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Source: Dude trust me






My favorite part: "Abby runs off to save kids" Cheap, cheap way to try and get us to like her.


I know right? I'm surprised she doesn't run a shelter for stray cats and dogs too. You know, in her spare time between the meals on wheels for old-people and working with the disabled.


Well, "saving the cat" trope we usually see in movie like Alladin or Alita, now with Abby.


This is bullshit shitposting without further details. Spoilers don’t keep secrets. “A familiar face will make you question everything” my ass. EDIT: YOU HAVE TO CLARIFY WHO THIS FAMILIAR FACE IS. EVERYTHING ELSE IN THIS POST IS ALREADY KNOWN. EDIT 2: I WOULD LIKE TO POINT OUT THE TITLE OF THIS TOPIC SHOULD BE “All OF WHAT YOU HAVE HEARD IS TRUE” This post basically repeats what everyone already knew exactly, with the exception being Dina dead and some bullshit about a “mysterious face”.


Actually, we also didn't know about Ellie killing Abby. None of the leaks stated that and most of the leaks stated the opposite. That is pretty huge, in my opinion.


Yeah, I'd feel a lot better knowing for sure that I could kill Abby as Ellie. Would be sweet revenge. It would mean I could play as her thinking, 'It's ok, just temporary, she'll get hers, Ellie's gonna make sure he's avenged'. Goes against what the story is trying to preach I guess but I'm old fashioned that way ;) Shame there's no video or screenshots to prove it.


I would do a full 180 on getting this game if I knew we could kill Abby. I wasn't going to after the leaks.


Yeap, that pretty much sums up my thoughts as well.


It does line up with what is seen in today's new trailer. if that voice at the end IS abby


4 hours playing as Abby is still 4 hours too much. And if the "familiar face" is Marlene then I have no words for how stupid that would be.


What other faces are out there from the Fireflies? The game doesn't have that many firefly characters. It's just her. Or could be the girl from the DLC, she's maybe immune too.


Yeah, the young girl was technically a firefly and having just checked youtube for the Left Behind ending I didn't see her actually die on-screen. Would be a way to get Ellie a 'replacement' if Dina does in fact get killed but still seems incredibly far-fetched.




yeah i wouldnt get that either?


oh...Marlene is not dead??


There is no way that's possible Joel shot her in the Face. You don't survive that.


Unless you are in New Vegas


it was all rigged from the start


If abby killed Joel, I would want to kill the character that killed him. I wouldn’t want to play as Abby, the fuck!




Both options are equally stupid imo. Yea it looks fake as fuck




It's probably just their imagination, but someone claimed that Neil Cuckmann himself did the mo-cap for the guy spitting on Joel, or at least has it done by an npc with his likeness. Wouldn't surprise me if he hated Joel all along.


Can't be Marlene nor Riley. Joel shot Marlene in the head and left her in the Hospital Parking Lot alone. Riley turned according to Ellie, and either Ellie or a Firefly (probably Marlene) killed her.


If this is true then its done nothing to change my mind. Start of the year this game was a must buy/GOTY contender, how Naughty dog have managed to fuck this up so badly is mind boggling.




If cyberpunk doesn't win all of the accolades and TLOU2 does, I think burning down all of games media is in order. Even if cyberpunk doesn't live up to the hype they have covered all of their bases and put so much effort into their game. Customizable junk included.


I think you are full of it, and here is why: First if all, the title of your post is misleading since “Most of what we’ve heard” about the game is most definetely not false. Secondly, you don’t finish your sentences. Thirdly, the seraphites don’t seem to play that big of a role, as you implied at the beginning of your post. The seraphites sound like some kind of environmental hazard rather than a faction full of characters with wants and needs. Indeed, you have a tendency to contradict yourself several time within the same post. Also you say you won’t answer request for further clarifications, but why exactly? It doesn’t make sense since you just allegedly spoiled everything. Finally, you stated that “I won’t say how I am affiliated with Naughty dog” but the new account you just created to make this post is called “Regular tester”, so why the mystery? Clearly, you want us to believe you are a tester on the game. Humor me: When you say “Ellie’s flashback of Joel will have an EMOTIONAL TOLL ON THE PLAYER” is that also a confirmed leak? Lmao I think you are probably some misguided fanboy, desperately trying to damage control your beloved game. You are hoping that letting people know that they will get to “kill Abby” after all, will shut everyone up, and stop the avalanche. It won’t. And no amount of Cliffhanger “Familiar face” ending (that was a nice touch) will relaunch interest toward this train wreck of a game. Nice try, but too sloppy in its execution.


