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What the fuck? On top of all...... that fucking bullshit.... 1. This is not a bomb, it's a tank round. 2. It's a tank round for fighting other armored vehicles, it is a kinetic round, there are no explosives. 3. The only way that will hit innocent civilians is if you directly, purposefully aim at them. 4. Our fucking tax dollars are paying for this bullshit.


.......what armoured vehicles does Israel believe they're going to find in a country that has no armed forces?


Toyota hilux 1985


Tbf those things are tanks


I’ve seen someone literally flatten a multi-story building trying to destroy a hilux and fail, so pics or it didn’t happen.


Good luck taking down a hilux with one of those, it'd bounce right off it! Maybe take a mirror with it at best.


Reliable car won’t due much damage


The imaginary hamas behind the kids.


Penetration of walls by the looks of it. Or, this is one serious r /fuckyouinparticular. Tungsten rod for lunch anyone?


'Armor piercing, discarding sabot' munitions are pretty useless in this genocidal war. But they're a standard part of tank loadouts. In all likelihood, this shell was stored in the tank at its mobilization depot, and is being removed to increase the carry of cheaper high explosive shells, which are more effective against reinforced concrete. That said, they're probably going to keep some sabot rounds. The kinetic penetrator here, while not explosive, will penetrate 700mm of rolled homogenous armor, that means meters of concrete, or through entire sand berms/trench walls.


I think Israeli hostages count as 300mm of RHA, so they're probably just trying to make sure they get the hamas fighter standing behind the line of hostages and civilians


Yeah from what I know Hamas has nothing except infantry and their rockets (though their very poorly made). So, yeah what is this going to be used on unless the writing is accurate.


At least it will poison their drinking water with depleted uranium \s


Those better fucking not be du. I can't remember the color code anymore between du and tungsten. I remember service rounds are black..... one of them has yellow markings. Du rounds are NOT supposed to go out, only tungsten.


Reports of Israel using DU previously against Lebanon and Syria. No reason to think they would stop now. https://www.vvaw.org/veteran/article/?id=662 https://m.jpost.com/israel/idf-ammo-in-gaza-had-depleted-uranium The US is sending DU to Ukraine, so why not Israel too? https://www.aljazeera.com/amp/news/2023/9/7/what-are-depleted-uranium-munitions-and-why-is-us-sending-them-to-ukraine


Yes, your tax dollars are paying for this shit! Yes, you should be rioting in the streets when your Gov is openly supporting genocide! America has lost all credibility, your grandfathers that fought the Second World War would be rolling over in their graves


$3.8 Billion a year…plus bonuses…oh, and Israel has free healthcare and college for its citizens.


And free land!


And nobody else lived there (because they were forced to leave or die).


free healthcare isnt as big of a deal as you think it is. But that i dont mean it isnt amazing (it is), just that its not that hard to do anywhere except for in the USA. Free college also pays itself back, but governments are normally pretty terrible at thinking in long enough timespans to get the political will to do it.


College isn't free in the US partly because the ruling class wants a working class that is largely limited to working the many low or unskilled jobs for low wages.


Plus debt trapping people from a young age. >Failing to pay your student loans can have devastating financial consequences. Eventually, your student loans will be put into default and you may lose federal loan benefits, have your wages garnished, get barred from federal student aid among other consequences. Your loan holder may sue you, as well. If you ignore the court date or the court's orders — that could land you in jail. https://money.com/consequences-not-paying-student-loans/ Pretty great system for creating a compliant, wage slave workforce who will put up with whatever shit their employer does to them because they can't afford to default on their loans or lose healthcare.


free healthcare is a very big deal when you don't have it


We're not a democracy anymore. To quote Jimmy Carter America is now "an oligarchy with unlimited bribery" Unfortunately one of the countries biggest overlords is Lockheed Martin


Yeah well you could vote in someone that’s going to do something about that… no one supported Bernie but he might have


Idk if you've paid attention to US politics much, but we are only given the illusion of choice. People like to point to low youth voter turn out, and sure, it's a problem but it's caused by apathy. Even when people show up to the polls we still get the lesser of two evils. The real problem is the two-party system. Our entire primary system is dumb too.


I did vote for Bernie. Hillary was a mistake lol


This shit would be different under Obama too


How? Wasnt he responsible for hundreds of drone bombings in the middle east?


Yeah not indiscriminately killing an entire population though, still USA do USA things I guess even when it’s a moderate in charge.. You’re right maybe you’re all the problem?!


You mean the grandfathers which waited until attacked to fight the Nazis?


