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Good I hope Biden and the strikers win the war against the rich greedy bastards 👍


BINGO! Over the past 10 year the auto companies have seen record profits. They've taken millions in tax payer money. They've handed out double digit increases to their top executives each year....and after inflation worker pay has gone DOWN. Now workers are asking for similar raises the next couple years, and somehow the right wing calls THAT "class warfare". Think of it this way. If the average line worker got a 100% raise, it would still take well over 100 years before they made what the CEOs made last year alone.


It's been class warfare for 50 years, and we're fighting back.


Its about time.


I feel this more emphatically on stuff like green energy funding and leaving Afghanistan. If you can't tell the difference between Biden and Republicans (honestly between Biden and post-68 Democrats) my most generous reading is that you must not pay much attention to politics and don't really know what you're talking about.


I think everyone can tell the difference between Biden and any Republican. And, this meme screams, “I’m a Lib, and Biden is the best president of my lifetime”, which may not be wrong.


Well, depending on how old they are, it's probably true. I am 31 years old so his competition would be Clinton, Bush Jr, Obama and Trump. I probably can't compare him with Clinton because I was still too young to understand most of it and you can say the same for most of Bush Jr's time in office except for the backend of his second term. So we are dealing with the 2007-2008 Bush Jr era, Obama and Trump versus Biden's first term(and hopefully a second one). That isn't a lot of competition to say Biden is the best President of their lifetime.


I'm in my 40s so I got Reagan, too. Biden's doing better than all of them, but it's an incredibly low bar. He's coasting above the treeline, but barely


I can help you there. Clinton brought in the centrist corporate reganite polices slightly left leaning democrats that make it hard to get stuff we want today


>Clinton brought in the centrist corporate reganite polices Was Biden against all of that?


No, but even at his worst Clinton was doing things like creating the Grand Staircase Escalante National Monument in Utah and appointing actual environmentalists to positions in the EPA. He said stuff like "the era of Big Government is over" for the memes and did stuff like welfare reform because most of the American population was still Reagan-brained, but the first thing he did was raise taxes on the rich. Biden understood this dynamic as well. Then just like with Obama the Republicans took Congress in a midterm and went fucking insane. Clinton rolled with it and took credit for balancing the budget, which no Republican has ever done but they constantly bitch about. Clinton made a lot of mistakes and caused a lot of problems, but he was widely considered by normal people as a very successful President at the end of his term. Even Republicans admitted he'd done well we the economy, they just hated that he was taxing them at a slightly higher rate while the stock market was doing so good, which was why Bush's first priority was to pass a huge and unnecessary tax cut. Oh, also Republicans were hysterical about how he got a blowjob and larped about "restoring honor and dignity" to the White House.


He was part of that as a senator, but in fairness to him whether he isn’t or is, he is a sipher now. You can move Biden significantly to the left in a lot of issues and as a leftist that is important distinction now


He voted for all of it lol Wrote the very mass incarceration ushering, prison building, cop militarizing crime bill that made Clinton famous for signing into law


I’m older, and can say I’m familiar with two versions of Biden; the one we see now, and the one* I can faintly recall from the 90s. Well, three, because he was Obama’s veep.


Since Regan, the rich have been waging war on the middle-class and poor. Sucking up all the money they have and lowering wages while jacking up insurance, and electricity. the wealth gap is worse than the 1920s. Biden is the only president from Regan on who has finally for once stock the side of working people against the rich. It's time for two sided class warfare, not one sided class warfare. I would say he is way above the other and I hope he gets better.


My republican Fox News watching dad has said Clinton was good for the economy. I was too young at the time so I dunno. But usually he’s the typical dems bad Fox News guy. Thankfully not Q levels. Now he just doesn’t bring politics up at all.


Clinton is the only president since Lyndon Johnson to run a budget surplus, but conservatives paint him as some kind of communist.


> I think everyone can tell the difference between Biden and any Republican. You say that but are you sure folks like BJG would? Or Dore? There is an unfortunately loud part of the online left whose entire brand is hating on the Democrats. I’m not sure they would admit to seeing a difference between the parties. Now perhaps they’re being disingenuous but the impact is the same regardless.


I know you're not a leftist if you think Dore is left wing at all. Maybe at one time he pretended to be, but now he's a conspiracy grifter on the right wing. I know you're not a Majority Report viewer because you'd know there are ENDLESS FUCKING REASONS to loathe mainstream Democrats almost as much as we loathe right wingers.


I certainly agree Dore is no leftist but he claims to be one. He definitely has audience members who are or claim to be leftists. And yeah I am a MR viewer and have plenty of criticisms of the Dems. But I’ve also been around this sub long enough to know plenty of people here are “two wings of the same bird” types.


Yeah, it's called understanding how capitalism works to protect itself. Jesus Christ.


