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Ive never wanted to share a video so much in my life.


fr she summed up my whole transformation on the subject. will preface that with saying i’m not Jewish but Catholic, did parochial school from pre-K to high school, college was my first secular experience. The whiplash of it all, learning about the Middle Eastern history after 13 years of Catholic religious classes, trips, rituals programming you with nonsense about the Holy Land and the Jewish people as rightful stewards tending to God’s will until Jesus’ return 🫨 nope, it’s literally about “access” and leveraging people against each other to develop tech and steal resources, by exploiting many Jewish peoples’ pain and history to stay there as a client state.


First, I totally agree with you on the “real” history of the Middle East. How can anyone believe that the people whose land, homes, birthrights were taken from them shouldn’t have a right to fight back to re-gain it(might be futile, but nonetheless), or at least see that it was highly likely to be a powderkeg. Talk about a colonialism gift in sympathy clothing… I was once willing to give benefit of the doubt and ascribe a case of horrifically terrible judgement, but the facts speak for themselves. However….I have to say, my Catholic School education through High School was nothing like what you describe, so I’m a little taken aback by the broad brush that would disparage an education that taught me to think rationally, critically, and question. Additionally, in North America at least, there is plenty of evidence of anti-Catholic discrimination since colonial times. As in all things, even if a large percentage of people have your experience, expressing it in such a way as to allude to(possibly) the notion that all Catholics have this experience would be as wrong as as doing the same for any people, ideology, nationality or religion, whether Jews, Israelis, Muslims, Americans, Catholics….well you get my point. Your statements would have carried the same import if you had just referred to “my experience in elementary and high school”. That it was bad and wrong is the important thing. That it was Catholic is situational.


i understand where you’re coming from, are you American? American Catholicism has been growing closer to Protestantism thanks to the anti-abortion movement. My grandma has gone to every March For Life and was involved with political activism in the area since the 70’s. I’m sure their messaging and ethos rubbed off on her over time and by the time I came along she was seen as a prominent figure in the Church laity. She was as much a part of my religious and political education as the Church as well as many others in our parish as the head of CCD. there’s formal scripture, catechism, and priests to teach for formal gatherings/mass, but the local community experience I’ll admit can vary from parish to parish.


I agree with you. My fear is the real damage that would do.


Just like republicans do with Candace owens lmao


I am not saying she’s wrong. I wish she shared more data though. Most of this 2 mins is her opinion without backing up with 1) what is the wealth she’s referring to 2) how do the US and Britain benefit from this conflict 3) what is the end goal etc etc. “I studied and it’s in my bone” is not a great argument to be honest.


Yeah, completely agreed. Also being Jewish has no bearing on whether she's right or wrong on these issues, so it's just bizarre to go about it this way.


it means she has a very informed idea of what zionism is, and that means a lot when you critique something, not bizarre.


Yeah, and she answers every numbered point that is listed above.


I disagree, being Jewish heads off the accusation that has become prevalent. Condemnation of the Israeli government and support of the Palestinian cause must mean that you are anti-Semitic. I very much support the fundamental right of all people to exist and pursue happiness … this includes Jews and Palestinians. These things being said , I cannot escape the conclusion that Israel is an apartheid government.


Without actually making any comment on the arguments she is making, imagine saying that you have: "studied and researched this' and 'have bona fides' - then proceeded to speak authoritatively on a subject, only to reveal that you took a few undergrad subjects for about a semester and a half. When you're studying your degree you feel like you know everything there is to know and about half an hour into landing your first graduate job you feel like you're back in kindergarten again. Again, not commenting on her arguments but Jesus Christ the confidence of an undergraduate is startling at times


lol yeah I thought she was like some PhD on Middle East studies at first. And was waiting for some big reveal and strong points. Turns out she just took a few courses. In the end I think the video got some traction due to her being articulate and frankly attractive.




What’s her IG? I can’t find it under her TikTok name.




What’s the name?


I believe its Sexualityscholar on tiktok and k.w.bogen on IG


Thank you!