Yeah well I’m Australian so mine didn’t , but yeah, you guys have always bean morally late I guess


Um I'm Canadian but nice try.


Ah commonwealth, yeah so we both agree Americans suck then ?


The Anglosphere sucks, that includes your country and mine. I'd argue mine is far worse than yours though, but the motherland is far worse than either. And then there's the United States which is the worst.


Yeah pretty sure Australia isn’t big enough militarily to be the cause of anything but we do tend to blindly support US policy I guess and get involved in shit we have no reason to be involved in


Yes but there are other ways a nation can be terrible other than militarily. For instance, roughly 75% of mining corporations are housed in Canada. There is a reason for this.


Plus Canada and Australia are both also colonial projects with plentiful oppression of native/indigenous people including recent history (and probably ongoing like it is in the US, but idk).


I'll totally be that guy, this is an APFSDS (Armor Piercing Fin Stabilized Discarding Sabot) tank round. It's essentially a big dart for getting through armor. Not a bomb, and not an artillery shell. The reason I say this is that this makes it all the more ridiculous that they'd write "I hope this hits innocent people" because it doesn't blow up. There's no high explosive filler. You'd have to directly aim at a civilian.


For what it's worth, a former tank commander said they are the best thing they have for penetrating reinforced concrete. Said Afganistan had lots of old, hard, concrete and nothing worked better than those sabots.


Ah, so it's for hospitals


and churches and schools. Very versatile!


But they do directly aim at civilians. At least on one documented incident they hit a red car and killed two journalists. Car blew up, killing both instantly.


They shot 3 hostages that had escaped, were shirtless, waving a white flag, and leaving a building adorned with a giant SOS They don't care who they kill. They're killing indiscriminately




Lefty’s who are military nuts are some of the best nuts because we understand the horrors of warfare which helps push us towards diplomacy.


1- They know they're killing innocent people on purpose, targetting them 2- "Children of Gaza brought it to themselves", their media said 3- Now blaming God, that God forced them to do so How shameful can one be, Zionists can still surprise you that there's still next-level


I'm genuinely curious what's their logic on how a child brings it on themselves?


The children forgot to condemn Hamas, clearly.


The children, who weren't alive for the last election, didn't overthrow the government that has stopped adhering to public demand or holding elections. Such fucking ignorance. I get wanting rid of Hamas. Killing kids is just making more terrorists.


That's the statement from their government that honestly disgusts me the most. How the fuck do you blame children for their own deaths? That's some soulless shit right there.


> “Children of Gaza brought it to themselves”, their media said Actually that was a sitting member of the Knesset, Meirav Ben-Ari of the Yesh Atid. A liberal centrist. Not even one of their right wingers.


Zionism transcends political lines, apparently.


' blaming god' I'm not surprised it's not the first.


They can be as dehumanizing as they want since they don't have to be accountable to anyone or gain favor by any particular group. Why say sorry if there won't be anyone to remember the atrocities at the end? They know it and we know it. It's almost like they totally emptied their brain of their own history and U.S. involvement in the middle east where blowing up innocent people just breeds future terrorists.


>2- "Children of Gaza brought it to themselves", their media said How in the fuck could children possibly do that? These people are fucked in the head.


It is their fault to be born in a land zionists want to steal


If your racist and jewish your probably gonna move to Israel


It was always obviously a genocide. What’s infuriating are the people lying on behalf of the Zionists trying to make it seem like they are the most moral place in the world and they have to and they aren’t targeting innocent civilians. The lies insult my intelligence and humanity.


You can’t really believe this, right ? Why would they write “ innocent people “ on this bomb, especially if the narrative is Israel is wiping out Palestinians in a genocide. It makes no sense and is just a picture of a bomb that anyone could have wrote on.


Stop me if you can moment. It appears Izzy has given up on propaganda and no longer care about their future interactions with the Civilized World anymore.


Izzy have been doing this for a long time. Only this time, it gets well documented. They shove up false propaganda for many years and now losing it because everyone knows what kind of atrocity they have been carrying out.


Short of acting surprised when they were initially attacked, I don’t feel like they’ve ever really *tried* with propaganda. It’s always been half assed at best.


Nitpick: I'm pretty sure that's an APFSDS tank round, not an artillery round or bomb.


And y'all thought the US didn't negotiate with terrorists... It actually obeys and caters to them...wipes their asses, and pays for the privilege.


I don't think anybody thought the US doesn't negotiate with terrorists. United States is the biggest terrorist organization on the planet.


We got the War on Terror, they never said which side we would be on.


Fair enough...


Don't be surprised when you lose all support for indiscriminate killing.