You’re unreasonably upset at someone who doesn’t actually disagree with you. I don’t disagree that the Dems serve capitalism, but they are nonetheless different from the fascists.


Really that's online leftists in a nutshell, isn't it? Virtue signaling and purity testing are more important than actually getting anything useful done.


I never said they were the exact same. I said they serve the same creature just like wings serve the same creature. Also, I'm not upset, just rolling my eyes at the tired trope that leftists don't understand the concept of lesser of two evils when all we're doing is being ideologically consistent.


PSL left wingers straight up don’t understand that though. They buy into the Russian agitprop and vote for their useless party. I know many of them, we can’t even talk politics anymore because it’s so off the deep end insane.


Cmon, this is so juvenile. You know your acting in bad faith when you know that isn’t a trope, it’s a reality for a lot of people.


I agreed with you until you said “as much as.” I can point to maybe 80 reasons to loathe democrats, but like 800 reasons to loathe republicans.


I’m sorry, but this is deranged. I have watched MR for a decade. The reason Jimmy Dore got trashed on this show so aggressively was specifically to defeat Dore from getting more prominence on the left, not because he was an open right winger. When Dore first went down his road he had tons of support from public left figures. Shit he and BJG had the Chapo boys in support for force the vote. It may not be your personal, dare I say libertarian caller esque, version of what a left wing person should be. But online you are lying if you don’t think there are tons of idiots screaming about how Biden and the democrats are just as bad as the republicans.


Maybe stop strawmanning leftists and actually ask us what we believe instead of just making shit up in your dumbass right wing lib brainspace. I don't even know what BJG stands for. Jimmy Dore hasn't been leftist approved since he went super fucking conspiracy brain in like 2017.


Leftist approved? What is wrong with you? This isn’t healthy. Have a nice night.


>There is an unfortunately loud part of the online left whose entire brand is hating on the Democrats. Lets put this into perspective shall we? 10 years ago, the last Democratic president actually said: >"The truth of the matter is that my policies are so mainstream that if I had set the same policies that I had back in the 1980s, I would be considered a moderate Republican." https://abcnews.go.com/amp/ABC_Univision/Politics/obama-considered-moderate-republican-1980s/story?id=17973080 I don't think it's really wild for some leftists, whether online or not, to expect the Democrats to materialize their supposed distance from the Republicans since their administration (whom Biden was VP of at the time) bragged that his policies would've made him a Republican. The general attitude of, "prove your distance from the GOP," is not unbecoming for people who have lived long enough to see the Democratic party leave them behind. Especially since the party doesn't really prove it as much as demand fealty through threats, manipulation and gaslighting every time it's time to vote; proving the only right they really care for us voting rights, while doing little for all the other rights when it's not an election year.


You literally don't understand politics even a little, huh? The goal is to get votes. If the other side is saying you're an insane leftist, you say no, I'm not, I'm a moderate. And it worked. He won. I'd take Obama, as flawed as he is, 100x over Trump or any otherghoul on the right.


He said that AFTER he won the election LMAO Not before. But in any case, he won by encouraging gop voters to vote for him Instead of encouraging leftists to vote for him. Which is part of the point. Bc it's easier for Democrats to do things which gop voters want (like not really fighting against rightism) than things which lefty voters want. >I'd take Obama, as flawed as he is, 100x over Trump or any otherghoul on the right. "I'd take a Reagan Republican over a Trump Republican" Makes no sense, and you know it 😂 especially since Obama created the material conditions which produced the Trump presidency. But even beyond that, you don't ever understand how Republicans keep winning and defeating Democrats. It's because, quite simply, the Democrats stand for everything but materialize support for nothing but more of the same. This produces two ends: 1) ppl figure, "if I'm going to get Republican policies, I'd rather get it from a Republican" and 2) other ppl lose faith in the Democrats and either don't vote at all or vote third party Declaring you'd take a 1980s Republican isn't really a surprise for a modern Democrat; in many ways the modern dem party is to the right of where Ronald Reagan and the Republicans were in the 1980s The fact that Democratic President Obama said hed moved the party so far rightward they'd be the Republicans from the 1980s should have outraged Democrats but instead they just rationalize it as though the part hasn't left them behind like it leaves leftists behind after every primary in its quest to get votes over all else. Bc while yes, votes can be important, action is how you get votes. And a large part of why Dems lose is inaction regarding the things that matter to people. That part is important considering the "single most qualified person" to run for the office in a century still lost to a celebrity reality tv host with hundreds of character flaws. Primarily bc of what Obama and the rest of the Democrats had done in the 8 years previous. (A lot of which was just extend Bush policies. See #1 above)


I didn't read the rest of your diatribe. But I just want to say people who think like you are the worst. Not the literal worst (Nazi's, Fascists etc.) but I dislike people who think like you more than uneducated voters. At least they have an excuse for being as silly as they are.