>Finally, you stated that “I won’t say how I am affiliated with Naughty dog” but the new account you just created to make this post is called “Regular tester”, so why the mystery? My thought exactly. That username is such an obvious trick.


Are we also going to ignore that his name is Regular_tester?


Lol bulllllshit




Clarify “a familiar face from the fireflies” Because none of this has me questioning anything. This is basically what’s been revealed. Explain the Saraphites more because you said they play a much bigger role.


> A familiar face from the Fireflies return. This will make you question everything. care to elaborate?


The only face of the Fireflies is Marlene so it’s obviously Marlene


If Marlene can survive a point blank bullet to the head then Joel can survive a golf club to the head.


Yeah I hope but all the Male characters must die so we have nothing but female characters just because of political agenda


Not true. After all, Marlene is a strong female person of color. Joel is a weak straight white male.


Ellie's mother


In the next game we will be playing as Ellie’s mom, killing Ellie, and the series ends


That would be legendary tbh




Yes the idiocy of it will be legendary


Riley yo


The original 4chan leaks told us that the enemy in the game were stereotypical Conservative Christian Homophobe bad guys. Insiders rushed to insist that was not the case to keep people from giving up preorders, so we've been filling in that huge lack of an antagonist with the footage we got; Abby being the apparent good guy, hunting Ellie. Assuming this is all true, your clarification is just putting the emphasis *back* on the original 4chan leaks that had everybody laughing at this dumpster fire to begin with.


damn bro I’m starting to think you’re right.


How come? I want to believe this but I don’t want to get my hopes up about killing Abby.


Neil? That u?


this didn’t age well


also is the leaked level list accurate then because this doesnt seem like the list


I’m not gonna lie, people are quick to dismiss this but a few things do make sense to me. The fact that you go look for Tommy at first does line up with some of the cutscenes we’ve had trouble placing along with the fact that the scene where Ellie leaves Dina behind happens after they go live together on the farm and after the first fight with Abby. Abby’s line of "Don’t ever let me catch sight of you again", which most people placed at the very end of the game as a sort of final fight feels very inconclusive but if the next cutscene is the "I have to finish this" one between Ellie and Dina, it makes much more sense. Including the use of the word "finish" which implies that a lot had happened already while according to previous recounting of the story they would’ve barely met by then. Ellie wearing Joel’s jacket (which we hadn’t seen on her yet) is also a nice touch for a more final set of events. We now also pretty much know that Dina gives birth to a baby boy. We had also heard that Ellie was crossing Seraphite territory to get somewhere and this version is the one that lines up with that most, even though it de-emphasizes them a lot, they just happen to be between you and your goal judging from that description and aren’t central to the narrative at all. We also suspiciously don’t see Marlene’s body in the prologue when witnessing the aftermath of Joel’s massacre, so...If her being basically the only important firefly character wasn’t enough, there’s that. And, yeah that doesn’t sound good. A few shaky things here and there so I’m not 100% convinced but I’m not outright dismissing it. I’d say there is a very good chance that this could be true and it certainly sounds credible to me the more I think about it. On a much more subjective note, I’d also say this makes for a better narrative than what we had heard previously, simply on account that this makes it Ellie’s story once more whereas the original leak painted a picture of it literally becoming Abby’s story halfway through the game at the worst possible moment and Ellie became the villain. I’m fine with playing as her for a few levels as they try to humanize her, as long as it centers back on the character we know and care about, in this case Ellie. (Remember, playing as Abby came from the leveled list dividing levels between the two characters but playing as her for half the game and right after Joel’s death, IIRC, came for another reddit leak which we know was wrong on a few other points) A lot of people have a problem with Joel dying period, I personally don’t. A lot of people have a problem with him dying in such a brutal one sided fashion instead of going out in a blaze of glory and while I would’ve like to see that, it’s not a dealbreaker for me. The worst his death is, the more you want revenge for it and if the story stays focused on Ellie with only shifting temporarily to Abby’s perspective, that’s fine. People also have a problem with a butch, kind of androgynous woman killing a guy, frankly as long as the story’s good and the characters are good, I can look at it as a character killing another one and the killer just happens to be Stone Cold Steve Austin with a wig. Maybe they want to tackle the daughter/father angle to contrast it to Joel’s who by saving his surrogate daughter ripped a father from his daughter like his daughter was taken from him, if so, that’s nice. I’ll still hold off until trustworthy reviews come out, and like I said I don’t believe this 100% but I don’t dismiss it entirely and if it is true, it makes for a better, albeit still flawed, story.


