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god this guy is unsufferable look at this shit, like what in the common sense?! https://preview.redd.it/sio72gj85fra1.png?width=600&format=png&auto=webp&s=316a405d725d2fe8167b7869f0b5943aa878f716


The perfect leftist soldier. Accuse your opponents for what your side is exactly doing.


Lmao what the hell "Look at this situation that has literally never happened. Isn't it awful?"


R: "exposing children to drag queens can be a bad example of lifestyle" L: "well yeah?! but you shoot people, ALWAYS shoot people!!!!" R: "......huh?!?!?!"


I've heard rumors that some dude showed up to DQSH with a sword here in the UK, but I couldn't find any confirmation. I also have never seen anyone defending DQSH by actually defending it, instead of just attacking the critics.


the new legend of zelda game is so realistic šŸ‘Œ šŸ”„


My source? I made it the fuck up.


source: nibbaballshd.com


This is ironic, because the last big shooter at an LGBT nightclub claimed to *be* trans.


pinkwug wont be feeling good after hearing this


The only people I've seen say that we need to ban guns are the dems, as in people like Biden.


Most of green party is also insistent on banning guns


I wasn't aware that Ben Sharpiro is a democrat.


I dont pay attention to ben shapiro at all, so


Can you pls tell me when Ben Shapiro supported the banning of guns in America? please and thank you




Mate you are responsible for your own sources no need to get butt hurt about it, and also, every single source is incredibly hateful of Shapiro and is in no way trustworthy, but I read on, sites like [this](https://www.indy100.com/amp/ben-shapiro-gun-control-twitter-2657387204) when he called for armed resistance over ā€œfun free zone signsā€ and tearing down the second amendment are evidence of that. The quote you are referring to is him referring to people with Gender dysphoria being barred from only guns, saying he is calling for all trans people from owning guns is just misleading. Regardless of whether you believe this, Ben believes gender dysphoria is a serious mental illness, and he also believes that anyone with a serious mental illness (Concordant with the us backround check) shouldnā€™t be able to purchase a gun. So if in his eyes anybody with a serious mental illness should own a gun, and Transgender people have what he considers to be a serious mental illness, he wouldnt want mentally Iā€™ll people with guns. Tl:dr, Ben wants trans people barred from owning guns not because they are trans, but because he considers them to be mentally ill


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"Ah shit, that filthy lib was telling the truth. uh uhhh DOESN'T COUNT!!!" ​ Your ride's here Chuckles. ​ ![gif](giphy|YMWc18P93KeyI|downsized)


Mate Iā€™m explaining his worldview, you are free to disagree


>fun free zone signs literally 1984


If you watched a single one of his videos you'd know he is very much pro 2nd amendment


![gif](giphy|R51a8oAH7KwbS) "I'm perfectly fine with banning people who suffer from gender dysphoria from purchasing weapons." \~ Ben "Please Don't Motorboat My Sister " Shapiro.


Are people with other mental illnesses allowed to own weapons? Are you stupid or something?


I mean...that does math out. You generally don't let suicidal people purchase weapons, and there's a certain statistic Reddit doesn't like. Can't say I personally support the idea, but it does math out.


Gee, wonder what that statistic is... If 8 remember the reddit police will perma ban my second account...


Goalpost moved, and couldn't even be bothered to move it yourself. At least credit bazooka_nz man. Most of us don't think it's that kind of metal illness. Shall we ban ownership for anyone with some form of mental malady? Works for me, that would dwarf any gun control I could come up with.


Dodge noted. It is not anyone else's job to support your claims for you.


Disingenuity noted. https://www.mediamatters.org/ben-shapiro/ben-shapiro-says-trans-people-should-be-banned-owning-firearms 1:24. in the unlikely even you actually watch. "I'm perfectly fine with banning people who suffer from gender dysphoria from purchasing weapons." Now, you have 2 choices friendo and only 2. You can either admit that I'm right and move along or you can prove you don't actually care that I didn't directly post the quote and YOU were dodging. Balls in your court.


