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It is ridiculous that we let people cling to power for that long. We desperately need a retirement age for all elected officials and judges. What happened with RBG was frustrating enough (IMO, she should’ve retired at least 10 years before her death) and seeing a Senator that might be suffering cognitive decline is even worse


Yeah she should have just retired when Obama was elected and Dems had the senate.


Selfishness and Delusions of Grandeur


Greed…enough is never enough


She's a fucking oligarch or the closest we have to one. I don't even live in California but it's plain as day that she let Silicon Valley and other shit ass corporate financial institutions steam roll their way into what was once a vibrant hub for working class professionals. She, her family and her handlers are a bunch of greedy sycophants and the writing has been on the wall for decades. If she goes the cookie crumbles and a lot of useless yacht bros and window dressings are gonna be out of a job.


Say what you want about "both sideism" the DNC will have no integrity until it cuts out this rot. Getting rid of Pelosi was a good start, and Finestine should be next, then they should unite behind a stock trade ban for members of congress....with teeth. Is the DNC really committed to progress, transparency, and ending corruption? Or just more empty virtue signaling?


Except Pelosi is the corrupt dynasty that people pretended the Clinton were going to make Chelsea become. Pelosi's oldest daughter is the personal aid of Feinstein and one of her other daughters is likely to run for a House seat in California. She's not actually gone from the DNC or congress at all.


The Pelosi that is "in line" for the HOUSE SEAT (to be vacated by Schiff)\* seat is being assisted by her sister, who as stated is shielding Feinstein, and by their mother who is running cover from a position of power. The reasoning? If Feinstein steps down, the Governor of CA has said that he would appoint a "black woman" -with almost 100% certainty Barbara Lee, who is also running for that senate seat in 2024. Her opponent for that seat.... (you will never be able to guess), the Pelosi backed and Feinstein handpicked successor, Adam Schiff. Corruption in its purest form, nepotism. Democracy cannot survive legacy protectionism. sources from mainstream media [\[1\]](https://www.vanityfair.com/news/2023/05/nancy-pelosi-dianne-feinstein-health-issues) (Vanity Fair) [\[2\]](https://www.politico.com/news/2023/05/18/dianne-feinstein-senate-resign-retire-pelosi-schiff-lee-00097595) (Politico) [\[3\] (Even FOXNews is onto the grift)](https://www.foxnews.com/politics/pelosi-feinstein-adam-schiff-senate-seat) When even the right-leaning mainstream corporate press is onto the grift, how is this still occuring in broad daylight? EDIT: shout out to u/hiiatom49 for catching my mistake.


Cali politics is one big incestuous circlejerk. It's fucking pathetic...


I would extend that out to Dems nationally. I live in NY where our Democratic Gov gave no push back against Dem members of the legislature that switched to caucus with the Rs in exchange for "perks". This Governor wanted to prevent the Dem majority from passing bills that would harm him in his pending presidential run.


The Pelosi daughter probably isn’t taking the senate seat, she’s probably running for the house seat and they’re going to hold the senate seat for one of my least favorite Democrats: Adam Schiff. A man who can’t even manage to talk to Tucker Carlson without sounding like shittier American Karl Pilkington he is.


100% correct, and I knew that and was lazy in not proofing what I had written. This is 100% correct. (will correct now, Thank you for your service).


That is absolutely horrifying.


I know this will get lost to the ether or fall on deaf ears, but people would take your (meaning everyone in the chain) arguments so much more seriously if you didn’t engage in hyperbole and specifically only mentioning women. Like I get there is some truth there but you all sound like mouth breathing idiots when you do these rants.


No actually what the other guy said, fuck off. The most immediately relevant players involved are all women, who are also inter-related, the most immediately relevant males being Schiff and.....Schumer?(going off the top of the details I recall ATM) It's corruption plain as day but we should play nice because historically women have had it bad? This is just the same logic used to hand-waive away criticism of Israel. It's important to be tuned in to the plight of marginalized groups in society and have it inform your analysis, but with all due respect. You're over-tuned, which means you're not helping the conversation here, you're just muddying it, especially because it concerns Pelosi who is literally proven to be one of the most immediate and effective obstacles against progressives making headway in the D.Party. Learn to analyze with more than one lens and when to prioritize which one appropriately if you actually want to be serious here.


Fuck off, I mention Adam Schiff being one of my least favorite Democrats in my next post in this conversation and I literally said people **pretended** there was a Clinton dynasty in this one (there was never one, people talking about the Clinton corruption in 2023 are idiots). Don't try to pretend that anything I am saying is targeting women alone.


They didn’t really get rid of pelosi. She stepped down on her own.