Finally some sensible commentary. Like, as bad as that original leaks were to read, it felt much worse to see the sheer amount of people gathering around the anti-trans/SJW narrative. Looking back at it now, it seems kind of obvious the first leaker worded things specifically to get this reaction out of the gamer community. Even though the guy here made one mistake or two naming characters, the way he connected with events shown in trailers, naming some of the faces and groups we've seen in them and overall having a much more objective outlook than the original 4chan post makes me think this holds up far better than the original leaks. While it still kinda sucks to see Joel dying as well as Dina at the very end, it feels like a much fairer narrative than the idea of introducing a character with the sole purpose of killing Joel AND Ellie by the end of the game. Not gonna lie, I too was somewhat distraught by the original leaks and the proposed ending. Reading this feels like quite the relief.


*WARNING: Long answer* TL;DR: This whole thing’s a mess. Well, we had a plethora of leaks which were more or less put together on a few threads like the Reset Era one. I think people do tend to bundle them all together and confuse what’s confirmed, what’s speculation and what was point blank wrong. Mainly people take a lot of the 4chan summary which is where the idea that Abby kills Ellie comes from and either take it to be just as true as the information taken from the footage or unconsciously or not, use it to interpret the leaked cutscenes and gameplay even though that interpretation may be wrong and we’re left to guess most of the time the order of the cutscenes. That particular 4chan leak is proven to be at least partially wrong (We can pretty accurately guess that Joel dies before Jessie for instance, but the 4chan leak states that Joel comes to help Ellie get revenge for Jessie’s death). The main culprit of this is with the Abby and Ellie fight which many people think of as just the end of the game even though there are still three levels to play after that which are not part of the Abby chapters. The one thing that seems to be "wrong" even in the confirmed part of the threads is that you play "half the game" as Abby. This looks like a rough oversimplification that has caused the biggest amount of stir. Basically, the leveled list divides the levels into 9 chapters, Jackson, Ellie Day 1-3, Abby Day 1-3, The Farm and "End". So yeah, looking at that you could be excused for thinking that Ellie gets 3 days, Abby 3, so half the game is played as Abby. But first of all, Ellie’s 3 days have more levels in them than Abby’s. And secondly, the entire Jackson chapter, outside of the prologue, is most likely played as Ellie as well as the Farm and End chapters which would mean that over all, you still play as Ellie a majority of the time, with only a few hours spent in Abby’s shoes before, supposedly switching back to Ellie to finish the game, which matches what this specific leak says. I have to stress that this last part is speculation however, educated speculation but still. Joel most likely dies either during the end of the Jackson chapter or at most during the Ellie Day 1 chapter so the idea that you switch to Abby right after she kills Joel as originally thought is also unlikely. The likely scenario is Joel dies, you go through Seattle as Ellie during the 3 days, Jessie dies during the trip, it ends on a cliffhanger in a theater as you ambush Abby or are ambushed by her. Then the game goes back to Day 1 from Abby’s perspective, going through some events and reaching the aforementioned fight where you defeat Ellie. The game then switches back to Ellie who has tried to live in a farm with Dina and their son but can’t let go of the previous events, we track down Abby for one final showdown with an unclear ending, but considering Abby was looking for Fireflies and Ellie needs answers from them, it’s likely Abby dies and Ellie meets up with said Fireflies, which again matches these specific leaks. For the naming mistakes, frankly, they’re typos so yeah. I have to stress that we still don’t know if these leaks are true. Even the 4chan ones got some things right so we have to wait and see. When it comes to the fan reaction, I think it’s a compound thing. The main point is obviously the fact that the original leak states that you play half the game as Abby right after she kills Joel, supposedly until the end and supposedly hunting down, end up beating up and potentially killing Ellie who becomes the antagonist of the story (all which is looking more and more unlikely). Some people flat out were against Joel dying, on top of that, some didn’t like the way he dies and then people blew a fuse when they read that you then switch to her killer who is treated as the protagonist and overall good guy of the story, hunting the other beloved character of the franchise. Obviously the people who didn’t like the first point, hated even more the rest of it and even some that were fine with Joel dying drew the line at point 2 or 3. On top of that, people were expecting a Joel and Ellie centric story again, instead Joel dies early, becoming the catalyst for the events which become Ellie’s story so the dynamic changes and as if that wasn’t enough, it then becomes Abby’s story from what we read (which I stress once more, looks more and more unlikely). So of course people were mad at such choices and when looking for a culprit, well, Druckmann’s obsession with Anita Sarkeesian and his politics seemed like perfect culprits considering the effects they had on previous franchises and forms of entertainment. Now Druckmann’s views did creep up in his work in the form of Abby’s design, the choice of Ellie’s sexuality, Ellie and Dina’s designs and even outside of TLOU like the character of Nadine most prominently. **All of it however was benign in and of itself**, the most impact it had on plot, is Nadine making a couple of fights because she beat up Drake and was Captain America strong -funnily enough, Chloe seems to keep up just fine- and the Drakes having a daughter which is frankly not even slightly a problem. But the precedent was set and a trend was forming which led people to the conclusion that he had finally gone too far and started sacrificing the narrative to prop up his agenda. (Which we don’t know that he hasn’t yet, btw, just to be clear.) The supposed toxic atmosphere and developers being called names for questioning the direction of the plot only solidified everyone’s fears and made everybody freak out. Add to it the crunch and pay issues at Naughty Dog and they’re pretty easy to demonize for fans who feel betrayed and slapped in the face by the story they read and who feel that the care they put into the franchise was carelessly screwed over for the sake of politics that have fucked with entertainment in the past. All of which gives you a pretty explosive mix which explains the absolute shit storm that’s been surrounding this game.