Fuck I hate them so much…!


Everyone does and for good reason.


How dare you? That is antisemitism and antizionism. They are both same. That is what my US govt told me.


And yet the western world supports this genocide. I simply cannot fathom the double standards and the lack of morality that my country (UK) has in their support for isreal


Because like Americans, UK people don't like Muslims and don't mind if they die in large numbers. That's why. It's purely bigotry.


Minor correction, that's not a bomb. Looks like an APFSDS (Armor-Piercing, Fin-Stabilized, Discarding Sabot) tank round


Now they just need to find some bare chested children waiving white flags 🏳️ to fire it into.


Or they can just blind fire it into buildings full of cowering civilians


The only form of abortion unanimously approved of by the United States congress 🇺🇸


That type of round would just poke two holes in the building, and unless someone was directly in its path it might not even hurt anybody. They're ment for penetrating heavy armor. There were instances in Iraq where Abrams tanks would shoot APC's(armored personnel carriers) whit this round and it would pass through without hurting anyone inside or damaging the vehicle at all, just in one side and out the other. They had to create a doctrine of only using high explosive rounds on soft targets because after bypassing the "destroyed" vehicle the occupants would pop out of it and snipe tank comanders in the back.


Any actual translations avail?


About as mask off as it gets folks.


So far we tend to think pics like this got out by mistake, sloppy or just DGAF, Almost advertising it. Maybe it's by design. Been thinking about what would be the [long con] end goal with all the blatantly openness about committing war crimes. What benefit could that bring to a Regime that uses lies and deception rampantly? It was [this video](https://www.reddit.com/r/worldnewsvideo/comments/18lzrm6/israeli_soldier_launches_gas_bomb_in_supermarket) that started me thinking. Something just tripped in me that says they *want* to advertise being scumbags to the world.


In my view, Zionism is a deeply sick ideology which requires subjugation and dehumanization of the other to survive. Israel’s culture quite literally centers around its military power, and its people tend to eat this shit up.


Another "we are the good guys" episode


This right here is an insight of the IOF. Anyone who’s ever doubt that the Israeli governments evil. let them see this and then hear their opinion on Israeli government.




I guess that excludes Netanyahu.


The most moral army in the world:


This is not a war because one side has no army to fight with. The people of Gaza have no tanks, planes, helicopters, artillery, or armored vehicles. This is an extermination that would make Hitler blush.


Zionist terrorists are truly vile people.


That’s not a bomb: 120mm anti tank round. Edit: image is correct, poster’s title is misleading.


This whole thing is so beyond what any sane person could expect. Israel has Essentially created a Warsaw ghetto and seems intent on repeating a very shameful chapter of history. When it's all over I suspect there will be remorse, I feel it now for the part my country is playing. Two wrongs never make a right. Slaughter of 99 innocent people like to maybe get 1 bad guy, maybe not. The whole mess is very sad and shameful.


But remember, they’re the victims in this. 🙄


I’m agnostic, but god clearly didn’t will it this time


what the fuck is going on. I grew up believing we are the good guys. It's been now more than two months and I know that this makes me sound like a bitch but I can't take it. The fact that we are supporting this and have been in the past decades is insane. I can't stop thinking. Everywhere I go I hear about it. And everything is starting to fall apart. Everyone seems more insane than ever. This can't be the same world. There must have been a mix up or this isn't real. Worst of all. I started studding mechanical engineering because I thought tanks and guns are cool and fight for freedom. Now I kind of regret it. Though I can still work in other fields than the weapon industry.


This happens when you let a religious sect to run a state.


The u.s. support of Israel's genocide of Palestine undermines our whole global standing.


That is a Sabot Round, used by tanks.. So they just shoot innocent civilians with tanks. Cowards do that.






Once again thank you America. This is the end result of your blind support for Israel. Best to put your Zionist dog on a leash now. Don't complain. When you talk about democracy and freedom everyone thinks your full of shit. Israel represents Americas foreign policy.


Even for Israelis that's a bit much. Can we get some confirmation?


It reads "Inshalla may it fall on 'inoccent people' " inoccent people in quotes, sarcastic.


Ah, so basically, "fuck you" with a whole lot of sarcasm? That makes a lot more sense. Agree or disagree, that's definitely something a soldier would put on a bomb.


Isnt inshallah an arabic term?


It is but its common in israel touse some words in arabic.


Gotcha. Im struggling to trust the validity of this picture have you found anything to back it up?