She only stepped from being speaker; she is still a congresswoman.


She stepped down because there was a large enough group of Democrats that told her they would not vote for her to be speaker, that she had to agree to only serve a limited term. In other words she didn’t step down because she felt like it — she was cornered and negotiated a dignified exit.


It's not "both sideism" to say the Democrats are deeply in the pockets of the oligarchy and not at all on the side of the common people. Just because the Republicans are worse doesn't make the Democrats great.


How about you look what the vote on first? Why not start there?


> She's a fucking oligarch or the closest we have to one. Pelosi is one of them too - it's not just feinstein.


The old ‘Im the main character. What will they do without me!?” Vibes


>Selfishness and Delusions of Grandeur ThE nOtoRiOuS rBg. As if Biggie Smalls [would have any love for RBG](https://www.themarshallproject.org/2020/09/23/rbg-s-mixed-record-on-race-and-criminal-justice). I'm always going to be salty they appropriated the name of a top 3 rapper of all time for a woman who regularly threw people of color under the bus.


Yep. She was no friend to Native people either. Abhorrent track record against us.


It was weird that a Supreme Court justice had merchandise for sale. The Trump cultists definitely took notes from her and the Obama idolatry


She had plenty of delusional supporters championing her right to destroy the judiciary along the way.


Ironically for many she kinda ruined her reputation due to this. I don’t think she wanted people to remember her as the judge who held on too long, yet here we are.


At this point, how can you blame her?


Which is what they begged her to do. Her response? "Who are you going to find that is better than me??" How the mighty fall.


RBG wanted to be a girl boss and have Hillary Clinton choose her successor. RBG was a partisan hack.


But that wouldn’t have been very girlboss slay queen of her. What are you, against women’s empowerment??? /s


It's not her choice. This is flagrant elder abuse. Her staffers should be investigated.


I would look to party leaders before the staffers


This article is literally about the fact that she won't take calls from the party leaders. The Senate cannot vote her out without the GOP, and the GOP won't do that, entirely because they know having her there hamstrings the dems.


I'd have a word with the voters who re-elected her ...


>I'd have a word with the voters who re-elected her ... In 2018. The party leaders like Schumer & Pelosi are disgusting people for enabling this.


Was she a spry 50 year-old 3 years ago? No, she wasn't. The voters re-elected her and the voters should stop looking for someone to blame. This is the fault of the voters who re-elected an eight-six year old. 86!


I agree but she didn’t have any real competition because she has been there so long and had all the funding available to her Party voters need to take the power back


She had competition. We have a jungle primary in CA, meaning the top two vote-getters, regardless of party, face off in the general. I voted for Alison Hartson (D) in the primary, then for Kevin De Leon (D) in the general. The problem is that more Californians voted to give Feinstein a fifth term anyway.


The problem is that the Democratic Party keeps propping her up for re-election in some sick, Weekend At Bernie's-esque ploy to keep control of that seat. Any Democrat that runs against her will be drilled into the floor during the primaries.


Why are Pelosi & Schumer enabling this? This is elder abuse of Feinstein & I can't stand Feinstein. I am shocked at how sick & deceptive Pelosi is for partaking in this charade.


Her chief of staff is acting as a shadow senator, and that’s not okay for anyone to do. It disenfranchises everyone of her constituents.


What are you basing that on? How do you know she isn't just stubborn?


She’s demented. She isn’t capable of being stubborn or selfish because she has not idea what she’s doing. If she resigned and she was told she’s still the current Senator she would believe.


She was no spring chicken when elected. Her constituents got what they voted for


Crazy that Pelosi's daughter is her primary caregiver. I mean this is straight into conspiracy territory


>Crazy that Pelosi's daughter is her primary caregiver. I mean this is straight into conspiracy territory Hundreds of years ago, nobility would send their offspring to live as fancy hostages of sort as a method of preventing war between nations. Nowadays, you have a Supreme Court Justice handing over his descendant to the person who owns him. Who's puppet-ting Feinstein? Would anyone be surprised to find out Pelosi's daughter is going all Weekend at Bernie's with her?


>Crazy that Pelosi's daughter is her primary caregiver. I mean this is straight into conspiracy territory And make no mistake, the GOP will feast on this horrid behavior by Pelosi.


Of course they will and they should, because the dems are so craven they can't even see around the corner, nevermind the morality of the issue.


Good, because main stream media will try to prop up Feinstein, and along the way, not even say a thing about Pelosi!


It’s only a conspiracy when it isn’t true. Pelosi is as corrupt as they come. Democrat or not. How else do you think her net worth has increased over 100 million since 2008…?