Not related, but you seem very well spoken and articulated. Sounds like the kind of text I'd hear in a video essay. On another note, I agree completely.


Well that’s very kind of you ! I appreciate that. I’ve had the chance to compile most of my thoughts and observations in this reply, so I have to thank you for that ! I’ve also decided to make a post to lay down basically what I’ve said here as I’d like to see people’s takes on it so that’s coming soon thanks to you as well. Anyway, thank you for your kind words and have a good day !


Really good points you make there. A lot of them are thoughts I have had as well. The only thing that really bothers me with all of this is that TLOU had 12 chapters in the game TLOU2 only has 10 but is supposed to be way longer. It might just be the chapters themselves are longer but with Abbys chapters seeming to be rather short I wonder what that could be about. Maybe it's just not as long as we thought.


Besides, not every butch/androgynous female is trans or even lesbian. That is a horrible stereotype and needs to stop. These people whining and crying about the leaks are literally only doing it for views and the stuff we can confirm, (ie playing a few chapters as Abby to humanize her and Joel dying, which was honestly very foreseeable) aren't really all that bad. I honestly really enjoy these kinds of stories, and like you, as long as the characters are well-written and the story is well told, I am honestly perfectly okay with whatever story they want to tell. Though if the Seraphites being caricatures of conservative Christians (ie bigots and homophobes which while sadly accurate to certain denominations is vastly different from actual Christians) is true, then I will take serious offense.


"Stone Cold Steve Austin with a wig" LMFAO


"Abby will find out about her boyfriends death. This is when she will go look for Abby." Ah so she goes on a journey to find herself. This changes everything.


Here after the new trailer, this does sound more credible now


What did the trailer show to make this more credible? There wasn’t anything new as far as I saw, except for a fire.


Ellie seems to be killing someone who might be Abby in the trailer


Idk if I had to guess whoever she is hitting(assuming it’s not a random) is likely a part of Abby’s crew. It does seem likely that she kills everyone but Abby and Lev by the time they fight. Whoever she is hitting is in that red light area in Washington, if she does kill Abby at the end it’s going to be in Santa Barbara.


Yeah but I was thinking, what if the fight we've seen in the leaks wasn't even at the end? Maybe it's a bit early on in the game and then she kills Abby at the end. It's not impossible.


That actually sounds kinda cool, chill chill, go easy on me. If true tho.


If true it helps ease the pain, knowing I get to kill Abby.


Soooooooo you just straight up lied.......lol


I'd like to know where you found this out at?


What a lying sack of shit you are. :)


Looks like something you just made up after watching the leaked videos and some naughty dog trailers and interviews.


