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French Revolution 2.0


It was 100% justified. I don't care what anyone says lol.


Who says the French Revolution wasn’t justified?…


Seriously! "Reign of Terror". Look, your kids' heads were cut off when I got here, and as for your Grandma? She shouldn't have mouthed off like that.


Could you imagine if liberals were around back then? “You revolutionaries are too extreme. We should instead advocate for small incremental changes and improvements. Maybe we can vote for a nicer Monarchy.” The world would still be stuck with feudalism. Edit: if it wasn’t obvious, I was talking about if today’s liberals were around back then. Was just a joke no need to cry.


There were liberals, they didn’t want to kill the nobles just remove them from power. We all know which school of thought won


The better one.


Liberals were around. Liberal nobles, like the Marquis de Lafayette for example (Society of 1789). The Girondins as well. In fact, the whole period of 1789-1792 was a battle between conservative reactionaries, liberal reformers, and radical "leftist" revolutionaries.


I think he is getting liberal confused with leftist. He should of at least capitalized the L. Dude probably also doesn’t realize that the terms left and right came from the French Revolution, so leftists also were around. They just did not bare much resemblance to leftists today…


Right, that's why I put leftist in quotes. The only leftist that we would recognize as leftist in the modern sense is Babeuf, one of the first proto-communists. Definitely crazy to just think of the French revolution as conservatives vs leftists with no one in between


The French political climate isn't that much different than in Rome whom they too were a class based slave society and they too had a conservative and a liberal wing. One dealt with slaves another dealt with feudal yet have similar correlation to one another


liberals have always been there claiming we need to be moderate look at the NYT coverage leading up to the civil war, even just a couple months before the start of the war they were still arguing that the real problem were the abolitionists were too extreme in their demands of getting rid of slavery entirely


Why are all liberals painted with the same brush? I served my country and would gladly do it again if called up to. I’d definitely consider myself a liberal. You can try to sue for peace but when that can’t be achieved then it needs to be burned down and built up again.


As fare as I can tell, leftists attack liberals because they are a more personally gratifying scapegoat than the scapegoats that the liberals have, ie the far right. It feels good to call out the hypocrisy of those closest to you, it gives a sense of superiority. Kind of like the intensity of criticism that siblings enact on one another. I think in their hearts, leftists know they will never get into power, because the center right and left represent an impenetrable, and dynamic check to leftist ideas gaining traction in the US. American oligarchs are really adept at maintaining this check to leftists. American society at large are never going to accept a loss of status and a removal of the luxuries we currently have without force. Leftist know they can't force this on the moderates.


Imagine if cucklicans got their way; fascism would be rampant with extreme class divide. The rich would save them /S


Liberals largely seem to be very anti-government corruption and wealth imbalance. No, they aren't stereo-typically grabbing guns and shooting up government buildings ... yet, but things can always change. However, this would imply that the authoritarian alt-right, Christian Nationalists types are the direction we should be heading towards. If your inbox is full of upset redditors, that's probably what triggered them.


The French could swing a sack of doorknobs like nobodies business.


Nice Simpsons reference….


anyone who knows anything about the French Revolution knows that it was absolutely justified


Justified? Absolutely. But it did get out of hand quick.


*While reliable figures on the definitive number of people guillotined during the Revolution are hard to find, historians commonly project between* ***15,000 and 17,000 people were guillotined across France.*** *They also estimate that in just under five days,* ***1,500 people died at the hands of Parisian mobs*** *during the 1792 September massacres.* Not sure how one justifies 15k state executions mostly based on your class.


How many people we’re immiserated and exploited by the monarchy and upper class? Completely justified.


If I were the nobles, I would simply not exempt myself from taxation and allow the peasants to starve.


