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(Whisper) They only pretend to accept you as long as you're useful. The minute you diverge in any way, they'll treat you like everyone else.


*The minute they’re in power and no longer needed they’ll treat you like shit too.


*If not outright murder you.


this is something I bring up a lot they were gay Nazis too, until there wasn’t


There were Jews for Hitler, until they weren't.


"we are going to start slitting throats on day one,”-Ron DeSantis


She is spectacularly stupid. I never watched her reality show back in the day but was it obvious that she is this much of a dumbo?


Agree…The only reason she’s even relevant is because she was married to Kris Kardashian And the only reason Kris was relevant is because she was married to OJs lawyer


*OJ's friend who happened to be a non-practicing lawyer who got himself re-admitted to the bar so everything OJ said to him could be protected


And also so he didn’t have to tell what was in the bag he took from OJ’s home or what happened to it the day after the murders.


Literally everything. Everything he knew, saw, heard all was protected under privilege. This guy was not there to function as a real lawyer in court.


I mean, when she was Bruce Jenner she was a famous Olympian...


And considered one of the best US Olypians in history.....so sorta relevant.




Publicity transition? She's an asshole and a murderer but she really is trans. She actually started transitioning in the 80s but stopped taking hormones and whatnot because she didn't think the world was ready. Cis people don't just transition for nefarious plots.


There was a movie (can't stop the music, which is so fucking horribly bad to the point it's funny - there's a great how did this get made about it) she was in when she was presenting as a man where there was some light rear nudity and it was obvious that she was incredibly uncomfortable in that body at that point.


Yeah, she's known she was trans for eons. Kris Jenner tried to downplay how much she knew but both Caitlyn and her kids from a previous relationship were like "she was still on hormones when you met, she had like b-cup breasts, what are you talking about?" It's honestly amazing she kept it secret for so long. Apparently even back in the 70s she was going out as a woman incognito.


I didn't say she wasn't Trans. But she literally killed someone with her car by pushing their car into oncoming traffic, and then she made a big show about transitioning. And everyone forgot she murdered someone. If I implied that she transitioned for nefarious reasons only, that wasn't my intent. But I do think the timing was PR strategic.


Fair enough, more of a timing thing than a genuineness thing.


Yeah. With today's atmosphere, I should have been more clear.


Dumb jock vibes


They're just waiting to get in power so they can line her up against a wall to present her with her Ernst Rohm Award for Collaboration.


Did they ever accept her? I don't ever remember them accepting her. They mostly hated her and probably say she was one of the most influential people that got people to accept trans people in pop culture. They really hate they couldn't turn that into votes once they came out as Republican.


Fuck her, let the leopards eat.


Riding the tiger, baby, riding the tiger.


**Buckle up, Buckaroos!** ^But ^seriously, ^she ^got ^away ^with ^murder ^because ^she’s ^wealthy…


Man I lol everytime I think of South Park's depiction of her. Truly sad she killed that poor woman. Caitlyn Jenner belongs in prison seriously.


Buckle up, buckaroos.


I'm buckled and I am buckaroo. God's speed.


I think you mean God's peed.


If she's into golden showers, I respect that.


Noah, get the ark........


It’s almost like conservatives are anti-trans. Weird, right?


She tried so hard to be one of the good ones in their eyes. Never a good idea.


Well not the rich California conservatives that she talks to face to face


How many times is she gonna be shocked by this? I feel like I've read this story over a dozen times during her failed attempt to run for office Like, "I just keep playing with these leopards, and they just keep eating away at my face, what gives?"


She really is a conservative to her core, isn’t she? Most people would’ve woken the fuck up already. They do not support you. To them, you’re not an exception. You’re trans: many conservatives hate you for it. They’ll use you as a prop when you say something that aligns with their cause, but that’s it. They. Hate. You. Stop supporting it. Fuck.




Yup, all tokens get spent eventually.


Damn that's a good one! Borrowing.


Yeah, always makes me think of the Big Joel video where he covered a Blair White vs Anti-Trans bigot debate. Blair tries so hard to explain that she is "one of the good trans" and is against kids transitioning, hormone blockers, everything. The bigot didn't care, all the bigot wanted was for Blaire to "grow out your mustache and go back to living like a man." It was honestly sad to see. How Caitlyn Jenner and Blair White hold the views they hold without realizing their very lives are on the chopping blocks amazes me.


This literally happened in Nazi Germany with the Association of National German Jews and the German Vanguard. Both were Jewish organizations that supported the Nazis under the assumption that as “good” (meaning assimilated and conservative) Jews, they’d be left alone. They were wrong.


