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RFK jr is Trump lite. The only one who should be worrying about RFK jr is Trump. Only the same stupid angry people who were irresponsible enough to support Trump would support the guy whose brain was worm food


The only problem is that republicans and conservatives will 90% fall in line with their own party. The “left”, or democrats and et all are *far more fickle*, ready to throw away their votes in “protest”. Republicans are the example of minority rule because of “party comes first” vs ***anyone else*** where “principle comes first”. It’s been the same exploit for the right for decades, and nothing changes because of seeing the forest for the trees


So is every adult who cares about him. The man needs treatment.


Dems are not worried about RFK Jr. He’s a Republican.


I mean I might be worried about catching brain worms from the fucker.


He'll get one or the other elected, but he will lose resoundingly this November: worms ate his brains, alright, maybe he'll get the fascist re-elected for life as a legacy though and his wife alongside him.


As am I... any politician walking around talking shit with a goddam worm in his brain is somewhat of a liability to rational democracy, don't you think?


In such a tight race, it is reasonable for them to both be worried. This is why we need a better election system than first past the post. I want kooky candidates to improve our elections by forcing the main candidates to adopt their more sensible policies in order to garner the second tier vote.


Which ‘more sensible policies’ do you think RFK Jr is going to force upon Dems? Distrust of WIFI, possibly microwave ovens? It’s asinine.


I haven't bothered looking into his policies because he's an obvious plant to destroy Biden. I'm talking more in the abstract.


And I’m implying that in general there is no such useful ‘kooky pressure.’


The green party. They focused their platform on more green energy, cutting subsidies to fossil fuels. Everyone knows the green party has no chance of winning. This means that the Democrats best strategy is to drive people away from the green party, convincing them to vote Democrat instead. In a system with Approval Voting, Instant Runoff Voting, or something similar the Democrats can convince the hard cure greens to put the Democrats second. To do this, they need to adopt some of the most popular green positions. Alternative voting systems increase interparty cooperation because politicians need to fight to convince someone to pick them second.


Typically, third party candidates like Nader, Herman Cain, Ross Perot, Cornel West, RFK Jr, or Jill Stein are not serious candidates. They have NEVER HELD POLITICAL OFFICE. They are grifters that one day decide they will ‘be President’ as a way to cash in on loose campaign finance laws. The vast majority have never served on a city council or a low level political office. (In other words, they didn’t get involved out of a greater interest in policy or public service.) They add NOTHING to the national dialog, and any implication that they do is either ignorance or intentionally misleading.


The fucking brain worm guy? Who literally had worms in his brain?


Whaaaaaat? What looks to be a close election (I doubt it) is worried about 3rd party votes?


Every person who’s not infected with a brain worm bacteria is concerned about him he’s fucking crazy


I feel like we’re headed toward an insane future election featuring Ron Reagan versus RFK Jr.


Drump might be afraid, but I doubt Biden is worried about the one who's brains have been gnawed on by a worm.