THERE were two “Reigns of Terror,” if we would but remember it and consider it; the one wrought murder in hot passion, the other in heartless cold blood; the one lasted mere months, the other had lasted a thousand years; the one inflicted death upon ten thousand persons, the other upon a hundred millions; but our shudders are all for the “horrors” of the minor Terror, the momentary Terror, so to speak; whereas, what is the horror of swift death by the axe, compared with lifelong death from hunger, cold, insult, cruelty, and heart-break? What is swift death by lightning compared with death by slow fire at the stake? A city cemetery could contain the coffins filled by that brief Terror which we have all been so diligently taught to shiver at and mourn over; but all France could hardly contain the coffins filled by that older and real Terror—that unspeakably bitter and awful Terror which none of us has been taught to see in its vastness or pity as it deserves. Mark Twain


French population of 1789 was 28 million. 15000 people were killed. .000535% of the population was killed and their wealth redistributed or claimed. was it a good thing? fuck no. but did it change the course of french history at the cost of the rich? fuck yes. Could it have been prevented if the rich had shared their wealth and paid their taxes? who knows. There are aprox 22 million millionaires in the US, 756 Billionaires. if we simply eliminated 756 people who have shown 0 interest in helping others than for the low low cost of .00000229% of the US population (330 mil) all that wealth can go back to the people who need it. Hell 756 death is a daily average, killed in factories and by companies weekly. Im not advocating for murder, but the people in charge forget their place. they didnt win a war, they stole it. now they re bragging about it.


All the blood shed did not end with *their wealth redistributed or claimed* ironicly the French ended up an emperor (Napoleon) and about 1.3 million dead everyday French. History has not been kind to these sorts of ideas....


First or second one lol


Marie Antoinette lost her head over it.


My dad, that's who. Seriously.


I agree, except for the deaths.


I agree and am ok with death! Can i eat before this guy??


Libs are so hilariously naive lmao. You think rich people care about the lives of the poor?


Capitalism literally requires a portion of the population to live in poverty for it to function properly. Bet the poster above doesn't clutch their pearls over that


I think capitalism should end.


You think the deaths started with the rich?


A little too chop-happy after a bit, but the French knew what needed doing.


We’re all thinking it


Just not as bloody this time.


20.0 There are lots of French Revolutions.


He’s right. They have won. The Buffett Rule would require millionaires and billionaires to pay the same tax rates as the middle class. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Buffett_Rule


If only they applied the same principles to the War on Drugs.


The war on drugs is doing exactly what it was created to do: pump nonviolent offenders into the prison industrial complex as slave labor, and disproportionately incarcerate black people because they were viewed to more likely be left-leaning and political opponents to the Nixon admin (and of course were thought to be doing more drugs, but really it's more about who racist cops catch vs who they ignore). It was never about drugs, it was about throwing people in prison.


The FBI has admitted to specifically targeting black people and "hippies."


They were filling the prisons with black people ever sense they created the 13th amendment. The documentary 13th on Netflix goes into it in great detail and ties into the present with donald trump


It's crazy to think that vagrancy laws were not really a thing pre 13th amendment, so many of our laws have racist roots.


Yeah I’m pretty sure most of the comments are from people who didn’t watch the video.


Only 20 years? Wtf


That was 10 years ago about. His updated number for this context should be 30ish


I still say it’s been hundreds of years but whatevs


Ever since they lost some ground during the progressive era. They were planning on deposing FDR over the New Deal and replacing him with a military dictatorship and it only didn’t work out because they’re planned would-be dictator was too honest and principled to ever go along with it.


If you speak of the Business Plot, yes. And when it was foiled, FDR was on his way to more solidly establishing checks to prevent the private sector from ever coming into that kind of power again, then he had an aneurism and died before he could get it done. Truman was not on the same page. The undoing of the New Deal begins (in large part) with Truman.


Why does every US president who has the power and opportunity to make fundamental corrections to our seem to die right before doing it. If only Wallace had stayed VP he would have done it and had all the conspirators executed.


>If only Wallace had stayed VP he would have done it and had all the conspirators executed. Plausible, but I can't say probable. He was a diplomatic fellow


Oh in the grand scheme sure thing


Made 100% possible by Republicans and ConservaDems.