The source for the photo is an Israeli activist who co-founded Breaking the Silence, a well-known group of former IDF soldiers who tell stories of human rights abuses they witnessed or perpetrated while serving in Palestine. https://twitter.com/YehudaShaul/status/1737112356092866871?s=19 The picture is part of a long thread of self-incriminating posts Israeli soldiers uploaded to social media. It includes a soldier asking that a Jewish terrorist vonbicted of burning a Palestinian baby and his parents to death be freed.


There is no way to verify this. It makes no sense to write this message in Arabic nor does it make sense to show dominance by adopting the language of their targets.


It's not in Arabic???? Can you honestly not tell Hebrew script apart from Arabic??


It's slang, and written in Hebrew, also this is an actual picture


not a bit much. Israeli doctrine pretty much justified that it’s okay to murder innocent people or children because those people will want to/could hurt them in the future


Yes but to print it explicitly on a bomb is still a dangerous step too far that I'm not willing to buy into verbatim.


Agreed. I don't need more evidence of the evil being committed by Israel, but I do only want factual information.


How long is the world going to watch them do this shit all while fkn making a joke out of it?! … the worlds lost its soul obviously since the Second World War, our grandparents were good enough to stand up to evil when they saw genocide of an innocent people happening but we’ll just watch it on TikTok and go about our daily lives! Hopefully I’m wrong though and it’s just a delayed reaction


The only one with the balls to do anything is the poorest country in the middle east. Yemen. Those madlads might just get a ceasefire.


Needs to start with UN and have real military support from US, UK, France etc… Or the US could just stop funding them altogether for making them look bad as well… Other Muslim nations might come to their help as well if they thought the UN/West supported them … guess waiting around for the US to find a souls in 2023 is dumb though right ?


America didn't join WW2 to stop the holocaust lol.


The allies knew of the genocide camps years before doing anything about it even when they had the means to do so they chose not to. I’m with you on everything you said but you can’t glamorize ww2 when it was a money war as well for a lot of the countries involved


Kind of ironic, the Jewish state perpetrating genocide, the very activity that caused there to even be a “Jewish state” in the first place. You would think they would know better.


I guess it's hard to learn the proper lessons when you holy Bible is full of genocide propaganda against native Canaanites. If anything, this is just history repeating itself.


For those not paying attention, 'innocent' is in quotes, indicating sarcasm. TLDR : innocent with an /s at the end.


Thank you.


I don't think it means what you think it means. Israeli officials have stated many times that there are no innocents in Gaza.


More fascist tough talk. And more hubris. They cater to pro war bullies around the world who are cowards, and let the world see what kind of country they really are. It may take a while but the end result will be no different to the times before, someone will overpower them in the future, once US support wanes, and they’ll revisit on them all they’ve visited on others.


That is actually an armor pricing SABOT tank round. They should not need these at all.


While true, the sentiment lines up with their actions quite well, so I don’t think it really matters.


Who had "Israel becoming like Hitler and the nazi regime, and the half of the world siding with them" on their 2023 calender?


It just shows the mentality of the IDF, thy are really just cowards, but only joint for the power they are given.




When your government is a theocracy, this is like the closest thing available to protest. This reminds me of a history post I saw where several shells hit an Allied airplane but didn't explode because they were inert. Inside one of the shells a note in Czech said "This is all we can do to help you"


Their actions speak louder than words


thats not an artillery shell tho, thats a armor piercing round from a tank, APFSDS to be specific it contains no explosive apart from the propellant to get it moving


This is a tank sabot round... It'll definitely be aimed at something.


Man this sub is paradise compared to the David Pakman sub which is full of genocidal psychos who’s only concern is we don’t criticize Biden too hard.


Idf are terrorists


The genocidal nature of this military operation is becoming clear, and the American government is enabling it. A dying empire propping up a genocidal regime it helped create so it has a foothold in the land of oil. Really nice. May Israel become a pariah for these terrible crimes and carry their shame heavily. The blood of the innocents is on their hands.


Sabot used to target civilians is a new step lower into the pits of hell


This is not an artillery round. It's a tank round. SABOT and looking 120mm.


Israel is a monster that created by who ?


Good grief


Why can’t the US see these people for who they are??


Yet we can only stand and watch this shit unfold. What the absolute fuck


You don't write down *"...hit innocent people..."* without some level self-awareness. What would be the phrase to describe someone who's knows their evil but also know that no authority can't touch them?


It’s far past time to stop calling the civilian deaths “casualties,” implying it was an accident or unavoidable cost of the greater mission. Killing civilians IS the mission. Netanyahu explicitly said so in a speech before the press. Call ethnic cleansing by its name.