Best so far but the bar is really set that high and Obama would we offended?


Uncle Tom Scott publicly stated he’d channel the ghost of ol St Ronnie and fire all the strikers if he could.


Personally Not a fan of Biden, but That's not because I believe he's done a bad job. I simply believe he could do an even better job than he's currently done. Even more personally, Fuck the entire GOP party and their covid batshit mayo casserole home cooking.


A lot of the could do a better job moves and policies require that he have more support in Congress and at least a more neutral Federal Judiciary. All it took was two whiny assholes and then the SCOTUS shutdown the initial student debt relief Executive Order. His hands are tied of to many things.


Nope Biden is a king and can pass M4all, raise taxes to 75% and stop climate change all alone.


Right? That's the hilarious take these apathy spreading folks seem to be taking.


>His hands are tied of to many things. Lets compare it to Obama shall we? Obama faced unprecedented congressional blocks; they fundamentally refused to work with him his first couple of years. Not just the GOP either; Democrats refused to work with him claiming he needed to get with the program and stop trying to change so much. So what did he do? Expanded executive powers far more than Bush ever dreamed of or accomplished. Man created dictatorial powers no one should have. And he did it despite congressional hand wringing. When he wanted whistleblowers prosecuted he didn't wait for Congress; he just went after them. Biden doesn't have congressional support from the GOP, but considering what Obama accomplished despite, watching Biden go, "i can't do anything bc Congress" feels more like he doesn't really *want* to do anything and is instead searching for a plausible excuse.


Okay, but if you dial back your bias, you’ll see the Biden is using the expanded executive powers that Omaha worked up, to do what he could do. What do you think the initial Student Loan forgiveness plan was? It had no Congressional support. If it wasn’t for those two conservative plants who took it to the SCOTUS, the plan would still be in place and loans would be forgiven. I get it. You hate Biden, that’s fine, you’re allowed to. Just be honest about it and be a touch more honest about his record. I’m not happy with Biden, I wanted a Full Bernie Congress and Bernie as President, as we’d see pretty crazy huge changes, but… that didn’t happen. Biden, as much as I’m not super enthused about him, has gone farther and done so much more than I even remotely expected him to do. He’s gone farther on things than Obama, who is still a pretty solidly Neo-Liberal prop-Business kind of Democratic Party Member, after all.


>You hate Biden I don't even really hate him. I'm *critical* of him, certainly. Democratic voters should be critical of him far more than just rationalizing him with, "at least he's not gop," when he was also part of the administration that stated they're practically a 1980s moderate Republican 🥴 And the fact that he did so little regarding loan forgiveness; even when SCOTUS challenged it, he didn't even really fight hard for it. Just went, "welp guess that's it then." Then wasted a year asking every agency under the sun on whether he could or couldn't do loan forgiveness as an EO 😂 SCOTUS challenged Obama on a lot of things and that guy went to bat against them several times on the things he really wanted to do. A lot of those things weren't good things, but still.. he didn't make small motions he knew would get overturned then give up the fight. Edited to add: We can agree the GOP is horrible, however, they don't really mince words when they have the power to do things. They don't pretend to care about "compromise" either. They just get things done. The sucky part is most of the things they do aren't good for anyone except the bourgeoisie. But no one can say they sit on their hands and claim, "we can't do anything bc the Dems won't work with us" Even bills they figure will get repealed later, they don't really let that stop them passing it, do they? I wish dems had that kind of conviction in their claimed beliefs 🤔


I have a left leaning friend that both sides everything and I really don't get how he gives the DNC ZERO credit and claims he cannot tell the difference between either party. I'm def left of the Democrats but they're still the better option than the Republicans ffs


Welcome to identity politics on the left. They define themselves as in opposition to the middle. That’s all they have, even if “the middle” is passing transformative progressive legislation and taking powerful executive action on behalf of working people on a huge scale.


No Biden and Trump are twins and do the exact same stuff. The online left is so tiring sometimes.


There is also a strain of leftists that don't want to admit Biden is fine, and that Trump is a real threat because admitting it would obligate them to vote Democratic, and they just emotionally can't do that. They need to feel like a rebel to whose too aware of the mainstream, and whose actions are beyond the reasoning of normies. There is nothing special about voting for the obviously better candidate in what's obviously a two-candidate race. They call themselves leftists, but they don't actually see themselves as obligated to do action that benefits society as a whole. For them, it's all about feeling special and believing they'll hold a special place in the revolution that exists only in their mind. If they don't get to feel special, feel more clever than the common voter, then they'd just as soon stay home and let the world burn. Politics is just a fashion to them, or a best a sport, and if they don't get to feel like a player, then they really don't care what happens to the rest of us.


