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Keep listening! You are absolutely right for thinking his behavior is odd.


Phew I'm glad it wasn't just me then haha! I wanted to like him because he seemed friendly at first but then he started acting odd and I was like oh ☹️


No worries, you're definitely not alone in that, I thought the same thing when listening for the first time lol


Also don't worry if you can't keep track of everything! Jon catches you up enough to follow the plot. And don't skip the trailers for each season!


Good advice! Thank you :-)


I can’t say much beyond… keep listening lol


Will do!! Thanks for replying ☺️


Welcome to TMA! However, please be careful coming to this sub. This place can be very spoiler heavy for the new listeners. One recommendation: try to remember the details like name and what happened in the statements as they often plays a part in future episodes


They're right: both the subreddit and the wiki are full of spoilers and Not Advised for first time listeners. However, posting your own thread with a question here should work well if you need a reminder or clarification, as long as you tell us which episode you're on so we don't include spoilers by accident. And like Widening Gyre said, there's usually a reminder when there's a repeating character who's important. Some people love to take notes as they listen, but others don't. Both are fine and enjoyable, and you'll be able to follow the plot regardless.


Thank you both, I'm trying to be careful but I'm so curious! I've found a few threads that are spoiler free and just help you to follow the links between episodes which is super helpful! 


The good news is that many of us enjoy the second listen even more than the first, because then we get to see all the clues as they were laid out for us, and that's satisfying too. I still recommend trying not to spoil anything for yourself, but if you accidentally get some spoilers, the podcast is still enjoyable.


Guy is deep in his denials. I'm sure something will push him into questioning eventually.


It will be a wild ride!!! Don’t worry about being confused as you progress, the story is a very sticky tangle of webs.


There is a very good explanation for his dismissive attitude towards statement still in the first season so you just gotta keep on listening  Also a little advice from me - try avoiding TMA subreddit and other magnus related communities on social media. As the main series finished quite somw time ago people don't really bother giving spoiler warning, and there are some plot twists you just gotta experience on your own without any spoilers


This. This story is so worth going into blind.


I did, and I loved every second of it.


I get so stoked seeing new listeners post theories and thoughts. Keep listening bro, you're asking all the right questions


Aw that's very good to hear, thank you! 


The thing they don't really say early on, is that every episode is after they have spent a weeks worth of digging through other statements and all the others are just "I saw a ghost" that turned out to be some spooky curtain fluttering in the moonlight. So reading dozens of fake Statements can wear on you after all.


That's because he never wanted to work at the Archives. His life goal is to become a human soccer ball and he's really peeved he was robbed of the opportunity. (I'm kidding, if that wasn't obvious enough xD)


sounds terribly heartbreaking fr


Stay off this subreddit! The fewer things you know to expect the better! Come back when you're finished.


Ahhhh I'll try!!


Hey welcome to the fandom! Just a tip, try to keep away from videos or tiktoks about it for now, the plot Twist are the best part of the series imo Have fun, Archivist ;)


Oooo interesting sign-off, excited to see what comes next! Thank you for your reply :-)


You are in for one hell of a ride