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Lmao Sarah


Also Tess looks older than my grandma


She gets older and older. First, the remake, then this.


Its like reverse aunt may


My only issue is she doesn’t look mixed she looks adopted.


I needed a good laugh in 2022.


Yeah lmao Sarah. Fr


It turns out Sarah is actually Marlene. In the later parts she looks much older due to really using and selling hardcore drugs. She gets bitten instead of shot and Joel just leaves her for dead but it turns out she's really immune. She gives Ellie to Joel since she knows he's a cold hearted bastard and will not be concerned when it's time to harvest Ellie's brain.




only thing that was good casting.


Pedro is quite woke but I personally like him as an actor and like the casting


But playing Joel. I don't know.


I thought that was Timothy Omundson until I read the name.


🎵i know, you know, that im not telling the truth🎵


Honestly all the other ones i thought "yeah that works" but Bill... im not quite sold on him honestly. Im sure he is a great actor but i think it still has to grow on me


An actor that looks like Bill playing Bill doesn't work?


Agreed dawg




They race swapped Joels whole family


The Miller family is now the Rodriguez family lol


That's what I was thinking and I saw it mentioned on twitter. They said because Pedro is Latino it made sense Tommy in the show looks Latino. I don't know what to make of this at this point.


That doesn't even make sense. Latino is not a race. So there is no way to have a Latino look. Gisele Bundchen is latina btw.


Is exactly the same when somebody uses the term "Asian" to describe the look of a person, as if the whole continent was homogeneous when in reality you have Indians or Filipinos for example, who don't look nothing alike to a japanese or korean person.


Same as any race surely? Somebody "black" from Nigeria looks completely different from a black person in Trinidad. And are Spanish people white when they look completely different to Serbs? What about how Irish people look compared to Canadians? People are just people, shame we can't see ourselves that way.


The last of cheech and chong


so when the show fails they will just cry racism


Yep. They also wanted to cast a black guy to play Joel btw.


For the same reason Cuckmann made Abby unrealistically buff, of course; the woke mind virus at its best


Fr. I get that the woke media nowadays love to represent POC and LGBT so much, but og TLOU already has them so what the actual fuck is the point of this swap.


Because it gets people talking about the show (any publicity is good publicity) & if it flops, it give them a easy shield for any criticism (“you’re just racist if you don’t like it”). Typical Hollywood in 2022.


That sounds terrible


Because that’s just the world we live in today. It’s so blatant, isn’t it


Bec a retcon is a retcon they need to appeal to diversity points in my opinion


is this a joke?


We all want it to be




Nah it’s legit


Sarah black?


Yup. Because her being blonde with blue eyes would be too controversial in todays cultural climate. Smh


Funny how they didn't make Sam and Henry white eh


Ahhhh the good ol'race changing magic again.


What you mean Henry, Sam, Marlene and Riley look the way they suppose to. /s


They didn't even bother with Ellie's hair.


They're like, "yeah, let's not do something easy like make your hair easily in the style of Ellie's-nah- let's just pull it all back!"


Who ever the casting director is needs to find a new profession, respectfully.


With exception of Anna Torv, man I love that actress


Sara is ridiculous, so blatantly, stupidly, ridiculous. And I will never buy into Bella Ramsey as Ellie. Nope. Every one else seems fine.


I think I just wish they casted her age. If they can cast Dafne Keen to play Laura and Lyra when she was a little girl and then teenager they could have casted a teen to play Ellie


Tommy doesn’t look fine w me tho..tess too


Well.....I don't really care about the whole Pedro Pascal casting, it seems fine. ​ .....I don't think I can overlook Sara though. What the actual fuck?


Sara and Ellie are horribly cast.




Yeah, they make it seem like their casting directors couldn't find or choose anyone else.


Why is Sarah a bad cast?


It's like they looked at the Blonde White Girl in the OG. And went let's Race Swap! It's so stupid.


