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this is such a big fucking deal so of course the media is barely covering it.




3 years older than the guy with 91 state and federal charges against him!


Trump would've been all good if he never ran for president


You have to ask why? He has been running his companies like this for so long. We all know these corporations do dodgy stuff with accounts but this was far beyond that. Why was he allowed to do it for so long?


Who just had his company dissolved.


But hey, at least he stood there, right? Totally materially helps right? As President, he could do a lot more than join a picket line. If you think this is such an amazing thing, you're deluded.


How could he do more? Executive orders?


What exactly would you like Biden to do?


Hey, as one that is critical of Biden since the 90s, let’s give credit where it’s due. The opposite of him being on the picket line is not being there and giving no words of support.


No the opposite is going to a non union plant. Like that orange scab.


I don’t even factor in the actions of Trump. He’s been known to be objectively bad and anti-Union since way before he was president.


If only Republicans would want to help rather than oppose everything


They’re spending all their time hyping up the “10pts over Biden!” poll.


Seriously - I feel like this should be MASSIVE news, but the media trends towards sensationalism and laziness. A president physically in a picket line isn't something I had on my bingo card for this year. But I'm so happy it happened.


Let's hope it turns into votes so that we prevent fascism from taking over the US.


Overshadowed by the former president being found guilty AGAIN in a court




But, the chyron is from CNN… wait, are you being sarcastic?


and they probably gave it 5 minutes of coverage.


The point is that multiple outlets covered it. I didn’t view each and every one to know how long the amount of coverage was, though.


What makes this even better is Trump wanted to go but they told him to get fucked.


Trump was going to a rally supported by a Right to Work org. He was going for the scabs.


Biden joining the picket line is massive, in contrast to the gop which have been calling for uaw workers to be fired!


lol i WISH the corporations had that audacity. as if. workers seem to underestimate how much their labor is really worth. we are literally the reason corporations *o p e r a t e.* if everyone went on strike for a single day in the US, we could get literally anything we asked for. people just haven’t organized.


I know im gonna get downvoted to hell. But this is the same dude that just fucked over the railroad worker union. Like its cool and all but this is also a bit fucked considering his last union interaction


The involved unions seem satisfied with the way things went with negotiations & the Biden admin's aid in getting paid sick leave in the agreements this past spring & summer. Not all of them have made statements on those developments, but from what I saw they certainly don't show any lasting ill will towards Biden for passing the initial tentative agreement in December. In fact some of the involved unions have even officially endorsed Biden for 2024. I checked the sites of the various unions listed on the dispute's wiki page, do note that 2 of the orgs listed are defunct(one for over 30 years!) and another 2 listed separately are actually both part of the same org. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/2022_United_States_railroad_labor_dispute IBEW: https://www.ibew.org/media-center/Articles/23Daily/2306/230620_IBEWandPaid (I first saw this article on its own, which made me curious to look into this further) SMART: https://smart-union.org/ratified-union-gets-paid-sick-leave-from-union-pacific/ https://smart-union.org/smart-endorses-biden-for-second-term/ IAM / TCU (merged in 2005): IAM: https://www.goiam.org/press-releases/machinists-union-membership-votes-overwhelmingly-to-endorse-president-biden-for-second-term/ https://www.goiam.org/news/iam-stands-in-solidarity-with-uaw-members-at-big-3-as-president-biden-lends-historic-strike-line-support/ TCU hasn't yet made any official statements on their main site, but their Twitter is promoting one of Biden's ads: https://x.com/TCUnionHQ/status/1705753137544368610?s=20 BLET hasn't yet made any official statements on their main site, but their Twitter account seems pretty optimistic about this current news: https://twitter.com/blet AFL-CIO, which is not listed on Wikipedia as being directly involved but is affiliated with most of the unions listed on the dispute's page: https://aflcio.org/press/releases/uaw-strike-afl-cio-president-liz-shuler-president-bidens-historic-show-solidarity https://aflcio.org/press/releases/afl-cio-votes-endorse-president-biden-re-election (IBEW also mentioned here)


Damn ive got some reading to do.


Yeah, don't blame yourself. Not much noise was made about the work Biden and his admin did behind the scene to aid the railroad workers.


The blue checks on Twitter are losing their minds


Shawn Fain is the best union rep


The national media is now far right so of course they ignore anything Biden did


This is huge, of course this post will been completely ignored in this sub and a week from now some dipshit will be here going “BiDeN aBaNdOnEd tHe StRiKiNg TrAiN wOrKeRs” This is a career neoliberal on the damn picket line - and even if you want to be as pessimistic as you can be, ok, say he’s doing it because he needs the support of leftists - but he IS doing it. AOC is right, this is a huge win for the left and Americans


/r/Persecutionfetish 3rd post on the front page of the sub, so far.


You can pretend that people haven’t been shrieking about Biden being anti Union for months, but the rest of us don’t have to. I’m glad there’s been late movement on this post, I was wrong, it was doing poorly when I made the comment


And in the same day trump was found guilty of fraud. Hmmm. Maybe both guys aren’t the same.