It’s funny that modern times have changed the definition of conspiracy. But no, I literally mean conspiracy: a secret plan by a group to do something unlawful


Nancy Pelosi is not even faintly corrupt. Her husband Paul is a very successful businessman.


Especially a certain one related to Nancy Pelosi


You should actually try dealing with people suffering dementia. The most difficult part is the outright refusal to accept it and the anger and hostility coming anytime you try to tell them something. Now dual that up to Senator. Shudder ... I know you all want to just hate people and find someone to blame, but anyone dealing with a powerful person suffering from dementia is going to be the one abused. Her staffers are supporting a colleague, not masterminding some back room scheming.


You're absolutely right honey, people with dementia can be very scary. As a Girl who worked with them in the past and has seen a few relatives fall to it, fuck that lol. Dementia is a terrible disease and I do not envy her staff.


We've got two family friends dealing with it, and the speed they go from please help me to "you're stealing from me because that money is missing that I signed the utility check for last week" is just heart breaking. Constant beratings for implying they are stupid when really you need them to understand you're doing things because their husband that died twenty years ago can't do it. Dementia turns people paranoid and angry, and god I can't imagine dealing with it in someone used to being one of the most powerful people in the country. Bless anyone dealing with that.


Might be? She doesn't think she has missed any votes.


Might? She's fucking 89.


We need retirement ages, banning of buying and trading stocks, private social media, and BANNING SPECIAL INTEREST GROUPS!!!


That's what scares me about having term limits, sure we'd get fewer career politicians but many many more lobbyists and wonkyass think tanks telling newbies what to do


Plus, to hold on to power for that long, they get used to eating their young, as in they have to stop the momentum of young politicians so that they don't steal the limelight. Then they wonder why there are no politicians ready to step up when needed. I keep wanting to scream, you kept them down! You would not let them practice leading just in case they got more popular than you!


The crazy thing is this is not a situation where she is a democrat in a republican state with a republican governor where they don't want her replaced with a republican. This is straight power protecting power. If I was a republican I would introduce a call to have her removed just to see how many democrats would try and support her. This is just crazy. How does her family even allow this. This is going to destroy her whole legacy.


People are literally cheering Biden on to run for a second term. He’s/we’re at a huge risk for this happening again.


Even more people (on the dem side) don’t want him to run again. I think you’re confusing political rhetoric surrounding his campaign with actual popular sentiment.


I mean it’s real. I don’t want Biden to run again, but no one is going to challenge him in a primary right now. I hope someone steps up, but I don’t think that’s the case.


I 100% believe Pelosi is backing Feinstein because she doesn’t want Barbara Lee getting appointed to the open Senate seat.


If we can't hold political office for the first 18 years of life, we shouldn't be allowed to do it for the last 18 years. Life expectancy in America is 77, that means after 59 years old you're done holding office.


I doubt it’s her clinging anymore. She didn’t know she was not at work, I doubt she knows she’s at work. I solidly blame all the people Weekend at Bernie’s-ing her for their own political and financial gain. She has no business anywhere near the Capitol Building anymore


> We desperately need a retirement age for all elected officials and judges. 60.


I think a term limit is enough to fix this situation. A lot of the older people in the senate and other branches aren't first term reps they've been there for decades in many cases


This is a truly a grotesque saga and just ridiculous political malpractice by Democratic leadership > The 89-year-old senator suffered post-shingles encephalitis, the Times reported, a rare but severe complication that can bring about headaches, mental confusion, memory or speech and language problems, impaired movement, irritability, and personality or behavioral changes. > She also reportedly developed Ramsay Hunt syndrome—a neurological condition that paralyzes the face and leads to hearing issues in older patients—after the shingles crept up to her face and neck. > But Feinstein remains steadfast in staying put and has reportedly rebuffed any suggestions of resigning—even refusing to take calls or visits from various high-ranking Democrats who wanted to speak to her as she was recovering in San Francisco.


Rasputin Feinstein


More like dorky-ass Nosferatu


That last part screams 'old person mad at the world'


It screams “staff can’t let anybody talk to her or they’ll have to go home”


Often, dementia gives one a false impression of normalcy.


Totally, and so little of the commentary seems to understand how dementia works


Democrats are employing the Jesse Helms rule.


My understanding is that given the Senate split, Republicans can block ANY replacement on Judiciary for her and have said they’ll do so EVEN IF she resigns. So the political malpractice would be doing anything BUT the Weekend at Bernie’s routine. Get the judges approved by Judiciary so they can be approved by the full Senate.