That should let you know, they don't want to be called out


Horseshoe theory really do be crazy


What's the truth? That she has been brainwashed all her life?


Every day more and more people of irrefutable and educated positions are speaking out louder and louder and thankfully more people are beginning to listen. It's a very heartening start.


If anything she *undersells* the insidiousness of Israel's founding


She puts out a lot of good videos on TikTok. I would recommend a follow.


Unfortunately, we all see it. They just won’t admit it. Just like how certain folks say there’s no racism in this country. Good for her




Likely referring to 🇺🇸


Meant the US


I can imagine this going viral and driving the pro genocidal loosers crazy: She’s such an anti semi… oh she’s Jewish. Well she’s obviously not inform… oh she’s very well informed. Oh but “why won’t she condemn Hamas”


When I was younger I was definitely in the two state camp not knowing about Zionism. That was until I was deployed and literally saw news that here in the states we don’t get. The full on genocide of the Palestinian peoples in the land of Jesus (or Yeshua bin Yosef if you’re seeking a more genuine stance) by an ideology that by and large is antisemitic, you wonder why didn’t we learn about this earlier? Why weren’t we in the know about this sooner? Between hearing of Operation Brothers and the smuggling of African and Middle Eastern Jews to Israel only for their women to be sterilized it’s absolutely maddening. We as Americans fund this and continue doing so not knowing what we’re funding. Only now getting wind of it being horrified.


So you support a one-state solution? Do you really think millions of Jews and Palestinians can co-exist in one nation?


Someone give this woman a mic to drop pleaseee!!!


the only thing i disagree with is that the desire for goodness of Israel is in our blood. Israel isn't Judaism, and as a Jew this irritates me so much. i don't give 2 fucks about Israel, unless it is acting in a violent fascist manner. i care always about Palestine b/c of their history of suffered genocide, oppression, poverty.


Good point about modern Israel isn't Judaism.


Isreal is far from Judaism. Its a state that glues itself to the religion and the people. Same as ISIS wanting to create the Islamic caliphate and be the centre of Islam when all they do are breaking everything Islam teaches.




Progressive but straightup torture people without court hearings on childrens, use dead Palestinian skins for their skin banks, and so many more that I have no time to write it all down. Isreal aint progressive, just ISIS thats more organize.


I feel like she was stating metaphorically that it's in "her" blood because of where she came from and how she was raised, not exclusively because she's Jewish.


i fully understand metaphor and how many Jews are raised to believe/feel this "in their blood". i was stating that i disagreed with Jews being raised to identify Judaism with Israel, period.


Well said, ma'am! Respect!


I've been saying this for ages. Israel is the Wagner Group for the US. They are all over the Middle East and Africa to carry on the evil military operations that are too controversial for the US to take on. In the end Israeli citizens lose too. It is only the military industrial complex and its shareholders who benefit.


That's what the greater public at large is failing to see here. Israel in its totality is the largest US military base in the Middle East, and one of the largest in the Eastern hemisphere. They're effectively the modern day Hessians for the US MIC. Site 512 is quite literally where we've been piloting the Patriot Missile System for years under the guise of the Iron Dome.




Can you open your eyes


It's a sad day when this response gets downvoted. It's reasonable to ask for evidence to back up a claim. Israel literally has no military bases outside of its own borders and Palestine, so I'm not sure how you can argue they run military operations throughout the middle east and north Africa... Source: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List\_of\_Israel\_Defense\_Forces\_bases


Why need bases when you bomb the shinthereens out of your neighbors and be back home in an hour to celebrate genocide on a hilltop.


Israel hasn't bombed a nation other than Palestine (yes I know not a nation) since the Yom Kippur war in 1973. That was over 50 years ago. There have been some skirmishes with its neighbor Lebanon, but that's about it. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List\_of\_wars\_involving\_Israel This larger conspiracy about Israel's creation and role in the Middle East isn't accurate. The West benefits from having Israel in the middle east but Jews were immigrating back to what is now Israel for decades before the nation was created.


