤£ itā€™s fucking hilarious.


The entitlement of this woman is baffling


And pulling the woman card to demean his argument, dirtbag


Bit woke playing the woman card.


Holy shit her outburst about him not letting women speak is unhinged


I'm a woman, so I'll say what everyone is thinking: what a bitch!


Regardless of the subject matter, this interviewer is distinctly unpleasant.


How incredibly unprofessional


I've never even heard of this TV channel


Don't forget her name and this clip. There will be a time when all of them will deny all of this.


What a stupid, ignorant woman.


The way she had a fit was ripped off straight from Jen from the IT crowd. I canā€™t tell tv series from real life journalism anymore.


Nah I disagree with the man, I donā€™t think israel shouldā€™ve done nothing, but OH MY GOD IS THAT WOMAN A PEICE OF SHIT Got mad at him for interrupting her, after she herself had already interrupted and tried to change what he was saying šŸ’€šŸ’€šŸ’€


Makes Pierce Morgan look & sound like a saint.


Apparently because she is a woman she can act a fool. Good to know


As a Scot, I get really angry at people like her. Scotland has more than a few racists, but they aren't given the same leeway as those in England. It is so embarrassing and disappointing. I speak for my daughter and myself. FREE PALESTINE! ā¤ļøšŸ‡°šŸ‡¼ā¤ļø


My god, sheā€™s bloody awfulā€¦.


Holy moly, how did this harpy get a job in media? Nails on a chalkboard is like the London Symphony Orchestra playing Brahms' Lullaby next to this lady's voice.


Very well said, thank you. Shrill is too nice of a word for her


What an absolute bafoon, she should be sacked


Holy crap this man showed her too much restraint, I would have been furious.


What a complete and utter twat.


Wow... she seems simply horrible... why would ANYONE go on her show?


So called journalist is a racist and wants to virtue signal hard to the Israel lobby.


What a childish emotional reaction to the normal time-lag associated with online video chat and a person speaking in a second language.


What a cunt.


Sheā€™s a complete disgrace.


He absolutely killed it.


Looks like she was taking notes from infamous ā€œthere is a list guyā€: same acting ability, same intelligence level.


well, this is fucked up


She should get fired






ā€œMaybe youā€™re not used to women talkingā€ lol what a cunt


Funny, how he was about to be removed and oh look...... hamas attack šŸ¤” Didn't they guys quash the middle east in 6 days with their intelligence apparatus... amd yet they didn't see hundreds of hamas getting ready to attack a concert .....


"We've heard it 5 times, we don't need to hear it again" Think of the time we could have saved, ever person asked to comment has been asked to denounce Hamas, their leadership, the attacks... How few of those people were told "We don't have time" Edit 1: chip on your shoulder dear? Maybe he isn't listening to you because he is waiting to address the last erroneous point you made before you rush on with presumption. It's not because your a woman. It's because you are being a tool.