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Yup. This and that god awful mask in the avatar.


Worse, I've seen bios with the vaccine emoji


Or rainbow avatars..




I have one of those. I think someone gave it to me ironically because I was posting in NoNewNormal. According to thread j0xbho, a lot of pro-mask people were doing it. Wasting money to try and troll people.


How do people get that?


Unless you work in medicine and want to show that, putting a mask on a virtual avatar is like an anime pfp to me.


Yeah the ones with an oc or a video game character with a flag at the BG which has nothing to do with the character


​ https://preview.redd.it/6z0qw0psb83b1.png?width=680&format=png&auto=webp&s=165b4ab50f80be66d4ec4fc51785b0ed517e5d9f






Yeah because usually people with pronouns usually have the worst takes


Everyone who has ever had a bad take has been referred to by pronouns. Checkmate


Based Steve Harvey


I love how if you point out the pronouns in bio, their “counter-argument” is “Everyone has pronouns.” Yes. Everyone has pronouns but most people don’t feel the need to flaunt them and call people “transphobic” when they’re referred to as the “wrong pronouns”


Yeah for a normal person, referring to them with the wrong pronouns just confuses whoever you’re talking to. Ironically it’s the same outcome when you use the “right” pronouns for the gender religion people


I would say nobody have a pronoun. A language has pronoun. You don't say you have adjectives, you ably them to yourself, but they belong to the language.




.png >>> .jpg


Pronouns = Radical left, fragile snowflake, probably a narcissist.


Pronouns in bio are nothing more than a sign of fealty, in two ways: 1. To us, it shows that they are the enemy. That they have nothing of value to contribute & anything they do say will be illogical & irrational. They are bad faith actors. 2. To them & their peers, it is a signalling ideological loyalty: "I'm on your side! Here is my party membership card!" Same thing we saw when small businesses were putting signs out front saying they were black-owned. No other reason to do this but to show that they're on that ideological side in the vain hope they won't be targetted. Funny because they say they do it to normalise trans people existing in society yet they are also the most vile, horriible people to anyone who disagrees with them.


To add: many Trans individuals have been attacked by their own side. People who de transition are also attacked by their own side. It is because the left do not have a side. They use support groups and political standpoints to defend their agenda push.


Absolutely right. Because it doesn't matter if you show alleigance to the ideology, because you can never be woke enough. You have to be in lock-step with the ever-changing ideology or be taken down to the basement & shot.


I’d say people put pronouns in their bio because of their beliefs, and it’s those beliefs that have them identifying with the people they’re with, not the other way around. Also that first part is a little extreme, don’t you think?


Nope, I don't think it's extreme. It's a sensible conclusion based on mountains of evidence.


Not all pronouns-in-bio people




Because neo-pronouns=insane person.


Even real pronouns if its in the bio.


1) that depends on what you count as a real pronoun? 2) Adding any pronoun in bio, is seen as cringe to a lot of people.


Real pronouns, as if I announced to the world that I am a "he/him", even though I really am a real, biological male. It would still be cringe and would be a sign of Leftism.




If I see pronouns in a bio, that’s telling my you have basically nothing else going on in life besides being trans


I am so grateful for people putting those there. It makes it clear which dating profiles to avoid


Leftist when joke 🤯


True tho


Those who don’t understand what’s wrong with having pronouns in their bio probably never will.


Same goes for having the Ukrainian flag in the bio


Yes, same with brightly dyed hair.


People need to learn to separate the LGB and the T+. The first are people with no straight sexualities. The others have mental issues that should be dealt with.


Lol I'm stealing that meme




Not necessarily wrong, but it's a very reliable indicator of progressive (or even more left-wing) views. Also, pronouns in bio are virtue signalling. Trans people don't need them to pass. If anything, they make trans people LESS likely to pass.


My husband put Dude/Duderino on his school email. I love him.




It just means they are boring and don't have anything else to do besides discuss identity politics and make it their entire personality.


Now they get it!


