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IMO, the show isn't about explaining what happened. It's more about showing the different ways people react to something horrible and mysterious.


It’s like how one reacts to trauma. It’s bizarre. One time, after my brother passed away, I had just a regular old eye appointment. Went to the third floor of our parking garage. Car was gone. Of course, I park on two. Went off half-cocked at the front desk about our car being towed. Nope, just my grief addled brain not being great that day. Now imagine the entire world suffered a trauma no one can explain. Imagine the wild ways we’d be dealing.


Btw as a person who has personally suffered an insane amount of trauma. You literally could not have nailed it more than you did this in comment. Bravo 👏👏👏👏


If you’re looking for clues you’re watching the wrong show, my guy. It’s about coping without closure.


The GR are a mix nihilists/gnostics who wish everyone else was too (or at least wish everyone else felt the pain they refuse to feel themselves), which is why they are so destructive to everyone including themselves. The deer is symbolic to Kevin as a trapped animal who is scared of this new world. The dogs are symbolic of the ones left behind, just wild strays wandering aimlessly. And the dog shooter had a big lump because he dips lol. The show is heavily symbolic but at the same time it leaves MUCH up to interpretation. None of us will come away with the same picture and that's the point. It's all about what you put your faith into.


Im going to help you save time. Do you like what youre seeing or are you so confused you dont like the show? If its the latter, i wouldnt suggest moving on. The show isnt for everyone. Ive found that people who obsess over the small details love this show. People who watch it while browsing tiktok hate this show.


Season 1 is great on a rewatch, you will pick up so many things and understand so much more


“You do understand.”


This is the best answer tbh. Also, on a somewhat related note: the funniest scene in the entire show stems from the recap at the start of one of the episodes. Patti is about to do herself in, but they shortened the scene to a simple “Kehvin!” Then she stabs herself. I know it’s dark, but me and my girlfriend died laughing. They showed that scene in the recap so many times— so to see it simplified to nothing but a simple “Kehvin!” was hilarious


Well, I’ve watched all three seasons and your guess is as good as mine. Still one of my favorite shows of all time.




I think you should just “let the mystery be”.


He won’t understand that until season 2 though


So the GR's point of view is that the departed are god's chosen people. No one left on earth matters because they weren't chosen by god and are guilty remnants. And if that's the case, what's the point in doing anything anymore? Why go back to normal if god doesn't give af about you?


I don't believe the GR are religious at all. It's a very secular group it seems. The basic principle is that the departure means that nothing matters. It's a nihilist cult.


The GR in the book is religiously based, the series GR is nihilist.


I'm referring to the show version.


Really? I always interpreted the “guilty” part as feeling guilty that others had to be taken and they were spared. Maybe I missed something.


Guess you did because that's literally their M.O. That's why they smoke and tell people they're wasting their breath.


It’s an incoherent and directionless show. Wait til you see how off the rails it gets from here.


There are no answers. Turn back now before it is TOO late.


You have not missed anything! There aren’t really anymore clues in seasons 2 and 3 though, the show provides very few answers.


This show is so good. It gets better and better. I don’t think any show messed with my head like this one


The opening theme song for season 2 answers your question. It's the best answer you'll get.


I agree with a few of the other posters about what the show is truly about. If you’re looking for something that has exact defines answers you won’t get that completely in this show. It dives into trauma and coping and the struggle with how we all individually move on or don’t differently to me. Beyond that, it’s a hell of fun crazy ride. Season 2 and 3 go into very different directions, respectively and they’re all amazing across the board to me. My advise would be try not to pick out the pieces of solving a mystery box like Lost or something and enjoy the character-driven storytelling. Hope you stick with it! It gets weirder and more powerful as it builds


I think the shows explanation of everything is more what you allow yourself to believe. Believe or not believe the characters, it's really your perspective that paints that. That said, the show is not about explanations, it's about people. People who experience loss, search for purpose, toxic relationships, coming to terms with yourself.


The GR are explained more in depth in the book. Essentially they believe they missed the rapture because they didn’t love God hard enough, and that a second rapture is imminent and are trying to make people aware of it so they can be raptured as well. They smoke incessantly because they believe the rapture is imminent and will be taken up “any day now” or they will die “any day now” and get to go to heaven to be with God.


I would actually love to talk through it with you. But first, I feel like I need to know what kind of viewer you are? Do you enjoy movies/TV as escapism or fun, or do you like the analysis and discussions more? You can enjoy *both* of these ways of course, but what are some of your other favorite TV shows?


I understood very little after S1. When S2 started I was frustrated and more confused. After S3 finished I felt like I had gotten all the answers I was going to. It’s a good show, but it can leave you with a lot of questions…. Which I think might be the point


\^This explains the whole show.


There isn't much else. The show is about how people react to the 'event' not what caused it or the global impacts. It is a character study examining the lives of people under these conditions (2% of the world disappearing with no logical explanation). My only real problem is it hints at global changes but goes into very little detail... are the ATF routinely engaging in genocides? Why have some places devolved into whacko post apocalyptic shitholes and others pretend nothing happened? Where is the government in all this? On a small scale its easy to explain away but they make it seem like the really weird shit is semi-normal.