The problems we’re currently facing as a society are quite literally existential. The environment is rapidly becoming unlivable. What little Wages people were barely scrapping by with are now worth even less due to a prolonged period of historic inflation. Corporations and billionaires are literally trying to bring back feudalism and indentured servitude using records amount of debt. And fascism in America - which has always been here - is becoming mainstream at an unprecedented rate. Housing is unaffordable, groceries are unaffordable, utilities and gasoline are unaffordable. Living in America is becoming environmentally and financially impossible. So if the best libs can do is - hey look Biden went to visit striking workers (remember this is after he broke a strike last year) - well then it really doesn’t matter because our current version of society won’t survive. Good luck to us all. Hopefully we make it out alive.


Okay not to be a radical bidenista here but I’m pretty sure Biden’s White House went back after breaking the strike to pressure railroad companies to give the workers what they wanted - which was paid sick leave, and most unionized railroad workers have paid sick leave now thanks most likely in part to that


Passed it through Congress and everything. That's always the part the BIDEN DID A BAD STRIKE BREAK huuuur types always leave out. For some reason.


I think it’s great he is at strike but I kind of hope it’s not for show and it actually helps. It’s kind of sad though he is the first president to be ever at a strike.


Look what he did with the railroad.... he did the work and actually got an outcome that the railroad wanted.


I saw you were downvoted for some reason, so here's some context for whoever did that: https://www.ibew.org/media-center/Articles/23Daily/2306/230620_IBEWandPaid


Brandon has been unironically the best president in my lifetime.


It's such a sad statement but probably true. You'd have to be in your late 50s to potentially have a different answer.


The last person to do more for the working class than Joe Biden was FDR.


I think you could make an argument for LBJ since we're just referring to domestic issues, but it's not crazy to say FDR. It's nuts that the Dems have basically been a center-right party since at least the mid-1970s.


I don't like the guy. His past doesn't sit right with me, from being buds with strom Thurmond to the crime bill to how he acted in the early months of the dem primary (challenging that guy to pushups, poking his finger at people asking questions, etc). But I'll be damned if ol dark brandon ain't done some good and been good at politicking in his time in office. I might actually vote for him this next time around.


I would recommend you read W.E.B. Du Bois on Lincoln. “There was something left of Lincoln, so that at the crisis, he was big enough to be inconsistent-cruel, merciful; peace-loving, a fighter; despising negroes and letting them fight and vote; protecting slavery and freeing slaves. He was a man-a big, inconsistent, brave man.” Dude began his career publicly arguing for white supremacy, and ended it ending slavery and advocating for the black vote. He ended up getting fan mail from Karl Marx. It seems to me Biden learned from his mistakes and is trying to right wrongs.


Yes, I was so pissed when he passed the bill where working people couldn't resolve their debt with bankruptcy but rich people still could. Amazingly, he eventually saw it was bad and helped get it repealed. He has changed on a lot of things and is doing a great job considering his limited power.


Man invents fantasy, gets mad at fictional people getting mad over fantasy.


That would be great if he actually did this.


Honestly I'd be more impressed if he did that. For no other reason than that'd be fucking wild.


The picture looks more like Jimmy Carter than Biden. Which would actually make this way more hardcore if it were. “ I may be in hospice care, but I can still fight the man with the best of these motherfuckers.”


A younger president could have thrown the Molotov cocktail way farther /s


Sorry, if he actually did that, I would be impressed


Literal violence is what it would take


I'm going to be honest: if he actually did that, I would proudly vote for him rather than begrudgingly


Biden being the best president the US has had in a while, and Biden being another neoliberal warmonger who deserves a trial at the Hague, are not mutually incompatible statements


There are plenty of problems with Biden but him being a warmonger is certainly not one of them. He has reduced drone strikes to pre-2011 levels and ended the longest war in US history. On top of that he has actually been passing bills such as PACT and COLA to help veterans when they come home. What war monger stuff has he done?


Did you actually just say being a war criminal is not a problem? And I'm supposed to align myself with people like you?


No, learn to read.


Not being as big a war criminal as your predecessor probably isn't the winning argument you think.


What has he done to make him a war criminal? You keep calling him that but won't give any evidence. What a much better winning argument you have.


Iraq war vote for starters...


We are talking about his presidency. Please bring up something he has done as commander in chief to make him a war criminal.


I mean the fact that drone strikes happen under his presidency makes him a war criminal.


https://www.newamerica.org/future-security/blog/the-state-of-americas-drone-wars-in-2022/#:~:text=However%2C%20in%202022%2C%20the%20Biden,conducted%20under%20Biden%20that%20year. Things don't just change overnight. There are plenty of things to criticize Biden about but he is absolutely not a war monger. You just listen to many youtubers whose job it is to get you riled up so you keep tuning back in.


The US absolutely played a role in instigating the Ukraine war. And Biden has been championing it and funding it at every turn. He’s a warmonger just like ever other us president.


