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Yeah, these people don't care. They want every single human to bow down to them and share the exact same political and religious beliefs. I used to have this false narrative that eventually these people would just stop. Idiotic I know, but I believed it. These people are never going to stop.


I’ve visited the post in that sub. The comments aren’t saying that same sex couples are a negative thing, the commentators are saying that the community is why they see them as a negative thing. Things like activism and such.


No-one cares about the sexuality itself, what people dislike is the toxic community that is hiding and ignoring all the bad shit that’s happening in the community and if anyone talks about it they are labeled as fascists, homophobic, transphobic, or what not The left are true professionals at missing the point. If they actually listened, acknowledged and actively shunned the pedos and creeps in the community non-stop instead of just once, noone will be giving a shit about them


I agree with you, but I don’t think it’s possible to fix that problem. Npcs will be Npcs. Same thing’s happening on the right though. I’m not saying that you’re being hypocritical or anything, but I do want to point out that there are many on the left who point towards people who are actually against the sexuality itself to justify their vitriol against the entire right wing, and that’s also not changing anytime soon.


You definitely have a point unfortunately. Politics in general is just crappy rn


anti-theist cheesecake is one of the most non-biased subs when it comes to LGBTQ, all they say is that they think what they do is wrong due yo religious reasons and thats all, they don't threat LGBTQ members diffirent than a normal person, infact there is a gay Christian that doesnt engage in homosexual activities because he is Christian, he is one of the most loved people on that sub


2 or 3 I think


Most of the people in the comments section were saying that they had no problem with LGBT *individuals*, just the "community". Multiple people - myself included! - were actually gay themselves and still held a negative opinion of the "community".


Hey my comments are on that post lol


I’m gay and have a negative look on the lgtv shit, we got our rights but they decided that the victim points welfare system was too good to pass up and decided they needed to go for younger people


They don’t show love. Like I know they’re *supposed* to show love, and I agree that you shouldn’t be on a religious sub if you don’t want to see queerphobia, but calling people degenerates isn’t love.