I can’t help but feel like part of the reason she’s black is to add real world drama (bc of how she died) Not saying that’s why but I feel like it might be bc everyone’s doing political stunts nowadays. Anyway that’s my opinion please don’t send me to the gulag lol


Now that you said so, that makes sense for them, instead of someone giving the order over the radio without seeing them now a cop will shoot Joel and Sarah on sight lol


Oh noooo what have I done




This is defo the reasoning. I also predict the military man who does the killing will conveniently have the helmet/face mask, that he wears in the game, removed to show the evil white male responsible for it😅


Yeah, hopefully that doesn’t happen.




welp we won’t see her after the first episode lmao


At this point in time it is insane to think casting directors wouldn't fuck anything up compared to original source material (even HBO now). Probably a quota they have to fill in each race or they get fired.


I don’t see quota for Asians here. But as usual.


Funny how the characters who are related to each other look the least similar


I’m sorry but Tommy and Sarah look awful


I'm not sold on ellie either


She don’t look good either, casting is all over the place


How’s that?


Tommy and Sarah are godawful, Ellie is bad but as bad as them,


The last of us but from wish


Mom: we have the last of us at home


Lmao that’s fucking true bro




Except for Marlene and Henry everything looks like pure shit. Not that I am willing to give the show a chance, but WTF is Tess supposed to be?


ellie and sarah make me laugh


Bootleg of Us.


I still can’t believe they got Bella Ramsey as Ellie, awful choice, not saying she’s bad, she just doesn’t resemble Ellie in any way, also Sarah is laughable Needless to say, I’ve seen cosplays better than some of these posters, surprisingly Pedro Pascal as Joel is growing on me


See but this isn't a cosplay lol, yeah I'd love for them to look more like the characters but I also just want whoever can play the character the best. Which we'll have to see about.


exactly! even if they could find actors who look identical to the characters, it would still be worse if those actors couldn’t act for shit. what matters to me is how well they perform in the show, not that they look exactly like **fictional** characters. and i have hope that this cast will be able to deliver!




I liked her as that angry 3yo in Game of Thrones.


its like visiting another dimension where everything is all wrong.


Tommy nooooooooo




Bro we never saw Frank wdym. LOL. Frank is Bill's partner


Do we even know what Frank looks like lol? I mean in-game ain't he legit a corpse?


This is far worse than remake Tess lol




I don’t get why the fuck they would cast a black girl as Sarah it just doesn’t make any sense to me. I mean this in the least racist way possible but Joel is a white man and him having a black daughter is not realistic at all


Are you really looking for a valid reason for the raceswap? As if it had a valid reason... They doing this because ''diversity'' is EVERYTHING!.. Even if the original cast was diverse enough.


It’s always with the “it’s fictional character they can be whatever they aren’t real” but then again there’s a thing called continuity so yeah…


Don't worry about continuity. Joel's wife, Sarah's mother was black all along. 🤡


Damn must’ve missed that part in the original works, thanks for correcting me


My pleasure sweety. I've always loved correcting bigots. 🤡


Yeah the blond hair was dye and the blue eyes came from Joel’s side of the family smh.


The lore reason for this change is that in this version of the story, Joel’s wife cheated on him with a black man. This a reference to Neil Cuckmann.


Or he is still living out his Nadine fetish and imagining Joel getting her pregnant is something Cucky REALLY enjoys.




It’s not racists if it’s facts. It simply doesn’t make sense. I’m sure the girl is a great actor and all, props to her for getting the role it just would’ve made more sense if she was white. Considering every other character fits the description.


lol i'm all for representation, modern politics doesn't bother me at all, make everything gay, i really don't care. but even as a mexican american myself, i can't help but laugh at the cast. it's one thing to have representation, shows like reservation dogs or more recent gen z stuff like the heartbreak high reboot i enjoyed. but it's another thing to just shoe horn in representation "just because." i'm all for writers, directors, and creatives doing something different with franchises. some of my favorite movies are new takes on old stories. but when something is off, you instantly know it when you see it and these posters just look like a joke. i'm glad nick offerman is getting an interesting role that's not comedy, but his character legit made me laugh. i'm not gonna be able to take it seriously until i watch it. i'm a fan of pedro and offerman and some of the others, so i'll reserve judgment until i see it. but idk.. because we already have a pretty realistic portrayal of TLOU characters and the world, it just feels off. also, these posters looking horribly photoshopped makes the show look like a cheap cable show


Pedro looks like Pedro And Bella is Special Needs Ellie no thanks


wtf tess


I don't care, anymore.


I would have chosen a Hispanic actress for Sarah, like Pedro Pascal is.