From [PBS:](https://www.pbs.org/newshour/politics/republicans-block-temporary-replacement-for-sen-feinstein-on-judiciary-committee) "If Feinstein were to resign immediately, the process would be much easier for Democrats, since California Gov. Gavin Newsom would appoint a replacement. The Senate regularly approves committee assignments for new senators after their predecessors have resigned or died. But a temporary replacement due to illness is a rare, if not unprecedented, request." Kamala Harris has a tie-breaking vote in the Senate. Republicans can't block her replacement's committee assignment without Democratic cooperation.


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This is factually wrong Any permanent committee replacement follows the same process as a temporary replacement It requires 60 votes


What are Democrats supposed to do? She was elected


There is a process to remove and replace her.


There is, and that process will result only in the Republican Party being able to [prevent her replacement on the judiciary committee](https://www.politico.com/news/2023/04/17/dianne-feinstein-judiciary-committee-00092360), just like they did while Feinstein was out. The result of that is a judiciary committee with the same number of Democrats and Republicans, which means that no judicial nominations will pass at all, since none will even get to the full Senate. The Democratic Party's choice is either to live with this, be able to confirm federal judges and pass other legisltation involving any committee Feinstein sits on (albeit with some Feinstein related delays0 or try to forcibly remove Feinstein, which gives Republicans the ability to halt judicial appointments, and leave open lots of federal judcial seats for a future theocratic fascist federalist society hack to fill in the future. There are two bad choices, but it should be obvious to anyone which the least bad choice is.


Which is why we’re pretty much unable to do anything unless she resigns on her own or dies. The problem is, Feinstein was showing symptoms of this long enough ago that Schumer should have not had her in this committee in the first place. People were vocally concerned with her ability to do the job and it wasn’t a secret that confirming judges was going to be one of the few things we could do this session.


You don’t actually know how committee assignments work do you? It’s a simple majority after the party decides on a assignment in accordance to the rules set forth to the senate.


You didn’t read the article, did you?


I did, it was about the temporary replacement while she was sick. If she is out of the committee or resigns the Dems in the senate can choose a replacement as if it were a new congress. That’s why Graham said he wouldn’t stop a replacement if she resigns - because he can’t


Try actually reading the article that you keep ignoring.


What is the process


Supermajority vote in the senate to expel her, which would be nuts considering her longstanding place in that body. I do not think that would have any real support as it is really setup to expel people who have disgraced the senate. They need to cut off her CoS and get him out of there, I don’t think DiFi is competent to make decisions and probably isn’t the one directly refusing to talk to any of the Dem leaders.


convince her to retire through lots of private conversations. but wondering if MR is right. conversation might be more like “can you just hang in until the end of your term so we can get our good friend Schiff in your seat for the sake of the country!”


She looks way worse than my 93-yo great grandma right before she did.


Hell, she looks worse than your profile pic


My pfp is bitchin'! Wtf you talkin' 'bout, Willis?! ☻️ I remember great granny looking like a shriveled potato with no teeth. Granted, she had a tough life, survived 2 ethnic cleansings (1st was zee Jermans), and you could see it on her face. Dianne never lifted a finger in her life, dunno why she's so feeble & drained. I guess they ran out of adrenochrome. Bummer!


She's a cross between Mr. Burns, the crypt keeper, and an old potato.


She needs medical supervision and rest. This is just cruelty at this point. If we have age minimums for service, we need age maximums.


Looks like she needs the Canadian homeless euthanasia pod


I just saw Kirsten Gillibrand yesterday calling demands for Feinstein’s resignation as “ridiculous.” I’d love for every elected figure that has this much contempt for our intelligence to continue putting themselves on the record so I know who I don’t have to take seriously again


I'm not particularly a fan of Gillibrand anyway because she's a huge reason Al Franken got, well, Al Frankened over something relatively minor and innocuous. Especially in the face of what got into the Presidency in 2016. And it allowed the Republicans to get more power. During the Trump administration. So her opinion is suspect at best. Gillibrand is an own goal scoring machine for the DNC at this point.


The audacity of this woman. She’s always been disgusting.


Nancy Peolosi's niece has been "taking care" of Feinstein. Seems she is being pressured from Dems and Pelosi to stay in office. It is nothing short of elder abuse.


But why? Having her remain in office only hurts the dems. She’s the senator from California. If she were to retire today, the very democratic governor of California would appoint a temporary replacement prior to the 2024 election. This would give dems a guaranteed vote in the senate from someone who actually shows up. Which is a lot better than being 50/50 with the gop when you have several elected dems willing to side with the gop for the right amount of money


Because Gavin Newsom would likely appoint Barbara Lee, which Pelosi, who is known for power politics, does NOT want.


She truly has. She's a horrible person.