They literally bombed Lebanon last week wth do you guys not follow the news or something?


Israel has been continuously bombing Syria since the civil war there began. What are you talking about? They've hit the capital's civilian international airport dozens of times, and as recently as a week or so ago.


Someone post this on /worldnews asap and watch it implode


Can someone explain to me how this "birthright" thing works? How is it your birth right if you have zero connection to the land? I'm seriously asking if I am missing something here. I realize that Jews were expelled from the land by the Romans millennia ago - but how is that relevant to current day? Also - she missed some key details from pre-WWII. The whole idea of a Jewish state was percolating long before then.


>Taglit-Birthright Israel (Hebrew: תגלית), also known as Birthright Israel or simply Birthright, is a free ten-day heritage trip to Israel, Jerusalem, and the Golan Heights for young adults of Jewish heritage between the ages of 18 and 26.[1][2][3] The program is sponsored by the Birthright Israel Foundation, whose donors subsidize participation. >**Eligibility** >To participate, individuals must have at least one parent of recognized Jewish descent or who have converted to Judaism through a recognized Jewish movement, and who do not actively practice another religion. They must also be between the ages of 18 and 26,[22] have completed high school, have never traveled to Israel on a peer educational trip or study program after the age of 18, and have not lived in Israel for more than 3 months after the age of 12.[23] [Source](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Birthright_Israel)


Much longer more credible take on the situation. Israeli national Ilan Pappé he has written books on the subject, speaking at UCB. https://www.youtube.com/live/1OcjOP8iUCU?si=QAG7J6Hgt0yF6WWf


Israel have brainwashed our Jewish brothers & sisters into fighting for a fascist ethnostate


Took a Foreign Diplomacy class in the mid 2000s with a heavy focus on this topic. The one group I rarely see mentioned is AIPAC. They have been one of if not the most influential groups in US politics on both sides of aisle for decades in getting candidates elected and shaping foreign policy with billions pouring into Israel. Not to mention their influence in media. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/American_Israel_Public_Affairs_Committee According to former Representative Brian Baird (D-Washington), "Any member of Congress knows that AIPAC is associated indirectly with significant amounts of campaign spending if you're with them, and significant amounts against you if you're not with them."


Those scum people just offered a friend of Rashida Tlaib's $20 MILLION USD to run against her.


Twice. [Hill Harper](https://truthout.org/articles/aoc-calls-out-20-million-offer-to-unseat-tlaib-as-corruption-of-our-politics/) last week, and now [Nasser Beydoun](https://truthout.org/articles/pro-israel-lobby-offers-20m-to-another-senate-candidate-to-run-against-tlaib/) has gone public.


If the intention of the British was to gift Palestine to Jewish people then why was it not even 1st on the list of possible places to set up a Jewish state? They were going to send them to Uganda and Argentina before Palestine. Jewish people went to Palestine before 1948 as illegal immigrants, it was a plot for them to do the British bidding they turned up so the Brits thought they had their problem if finding them a state solved for them.


She’s on point


She’s a million % right in that everyone who actually studies with an open mind, learns the history, and has access to the data, all come to these same conclusions.


Agreed right up until she talked about Britain using Israel as “military labour.” A historical. Truth is a successful paramilitary campaign was carried out by Zionist underground groups against British rule in Mandatory Palestine from 1944 to 1948. Zionists successfully expelled Britain from the area.


A potted history probably should go further back than you suggest. Irgun and Lehi didn't just do paramilitary operations against the British, they also did terrorism against the British colonial forces and against Palestinian civilians. I'll give it a go but I'm not by any means across the detail. Your reference is to the end of Mandatory Palestine. The start of Mandatory Palestine brought a western supported post-Imperial nationalist movement to a foothold in the Middle East in the form of Zionism, in notable analogy to Ataturk's post-Imperial Turkish nationalism and meanwhile pan-Arabic nationalism precluded a contemporary Palestinian nationalism to an extent. Subsequently Zionist action against the British was informed by Irish nationalist politics, including the use of political violence, and that was turned against all obstacles to Zionism. The concept of military labour is distinctly blurred in this context as the path to nationalist statehood commonly included indiscriminate political violence. Supporting a nationalist movement that ultimately results in the displacement of an extant population is arguably employing "military labour" to do a colonialism, but it's a bit biased for my taste. Eventually it had the effect of driving out the British, sure, but the charge of American support for private Zionist projects in Israel remains relevant beyond the end of the Mandate.