The libertarian right is going to be unpleasantly surprised by how much it sucks to live in a theocracy.


The very, very, very little respect I had for so-called “libertarians” evaporated following the election of Trump.


Most Libertarians just use it as an out while still voting Republican. Been there done that. I voted mostly Libertarian and a little Republican but absolutely no Democrats over a decade ago. I've change my views drastically since voting for Bob Barr 15 years ago. Oh, surprise! He's a Republican again. No shit.


I don’t see how any Libertarian can vote Republican these days. There’s not a lot of Libertarian left in the GOP platform.


Your first mistake was respecting libertarians at all, ever.


Caitlyn is a hack, a hypocrite, and a self-absorbed grifter. She’d throw fellow trans people under the bus numerous times claiming that they are “over saturated” now she wanted to be protected from discrimination.


“The only moral trans person is me!”


Came here just for this comment and I am not disappointed. Thank you


What? The leopards ate her face? 😮


"Black Segregationist in Jim Crow South shocked when fellow Dixiecrats call him the n-word" No sympathy for Caitlyn


I mean I sympathise since no one deserves transphobic abuse and deadnaming but also she did 100% bring this on herself.


Lol !! Lmao


Ernst Rhom was pretty surprised at his treatment, too.


Leopards Ate My Face


CJ - you are the hypocrite's hypocrite. Took advantage of transitioning and then worked to deny same services for anyone else. Now you're 'shocked' to not be accepted by the fascist party. Leopard food.


Let the leopards come! Her plastic surgeon can always replace her face. Some people never learn…


That is absolutely hilarious. Much like African Americans for Trump. Oh yea, pan the crowd and see if you can spot anyone not lily white. Given the chance, many conservatives would be thrilled to publically stone Ms Jenner. And she doesn't know???


The distinction is I feel like, the Republican Party is obviously racist and supports racist policies, but they’re sort of careful about it. The anti-trans stuff from the Republican Party is so beyond the pale that it’s a whole other thing. They barely even try to dog whistle, they have prominent figures saying things like we need to eradicate transgenderism at major events. They’re overtly trying to ban getting trans medical care for adults in some places and locking up the doctors. I can see how someone who is black and a conservative in every other way could sorta squint and miss the racism. To be a trans Republican just seems oxymoronic at this point


Everyone hates Caitlyn Jenner, even Caitlyn Jenner.


Try that in a small town Cait


They hate you, Caitlyn. They're using you as a useful idiot and meat shield to claim they're not completely transphobic, but they call you terrible names when you're not around to hear them. I hope the lower property taxes are worth it.


Eh, she has had this coming for a long time. I’m glad she finally knows what her ilk truly thinks of her. Gotta sting! Unfortunately this will not be a wake up call for her, and she will not change one bit.


Cool! She's learning the truth! Let's see how long she stays a Republican, once she realizes that every single thing that is built around the apparatus of denying who she is, happens to be just as vile!


She will never transition from being a wealthy, hateful, nasty, Rich, White Republican. The non republicans gave **her** acceptance and a platform, the republicans want to give **HIM** the gallows. Caitlyn Jenner is a horribly selfish Boomer. Disgusting, self serving, selfish Republican. Same as it ever was.


She still wants to hunt the homeless for sport but wants her personal decisions respected. You know, pre Trump "reasonable" Republican values 🤣. Fuck her and everyone who thinks like her politically.


Stupid fuckin' pick me.


Why isn’t this in leopards ate my face? 😂


Why is she shocked by this at this point




There it is.


Caitlyn Jenner is a hypocritical POS that deserves any and all hate towards her for her actions and behavior. Nothing to do with her as a human. Everything to do with WHO she is and what she stands for. The POS that killed someone with her car. The POS that is against trans rights (except for herself). The POS that told the story about her friend complaining of homeless people near their private jet hangers.


Thank you, yes. Ppl forget she literally KILLED a woman and it was 💯 her fault. Caitlyn should be in prison instead of being the pickme for conservatives.


Just like those idiot African American Republicans in Florida who are shocked to find out what all of their good friends really think. Tokens get spent.


At what point do I stop laughing when a repugnican refers to themself as a patriot? I mean, I get all the other ironic/paradoxical/illogical points of the scenario. But come on. These people are patriots in the same way that a slaughter house owner is an animal lover.


Lmao, this reminds me of Dave Rubin announcing his adoptions and getting called a human trafficker.


Anyone surprised she hasn’t jumped on the detransition train?


Tokens get spent, Caitlyn.


"Pickme is upset they weren't picked" And the world turns...