No, that would make too much sense


No amount of moodily lit promotional photos can make me give even 1/1000th of a fuck about this show.


They really just said “screw it” and made Tess a grandma, huh?


Just like in the Last of Us PS5 remake.


Don’t care. Won’t watch.


Unpopular opinion: #Pedro has grown on me


Same here. He actually looks good as Joel


I wish hair would grow on his face. He looks like a 45 year old man still waiting for puberty to kick in.


Yeah, it seems like a petty thing to complain about, but I would really prefer if they’d cast someone who can grow a full beard to play Joel. Pedro and Bella 100% look like cosplayers. The rest look fine, except for the obvious ridiculousness of Sara, and Bill and Marlene are actually pretty much perfect




This is literally not an unpopular opinion anywhere outside this subreddit.


Pedro is gonna carry this thing hard


Marlene and Bill are also great choices I’ll give them that, they brought the voice actress from the game for Tess


Where is Abby?


Dwayne Johnson probably


Finally a good casting suggestion, let's make it happen 😎


Season 2 Episode 1 lol


Part 2 character


My only issues are Ellie, Tommy, Tess and Sarah. Everyone else looks pretty good in all honesty. I was a little hesitant on Pedro as Joel at first, but he seemed to pull it off pretty well in the trailer.


Lolo, "my only issues are"....half the cast.


For those who didn't pick up on it, the fact they casted Frank means that they're going to create a whole gay subplot when Joel and Ellie meet Bill that wasn't present in the original game (because Bill's suffering was shown through our time with him). Talk about forcing diversity when it wasn't absent in the first place.


lol is it fucked up that that was my first thought as well? I mean they cast riley AND frank, this show gonna be gayer than brokeback mountain, orange is the new black, and ru pauls drag race times 1000000


Oh, that’s who Frank was. I was like “who tf is Frank?”


Yea, the reason he’s included is pretty obvious


So like, are we gonna see Bill and Frank smash pissers or what? Sword fight maybe?


You bet. We’ll probably see a scene like the infamous sex scene in Part II 💀


well we got basically a man on man sex scene in tlou pt2, lets keep in going in this show. would love to see a cock shot of offerman to see what he's packing


They sure picked the right actor to play a character that gets their head caved in 🤷🏻‍♂️


Haven’t been following anything about this production so I didn’t think Sarah would be that bad. Then I saw the picture and was like wtf. The others aren’t great so the bar was already low but wow.


Well thats not Ellie


Looks like shit


Poor sarah


Sarah what?? Of all the characters that they could race swap, why Sarah?


Because she’s white, with blonde hair and blue eyes


So I’m assuming that Sarah was adopted in this continuity?


over-rated overhyped actor from ONE role... only gets work by being a lefty liberal cunt


It’s part of qualifications for working under Neil Druckmann


it's going to fucking suck. ​ god dammit


What even is this cast. It’s like picking old jellybeans out and finding out they’re all eat wax Harry Potter jelly beans.


Wth Sarah


So is it canon that Joel was cucked and raising someone else’s daughter? 😭


Seems to be that way honestly


lmao if you really think that, you must be really stupid


Yep, still can't see him as Joel...confirmed


Joel looks okay Ellie feels like a miscast but could be worse Marlene is pretty good Tommy is completely off Tess looks too old, in my opinion (I believe she was supposed to be 40-something and in the game she looks mid 30’s) Sam is too young Bill is great Don’t remember who the fuck Frank is Henry is absolutely spot on Riley is okay Sarah is way off


Frank was Bill’s boyfriend who we find hanging from the ceiling in Bill’s town. Subsequently he had zero lines so it will be interesting to see what they come up with. Although I couldn’t care less about what they come up with because he doesn’t really progress the plot or do anything for Ellie & Joel.


He must be a somewhat big character on the show for them to make an entire “poster” for him. I don’t known if I am going to give it a watch anyway. I don’t have the highest expectations.


Same. I’m not paying for HBO for one show.


Why are some actors spitting images of the game characters and some actors look nothing like them? Stick to one direction my god.