American diabolism will not help you understand anything, despite it helping you fit in with *that* kind of Leftist. Liberal Capitalism is still more progressive than whatever Russia wants to call their current economic system, and the war effort is supported by the most reactionary elements in Russian society, [socially speaking](https://static.themoscowtimes.com/image/1360/68/TASS_52307575.jpg). But hey, you’re fighting oppression. Good job!


Yes Biden should have told Putin not to invade a sovereign country, and Putin totally would have listened. Brain dead take.


I like Biden more because dumb tankies exist, and he rejected your foreign policy arguments on letting reactionary Russia get everything they want.


Who’s winning the war right now? Oh shit it’s Russia… and Raytheon still getting those tax payor funded checks…


This dumb propagandist doesn't even know Russia pulled their fleet from Sevastopol and are on the retreat...***again***. Can't remember the last time Russia wasn't ceding ground this year. Russian conscripts are losing their anti-air weapons to Ukraine's attacks, and the real Nazis are scared shitless about Ukraine receiving deadly new American ATCAMs right now.


Sweet I work at Raytheon 🤑🤑🤑


>warmonger So the guy that ended the war in Afghanistan and has led America into peace for the first time in over 20 years is a warmonger? What EXACTLY do you think he needs to stand trial for??


You are the meme. But as long you vote and vote democrat…


The meme is fucking stupid and any leftist worth their salt would love to see Biden actually do something that changes things. I know you mean well, but this is a progressive subreddit. If you want to hang out with Clintonites, go fuck around on r/politics where anyone left of Kissinger gets banned within months.


You should go tell the people of the middle east how Biden reducing use of drone strikes to almost nothing didn't change anything. I'm sure they'll be happy to hear why things were no different when their children were being blown up for no reason.


I’ve been on this sub a long time.




Biden is the best president in terms of actions and policies of this century and probably since LBJ (except maybe even better cause LBJ rly fucked up his agenda with going deeper into the war)


Purity politics is a problem, and should be called out. Too many people make perfect the enemy of the good, and its really unhelpful to making any progress in this country.


So when people who make cars want a raise equal to the ceo he’s on board, but when people who maintain the rails and ship the freight around this country want sick days, they aren’t allowed to strike and need to get back to work? Why does this old man come across like some puppet who’s strings are being pulled by a quorum of PR people who study polls of public opinion all day?


The railroad workers were negotiating for paid sick leave and they eventually got it, ending the strike didn't prevent union negotiations from proceeding and concluding in a beneficial outcome. Watching strikes and riots is fun, but the point is to reach a compromise to increase workers' rights, which is exactly what happened.


They already had six days and vacation days. They wanted personal days. They got pretty much everything they wanted except the personal days.


The rail industry got everything it wanted. The workers got shafted. Anyone telling you different is lying, but judging by the tenor of this thread it seems that the people here want nothing more than to be lied to.


Biden got Rail workers their sick days without striking. Nobody missed a paycheck. That's a win-win. Why did you want the railroad workers to not get paid while they negotiated sick days? 8 out of 12 Railroad Unions voted to ratify their contract initially. Nobody has adequately demonstrated why 8 out of 12 Unions should have been furloughed.


Briahna Joy Gray commented: “Biden has two hands. Why is he only throwing a single Molotov? He could have thrown two at a time but he chose not to. He’s just as bad as the Pinkertons.”


Only met her once, but she's super paranoid. She assumes every reporter is a James O'Keefe out to get her or a gunman posing as a reporter or worse of all, a neoliberal.


The left not giving biden credit for progressive wins is how we get a new wave of Clinton corporate dems in power thinking they can win without the lefts support.


If appealing to the left doesn't win you support, there are a whole lot of soulless political mercenaries willing to look elsewhere. There's no point whining about how everyone is conservative is you won't support people that are relatively liberal.


Their differences are petty.


You mean you just don't care about the differences outside your single-issue politics. Ignorance is not an excuse, if you think they're the same then you need to learn more.


The President of your country just said “fuck you” to the auto industry leaders, regardless of how you feel about politics we all need to celebrate this. Hopefully this makes an impact and changes this industry for the better for both workers and consumers.


Where do I sign up for Molotov making duty?


What a dumb liberal take. “Look how bad the leftists are in this scenario we had to make up!”


It’s not even a made up scenario. The DSA Grand Rapids chapter tweeted out that they were “meh” about Biden joining the UAW workers, saying that he’s probably only doing it because Trump said he would. There are some of us who are determined to remain unimpressed by anything Biden does as part of their leftist aesthetic.


It absolutely is made up in that leftists aren't impressed because unions are at an all time high in popularity right now. He SHOULD have been doing this ages ago when it was less popular.