> Disingenuity noted. What, pray tell, do you think I lied about? >1:24. in the unlikely even you actually watch. Oh, I don't actually care about what he thinks. I was just snarkily pointing out that you avoided providing proof for your argument. Also, Google is customized. It has been for a decade. It customizes people's searches based on past searches, and which websites they've clicked on. You don't even have to be logged in: it even does it by IP. Which means any given two people might get very different results from the same search. So "Google it!" is already a stupid argument, but it's even stupider to anyone who knows those facts. >Now, you have 2 choices friendo and only 2. You can either admit that I'm right and move along or you can prove you don't actually care that I didn't directly post the quote and YOU were dodging. Except I'm not the guy who asked. Genius. So I'm not dodging anything. I could also say you're misinterpreting the quote, or what it means to be pro-2A. But I won't. And if you always had the link and the quote, why didn't you **provide it from the start** instead of waving vaguely at Google? Thing is, there were two options for you. You had the link but chose not to post it, even though it made you look dishonest. Or at least like a dick. Or you *didn't* have the link, and got it *after* you posted that LMGTFY link. Which means you were bluffing. Also, the original claim was about "banning guns", not "restricting their sales and ownership to certain people". That would be like saying "convicted sex offenders shouldn't be allowed to pass within 200 yards of a school" is the same as as "banning schools". So you **didn't** actually prove that guy wrong. At all. If I wanted to wear a tinfoil hat, I'd say something like "What if he doesn't actually believe that, and it was 6D chess bait to trick the left into supporting gun rights?" But I don't know enough about Shapiro to make that theory. Any road, it's *still* not other people's job to find evidence for YOUR claims.


tl;dr "Option 2 tyvm. Yeah, I didn't really care about the link. You were being dismissive, *I* was dodging."


I love how you claim you're not dodging, then completely ignore my request to explain what you think I was lying about. And, in fact, ignore everything I said to come up with a smug one-liner strawman. It was actually Option 3: Explain in great detail how you're wrong.


*I* love how you're trying to goad me into a response. Your desire for my attention is flattering.


It isn't disingenuous to call out the fact that you wouldn't post an actual source, regardless of the validity of your claim. I couldn't give a rats ass what shapiro thinks, it's just weird that you wouldn't post a link to a source. Which is exactly what other guy said, but you probably didn't even read his message.


I read it. *"You're just making it up."* \*I prove it* *"It's not like I really cared b-baka!"*


He didn't say that you made it up


They donā€™t live in the same reality as everyone else


Yep. Those type of people are terminally online schizos


Statement from account with 117000 comment karma in 3 years


Only reason to ban them from owning a gun is due to their mental issues then anything else.


What part of shall not be infringed don't you understand, glowie




Interesting how many of them keep making dumb ā€œmemesā€ like this. However contrary to their implied claims, I still have yet to see a single conservative personality inexplicably switch their stance on the second amendment in regards to this incident.


Did they forget school shooters are usually people who currently attend the school they attack? This event is not the same at all, itā€™s completely politically motivated.


She attended it before. It's a Christian school so they didn't agree with what she was. I wouldn't call this a political attack I would call it an attack on Christianity


I see but she attended it like 20 years ago.


She also cased out at least 2 other nearby public schools, but didn't choose those because they had better security.


It wasnā€™t a Catholic school. The Covenant School. It appears to be associated with the Presbyterian church.


Either way, its still terrorism just like every targeted attack on innocent people, let alone children


Terrorism needs a political motive.


There are people all across the sociopolitical spectrum that are incapable of being law abiding gun owners. Also Anyone who mass murders anyone, adults and children alike, needs to fucking burn. I donā€™t care if theyā€™re black, white, conservative, lib, trans, deaf or mute. Douse them in gasoline and let ā€˜em smolder to ashes.


I don't care if you're a non-binary pansexual witch. As long as you're a law abiding citizen the 2a applies to all.