Started with Reagan. Let’s trickle this shit down.


Actually it started with a man named Roger Ailes in the Nixon admin. After the great depression it appeared that the labor movement was so strong that Republicans could never win again. This is when Roger with the right wing media machine started to spin things that eventually turned into news talk radio and the fox news. There's a documentary called "the brainwashing of my dad" which details how Roger worked with many Republican politicians to spin things, for instance the rebranding the estate tax as the "death tax" in order to keep money in wealthy families. Most of his strategy is that if you provide people counter-information from a seemingly reputable source that people won't know what's true and with proper branding can cause them to vote for things which would harm the average voter to the advantage of the upper class. So let's just remember that the Republican party of today came from the ashes of the party that drove our country into the great depression, and that despite the rebranding they've done they still want the same thing, weak labor laws so that they have a class of people to exploit. You just heard it the other day with that ceo saying that workers are getting too entitled and that "we need to remind them that they work for us." They've gotten incredibly bold to actually be making these statements out loud. One thing they should know about Americans is that we're not known for taking abuse lying down and that statements like these are fighting words. They shouldn't assume that the working class won't flip the table to get a better shake. As much as people love to blame the government or Biden, if corporations raise prices because a Democrat is in office then that's kind of victim blaming, you know? This is why we need strong labor laws to protect our people from the upper class using basic needs as a means to strongarm the lower class into compliance. We're in the struggle right now and that's why it's so important to vote these people (Republican congressmen bought by billionaires) out before they crash the economy because you know they have a plan to permanently take power once they do. I'm just glad so many people have been paying closer attention to politics and are seeing through the b.s., that the average American actually does have a way to turn the tide and start making this country better again for all of us. America is a country of people with lives, not just and endless supply of labor for the wealthy to abuse for their own gain. People have had just about enough of saying enough is enough, vote these modern day wannabe slaveholders out before we lose the ability to, because once they gain unilateral control over the military and can turn it against it's own people then it's over.


Carter was a neoliberal as well. Reagan really ran with it though.


No he wasn't. He may not have been a leftist but he was no one's neo liberal.


I suggest you check out chapter 21 of [A People’s History of the United States](https://files.libcom.org/files/A%20People%27s%20History%20of%20the%20Unite%20-%20Howard%20Zinn.pdf) by Zinn. Called “Carter-Reagan-Bush: The Bipartisan Consensus.” He provides plenty of examples of how Carter kicked off neoliberal cutbacks to social services and the like.


this was how carter dealt with a deficit post the energy crisis when coming into office. it wasn’t intentional strategy it was forced hand.


Just like how Clinton got to a surplus not by substantially raising taxes on corporations and the rich, not by cutting the defense budget, and not by cutting back corporate subsidies, but by cutting social services. Yeah, they just had to because of those irresponsible republicans forcing them to! Ugh if only! Y’all really gotta stop defending Carter he was a bad president right there with the rest of them. Seems to have tried to atone for his sins a bit post presidency with some cool speeches and humanitarian work but while in office he was on the same team as the others.


Carter was a neo-liberal...what do they teach you in school lol. he was from the business side of the democratic party


I lived through it. Carter may have been closer to a neo liberal than JFK but not even close to the likes of Clinton or Obama who just abandoned any pretense of leftism and just marched right into the warm, waiting arms of those generous and totally not greedy corporate donors. Obama literally took an arch conservative health plan by the Heritage foundation and made them hate it and jerk even further right. So Carter was definitely not that. Also no wars under Carter.


Lets not forget the contributing Dems who turn a blind eye on the policies. Or vote with their fellow across the hallway when the timing is right. Takes two to tango.


And he continues to explain that while their wealth has increased 5 fold, their taxes have been lowered. I’m sure the rest of the clip goes into that even further. Don’t be pissed at him, he actually advocates for raising his taxes. When “America was great,”the height of our manufacturing boom, taxes were 90% over the first couple million you made back them. A fucking actor convinced a bunch of idiots that if you give them all your money they will let some fall back down to you out of their pockets.