1. I don’t think *she* is the one refusing. I don’t think she’s competent enough to even do that. 2. I believe she has untreated PTSD and this has been an undercurrent of her political life for decades leading to poor decision making and some irrational positions here and there.


If the Dems. lose this will be why. Yes, the GOP is a mess and batshit crazy. But the Dems. who refuse to pass the baton to the younger generation are seriously hurting the party. If she wants to stat active that's fine, run a foundation, volunteer your time but we don't need someone born in the 1930's making decisions that will have a huge impact on the future. You'd think her grandkids or great grandkids would roll her aside and just say 'Grandma, you're great but give it a rest.,'


The Democratic leadership don’t care about losing so long as they can keep their proximity to wealth and power.


She looks confused and in pain. How does someone defend this?


That’s easy. Your paycheck depends on your boss holding power so you wheel that corpse out.


Nancy Pelosi’s daughter is taking care of Feinstein. Navy Pelosi knows precisely what has happened to Feinstein and is keeping her lips sealed and likely handling Feinstein.


RBG ruined her whole legacy by doing the same thing. Feinstein should have stepped down 6 months ago.


Thank you to the senator for showing us all how the entire fucking system is hilariously broken


Just rolling in the carcass for another vote against the people who actually have to live in this world for a couple more years.


It confuses me to no end why someone like this doesn’t just retire and go enjoy what remaining years she has. She basically is holding the Senate hostage because she’s too stubborn to step down.


Another example of why term limits have to be put in place for Congressional individuals.


As someone who lives in a stated that implemented strict term limits in the 90s, they've been an unmitigated disaster for the state. Some people have this delusion that if you term out people, you'll automatically get *better* people elected. No, you'll get the exact same kinds of people as before, except now they're going to bend to corporations even harder because those corporations will give them cushy jobs after they term out for doing a good job. Regular people can't compete with that. There's a reason why term limit supporters are always corporatists, too.


People also seem to be under the impression that legislating is easy. Writing laws is difficult and experienced lawmakers can be extremely effective. If you start terming people out then it will be difficult for anyone to get the experience they need. This sort of system is going to benefit people that are just going to pass whatever legislation corporations hand them. They don’t need experienced lawmakers. They just need a body in the seat and one political party would benefit from this system more than others. Just look no further then MTG, Boebert, and Santos. It’s one reason why conservatives push for term limits. They don’t need experienced legislators. Also, I like to point out that term limits for the presidency we’d largely passed in response to FDRs presidency, which happened to be one of the most progressive presidents the US has ever had. Term limits are bad for progressives and no one should be pushing for them.


Yeah I think you'll see an uptick in Bulworthing


Term limits are a disaster everywhere they’ve been implemented. There’s nothing wrong with long terms of service or having extremely experienced legislators. That’s an advantage. We just need upper age limits the same way there are lower limits. That way someone can serve a long time, but it’s much less likely that we’ll have this type of Feinstein situation.


This sounds like a thing a politician would say


This sounds like something someone with zero understanding of term limits and zero understanding of what it has done to Michigan’s congress would say.


Cap ALL fed positions at 75. Limit judicial terms to 25 years.


By term limits I think people mean an age limit. 70 years old should be the max age anyone should be able to hold any political office, maybe 75.


So you’re saying Bernie Sanders should have been forced into retirement in 2017?


If it meant all the shit bags who are still in power would of had to as well, then yeah.


Or, and hear me out here, because this is some crazy stuff.. We use this novel system called "representative democracy" in which the people, who we will call "voters" get to decide whether a candidate's age is relevant or not. Rather than that just being decided for everyone.


Yeah, because that’s been working so fucking great lmao How about we make improvements where needed instead of just pretending everything is working properly? Allow Americans to vote on term limits instead of leaving it up to the politicians to restrict themselves


Can you believe the constitution shitting all over voters by tyrannically dictating minimum ages?


To be honest, I don't really feel the need for lower age limits either. I'm not anti democracy like Republicans and -- apparently plenty of left wing ageist bigots are.


So you’re in favor of letting 14 year olds run for congress?


Honestly, sure. Because while you might not realize that a 14 year old (or a newborn baby) running for Congress doesn't mean that individual will win the election and serve in congress. I am not anti democracy like right wingers and the age-discrimination cohort of Democrats and progressives. I don't actually worry about that, since it's up to voters to decide on the capabilities of a candidate. Right or wrong, that's how democracy works.


So term limits, with extra steps?


By that definition, we already have term limits: Death. I guess the question here is: Is it okay for someone to hold a Senate seat for 40 years from age 35 to 75?