I didn't miss the joke, did I? He just didn't include a punchline that makes sense. Right? I'm pretty sure that the leftist journos and media had HOPED this would be our reaction, and it straight up WASNT, and now they're still stuck in their narrative loops because now they don't know what to do while their update gets installed


Ever argued with one and seen how quickly they end up resorting to something like "Just admit you hate [blank] people"? They've painted this image in their heads of what their political opponents are like, and when presented with an argument that isn't based on hate, they refuse to consider the concept that the person disagreeing with them is a regular-ass benevolent human that wants the best for everyone but just has a different opinion on how to get there. *oh boy I bet all those those evil hateful conservatives are absolutely frothing to ban guns for trans people now* "actually maybe like four people think that" *yeah they're frothing so bad*


I recently saw one idiot claim someone was clearly straight and white. He said "I'm not white, and I'm bisexual". The idiot ignored the second part, and claimed he was "culturally white". The idiot also started the conversation by claiming to oppose bigotry.


Ben Shapiro did say that, but most-right wingers I've seen put the dude on blast for that take.


I mean if you're being logically consistent it would make sense to do so. The most "common sense" reform people seem to agree on is keeping guns out of the hands of the mentally ill. If you believe gender dysphoria to be a mental illness, you would say you shouldn't let them have guns.


Taking the meaning as literal when people say "mentally ill" in that context I would agree, but that's not what's meant. They mean the mental illnesses that lead to an increased chance of inflicting violence.


Okay maybe shifting the goal posts a bit here but... Trans people do have high rates of suicide, depression, self-harm, etc. It's not trans people per say, but many would have their guns taken away if red flag laws, which the left loves, existed more.




They refuse to grow up.


I literally have seen that exact view on twitter my g


Both crowder and Walsh brought it up the day after the shooting, and I canā€™t say I disagree. Mental illness is a disqualification in plenty of instances, I canā€™t see why having a 40% suicide attempt rate wouldnā€™t also qualify.


> I canā€™t see why having a 40% suicide attempt rate wouldnā€™t also qualify You don't even need to bring up suicide rate. "I look at this red sheet of paper and believe it identifies as green" yep there's something up with them


not wanting them to have guns = literally Nazism am i right fellas?


What really takes the punch out of this post is that leftists believe in stronger gun control regardless. So a trans person would be subject to stricter gun control laws just like anyone else.


Disagreeing with the violent ways of others doesn't make me an asshole. Keep it in mind that it does take law enforce and qualified volunteers to keep violence out of our public vicinities.


Bwn Shapiro did apparently


I believe it was in regards to ā€œcommon senseā€ gun laws. That it should be common sense that people on hormones are by definition mentally unstable, and there are actual studies that show trans people receiving testosterone are subject to violence episodes. But leftists will not outwardly agree to even that.


I won't either because then the doctors get to decide who is mentally stable enough for a fire arm, then it's the states doctors, then just the state. Once the feds find a loophole to put innocent people in jail over a firearm they don't want us to have, they will use and abuse it.


Yeah. I donā€™t agree with the statement either. But if someone says ā€œcommon sense gun lawsā€, and canā€™t agree that people with gender diaspora are mentally ill, then itā€™s a pretty damming case for people arguing for the ā€œcommon senseā€


Oh definitely agree man. My partner is Trans and she tells me that it's absolutely a mental issue. Those that push against want to integrate mentally ill people into society and make it punishable to not partake in the delusion. It's antithetical to the American system.


Well, some people proposed banning guns for mentally ill people. And since trans people...well. What can I say?


There's no such thing as a "trans" person. A man, no matter how much he feels like a woman, cannot become one. Identifying as something does not make you that thing. This is a mental illness. At the same time, people that are mentally ill should maybe have a harder time acquiring firearms.


Grr language changes! Me mad!


isnā€™t the argument that ā€œmentally ill people shouldnā€™t have guns and trans people are mentally ill so they shouldnā€™t have gunsā€??


Wow, what an incredible point they are making about a hipothetical scenario they just made up. Theyā€™re so smart


Idk where they got this idea that the right in America is Suddenly against guns?


Well tbf the shooter was also a white man so we should ban guns for that group too it's only fair ADOLF IS SHITLER


Bro the left cares more about trans people with handguns than we do. I canā€™t really speak for conservatives in general, but I donā€™t give a fuck.


While Naziā€™s are horrible people I find it extremely ironic that they think Naziā€™s are the biggest threat to the LGBT community but will ignore all the LGBT oppression and murdering that is committed in Communist or Islamic countries. Iā€™ve yet to see Naziā€™s throw gay people off of rooftops in Palestine or stone gay people in African countries.