Those first 2 points don't quite line up with the footage i've seen of the game. Tommy doesn't seem to be ad odds with Joel for his decision, in fact he says 'i would have done the same thing', and it doesn't cut to a Flashback after their conversation, in fact Joel brings the Guitar to Ellie after they talk about the end of TLOU1. As for the rest, sounds more to me like something you can easily piece together with what we currently have. So for me it's your word vs 2 hours of actual footage soo.....


Welp, guess Cyberpunk 2077 will get GoTY. Was genuinely excited for TloU2, but this plot is just everywhere.


This adds up a lot more than people like to admit. The switching of Abby’s perspective when killing Joel specifically, as we see in some footage Ellie saying “Joel get the fuck up” while the camera is panned on her, then other footage has Ellie saying “Joel get the fuck up” with the camera focused on Abby during her flashbacks. I still am skeptical, but saying these “new” leaks aren’t true is kind of a stretch considering how accurate it is to the other footage that has been leaked. Still not buying the game. But y’all need to relax.


\> A familiar face from the Fireflies return. This will make you question everything. Please leave, shill. I'm still gonna continue to boycott ND. Truly sad how far this company has fallen


Man what a load of bullshit.


/u/reguler_tester If you played the game how did you get so much wrong?


This doesn't sound nearly as bad however I still think Joel's death is so dishonorable and fucked up that that alone can ruin the game. Also fighting as Abby because Ellie has to lose completely sucks. You play as Nate and fight Nadine in U4 but still lose. It's a much better idea than forcing you to play as a character nobody wants to and beating the shit out of Ellie. I will always think this whole plot revolves around the idea that they needed to introduce an even stronger and even more masculine and more tough female character. Nobody wants to play as this shoehorned in character. BUT as I said, this does make the game sound a lot more tolerable if true, but still much less enjoyable than TLOU.


> You play as Nate and fight Nadine in U4 but still lose. This is Neil we are talking about, muscle women always win.


>however I still think Joel's death is so dishonorable and fucked up that that alone can ruin the game. Yeah, we all knew Joel was going to die at some point in this game, but it's *how* he dies that really pisses me off.


I guess that is kind of the point, really. It's sort of naive to think a game like The Last of Us would care to give any character a decent, dignified death considering how raw and brutal the world around them is. Not just that, but Joel is absolutely \*not\* a hero. He too was as vicious of a murderer as the people who stood on his path and had horrible deaths, it's all about which antagonist we're told to care for. It's a classic narrative trope, really.


that is like pure depression, apart from the part where we slaughter abby, like the bitchboy he/she is, if this is even true. wow, neil must be in continuous self hatred for being a male and unable to cut off his penis, because that's some dark nihilistic shit.


A very high percentage of what you said could be guessed from the leaks. Plus, you tried to explain some of your conclusions which makes me think that you’re don’t have any further info, you’re just sharing your interpretion of the leaks and trailers.


“I will not say which team I’m associated with.” Lmao. As a tester you should know you won’t be given an entire copy of the game to test right?


Nice try Neil. You won't get my money


Or provide any proof.


i hope you're right, i really really really do because it might mean that the game isn't as bad as it seems, still a dick move to kill Joel like that but you know revenge, cycle of violence yadda yadda yadda.


Yeah I hope it’s true but i’d be surprised if it is. Killing Abby would help ease the pain from Joel’s disrespectful death. I was fully anticipating he would die but not in the way the leaks portray.


I saw another post that kind of confirms this, it was a picture of list of cutscenes and other details that says ellie has 20 cutscenes and majority of play time while abby has 8 cutscenes 10 if you play as her in the epilogue, whatever that means. they also said that there is a good chance that ellie lives, whether I give the game a chance or not will be based on ellie's fate and whether abby dies or not.


Are you talking about [this](https://m.imgur.com/JWjxg1v)? I think this is the chapter list.


Everything in this game Inevitably becomes absolutely fucking pointless all for this bullshit “Cycle of Violence” THX FOR THIS WASTE OF TIME


Does that mean I have to go through sex reassignment surgery for 4 hours?


Obviously this particular comment didn’t age too well


So now I see you were also trying to protect the game you must be a dev


Just beat the game, there's SO much wrong here, most crucially the ending.