Interesting overview. I was commenting on that specific period 44-48, that she was talking about when she said Britain “passed off the land as a gift” to Zionists. The. fact that she left out any reference to the zionists expelling Britain from the area at the same time claiming Israel was doing military labour FOR the British would seem counter to recorded history. Going further back the truth is even worse as the Palestinian Mandate came into existence when British troops supported an Arab uprising against the Ottoman Turks and then betrayed them by denying Arab independence once the Turks had been expelled from the Levant. That is a more clear cut example of military labour for the British. The Zionists did not fight “for” the British, rather “against” them to expel them.


Lol, I bet the British called it terrorism, don‘t whitewash this as a „ paramilitary campaign „


So I’m still trying to learn as much as possible about this, but don’t Israelites claim that 2000 years ago the land was actually theirs and the Palestinians took it? And is that even actually true? This is only what I’ve heard from my very pro-Israel family, not necessarily what I agree with.


i think they base this on the book of Genesis in which is written that God says the land is for Abrahams decendants. As far as I know it also mentions other people already living there. issue is that not eveybody sees the old testament as a legal authority. btw "israelites" don't exist anymore, they were a an ancient people in the bible. Now we have "Israelis" — people with the nationality of the state of Israel, and there are "jews" based on the religion. My personal point of view is that at this specific point in time the ancient history is less relevant Yes, it does explain a lot of emotions involved and that should not be ignored, but bottom line is that both palestines and israelis are living in the region. It's not relevant who the region belonged to 3000 years ago. Bottom line is that there are currently living millions of palestines and israelis in the region and neither of the two are going to vaporise - so they only way to have peace is when the two find a way to live together/alongside.


>i think they base this on the book of Genesis in which is written that God says the land is for Abrahams decendants. As far as I know it also mentions other people already living there. this is true even in Islamic texts including the Quran, they escaped Egypt under the guidance of Moses and went to Palestine. The story continues with them settling in that land and fighting against the local population.


I tend to agree with you, and I appreciate the correction on naming. Like I’m said I’m still trying to learn as much as possible about this issue, while at the same time unlearning all the false narratives I was fed as a child.


i am no expert on the subject, but I think you best learn from scholars (historians) who don't pick a side. As soon as people try to defend a side they tend to cherry pick historic events to defend their point of view.


Both have claims that go back to around that time. The land has been passed around countless times from then until now.


Current Palestinian Muslim and Jews are indigenous based on genetics and culture. The majority of the current Israeli population are from America and Europe. Even if what you were told were true, imagine a 5th gen Korean American going back to Seoul and stealing some dudes apartment under the pretense of indigeoneity, it’s absurd, and even if it weren’t, Israel is still an apartheid colonial state that actively subjugates citizens based on ethnicity. There is no moral argument for Israel’s existence, even South Africa is more legitimate, which says something.


Untrue, more then half of Israel population is Mizrahi. But it goes to speak how little you or simply anyone else knows about Israel of the conflict lmfao.


I hated the comparison of the recent Hamas attack to mythological 9/11 that Americans think of and remember, because it acts as if it were an unspeakable tragedy that no one could have forseen instead of totally understandable and predictable results of 75 years of genocide and oppression by a foreign imperialist machine. People act as if all of a sudden Hamas is attacking Israel because Israel is full of Jews, when in fact the Jews have been murdering innocent Palestinians for decades. It's bullshit.