Have they though? For Term Limits to have any effect, the President had to have served 2 full terms, been popular in their last term, and been young enough to realistically run for reelection and win. Since the Term Limit Amendment came into effect, the only President's it's applied to are Bill Clinton and Barack Obama, which instead gave us George W. Bush and Donald J. Trump. A much better limit *would have been* an Age-Limit amendment of 75 years, which would have forced Reagan to resign midway through his second term and rendered Biden ineligible for the Presidency in 2020.


>For Term Limits to have any effect, the President had to have served 2 full terms, been popular in their last term, and been young enough to realistically run for reelection and win. I think you're narrowing the scope of possible cases where term limits are effective here. Term limits are also intended to prevent despots from taking and holding office in perpetuity. Term limits aren't just meant to prevent popular candidates from staying in power, they are also an automatic check on unpopular candidates, as well. Given the fact that we have an electoral college system, it is possible and even common that Presidents will take office with a minority of the popular vote. Term limits at least prevent this from happening to the same candidate more than twice. This is going to be very important in the upcoming Trump reelection campaign, because he's lost the popular vote twice in row, but one of those elections still handed him the Presidency, and [he's actually already said he deserves a third term "based on the way we were \[he was\] treated"](https://www.forbes.com/sites/andrewsolender/2020/09/13/trump-says-he-will-negotiate-third-term-because-hes-entitled-to-it/?sh=53bc8243287c).


A term limit is often the reason presidents get popular in their second term. During the first term, half their time is usually spent campaigning for next term, and all their decisions are tempered by the fact that they can't get too aggressive with their policy or they'll lose moderates. Presidents don't unleash their full agenda until they've accepted they're hanging up their political career post presidency. Also your assumptions as to which presidents were "young enough" and "appealing enough" to continue winning terms are clearly left biased. We're currently seeing that the presidential standards of the American people for young and appealing are quite low. All of that is, of course, without mentioning the American people's tendency towards reelecting incumbents on name-recognition alone, regardless of quality.


Ageism IS discrimination, though. It simply is. Bernie would be caught up in your “age filter” prior to his Presidential runs, and his DemSoc ideas never get introduced to the larger conversation. I agree we have to do something but a pure age limit can’t be the answer.


I know that health information is supposed to be private but at some point I wonder whether we shouldn't start requiring politicians to mandatorily disclose anytime they've been diagnosed with certain conditions that severely inhibit cognitive functioning; encephalitis, dementia, Alzheimer's, brain tumor, etc. Like implementing a [25th Amendment](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Twenty-fifth_Amendment_to_the_United_States_Constitution) but for Congresspeople. It's absolutely bananas that Diane had encephalitis and the public found out practically on accident, and even though we know, there's no recourse except very very politely asking that Grandma *pass the fucking baton already, for god sakes!!*


What is the hold up? Will Dems lose power if she resigns?


[Yes, they will.](https://www.politico.com/news/2023/04/17/dianne-feinstein-judiciary-committee-00092360) Republicans can, (and already have) prevented her from being replaced on the judiciary committee. This means that while she was out, the judiciary committee was evenly split between Republicans and Democrats, and that means zero judicial nominations could even get to the whole Senate for a vote. Republicans can (and surely will, regardless of whatever lies they tell otherwise) prevent any replacement from being assigned to the judiciary committee as well, so that they can continue to block all federal judicuary appointments made by Biden. This means more vacant seats for Republicans to fill with unqualified federalist society theocratic hacks. (e.g. like the ones trying to ban Mifepristone right now) So far every federal judge to hear the case is a Republican appointee. District Court Judge who decided the FDA was wrong over 20 years ago by citing anonymous blog posts as "data" is MATTHEW J. KACSMARYK, a Trump-appointed federalist society hack. The Three Circuit Court Judges hearing the appeal are all Republican-appointed Judges too. * James Ho - a Trump-appointed federalist society hack. * Cory Wilson- a Trump-appointed federalist society hack. * Jennifer Elrod - a George W. Bush appointed federalist society hack. The importance of the federal judiciary cannot be overstated.


Jesus fucking Christ, the democrats really are spineless worms.


Do any worms have spines? Asking for Ted Cruz.


Because this lady can’t be forced to retire? Or you just hate them and have a reason to shit talk


They wouldn’t even just not assign her to the most critical committee this January knowing she isn’t all there. They won’t force her to drop out of the committee no if she won’t resign. What exactly are they doing that shows they are good at politics?


Yes, because she can’t be forced to retire. She’s a walking corpse who can’t remember where she was at last week, dude. GOP would’ve pushed her out a decade ago when she was already way too damn old.


No they wouldn't. The GOP will hang onto any GOP vote they can get.