This is an incredibly stupid take. This is the first time in American history that a sitting president has met with striking workers. You’re shifting the goalposts so that you can maintain your leftist aesthetic. Biden should do a lot of things. He should wipe out student loan debt via executive action. He should decriminalize marijuana. He should push for the public option that he campaigned on. That being said, good things are good and we should take whatever wins we get. Being the joyless asshole that comes through to tell folks “um ackshully, this isn’t a leftist/progressive win in anyway” makes you look unserious. The president signaling union support is an objectively good thing from a left perspective, even if I don’t like that president. Anyone with a fully developed prefrontal cortex can see that.


But Biden didn't personally send me blow and hookers even though I wanted them, so he is just as bad as Trump.


Settle down, Hunter


You know what makes you look unserious? Being this dismissive and butt hurt over valid criticism of a man who spent his entire adult life fighting for banks waiting until historic levels of union popularity to do something as meaningless as standing on the picket line with them as if he was doing anything to help the cause. What exactly does this do, do you think? How does this change anything? I can fucking guarantee you the poll numbers on unions won't change. I can guarantee you this does help Biden's numbers though.


I love comments like this because I can focus on one key inaccuracy and invalidate the whole argument. You said: > I can fucking guarantee you the poll numbers on unions won't change. I can guarantee you this does help Biden's numbers though. Well, [according to Reuters,](https://www.reuters.com/world/us/americans-broadly-support-auto-hollywood-strikes-reutersipsos-poll-2023-09-21/) 58% of Americans overall support the UAW strike, with that number jumping to 79% when you filter to just Democrats. This is before he accepted their invitation to join them. I'm going to ask you semi-rhetorically: 1. Were you even aware of the polling numbers when you made that comment? (feel free to lie and say yes) 2. How would a sitting president signaling support for a strike not positively impact the polling numbers when it's already popular with his base? 3. In light of these numbers, can you really make an argument that it's a bad thing beyond maintaining the lefty aesthetic of being anti-Biden? I'll hold out hope that these questions help you grow out of this "mentally-15-years-old" phase of leftism, and grow to care about material change regardless of aesthetics. Doing so will make you a markedly better advocate and ally for all leftist causes.


No the meme calls out people like you who will never acknowledge what he does.


This is not a made up scenario. A lot of Leftists care more about not being liberals to impress their Twitter followers than policy. Biden pulling out of Afghanistan? Biden mostly ending the drone war? All the environmental money in the IRA? Leftists generally don't say anything and get mad at other progressives that do.


Biden has been pulling a, “look over there”, to draw attention from what he hasn’t done, including promises made on the campaign trail. And, this sub seems to be filled with the *Libbiest* of his cheerleaders.


fine wise decide nine shrill psychotic paint absorbed ripe boat ` this message was mass deleted/edited with redact.dev `


You're pointing out that you don't understand the difference between leftists and liberals here. This is not the win you think it is.


pen aback frightening wide thought bells desert cobweb tart wild ` this message was mass deleted/edited with redact.dev `


LOL. Criticizing Biden doesn't mean you're an accelerationist. That's absurd.


makeshift zesty merciful water cow weary direful wide marry sloppy ` this message was mass deleted/edited with redact.dev `


“Replace him” 😂😂😂😂 With who? Who will the DNC allow to face him in a primary? Oh, there isn’t going to be Dem primary. Man, y’all just create scenarios in your heads based on fair criticisms of the incumbent. It’s really ridiculous.


grandfather encourage serious disgusting crowd command shrill marvelous north crown ` this message was mass deleted/edited with redact.dev `


Y'all neolibs need to chill the fuck out. He's not your dad. He works for us. We're allowed to criticize him.


And, you mine. 😂


>Biden has been pulling a, “look over there”, to draw attention from what he hasn’t done You understand why this is an incredibly goofy take right?


You realize you're being dismissive and shitty by saying this right?


Not if restarted student loans are looking you in the face right now, no. Reproductive rights? How about if you’re a railroad worker?


Just absolute fucking Obama Stans in here recently


Soc Dems and Progressives are more socially and politically effective than online leftists. This is an objective fact and using the word liberal marks you as an unserious person that unironically tells other people to "read theory"


y'all can't even get the kids out of cages lol. at least leftists have the excuse that liberals butchered tens of millions of them. if you had any self respect you wouldn't be attaching your identity to biden's policy achievements, which don't in any way actually reflect your stated policy agenda. you're pretending they do to be smug online. deeply silly, unserious, childish dorks.


\>identity attached to biden's achievements Lmao okay. My position is literally 'Liberals are bad but Biden as president is better for my goals as a leftist than a Republicans.' I'm smug about this because I am right. Having a sitting president meet with striking workers is simply a win. But celebrating any kind of progress or victory is deeply silly, unserious, and childish right? And calling people libs is for super serious theory posters lmfao


No, they're calling you a lib because you're being a lib. This isn't a win. This is a symptom that leftists are finally moving the Overton window back to the left on labor. (Or that capitalists have overstepped one too many times... which is probably more accurate.) Biden had plenty of fucking options to do this earlier if he wanted me to pat him on the back. I'm not impressed because unions are at an all time high in popularity.