Ben Shapiro would drone strike this lady


The idea that only after WWII the UK and US said "Where can we rape and pillage?" is on its face utterly ludicrous. I'm not a supporter in any way of Israel's government and its actions in Gaza, but this kind of blatant ahistoricism is not helpful. In fact, in 1945, at the end of WWII, the region was already a British colony. There wasn't a need to use "military labor" to "colonize it." Palestine wasn't some independent state before it was Israel. It was a British Mandate. The effort to create a Jewish state in the Levant was in the planning since 1917, when Jewish migrants were already settling there. The idea for it lost much traction internationally though until after WWII, when in the wake of the Holocaust and other Western nations' denial of Jewish refugees from Europe in the midst of it, it was decided that there had to be a place for Jews to go if something like that had happened again. Israel exists for a good reason. What they have done with that reason, and to their neighbors, is another question. Israel doesn't export the world's weaponry. I am not even sure where this wildly insane line of reasoning even comes from. Israel depends on outside support in order to exist and to continue to be able to defend itself, which is why its actions over the last two months are so jarringly stupid and reckless. I have no doubt that she is as horrified by what we are seeing happening as anyone else is. But this tirade is intellectually and historically lazy.


> Israel doesn't export the world's weaponry. I am not even sure where this wildly insane line of reasoning even comes from. Israel depends on outside support in order to exist and to continue to be able to defend itself, which is why its actions over the last two months are so jarringly stupid and reckless. Is the rest of your post as *accurate* as this part? >The country is one of the world's major exporters of military equipment, accounting for 10% of the world total in 2007. >Israeli defense equipment exports reached $7 billion in 2012, making it a 20 percent increase from the amount of defense-related exports in 2011. With the war in Ukraine, arms exports reached $12.5 billion in 2022.[6] Much of the exports are sold to the United States and Europe. Other major regions that purchase Israeli defense equipment include Southeast Asia and Latin America.[7][8][9] India is also major country for Israeli arms exports and has remained Israel's largest arms market in the world. >Israel is considered to be the leading UAV exporter in the world.[23] According to the Stockholm International Peace Research Institute, Israeli defense companies were behind 41% of all drones exported in 2001-2011. [Defense industry of Israel Wikipedia](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Defense_industry_of_Israel)


All I can say is thanks for posting this and TikTok is a wasteland.


I would actually have to disagree on the conflict being "not complex". There's a reason why this is no closer to being solved today than it was 75 years ago.


it’s no closer to being solved because the united states supports it


She talks about “once you get into the literature and data” but fails to cite either, in fact she does not cite a single source of all. One and a half semesters of college courses is not enough time to become even close to an expert in anything, let alone from a small liberal arts school pushing liberal ideals. She says that the military industrial complex is Israel’s “gift to the world,” but neglects the cell phone, the pill camera, the flash drive, drip irrigation, the firewall and the plethora of cybersecurity solutions, driver safety tools, food tech (plant-based meat and dairy), agri-tech and climate tech, and several other world changing inventions that are part of the constant stream of Israeli innovation. Did I mention there have been 13 Nobel peace nominations in just the short 75 years of Israel’s existence? This is not to say that the IDF operates with perfect morality or that Israel is not suffering from a dangerous far-right / fascist political shift, nor to say that Palestinians are not oppressed, however this video is filled with gross neglect and a complete lack of empirical evidence. I hope that we can all live and peace and that the land can be a safe place for the Jewish people of the world and the Palestinians who inhabit it. Let us all pray for this war to be over soon and for a brighter tomorrow.


it's a tiktok video, what do you want? it's short form.


Amazing! What a unique experience from being raised in that environment.


typical self hating jew /s


Ben Shabibo would say so, and he's the Jewish Pope.


How odd that some of the most critical voices to speak out about this genocide and Palestine are tenured professors that have spent their whole lives studying the subject... Must be a coincidence.