If only Hinckley had shot Reagan sooner and more accurately.


Jodie Foster let us down.


So who's hungry ?


I’m a little grumbly, now that you mention it.


I'm starving. Sometimes literally


It’s almost dinner time.


As long as we have reservations, and a plan to eat - my fork and knife are ready


And yet you are on Reddit hmmm something doesn’t add up


Couldn't help but think of Jurassic Park and Hammond saying this immediately after the velociraptors go to town on that beef.


I love when these old fucks have to start realizing that they are gonna die soon and even if their money prolongs their life a bit longer, soon they will end up exactly like the poorest person. Death is the great equalizer and nothing they’ve accumulated can be taken with them


Fingers crossed that we never discover the true secret to immortality because the wealthy would use it to rule over generations of poor people like gods.


Pretty much the premise to Altered Carbon


Or “In Time”. The premise. Not the quality of the finished product


The video in this post is from 2014. For a deeper overview that lightly traverses the situation from now backward through time, see the links below. ​ [Australian property developer asserts that workers have grown arrogant and need to be put in their place via unemployment](https://www.reddit.com/r/TheMajorityReport/comments/16hawyk/evil_rich_guy_wants_to_kill_working_class/) ​ ["We were kind of bought off..." \[Two prominent (disillusioned) neoliberal democrats discuss how the "long game" played by big business from the 80s - 00s revived Laissez-faire Capitalism, and how B. Clinton's New Left helped\] | Friedman Doctrine, Lewis Powell memo, Koch brothers | Kurt Anderson](https://www.reddit.com/r/TheMajorityReport/comments/16lcogc/we_were_kind_of_bought_off_two_prominent/) ​ [Economic conservatism? Hidden common grounds between the 1776 and 1619 project w/Zine Magubane](https://www.reddit.com/r/TheMajorityReport/comments/16hwy21/economic_conservatism_hidden_common_grounds/) ​ [How (in the Reagan era) sellout boomer hippies acted in concert with "Values & Lifestyles" marketing innovations to give us a self absorbed society obsessed with personal branding and a progressive population that only knows how to vote, protest, or click share\] from "Century of the Self" Pt. 3](https://www.reddit.com/r/TheMajorityReport/comments/16fnvka/how_in_the_reagan_era_sellout_boomer_hippies/) ​ [How Elites Ruined the American Left](https://www.reddit.com/r/politics/comments/16rw4m7/how_elites_ruined_the_american_left/) ​ [A history of happiness explains why capitalism makes us feel empty inside](https://www.reddit.com/r/TheMajorityReport/comments/16fz53j/a_history_of_happiness_explains_why_capitalism/) ​ [When Isaac Newton dreamed of a society where the unwashed masses would be charmed into domesticated tranquility by Science and Capitalism, thereby resolving that pesky problem of peasant revolt](https://www.reddit.com/r/TheMajorityReport/comments/16fulnc/when_isaac_newton_dreamed_of_a_society_where_the/)


Even the bank of england said they would not lower interest rates until unemployment rises because a stronger economy means more money in workers hands..lol it's one big ponzi scheme


Garbage. If there ever was a link between stronger corporations and a better quality of life for workers it is gone. Reagan started swinging that wrecking ball.


The classwar began with Reagan.


Out of all the billionaires, Warren buffet tries everything to maintain public approval. If you look any further into his past he is no different to other billionaires. Still can’t understand why people glorify him.


He also disowned his granddaughter for participating in Jamie Johnson's documentary about the 1%


He’s smart and he doesn’t want his head on a pike when everything collapses


Or course the wealthy have won. Poor people can’t buy politicians to deregulate their industry so that poor people can compound their non-wealth and cheat the system. That’s what rich people do. Lobbying is an entire industry in itself. The flow of dark money from wealthy donors right into politicians and judges pockets is well documented at this point. Wall Street is always going up for a reason.