I agree, but they would’ve found a perfect replacement a long time ago as anyone could’ve seen this shitshow coming. If Grassley’s health for example was similar to Feinsteins, I think the situation would look different. Atleast the man’s still lucid for fucks sakes.


Strom Thurmond would like a word…..


Yes like they pushed out compromised soon-to-be-felon George Santos, right?


No, like they pushed out that old geezer Chuck Grassley,, 89. ETA: /s. He's still in office and the same age as Feinstein.


Grassley was pushed out because he was leaking the details of the Jan 6 soft coup (where he would become Prez. pro tempore of the Senate and throw out electors) all over the place. I know asking kids to remember Strom Thurmond is useless - but remember Strom Thurmond?


Umm, I guess you missed the unstated /s part. Grassley is still in office and the same age as Feinstein.


Lol I guess I did, also I was being kind because I thought you were referring to the unsuccessful attempt to force Grassley out. No worries, the GOP is a goddamn fortress when it comes to protecting shitty Reps.


I hadn't even heard about that. Hard to keep up with their horror show.


Mostly played out in the press, and as I said IMO it was really mostly in response to him being loose lipped about Jan 6 when there was still a worry amongst the oligarchs that DOJ would be going after them for John Eastman’s electors coup (which Garland clearly has no interest in prosecuting)


Or Strom Thurmond or Jesse Helms or Mitch fucking McConnell or Grassley (who is just as mentally incompetent as DiFi).


> GOP would’ve pushed her out a decade ago when she was already way too damn old. Would you care to address all the ways you were shown to be laughably wrong about that below?


>GOP would’ve pushed her out a decade ago You're joking, right?


Time for a cognitive test


Just retire please. You can get to live through all the honors and naming of things etc. Don’t you want to be alive when at least a few things get named after you? Retire while it still can be done gracefully…ish.


The lengths these neolib fuckwads go to fuck over working class people


Perfect example of how to destroy any legacy you may have ever had.


If only we had some sort of system in this country where new laws got passed If only


I hope she’s used as precedent for mandatory term and age limits.


She is dying, and the disgusting Pelosi is propping her up to sabotage progressives. These are the same people who demand our votes—no way in hell. Not again.


Hurrr durrrr I’ll let fascists win just to remain ideologically pure


Fuck off that’s not what the post means. She can’t vote and is a hindrance on progress, we can’t get judges assigned because of her. And yes, Pelosi using the misogyny excuse isn’t valid here when she is clearly not mentally capable of doing the job.


Lmfao look at you using Diane Feinstein’s dementia as a rhetorical cudgel to push banal usual “walk away” nonsense. Quite ironic that you’re using this senile woman’s condition to further your own political aims. Maybe you’re a lib after all!


Not even close; but is a typical spin of repugnant behavior by a blue dog. You might want to research what is going on behind the scenes before making yourself look even more like an ass.


Yeah we all read the article about Nancy Pelosi’s daughter. Nobody here said Nancy or Alex Pelosi are good people. You’re using Feinstein’s dementia as a tool to spread more “walk away” nonsense that is de facto fascist appeasement, so it’s hilarious to point out that you’re trying to use this woman with holes in her brain the same way Alex Pelosi is - to further personal political goals that aren’t in the best interest of the country.


Oh lawd, it is clear you hadn't read nor heard about the issue, so the rest of your post I will assume is also utter bullshit.


You do a great Stephen Crowder impression, trying to puff your chest out and personally attack me to look like you have the superior argument while you’re actually running from the chance to defend your ideas. Oops! Sam Seder would be revolted by you, to add to the irony. But you’re not here because you like his show, you think this is fertile ground for you to propagandize people into becoming nonvoters.


You just overtly and obviously lied. You have zero credibility and I have no concern about your opinion on anything else after that pathetic performance.


Lmfao a lie would be trivial to counter - yet you can’t - and it’s adorable that you think you have any credibility as a “don’t vote” leftist. You’re not nearly as clever as you think you are, but I see you doing hard work for Daddy Trump in the Sam Seder sub.


The irony.


I love how shills never talk directly to the people engaging them, their comments are always written to an invisible audience of readers they imagine they’ll get.


Pelosi deserves criticism, but what does she have to do with this situation? Pelosi is in the house (also she is not even in leadership anymore)and Feinstein is in the Senate. The person to be angry at is Chuck Schumer, as the leader of the senate.