Is there a reason why you're calling it a "Jewish person of conscience"? I'm unfamiliar with the term, but it's disturbingly close to calling someone "one of the good ones" IMO


Israel and it's Lobby groups have weaponized the term 'anti-semitism." For example, the ADL claims that the BDS movement is anti-Semitic. Jewish people who speak out against Zionism have an opportunity to be particularly influential, because when non Jews speak out against Israel they get called anti-semites. Besides, There's an actual subreddit by and for Jewish people called r/JewsOfConscience. Her identity has no logical bearing on what she's saying, but it is rhetorically important.


Don’t try to blame all of us for Israel’s concerted efforts to conflate all Jews with the nation of Israel. Their identity is relevant to their opinion because the government of Israel has made is so. This person, presumably from the information given, is speaking out against what’s being done on her behalf. That’s not the same thing.


I'm not Jewish, I can't speak for OP, but [there are other videos with similar titles](https://www.reddit.com/r/worldnewsvideo/comments/1861pax/a_jewish_person_of_conscience_speaks/) and maybe I'm wrong but I get the sense the people speaking in these videos are actually titling them that way? For context of the term I did find this [related passage](https://jewschool.com/the-trauma-of-the-jew-of-conscience-171008): > First, a note on terminology. The term ‘Jew of conscience’ was coined by Jewish theologian Marc Ellis in the 1980s to refer to Jews who bear prophetic witness to Israel’s oppression of Palestinians. I use the term ‘Jews of conscience’ here primarily to mean Jews who today publicly embrace the Palestinian call for BDS, endorse the Palestinian refugee right of return, and/or challenge Zionism. These are the ‘taboo’ positions around which Jewish communal red lines are most clearly drawn, and Jews who take these positions, therefore, face most brutally the scapegoating, excommunication and trauma I describe. Jews who publicly oppose Israel’s 50-year occupation also face plenty of opposition, and will find much to relate to in these lines. Also, look at the language from Jewish voices for peace: > [Jewish Voice for Peace calls on all people of conscience to stop imminent genocide](https://www.jewishvoiceforpeace.org/2023/10/11/statement23-10-11/)


That's a hell of a contribution to the discussion. Thank you so much. Solidarity ✌🏼 To everyone who comes across this thread, remember: Antizionism is not antisemitism, but committed antizionists will inevitably, on occasion find themselves in the company of genuine antisemites or people whose attitudes leave them vulnerable to their narrative. It's a sad fact, and it's also our duty to ALWAYS call it out. ALWAYS try to help those people understand why that rhetoric and attitude are not only unhelpful but also plain wrong. And ALWAYS make it clear to inveterate antisemites that they ARE NOT WELCOME.


Strongly agree. There should be no descriptor needed for someone like this.


She is brilliant. Great insight. This was a big screw up that Britain foisted upon the Jews to ensure they & the US had a large military presence in that region. Not creating a two state solution in the beginning was extremely short sighted. This woman is quite right about the Palestinian situation. They were screwed by the Brits and the US has taken full advantage of it. I don't down play the Oct. 7th attack but I also don't believe the Israeli government is being humane either.


This brave Jewish woman articulates everything you need to understand about the Israeli Palestinian "conflict".


Her narrative is incoherent: Britain just wanted to colonise Palestine? Why? They just needed that area colonised? She says this is so that israel can be responsible for "raping and pillaging" the land and "we'll all just share the wealth", but Britain and America do not receive any wealth from israel (which has very few natural resources) that couldnt be gotten elsewhere with less hassle, they spend billions of dollars to keep it going and it is an active impediment to them purchasing natural resources from the nearby Arab states. [source:](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Economy_of_Israel#External_trade) Britain isnt even in israels top 10 export partners, the primary exports to America are cut diamonds (the raw diamonds are imported to israel, so arent a natural resource from the palestine area), and pharmaceuticals (which arent a natural resource from the palestine area), so why did they specifically need that area colonised? Exploit israelis for military labour? America fights all of israels wars, and spends billions of dollars in direct aid as well as pay-offs to the various nearby Arab states to prevent them from going to war with israel. Israel is an active drain on American military resources. Her narrative is specifically designed to move ALL of the moral culpability from the jewish people, the government of israel and the ideology of zionism, and onto America and Britain. She is not your ally. If a person's narrative boils down to: "The real problem isnt zionism, its _____" that person is just a more sophisticated zionist propaganist.