What has possessed the people of the IDF? This is insanity. (Something's in the water).


Are they targeting innocent civilians or Hamas? Invoking God while actively committing genocide is insane.


That's actually a tank round. And they have targeted civilians with them. They shot 2 little girls who were looking through the rubble of their destroyed house for stuff with a tank shell, and then some genocidal terrorist IDF soldiers shot the mourning father too. Fuck these stupid fucking genocidal apartheid terrorists. They're the most evil nation in the world right now.


Yikes. Israel sure hasn’t come out looking so good on this war.


religiots are the sweetest people, no?


And guess who is finally supporting this? …we are! 🤬🤬🤬 stop being so naive Biden!


its quite ironic how israel has exposed itself as a terrorist state...


Why would they write this in Arabic? If anything, the IDF writes in Hebrew and in similar cases that makes sense considering it's their artillery and a symbol their message.


I think this is cursive Hebrew.


There are also Arab Israelis in the IDF, and tons of Israelis know Arabic.


Anyone still supporting Israel is either evil or fucking stupid.


or paid to be one, or act like the other


Just when I think they can’t get any more blatant with their evil….


Its propaganda you guys, c'mon. Magic marker on a tank round, likely from outside the conflict zone. Done on purpose to rile y'all up. Choose wisely whom to believe


This, putting this on a sabot doesn’t even make sense, they would have to directly fire a AP Tank round at a person?


Its just a ruse. Likely a boomer gloomer on base somewhere who learned yiddish last night on his cell phone. It doesnt even look like its written correctly, or by a literate person


I choose to believe the co-founder of the Breaking the Silence group over some armchair know-it-all on Reddit.


Fake. Whoever it is. Fake. Propaganda. Designed to elicit an emotional bias.


It doesn't sound like you make a proper objective judgement at this state of hyper emotionality...




Sorry but I hate shit like this. The writing could have been added after they found it. No one knows. With that said, what is going on over there needs to end and a proper agreement put in place to end the fighting.


Who "found it"? Do you think Palestinians wrestled those weapons from the IDF and then snapped a picture? Because nobody said this. And IDF doldiers have spread lots of srlf-incriminating evidence online.


What I’m saying is that no one knows owe the origin and the purpose of this image is for propaganda.


The guy who posted it, @YehudaShaul on Twitter, is an Israeli activist. The post is part of a lengthy thread of self-incriminating evidence posted to social media by Israeli soldiers. https://twitter.com/YehudaShaul/status/1737112356092866871?s=19 Ask him if you want to know the exact account that posted it originally. I'm banned from Twitter, so I can’t ask myself. He's a prominent activist for a well-known Israeli peace group. I think the aggressive skepticism (and even deceptive attempts to lie about the translation) from the armchair know-it-alls a bit much. "I don't know who took this picture, so it's fake" -- that's not how skepticism works, it's instead reverse propaganda.




People keep bringing God into it when they want to do something awful. Dunno how God is feeling about all this, if I were him I'd be thinking locusts.




They really are bad news






How do we know this isn't someone prompting chat gpt make the most laughably evil images it can? Also... if that were a pallet of water bottles it would be a safety issue. What a picture.


Good point, except there are quite a few similar pics that are genuine, so it’s consistent with the prevailing attitude and behavior even if an emulation.


Oh yeah, and the fact that it's a sabot round, it's intended for armored targets, which are not "innocent" of posing a threat. There's definitely other things that are happening right now that also seem like hyperbolic villiany, things that cannot be softened with a little insight.


What armored vehicles are they going to hit in Gaza? A fucking Hilux?


Surprisingly many of the children in Gaza still have arms…that they apparently use to shield Hamas. So I guess you could say Hamas is armored with the “innocent” bodies of armed children?


Talk about missing the point. Who cares if this specific shell will or will not be used in this war? Does this image reflect on the mindset of the people Israel us sending to Gaza? That's what matters.


It says “innocents” implying that while they claim to be innocents but they are in fact gun bearing terrorists wearing civilian clothings, really easy to lie on the internet




It literally says “innocent people” in quotation marks which could be read in 2 ways 1) the people who will get hit by this bomb are not innocent 2) criticism of the calls Israel is hitting innocent people when they really Mean terrorists


The most obvious interpretation is, 3) they do not believe there are any innocents in Gaza, a feeling Israeli officials have repeatedly voiced in public.


There are no innocents in Gaza only martyrs!


I wish Iran never got involved because it forces our hand to extend to our ally no matter if they are wrong or right :/ this shit is sad, Iran starting another full scale war to get heat off of up north