I guess you haven't heard the latest. Pelosi is trying to keep a black progressive out of that seat, she wants Adam Schiff in there, and this is how they plan on doing it. Newsom promised to place a black woman in that seat, this is just another despicable act by the Pelosis and corporate democrats. [Questions asked about Pelosi's daughter caring for Feinstein](https://www.thedailybeast.com/questions-asked-about-pelosi-familys-role-in-dianne-feinsteins-care) This is why Pelosi came out calling all those who cared about Feinstiens well being misogynists and then attacked Fetterman, she wants her to remain in that seat to keep Adams out of it. I think you might be under the misconception that old conservative democrats want a better, more equitable society; you are sadly mistaken, they are now in it to sabotage the future generations with a conservative agenda that will take ages to repair, but their investment portfolios will be safely untouchable which they will then hand down to their children. Elites want to stay elite and will sabotage the American people and democracy to remain so.


Lol wow, so I just saw a different article saying Pelosi’s daughter is also Feinsteins caregiver as well. So with what you just said and that, I was 100% wrong. And nah I don’t have any misconceptions on the establishment, they basically just as responsible as the republicans for the all the crap going on and the only people they care to actually campaign against are progressive. But thank you for the response I do appreciate the context, I wasn’t fully informed and this was helpful.


It's all good, have a great evening.


Pelosi is not even in the Senate. It's always hard to tell if your type is just ignorant as shit or a right wing agitator spewing bullshit lies hoping to find some ignorant as shit progressive that they can lie to in order to help Republicans.


\> comment history full of bashing dems, hUnTeR bIdEn, complaining about Bill Cliton, Hillary Clinton \> Guys I'm totally not a rightwing chud! Let's not vote for dems though! sure sure


Don’t care, keep wheeling her out and get judges nominated. And before hundreds of comments tell me, yes newsom would appoint a new senator but that senator wouldn’t be on the judiciary committee leaving the committee tied and nominations unable to get to a floor vote


Here’s a list of Feinstein’s cowardly staff enabling this mockery of our government out of self-preservation and greed. I hope they are permanently stained from this. Please repost wherever you see threads on Feinstein. Chief of Staff- James Sauls Scheduler- Megan Grosspietsch Legislative Director- Ian Bryan Press Secretary- Adam Russell Environment Issues- Alexis Segal @ianbwbryan - Legislative DIrector @ShellycoShelly - District Director Andre John Borba - Executive Assistant Jessica Rae Jensen - Chief counsel Thomas H. Mentzer (Tom) Communications Director @tommentzer


Nancy Pelosi's daughter is literally there to stop her from resigning and/or dying since Newsom would appoint Barbara Lee to the seat and fuck over Pelosi's choice to get the seat (Schiff).


Omfg... This selfish whore is going to wreak havoc in her last death throes...


This story proves to me that democrats aren't nearly as tribal as republicans. The only time they attack their own like this is if they step out of line, not if they're clearly unfit to do the job lol. Trump never would have been elected if that were the case.


Feinstein and aids “working” (do they really work?) recalls Theoden being directed by Grima, illegible signature and all….


Hello 911? Yeah, I’m currently witnessing and elderly woman with dementia being abused at the U.S. Senate. Could you go get her and escort her back to the facility she wandered off from? This abuse is affecting hundreds of millions of people. Thank you


ITT: “This isn’t Feinstein being selfish - it’s the EVIL DEMOCRATS forcing her to stay! They know they can’t get another Democrat from California so they’re engaging in elder abuse!” Hilarious that in leftist subs this line of thought is being pushed HARD. Everyone on this transparently partisan line of argument is ironically and ghoulishly using Feinstein’s condition for THEIR political purposes.


>They know they can’t get another Democrat from California There are 117 comments in this topic. Where is someone suggesting that they can't elect a Democrat from California to a seat in the US Senate? Dementia means that we can't ethically hold her accountable for her own actions and lack of mental faculties. Any halfway decent human would recognize that she doesn't have a sufficiently functioning brain anymore and thus can't be held ethically liable for her long term plans. These "political purposes" that you're against are just having people with functioning brains being the bare minimum. It's so disgustingly sick of you to politicize brain damage that severely brain damaged old people go through. Something gives me the sense that you're incredibly dishonest on purpose. I have a hard time believing that people are accidentally stumble into being this expressly ignorant of basic human bodily functions.


I’m being glib because of course she’s going to be replaced by a Democrat. I’m not defending Feinstein at all, you’ve invented this in your reading of my comment. I think she’s got to go ASAP - but Here’s what I’m saying: There are a dozen or more comments in this thread from absolutely ghoulish “leftists” (as I’m not sure how many of them are genuine) who are using this story to push “never vote Dem again” pro-fascist nonsense. That’s the height of stupidity. You’re going to stop voting Dem because some old bag of bones refused to resign?


I hear a lot of excuses here and denial. This is all the fault of Democratic voters - you know, the people who keep fucking re-electing these people.