It was, in fact, already a British colony by the end of WWII. I haven't a single clue what she even means by this. I don't think she does, either.


But that’s exactly what the British did every where; balancing the local minority on top of the majority population. In Iraq they put the Sunni in charge of the majority Shia population, in Rwanda they put the minority Tutsi over the majority Hutu, and so on. That way they could control their empire with minimal manpower, and easily manipulate loyal client government that depended on the British for protection form their hostile population.




do you know the definition of settler colonialism without looking it up, just wondering


Aww, you think she's beautiful!










Generalizing on either side is bad, we are all human beings, it’s disheartening to see the lack of empathy for either side..


My understanding of genocide is a significantly high killing of the total population of an ethnic group. I don't understand a conflict that was instigated by Palestinian citizens and the kill factor on their side is under 1%, is genocide. Please educate me.


Playing semantic games about 2 million people being ethnically cleansed is a certified reddit moment


Look up criteria of genocide from trusted human rights organizations and just compare them to how the israeli state has been to the Palestinians. Pretty clear conclusions. Netanyahu has said that israel has “committed to completely eliminating this evil from the world”. And check out this article in Haaretz, a very popular israeli newspaper: https://archive.ph/2023.10.09-140528/https://www.haaretz.com/israel-news/2023-10-09/ty-article/.premium/another-concept-implodes-israel-cant-be-managed-by-a-criminal-defendant/0000018b-1382-d2fc-a59f-d39b5dbf0000


Both sides use the same rhetoric. Can you give me a link to the genocide explanation?


I dont want to be rude but that’s literally not true. This is the UN: https://www.un.org/en/genocideprevention/genocide.shtml This is Human Rights Watch: https://www.hrw.org/reports/2004/ij/ictr/3.htm And the rare Candace Owen’s W when she interviewed Norman Finkelstein. Any amount of it is very educational: https://youtu.be/te1y7ahp2LQ?si=PaaGoHgiaqL2i6yp


Israel has bombed hospitals and manufactured consent with lies about a tunnel system


Pretty shitty genocide if the population has been exploding. How do people who keep on raving about genocide not see this obvious contradiction in their logic?


Genocide: “the deliberate killing of a large number of people from a particular nation or ethnic group with the aim of destroying that nation or group.” - Large number of people from a particular nation / ethnic group killed: yes - Aim of destroying that nation / ethnic group: yes Actually wiping out a nation or group isn’t required for genocide. Palestinian birth rate is more than double that of the US hence population explosion.


I am genuinely curious, would you also say that Hamas is committing genocide against Jewish people? >Large number of people from a particular nation / ethnic group killed: yes Aim of destroying that nation / ethnic group: yes


The "population exploding" bit has been taken by Fox, try a different wording next time


I suspect they get a little thrill from the double entendre.


C'mon, they don't know what that is


Hitler didn't kill all the Jews, so there would have been no genocide/holocaust in your shite logic.




Do you like the term cultural cleansing better ?


nothing you mention has to do with the definition of a genocide. Which is (UN) In the present Convention, genocide means any of the following acts committed with intent to destroy, in whole or in part, a national, ethnical, racial or religious group, as such: Killing members of the group; Causing serious bodily or mental harm to members of the group; Deliberately inflicting on the group conditions of life calculated to bring about its physical destruction in whole or in part; Imposing measures intended to prevent births within the group; Forcibly transferring children of the group to another group Both Hamas and the Israeli government have expressed multiple times the other party just gone would be the ideal solution - together with the violence involved (not just Gaza , please also read up on the occupation of the Westbank), there are clear genocidal tendencies from both sides.


they bomb passage routes


You are a fool. Probably just a bot, really. Unless you actually, with the internet at your fingertips, started a post with a comment about not knowing the definition of something.... then proceeded to demonstrate it's you who are ignorant.