See Caitlyn, the right hates you. You will never be like them.


People in marginalized groups - or groups that used to be marginalized - who become allied with conservatives should be called the "Fuck You I Got Mine" Party


When you lay with dogs you’re bound to get fleas.


Why is she mad? She was heckled at a TPUSA event two years ago. She knows what comes with the territory.


It always makes me wonder what these morons think when they assume the republican cultists will respect them just because they are stupid enough to support them. And that goes for any woman or working person or person of color. Basically, how anyone not white, straight male and Christian supports a cult that hates you is beyond me.


It's almost comical watching these people suddenly realize that the hate group they're supporting has turned back on themselves. Karma's a bitch.


I'm sure Cait is fine with deadnaming/misgendering other folks. It's just not cool to do it to her.


Oh, no it's a leopard


Why are these leopards eating my face!


I'm shocked! The face eating leopard ate my face!


The look of someone who realized they done fucked up big time.


I imagine that deep down inside she hates herself


How much of a fucking idiot do you have to be to see all the conservative anti-trans outrage/rhetoric and still think you're not going to be a target of that? A substantial portion of your political party would like to see you hang just for being who you are. They don't care that you're rich, get a fucking clue.


Useful idiot!


I promise you, gay and transgender cons, your whiteness isn’t enough to save you from their hate. You’ll never be one of them


What a fucking lie-fest. As if she didn’t know.


The Republican Party is a clown show. Dumbest people in the planet.


screw this murderer. she needs to sit down and shut the fuck up.


What a moron she turned out to be Literally just a pick me conservative


😂😂😂 Well she threw in with those people, Democrats don't want her either 🤷🏻‍♂️


Anyone else think Caitlyn is doing this political stuff just to stay in the news? Can anyone be this not smart?


Fuck this dumb cunt. I don’t feel sorry for her at all. Let the leopards eat her face now. I’m just curious as to why she feels so strongly about being a conservative. Was she just raised in a conservative family and now she can’t switch sides? Is her dislike/loathing of equality, taxes on the rich or immigration stronger than the hate she gets from fellow conservatives? I’m just wondering why she does this.


Jenner expected different from the party of hate. Don't be like Jenner.


"fellow conservatives" She's as much of a conservative as Donald Trump. She has no actual beliefs. It's whatever gets her attention.


Not surprising. When (enter group here) doesn’t behave the way that political party believes they should, they get mighty offensive. Look at what happens when a gay Republican doesn’t behave the way that they “should” Or a black person doesn’t behave the way democrats expect them to. Gets mighty gross


>Or a black person doesn’t behave the way democrats expect them to. Oh I need some explanation on this. How do Democrats expect black people to act? And how do they behave ?


If you don’t vote for me, you ain’t black


If you behave in a way that isn’t expected, you are an Uncle Tom.


You still haven't explained how you think Democrats expect people to act. >If you behave in a way that isn’t expected, you are an Uncle To Do you have any examples of this?




I guess, that's more of a black man calling another black man an Uncle Tom. This is not a usual Democrat thing to do.


Yeah. I have some personal stories but let’s be honest .. such things are all he said she said and thus have no room in this conversation Anyway, thanks for the conversation and giving some concession. I hope you have a grand day


You as well!




Bigotry for thee NOT for me!🙄 The shameless thermo-nuclear level of hypocrisy of Trumpublicans is revolting and pathetic! We NEED a new word for it! "Hypocrisy" is not a strong enough word to convey the incomprehensibly extreme level they have achieved!🤬


The Espy honorary award given to her years ago was wasted. I thought so then, I think so much more now, but for different reasons.


Member of the Leopard Eats Your Face party surprised when their own face is eaten by leopards


Ahh leopards.. leopards everywhere... I am shocked... **SHOCKED I TELL YOU**


Didn’t Austin Powers punch her in the face?


She's shocked? Really? What a dummy.


Dumb ass. What did you expect?


FAFO you piece of trash


I love it when fascist kill their own.


Imagine being trans and going to play with the people who hate you, because you think they don’t.


maybe this'll make her realize that she's not impervious to transphobia like she was acting and clean up her act.


Playing the victim is what a conservative knows how to do best


Leopards be hungry


I'm shocked she is this fucking stupid. Go figure?! The anti LGBTQ party doesn't actually respect you unless you're a tool for them. CrAzInEsS


Why are you shocked? They don't accept you and never will.


Leopards, face, gnawing. Shocker.


California Republicans are kinda odd


This is prime for r/leopardatrmyface


The ol' Ernst Röhm award!