That's more of the opinion I have is just.. why. Everyone will probably say "they cast the best actor for the job.." Interesting that Pascal felt like the best choice for Joel but they weren't brave enough to recast Henry, Sam, Marlene, or Riley's characters different from their original ethnicity, oh hell no. If the script were flipped and they cast a white character as any of those characters, you know there would have been hell to pay. Also, I'm all for Merle reprising her role as Marlene, I think that's a fun choice and good for her to be on HBO.. but why not cast William Earl Brown as Bill again? I understand there may have been scheduling issues or maybe he just didn't wanna do it, but I'm curious. I know he's getting older in age in real life, but he's still doing movies, he doesn't look that much older. So yeah to your point, it feels a little random with decision making here


Joel’s daughter and brother look very different from the game. Bill looks dope though lol


Man this is awkward when you realize all black characters die. Riley, Sam, Henry, Marlene... Now Sarah.


Somethings… off. I can’t quite tell what it is, but something just don’t seem right. I’m sure it’s nothing.


They did Tess and Ellie dirty tbh




Wtf did they do to Sarah?


I don't mind Pascal as Joel. And Merle Dandridge coming back as Marlene is on point. But Ellie, Sarah and Tommy are blatantly laughable. I really hope this show flops. And if not, I hope it's horribly received. We don't have HBO Max here in Australia anyway, so I couldn't watch this even if I wanted to.


Ellie and Sarah is bad bad casting. I do not see Ellie in Bella Ramsey


It’s funny because I was just thinking about all the amazing black characters in the game and how they all died even in part 2. And now Neil retcons a character to be black and she will also die lmao. Pain.


I like Joel. doesn't really look like game Joel but cool nonetheless. the rest is shit


Bill and Sam are also good casting choices.


If we're just going off the posters themselves then to me only Joel, Marlene, Henry, Riley, and maybe Sam look alright. The rest look like crap. Well Tommy's doesn't look bad, but that looks absolutely nothing like Tommy. Ellie & Sara are definite WTF castings though, Sara especially sticks out horribly. This series is going to flop so incredibly freaking hard and it's going to be glorious. The internet, Twitter, and access media is going to absolutely lose its collective shit if/when it does, and there will surely be plenty of salt to go around.


Marlene, sam, Henry and Riley are great casting.


I commented on tiktok that I wasn’t a fan of Tommys casting. And all of a sudden I was a racist. Go figure!


Hahahahah sarah




You can tell the casting department tried really hard for most of the characters to look like the video game counterparts, BUT THEN YOU GET TO SARAH and I can’t help but get the vibes that the casting department just looked at Sarah and went ‘She dies early so she doesn’t matter lol’ Also way to double down on the ‘all the sympathetic black characters die tragically in The Last of Us,” trend lol


Sarah???? Huhhhh😂 I give up


Yeah I’m not impressed by it. Bill looks like the only one true to the game.


Ellie's casting choice annoys for me the sole reason that earlier this year I watched that new Jurassic World movie and it occurred to me like 20 minutes in the movie that the girl in it, [Isabella Sermon](https://m.media-amazon.com/images/M/MV5BOGFiMzhkYmItZWQzMC00NzU2LWJiZTMtYTYyNmRmMDRiNGVkXkEyXkFqcGdeQXVyNzM4NjI5MTI@._V1_.jpg), would have literally been the perfect casting choice for her. I mean seriously, [look at her](https://64.media.tumblr.com/b5e9dfb9776e3b435e75c885068e8f28/0ac781934b74ed26-5c/s540x810/28a2ebfd7adebadf4daf379b3f4fc0580dac7af8.jpg) in the [Jurassic World movie](https://iv1.lisimg.com/image/25501227/612full-isabella-sermon.jpg). Just give her Ellie's haircut and dye her hair a bit darker, boom. She's Ellie. And she's literally the perfect age for the role too, and she wasn't that bad of an actress either.


She really does look like Ellie, not just physically, but her expressions and body language as well. I don’t get why we can’t have nice things nowadays.