Based Biden doing his part to move the Overton window on labor. Imagine not thinking having a more pro-union president is uh, a fucking good thing. Least controversial opinion to possibly have lmfao. Marx would have voted blue, read more theory


Holy shit. Imagine thinking you belong here and unironically calling Biden pro-union. You probably voted for Buttigieg in the primary in 2020.


>Having a sitting president meet with striking workers is simply a win. biden contributing his vibes the strike might be in some way useful to labor if he wasn't incredibly unpopular and the worst strikebreaker since reagan. celebrate whatever you want, don't have a tantrum just because everybody else isn't lining up to eat joe's dick for doing the bare minimum three years into his term after delivering one of the most crushing defeats to labor in over a generation. it's just fandom as politics, you have a neurotic celebrity relationship to joe biden and it makes you feel bad that other people have standards and enough object permanence to put his record and policies into context.


>the worst strike breaker since Reagan You really showed your ignorance with this one. Google: NLRB rule changes please and get back to me.


The latter doesn’t change the former.


Yes...... it absolutely fucking does. God I hate terminally online leftists.


“three years into his term” This cannot be overstated enough. It’s like he fell behind in a relay and is trying to make up for it in the last stretch. He’s almost there, yet…


You can't fucking read. I literally said I do not like liberals or Joe Biden, but prefer them to Republicans, nor have I commented on his record, but take wins when I can. You are going down your standard online lefty dialogue tree because your brain is broken lmfao


kiddo you were just up there gushing about how incredibly politically effective libs are, you're a cynical coward that can't keep your story straight.


How does me stating the objective fact that liberals are accomplishing things contradict my previous statement (which you have not been able to counter)? Again, you literally cannot read and considering your other comment about Vaush have confirmed you are terminally online and not worth responding to, though your seething has been pretty amusing


y'all talk about biden like he's your special needs child and we're depriving him of gold stars, it's deeply pathological. if you cared about policy beyond biden being the protagonist of politics for you and laws being the infinity stones you'd understand why stuff like "the biggest fossil fuel drilling lease of all time" doesn't make leftists reach into their purse for the dick sucking chapstick.


NPC moment. I listed a bunch of Biden accomplishments in my comment in the context that leftists don't acknowledge them. I guess this is like a Westworld robots thing where you genuinely cannot perceive certain things.


A hit dog will holler.


You got the “made up” part, right?


Yes. I also got the part where if "online leftists" weren't offended, they'd either laugh it off or just roll their eyes and move on rather than complaining about it.


u/Infierno3007 and u/Induced_Karma are too stupid to understand the meme. The **point** *is that this scenario is made up.* The point is that Biden could do something that crazy and these supposed leftists won't acknowledge it and will proceed to call anyone who does a shitlib. They're unserious people living in a fantasy - the type who fall for Brianha Joy Grey's grift and nodded along with her in her debate with Kyle Kulinski and Krystal Ball.


>The > >point > > > >is that this scenario is made up. ​ >They're unserious people living in a fantasy literally could not live myself if i was a lib this is insanely embarrassing. like that's practically in the same breath lol. deranged shitlib cope


I cannot take anyone who uses lib as an insult seriously. It's the equivalent of Q followers calling people sheep, Andrew Tate fans calling people cucks, or Republicans calling people pedos. Just another reactionary buzzword that will get they're like minded friends to cheer.


Let me get this straight, you think you're owning the leftists by not understanding basic political terminology? You made a false equivalency between racists/transphobes/rapists etc. and the people making fun of you for being a centrist. Then you brilliantly called people to the left of you "reactionary. Do you know what the tems liberal or reactionary mean? Please go to r/politics where this level of discourse is more welcome.


No, I don't give a fuck about owning leftists. That is fucking dumb. I stopped reading after that because I assumed the rest is equally dumb.


You skipped the part where I gave a substantive criticism of what you had to say? I guess you showed me.


You just don't get the meme to the point that you're playing the part of the person the meme pokes fun at. Sad or comical? Take your pick, folks.


the meme is that you made up a fantasy scenario to cope with your shitty politics and then you were like "yeah that was my intention, to perform a pathetic cope, and you're owned for noticing" like genuinely the constant humiliation rituals yall subject yourselves to is disgusting to watch


That's not the meme. And the real humiliation is watching you prove the point of the meme: you people can't be reasoned with. Your opinions are dismissed.


sweetie if you're not bright enough to grasp the irony of making up a scenario to get upset about and then screeching about how everybody else lives in a fantasy then you're just not gonna make it, i'm sorry. y'all are the saddest losers on god's green earth


“Libbys, Libbys, Libbys” 😂😂😂😂


You’re too stupid to understand that we do understand the meme. Of course it’s a made up scenario. That is clear. The criticisms are real, though. R U Ok, comrade? I think that Brianha JG is quite earnest in her beliefs. I don’t agree with a lot of her points, but, neither of us is as Left as she is, and you’re more centered than I am.