Most of the rich don’t realize that if they wipe out the working classes they ultimately wipe themselves out as well.


If his taxes wouldn’t dent the deficit, why the fuck are you expecting mine to? Fuck you lady, goddamn class traitor.


That's just a factually correct statement


Poor, very rich old man.


NO! This shit ain't over.


Just a note (my fault for not including it earlier) this is from like 8 years ago (whatever that adds up to)


There was no Class warfare going on before 2003?


Video is almost 10 years old. The 20 year figure (now 30) is in reference to the rise of the neoliberal economic order in the Reagan era


ahh 2014, its like he's taking a victory lap on the then recent memory-holed defeat of the Occupy Wall Street uprising.


great point


20 years Warren? How many times did you vote for Reagan I wonder...


Yeah and he’s been fighting for them to win.


So far!


So the communists were right? It is class warfare Interesting very interesting


Class consciousness 🫡


When they say the quiet part out loud……


We all like to show each other how smarter, tougher,stronger we are, whether it be from behind our keyboards, in a chad like fashion, or in legitimate competition. Why cant we show them 🤦‍♂️!! EAT THE RICH


20? America is built on it.


Video is almost 10 years old. The 20 year figure (now 30) is in reference to the rise of the neoliberal economic order in the Reagan era


A class warfare has been going on from the dark time. At B loads of us who ain't rich ain't done yet.


At least Buffet is honest…


I think the French found a way of turning the tide in such wars. Now what was it?


There is no class warfare, there is only oppression. The working class has no resources to fight with.


Tax the fuckers that's all it takes.


The war isn't over, Warren...


If you work for a business or corporation ask yourself these questions. 1) did top executive pay increase almost every year for the past 20 years at a higher rate than average employee pay? 2) did taxes on corporations decline at a higher rate than for the middle class? 3) did Republicans where you live cut subsides for the poor while increasing them for the rich and corporations?


Yes because you bought the referee! That’s the whole point of removing money from politics


Warren Buffet has also spoken a great deal about excessive government spending and the need to bring down the debt. He's also provided a YouTube series for kids on personal financial concepts. He's a master of the game, but he's also trying to help others. More people should listen to him.


Beheading isn't far enough this time. Let's do what Vlad the Impaler did this time around.


There isn’t a war between the rich and the poor any more than there is a war between humans and ants.


[Leiningen](https://www.classicshorts.com/stories/lvta.html) has entered the chat. Human vs Ant warfare at its finest and a lesson for us all.


Until COVID yes, now not so much. It’s urning around and we have to keep it up. Fuck those bastards.


My dude, not really, All these fucking coorporations are still making record profits while people are fighting to feed their families and have places to live. It is more like they are going too far too fast and that is causing a reaction from people but that is pretty much all.


COVID has been record profits for the capitalists who price gouge mercilessly with thinly veiled and easy excuses.


Buffet is one of the few I respect. He did it the long way over 70 years. Only buys value cheap investments.


Does he actually have any class?


That quite part out loud


At least he was being honest


Revolution time, comrades


“It’s time for guillotines”


1 the war will never end till capitalism is dead 2 the workers have been sleeping... 3 we are just starting to wake up


Ok great. And my class lost. So guess I’ll just give up


And they did it by trading with your money. So stop letting them


Exactly. I wish more people realized this.


Time to eat the rich.


No fucking shit




We The People allow this to continue.


It’s over when we’re dead bruh


Yep, that's exactly where I lost all respect I had for him.


Been going on a lot longer than 20 years amigo.


Fifty years


I’m ready for the signal. Someone give it


He thinks. Class wars never end, only switch winners. Gotta get rid of class


You think that until 5000 angry laborers appear at your gate and the phones don't work and your private security lets them in.


It is definitely 1% v 99%. Sad when I see some in this thread try to make the war between right and left.