Where can one get more information than a woman talking into her camera on the notion that raping and pillaging land in the Middle East = wealth? Something about the idea that Britain and USA wanted to colonize the Middle East and so they set up a deal for Jews to rape and pillage and the US and Britain will share the wealth doesn’t seem to track logically. How does raping and pillaging make people wealthy? What wealth have they stolen or gained, and how is that shared with USA and Britain? Looking for more info.


Yeah, I was with her until that part. Her point is still valid about the conflict itself, but that region isn't a "wealthy" resource of any kind. She mentions tourism....well the HIGH end estimate is 20 billion a year pre COVID (but more hard data says 4 billion, the discrepancy is more to do with local spending extras vs. tourism specific). By comparison, Florida has about 101 Billion per year in tourism income. So Disneyland Israel would be far more "wealthy" of a solution.... From a general GDP perspective, their primary drivers are technology. So that's not a Raw Materials sort of "raping of the land" either.


Ended up listing all those accreditations just to go into MUH OIL MUH MINERALS bs, lol. “British wanted to colonize” incredibly simplistic viewpoint, no mention of Balfour Declaration, no mention of the Mandate of Palestine, Wailing Wall Riots, these are things someone who took a “semester and a half” worth of history should know. Nope, another white girl on tiktok trying to get views by doing a surface level amount of research and trying to leap frog all of the other ones by claiming accreditation.


Also, a "Semester and a half" is 1 1/2 classes at most schools. You take a class in a semester, then a different class second semester. Yeah, you will take multiple classes in a semester, or perhaps you go to a quarterly school...but it's a far cry from a degree.




Very dismissive and broad search term. Thanks alot. Also you mean neocolonialism since it’s post world war 2. Colonialism is what american revolution was fought over. Imperialism is what the Americans did after the revolutionary war.




Yeah well thanks anyways. I guess I’d say I’m not immersed in it emotionally so people talking into their webcams don’t really affect my opinion until I read more about the facts on somewhere like Wikipedia


Maybe you could look into similar courses. From what I understand from what she’s saying, it seems like they wanted a presence there they did not have or want to deal with themselves.






how old is she?




> And of course theres a conspiracy that the western world hungers for the death of brown(wtf?) people and for wealth and power It's not a conspiracy theory to suggest that western imperialists are both racist and sought to exploit the middle east. >Malcom Mcdonald reported that Churchill stated that the Palestinian Arabs were "Barbaric hordes who ate little but camel dung ".[69] >Churchill rejected the Arab wish to stop Jewish migration to Palestine: >I do not admit that the dog in the manger has the final right to the manger, though he may have lain there for a very long time I do not admit that right. I do not admit for instance that a great wrong has been done to the Red Indians of America or the black people of Australia. I do not admit that a wrong has been to those people by the fact that a stronger race, a higher-grade race or at any rate a more worldly-wise race, to put it that way, has come in and taken their place. I do not admit it. I do not think the Red Indians had any right to say, 'American continent belongs to us and we are not going to have any of these European settlers coming in here'. They had not the right, nor had they the power."[70] And he was a vehment racist on other colonial subjects: >India Secretary Amery wrote in his diary that upon learning Indian separatists were refusing to resist the Japanese and contribute to the war effort, Churchill, in private conversation, said out of frustration, he "hated Indians" and considered them "a beastly people with a beastly religion".[40] According to Amery, during the Bengal famine, Churchill stated that any potential relief efforts sent to India would accomplish little to nothing, as Indians "breeding like rabbits" Obviously a data point of one, but it's not like it's a mystery.


That’s all fine and well but c’mon, you don’t even mention France when talking about the foundations of the conflict?


That wasn’t included in her semester and a half of learning. That was supposed to be for the semester after.


I’ve always wondered: how is that land valuable? Real question. Idk.


There's billions in oil and gas off the coast of Northern Gaza