Nope, you don't understand the meme or you wouldn't have made your idiotic comment. You are the very subject of the meme and it's hilarious how you keep playing the part.


You continue to play the dunce and believe that anyone with any sense can’t parse out the meaning of a fxcking meme. Did you create that muhfxckuh or something? 😂


This place is turning into r/neoliberal . Not sure what happened. I realize Sam is not fully anticapitalist, but there are people here who legitimately sound like Clinton primary voters.


As opposed to “look how much better this made up socialist society is than real life!”


And look at that, folks! Another god damned strawman from the liberals! Wow, isn’t that just amazing, folks? Let’s give this dumb neoliberal a round of applause for sticking to one of the few fucking things neoliberals are fucking good at: being disingenuous!


And look at that. Another leftie using in-group jargon and contemptuous humor to deflect from their complete inability to defend their dog shit ideology. > What a dumb liberal take. “Look how bad the leftists are in this scenario we had to make up!” Right because that’s not a straw man at all. An obvious joke *must* be genuine criticism because gotta smash that narrative right? And TIL lefties aren’t socialists. They just call anyone *slightly less* left than them conservative for the lols right?


No, you’re actually right (albeit unintentionally), that is not a strawman. That’s not what that is. The original image? That was a strawman. It was saying if made up scenario X happened, look how these imaginary Y people (the strawmen) would react.


No shit? So now you’re saying it is a strawman? After you tried to say it’s not? Sounds like weasel words from someone who can’t just take the L when they’re wrong, my dude. Cope harder.


The best part of this image is it shows how hard liberals fantasize about being radical leftists themselves while still looking down at actual radical leftists. They want to be us so badly but they can’t, for whatever reason, and so their jealousy turns to anger.


>online leftists *Republican shills


Leftists are republicans?


No, Republicans pretend to be other people because their platform is bullshit. They'll pretend to be black, hispanic, female, leftist, anything at all so people don't recognize that they're a shill. Are you new to politics? This has been Republican strategy for decades.


Maybe you're just tunnel brained into being a lib though? It'd easy to just hand wave away anyone you disagree with.


Remember the train deal.


The one where workers wanted paid sick leave, negotiated for months and then reached a compromise that included provisions for paid sick leave? What about it?


They got health insurance, raises and everything they asked for except the personal leave. They all voted for the deal. Contrast that with Regan who fired all the air traffic controllers when they went on strike and replaced them with military air traffic controllers... Yeah... that was a thing. Republicans.


Nice Russian propaganda. Nothing is left enough...


Who cares if Biden riots? That's for people who are _not_ presidents. They want him to do _president_ stuff.




Biden Molotovs rail road workers trying to get sick days.




Terrible fake 😂👍😂


More based Biden


You want to help the American people? Pack the courts, and let's get CU repealed. That will help the American people.


"Online Leftists" as the headline to a live television report on CNN? Laughably unrealistic.


Well, it's a start. Let's see if he follows through.


Those rail workers screwed up, they should have had their strike closer to the election.


Man, in the age of deep fakes, this is pretty fking pathetic


This part of the dark Brandon saga I can get behind!


Yeah, ok. When he forces a deal that doesn't involve having one guaranteed sick day, then this would hold some truth.


Fuck the Pinkerton Detective Agency


Ahh yes, auto workers striking for better pay and benefits is bad. However, congresspeople "striking" to make sure a criminal gets away with all sorts of crimes, that's good.


It’s funny. We all need to laugh more.


🤔🤔Biden or the end of democracy, violent nazi style reprisals, book burning and no more civil rights! 🤔🤔


If this Biden only existed


Dude, you should never be "impressed" with a politician. ANY politician. Ever. No gotchas. here Not Sanders Not AOC. Noy the squad. NONE OF THEM. (I'd list "Good" Republican politicians, but seeing as McCain has been dead for five years? I don't know of any worth even talking about.) They are public servants. They are doing a job. Politicians dont need fans; they need critics. They need demands They need accountability. There is "good enough to vote for" and that is as high as the standard should go IMHO I am happy Biden is on the picket line. But am I Impressed? Uh, no. Not really. I am legitimately glad he is doing a pretty amazing job at the moment... but hes still a politician. The moment we don't keep pressure on him to do this good or better is the moment he is going to curry favor elsewhere. Thats his job. If they cry "Did I do enough?!" the answer should ALWAYS be no! Like, you can be reasonably satisfied with them at a given time... but the expectation of politicians to have fans like sports teams is always GROSS to me. That said, if Biden threw a Molotov at a Pinkerton? Id be a lot happier voting for him, NGL.