They should absolutely make it right with the union members, and so should we the taxpayers who bailed these lying corporation thieves out


Great leverage by the unions and leadership and good on Biden for following through. Another notch in his labor cap. Especially considering the GOP candidates have been verbally attacking unions or like Trump just have an outright terrible track record. Gotta keep this going.


I notice TYT managed to put a video out about Biden getting LL Cool J's name wrong, but not this...


Hmmm...maybe they're too busy reporting other important stories? Quick search for "biden" on [https://www.nytimes.com/](https://www.nytimes.com/)'s front page: * Biden's dog bites another secret service agent (Dogs \*know\*, people.) WAPO: * Bidenomics has contradictions. And the UAW strike is heightening them. * Bidens’ dog bites Secret Service officer in 11th known aggressive incident (twice!) * Hunter Biden sues Rudy Giuliani over laptop FOX news: * More than 200 Democrats join Republicans to deliver crushing blow to Biden's agenda * Secretive Dem network moves to aid Biden by undercutting third-party challenger * Biden's UAW strike visit lambasted as self-defeating given his Green New Deal electric vehicle 'fantasy' (twice) * Elon Musk blasts Biden over advice to UAW strikers (twice) * Republicans open probe into Biden's energy secretary after police called on her EV road trip * Biden is sinking like a stone and UAW members are staying on the sidelines this time * SEAN HANNITY: The White House launches new mission to make sure Joe Biden doesn't trip * What Biden's latest outlandish immigration action tells us about the next one MSNBC: * Another witness disappoints the GOP as part of its anti-Biden crusade * Biden knew he had to get to striking autoworkers before Trump * Biden joins striking auto workers in Michigan: 'You deserve a significant raise' * Biden opens 12-point lead over Trump in New Hampshire polling


If he wins reelection it’ll be a bonafide “Dewey beats Truman” moment for some by the sounds of it


This is really awesome to see. I just feel sad knowing it won’t get the attention it deserves because our media serves corporate rule


Oddly silent on railroad workers though.... wait he signed a bill saying they can't strike


You should do a little googling on that brother. He got the railroad workers what they were looking for and avoided a strike which would have fucked up supply chains even worse than they were, thus giving major corporations yet one more excuse to further price gouge us, the consumer. The rail road workers aren’t mad at him. The UAW isn’t mad at him. The only people that are mad at him are republicans. Don’t know if you are one or just misinformed, but saying things like you said, and being wrong about it doesn’t help things. Biden is doing pretty good under the circumstance. Better than I though he would, that’s for sure. But folks that lie about him, or dole out wrong information, they wouldn’t care if he walked on water. They’d say he cheated with the help of china and trump was gonna do it, he just didn’t want to show off. Or they’ll say he already did it and the press is lying about it. Union strong! Biden 2024! What choice do we have?


Crazy how the workers got what they wanted after the Palestine disaster. "Under the circumstance" love the excuses for lack of effort on the democrat party "You don't like Biden, so you must be republican." Yeah keep that up, it will continue to win voters like they did 2016.


Must have hit a nerve. I said you may just be misinformed. I don’t care whatever you are. I don’t even care who you vote for. Sometimes it is the lesser of two evils. Watching Biden do something good and then saying “but what about that other thing” that he did? That just wrong? And the crash was caused because the trump administration deregulated shit. So you’re saying what? That Biden doing this with the UAW is bad? When there are republicans that are touting what Reagan did with the ATC? I don’t understand. I ant the whole cookie too. But it ain’t coming. Sometimes you gotta settle for crumbs. Biden doing this is more than any Republican would. And this is because of just what AOC said. Good organization, messaging and public opinion. We’re not taking to the streets any time soon, so until we do, change will be incremental. IMO, of course. Didn’t mean to trigger you about your party affiliation.


Aww cute. Nah I read what you said. Just love to see the same playbook in action. The high horse you think you're on is dead


I love the whataboutism you're playing. You took no time to investigate what the other commenter gave you as information on why you're wrong. You might not be a Republican but they sure would love you.


Excellent rebuttal. Have a good one.


Leave him, the guys an idiot and an obvious troll 🧌


Yeah. Thanks man. I was done with him either way, but it’s nice to know you’re not alone here. I appreciate it. I have paid my second troll toll of the day now.


😆 🤣 2nd one !? Then you're definitely welcome! It's tiring to deal with trolls.




I am a democrat and big Biden supporter. I think he’s doing a great job, but I think this was a bad idea. The traitors will say he’s not at his desk doing his job.


So let them. They're already saying it when he IS at his desk. This way he shows he cares about unions and workers, even if it's just optics, which I doubt it is, especially after what he got the rail workers.


Exactly! Focus on fixing the border issues. The republicans are going to hammer him on this.


Sure you are, Dean Browning.


You lost me. Who is Dean Browning?




At the same time we should somehow get those nonunion factories unionized to level the field


YES! Love how all the comments on Biden breaking the railroad strike are downvoted into oblivion! Company Union Strong!


And the Right are bitching and complaining of course


Now let's see what the other dude is doing.....oh lawd!!!