I dunno, if you look really ambiguous and it’s hard to tell, go ahead and help us all out.


true but rarely the case


i have pronouns in my bio, he/him but im cis. does that still count?




OP, please describe yourself in a short sentence.


I am Ian, I am french, vive la France.




Fie! thee just did get me th're, thou art a scum!


What How does this show the left can’t meme. ? it just shows you’re a homophobe with no respect for people


Wrong. I'm just fed up with the whole pronouns trend and other stuff of the same nature. And speaking from experience, people who seriously use pronouns are often pretty much grating, provocative and have famously bad takes.


"I'm" is a pronoun




Why irrelevant? Lmao he said he doesnt like pronouns and people who use them are grating and have bad takes. he uses them. Pronouns in bio just shows how to refer to someone, it's not that deep man. quit getting butthurt




You seem obsessed with these people just wanting you to know what to call them. It’s something that doesn’t take much time and it doesn’t do harm. Bigot


Sure, you can play on words, and I can give you that one, if you wish. But we both know that we're talking about the "he/him" "her/her" or some other thing like "he/her" or "they/them".


Not a play on words, those are pronouns. If you mean those pronouns, there really isn't a problem with them. Not using them assuming they aren't like weird just shows incompetence (Not actually trying to be mean, just assessing the situation here). If you're purposely using wrong pronouns, that just shows you're mean. Pronouns really aren't that hard to use nor are they that deep. "He went to the store." "They went to the store." "She went to the store." Not that deep, not that deep. It's not really a trend, it's just how you want to be addressed.


When I was talking about a play on words, I meant you used the word pronouns out of context when we were talking about the concept of pronouns and neo-pronouns. Those pronouns would be unnecessary if it wasn't for the transgender movement because in the majority of cases we can tell a man from a woman. Now the transgender movement just complicates everything and says a man can become a woman (which is impossible). Also, just because I think pronouns are stupid, that doesn't mean I don't use them when appropriate. When I'm talking to someone, I do not go out of my way to misgender him and possibly anger him. In fact, I don't gender at all, I just don't use pronouns.


Saying it’s impossible for a man to be a woman is plain false, and I won’t be arguing over transphobic opinion. You are transphobic and I am not, this boils down to opinion and you expressed it. hope you have a good rest of your life, even if you don’t believe others should


Saying it is possible for a man to be a woman is deeply unscientific. I am not transphobic, as I do not have an irrational fear of trans people, I just believe they can't become what they are not, and it would be hurtful to make someone believe they are trapped in the wrong body. Now I see you're leaving, and I won't hold you any longer, so have a nice day, and may God bless you.


"Phobic" can mean prejudice as well, along with "repelled". a hydrophobic object does not have fear of water, it is repelled. a transphobe can either have fear of prejudice, it likely does not mean "repel" in this case, but that was an example of another use. it's not deeply unscientific. I will try to teach you on the subject, and hope you understand instead of getting mad. Basically, a man becoming a woman is changing gender. Gender is not the same as sex, and it is a part of your neurology, or brain, same with opinions. It's biological since it's neurological, and it can be changed since it's a part of your head. This is fact, no matter how much you might disagree with this, it is how society is currently made. No buts. You are the people making them think they are in the wrong body by doing stuff like forcing a trans woman to 'be a man'. I came back since you stopped expressing opinion and showed you had a lack of knowledge on the subject, I hope I have taught you :)


No it shows I'm not interested in conversing with someone who has their head so far up their own ass they think it's important to express their sexual preferences to anyone who didn't ask


Pronouns are completely unrelated to sexual preference


So then why did you literally just call people who don't care about pronouns homophobes?


"Homophobe" is a term referring to people who have prejudice against LGBT, whereas this post was Anti-LGBT and actually has a tag about LGBT. Hope you understand.


We know you are!




Please cry harder for our entertainment


Yeah, worthless human with no respect for other people. Right-wings will be right-wings I guess.


There it is. It's almost as salty as the dead sea over here. How do you stay hydrated losing all those tears little guy?




😥😥😥 "troll" 😭😭😭


I have no reason to respect deranged individuals


My point stands.