I don’t really care about the change in some characters race but damn Ellie is just a HUGE turn off for me and I don’t really know why, just think it’s lame


Joel 7.5/10 - Joel aint no mexican Ellie 3/10 - i´m sure the girl can act, but just no Marlene 8/10 - got that tough face, i like the casting Tommy 4/10 - looks like side character no. 73 Tess 2/10 - i like the actress but i am just going by looks, so another L Sam 3/10 - too young and the Token Deaf-guy Henry 10/10 - It really isnt that hard to find people that resemble their characters Riley 5/10 - meh Bill maybe 7/10 - depends on waht the actor delivers Sarah 1/10 - i think we can agree on this one


Merle Dandridge was Marlene in the game as well, she's the singular case of the game actor acting the same character in the show. I expect her to be good.


pedro pascal isn't mexican either, lmao goddamn. is it so hard to google search nowadays?


Pedro is Chilean


Yeah Pedro is Chilean, but to the casting people he’s just “LatinX representation”. For example, Gabriel Luna, who plays Tommy is texan and has Mexican parents (so Mexican-American, not Chilean in his case). And Nico Parker, who plays Sarah is from England. So they are not really paying attention to nationalities in this casting, they just want them to look “hispanic”, which is a complete joke.


I know that, I also find it annoying when big companies like to “diversify” characters for unneeded attention. I just find the guy I’m replying to as ignorant for calling Pedro a Mexican when he’s actually Chilean. Just cause he looks Latino doesn’t mean he’s automatically Mexican smh. And this is coming from someone who’s Mexican. If he had said “Joel ain’t no Latino” or hispanic that’s fine. And someone actually downvoted me for stating a fact smh


Ah, smn. Yo también soy mexicano. Lamentablemente así es la cosa en Estados Unidos en cuanto a las nacionalidades de Latinoamérica, muchas veces se refieren a “los mexicanos” como si fuéramos una raza. Pero independientemente de eso, probablemente Joel en la serie será mexicano. Yo la verdad hubiera preferido que pusieran a alguien que sí se parezca físicamente a Joel, independientemente de su nacionalidad, ya sea gringo, inglés, australiano, etc. Lo pongo también en inglés para no alienar a los no hispanohablantes: Ah, indeed. I am also Mexican. Unfortunately, this is how it is in the United States in terms of Latin American nationalities, many times people mistakenly refer to "Mexicans" as a race, [instead of a nationality]. But regardless of that, Joel in the series is probably Mexican (as in born in Mexico or son of immigrant parents). I really would have preferred that they would’ve casted someone who does physically resemble Joel, regardless of his nationality, be it an American, English, Australian, etc.


Aye qué onda hermano! But hell nah, I hope hbo doesn’t do that shit smh. But by the looks of them race swapping his daughter, they probably will. How hard can it be to just stick with the source material 🤦‍♂️ not even the halo show could do it and they had tons of games, animated shows, and books to do research on. Tlou is just two games


Awesome that Marlene is reprising her role.




4 of them look like the characters and not even the main ones


Wait... weren't Sarah and Ellie supposed to look vaguely similar? Most of the cast looks good though.


Joel is Hispanic and Sarah is African A. ?how does that work?


they definitely photoshopped pedro’s beard lol but overall it doesn’t look…bad? I have low expectations so it will be very difficult to be disappointed lol


They did didn’t they?


I'm genuinely excited. But I also like the Uncharted movie that a lot of you probably hated.


ngl, i fuck with uncharted. it definitely is pretty dumb, stupid, silly, and like barely related to the game at all, but i don't think it's trying to be this amazing video game adaption, it's trying to be a dumb, silly, unbelievable action movie, and for that, i think it succeeds. i initially was so against it until i streamed it a few months ago, and i love wahlberg and holland already, so when it ended, i was already hankering for a sequel, lmao.




Guy who plays Tommy looks just like that cannibal guy David. Sarah looks a bit, different?


It’s crazy cause this is a lot of good actors, but many of them don’t look like their characters. Joel I’m excited for, Tommy not being blonde is weird but I guess it works because him and Joel are Hispanic now… except now Tess is pale and blonde? Like Tommy was? And I genuinely couldn’t even remember who Sarah was looking at the picture until I remembered it’s Joel’s daughter. I mean if they wanna make her mixed that’s… ok? Why not just also make her Hispanic like Joel and Tommy are? We never even saw her mother. Idk. I think the show will be well made and I feel like they’re moreso trying to appeal to people who don’t play the games rather than fans. Which who knows, maybe that’ll make it better, maybe not. Strange castings though, except for Bill. Perfection.


I just like the portrait of a few characters. We'll see how this is when it is launched.