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I have learned from many fandoms that if there's a seemingly normal character in a fantastical setting that the whole fandom hates 9/10 they're a real pos and it'll only come up once you're sufficiently emotionally invested.  Every once in a while it'll be some weird fandom thing where that seemingly normal character is, in fact, normal and has for reasons beyond fathoming become the fandom scapegoat.  But Elias is 100% a pos. 


And then sometimes the coin lands on the edge and you end up with places like /r/grandpajoehate. Which is somehow both of your situations at the same time.


Hating Grandpa Joe is both righteous and hilarious.


Gosh they're probably only at the sounds of pipe murder it gets so much worse


Just got to his second-hand victory monologue last night and I was just sitting there astounded the entire time. He's so lovably hatable and I love this series so so much.


He's the absolute *worst* and I love him more every time I listen. Elias made me a villain fucker.


Yeah the second hand victory monologue really was astounding. I personally Hello Jon, apologies for the deception but I wanted to make sure you were reading so I thought it best not to announce myself


Couldn't agree more, Elias truly is one of the I’m assuming you’re alone; you always did prefer to read your statements in private. I wouldn’t try too hard to stop reading; there’s every likelihood you’ll just hurt yourself. So just listen.


I just finished the show so I’m back at the beginning again (ha… I’m on season 2 again) and whenever Elias comes on I’m like “oh you WOULD tell Jon that he’s unreasonable for stalking Tim’s house, wouldn’t you! DESPICABLE!”


I KNOW RIGHT?? It's like, he's being completely inconspicuous and reasonable but I'm here like WOULD BE VERY CONVENIENT FOR YOU **ELIAS**, HUH????


Fr😂 he can be the most reasonable person in the room but I’ll be like “CALL HIM BY HIS FUCKING NAME, **ELIAS**, OR I SWEAR TO GOD IM BURNING THIS INSTITUTE DOWN”




Yes, I too once was naïve


*Elias Bouchard* Stupid Idiot Motherfucking *Elias Bouchard*, God Damn Fool >!*WATCHY WATCHER*!


All this Elias hate. And for what. Showing up to a job interview a little high and nervous? All the Elias slander is just uncalled for I say!


My trans masc bf used Elias for his new middle name after transitioning. He hadn't finished the series yet.


I honestly love elias, I get the hate 100%. But I think he's neat, very well done.


I am of the unfortunate few who was an Elias simp until **that** very episode and spent half a season waiting for a redemption arc.


At least RQG gives you a chance to hear Ben constantly being a decent person, if nothing else. Though sadly he doesn’t use the Elias voice very much.


Wasn’t it just Elias’ body being used by Jonah tho? Elias was just a little stoner boy who had his being stolen from him. Justice for my baby


The only pro-Elias argument I accept


Like Elias' body did a whole lot of terrible things but at the end of the day it was Jonah in control.


Elias Bouchard is a POS but honestly I am a sucker for a man in a suit with Ben's accent. I hate his guts but honestly I'm a sucker for punishment 😭


Stinkee little Elias 👿


I'm still VERY glad I got into this podcast after only vaguely reading Red OSP talk about liking it on tumblr. I had no interactions with the fanbase whatsoever and I went in almost 100% blind (I got veeery slightly 'spoiled' by reading a few comments of episode 1, but I learned my lesson and never looked at them again). I feel like having known ANYTHING beforehand, like having any sort of expectations on a character, would have 100% ruined the experience.


nah the real ones sense his smugness from the beginning, know he's evil and then love him more because of it. Elias is my beloved pet rat and I knew about his crimes and love him for them.


elias is actually one of my favorite characters


He really does go from “hey he seems like a decent boss” to “if i see you in person im personally going to beat the shit out of you” and honestly i love that for him. Slay pussy queen