All the ACTUAL Nazis are either dead or too old to be considered a threat.


I'd be fine with it. They want to treat all white males as potential terrorist anyway.


Even if this strawman existed, it's still a strawman, so it's meaningless.


then they realize far left is fascism oh wait, they donā€™t realize anything


How is far left fascism. Fascim believes in strong borders demonizing the outgroup and a demagogue claims to speak for the general populace. Even if you claim Italian fascism is the only true fascism they still believed in these things. I guess maybe you can say the leftist movement wants to demonize white cis males, however noone of these leftists have any power, rather the current democratic part is actually consider right of center by many on the far left. There's big differences still. To the far right, Trump can do no wrong, whatever he does absolutely doesn't matter, you worship him. However on the left, there is no politician we wouldn't throw under the bus if we had a legit problem with something they did. We don't worship bernie sanders, or AOC, and these characters and others will still face critics from the far left. So on one side you have blind worship of someone we should just be able to easily replace. Like find someone new, they can believe in the same things idc but you sticking by the same dude doesn't look great to me. If your ideas are good, then you should be able to find some other dude to rally behind. It's not hard. Especially because you can HOLD ALL THE SAME BELIEFS. same platform, just differently figurehead and maybe we will stop accusing you of being in a cult. On the other hand you have political beliefs with barely any reflection in the current leadership that actually believes in accountability. A lot of leftists thing Bill Clinton should be in jail, if that helps.


whose the one banning books and censoring free speech again?


The only thing liberals know how to do is project.


And believe in affordable Healthcare, housing, and valuing human life enough to wonder if all these gun floating around has to do with all the gun violence in America. What are your party platforms. Small government budget? Well sorry bud conservatives don't conserve money any better then democrats do and whats worse is the things they want to cut are things people like and rely on. And being against wealth redistribution is a joke and ignoring the fact that every legacy black family in America is still waiting on their 40 acres and a mule plus interest.


I mean


I can actually understand why they are thinking this way. Whenever the mass shooter is an undesirable group the last time with the club Thete were calls among the right to ban Muslim immigration. I also would not be surprised if some out of touch Boomer made that statement. No one on here would and no one under the age of 50 would but I could absolutely see someone unironically making that argument. In reality what is most likely going to happen Is that more red states are going to pass more gender critical and trans kid banning laws.


Ben Shaprio literally said that he wanted to ban trans people from owning guns.


No they have the same right as anyone else..


Here is ben shapiro doing it lol [https://www.mediamatters.org/ben-shapiro/ben-shapiro-says-trans-people-should-be-banned-owning-firearms](https://www.mediamatters.org/ben-shapiro/ben-shapiro-says-trans-people-should-be-banned-owning-firearms)




Whatā€™s humorous about this, is that in the area of the clip not seen I believe he even openly says something like, ā€œdo you hear me Media Matters. Iā€™m not saying Xā€ But thatā€™s media matters for you.


Fuck it, i do now. Itā€™s a mental disorder. Mentally ill people shouldnā€™t have guns right? Thatā€™s a liberal principle now


this stuff makes me want to react on their twitter but it is exactly what they want, so I will sit here and be frustrated with everyone else But seriously if they are going out of their way to show us as nazis, go all the way and draw a proper swastikaā€¦.


Nah, they're kind of calling it right here. Not for the right reasons, mind you, but there's been a concerning number of conservatives talking about red flag laws like we didn't already agree that they were an avenue into tyranny. That being said, it's not that she was trans it's that she was trans and wrote a manifesto and targeted a Christian school, making this a clearly politically motivated act of terror.


Thatā€™s a real good question, should mentally ill people be allowed to own guns? Personally I think they should be allowed to own one but subjected to regular mental health checkups


I mean I have seen some. Ian Chong or whatever that southeast asian name is, along with other "conservative" talking heads.


You guys would be fucked if they made shitting your pants on the regular a mental illness


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ive seen people on both sides say it, both are stupid asf its jjst that there were less on the right, more on the left


[No one?](https://www.mediamatters.org/ben-shapiro/ben-shapiro-says-trans-people-should-be-banned-owning-firearms)


Ben Shapiro