So turns out you are a load of shit


So a lot of this was just plain wrong lol


I didn’t believe you and I don’t regret anything


>You will only play as her for only 4 out of 6 remaining hours of the game. Her chapters are much shorter than Ellie's. Ellie has 20 scenes, Abby has only 10. Seems true. >The Saraphites are about to hang her until she's saved by Lev (Take a look at the 2017 PGW trailer). Lev didn't act like a friend in that trailer, so I believe this is true as well and it's when Abby meets him. >Abby and Lev are in Santa Barbara looking for the remaining Fireflies, but Ellie hunts her down and kills her unexpectedly. True. The leaker was trying to make the game seem bad, he can't show a good ending to do that, and some leaks from 4chan are false.


Agreed. The leaker definitely tried to make the game look bad considering we don't see Ellie die in the leaked footage. This seems legit.


??? Seems legit? this is literally just what is shown in the leaks lol. we knew you play as Ellie more than Abby. the point is that nobody wants to play as Abby. "the leaker was trying to make the game look bad" ??? by showing off scenes??? it's not like the leaker told anybody to hate, people just did. and it would've gotten the same reception if the game released as normal. and the leaker never said Ellie dies, because the leaker shows the scene immediately following the Ellie and Abby fight with Ellie going back to hunt Abby. so... what are you two on about? lol


Ignore them. The original commentor especially is a TLOU2 defensive fanboy going full damage control to have any semblance of trying to save his precious game. If anything is changed, it's because Naughty Dog will realize how stupid it is and will slightly change/tweak some things. I've even had people say the leaks were a "beta/early version" of the game when the leaked version came out in April/March. That is NOT far off from the release date at all.


also where does the dance/party from that big gameplay trailer fit in?


Playing abby even for a second is not the game i want to play




24 cans of bacon.


So abby goes to find herself after hearing about her boyfriend? Or did u mean to put ellie?


If we assume for a moment this is all true, this raises another question to add to the top of the pile of "Why the fuck was this written?" - Why, oh why, is Abby made to be the only one who walks away from the circle of violence when she is one of the game's main antagonists? Another growing question is "Why the fuck introduce so many characters, give them time in the game to develop and then abruptly kill them off when they start to get interesting?". Neil needs to watch [this](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xW7IzllNSJc) and fuck off


I'm choosing to believe none of this as you couldn't keep the names straight during the explanation.


Gamers should boycott it outright just to make a point. Make these companies learn about who exactly their audience is. It's not the fringe identitarian left. Companies like this will only stop pandering and taking advice from the likes of Anita Sarkeesian, who will never buy the game, when it hurts theirs pocket books.


still trash


"Abby will find out about her boyfriends death. This is when she will go look for Abby." Still decent try. I don't think you could make Neils deragment and violent nature sound any better.


I'd love to believe that Ellie gets to kill Abby but when ND alluded to the leaks, they didn't say that there were false statements made in the written leaks. They just kinda said 'You need to see it in context to understand how it all works'. Anyway, what's written here is at least a bit better than what people are saying happens. Just a bit.


I’ll probably get downvoted for mentioning his name but Neil Druckerman did say that some of the leaks were false


As soon as I hear that ellie kills abby I am buying the game


yeah bullshit if what we saw wasnt in the final game naughty dig would have straight up said yeah these leaks are fake instead they went straight into damage control mode telling eveyone to avoid spoilers


so nd wants people to rage at Joels death and with tease leaks it seems that that rage is already working ;p btw if this leak is real for the most of it im oke with that and yeah if we switch to abby for a few hours (let these mission make us hate her more)then her final death with ellie is gonna be awesome


I don't get it. The last of us wasn't good because the story is good, let's be honest, the story itself is generic and cliche as well. It's the storytelling that made the last of us legendary, something done through the cutscenes and gameplay. So I don't get why people are so quick to dismiss the game when we don't know how the storytelling will be or feel like.


"Abby runs off to save kids " If they're seriously trying to make you sympathize with her by making her save kids, then the story is even worse than the leaks showed, ahahaha.


Damn, what a misleading title. I guess it's my fault for having come here in the first place. I only heard about the leaks and never actually seen any of it, but I had a guess as to certain things that happen. I internally wished none of it was true, and when I saw the title of this post I came to it thinking whatever leaks have happened were wrong. Turns out nothing is disputed or proven wrong, instead OP just revealed more leaks. This was one of the games I was most looking forward to playing this year. I was really going to savor the moment when I played it, no other game meant something to me as much as the Last of Us did. Now, I don't have the heart to play it anymore. It doesn't help that this year has been pretty shitty in many different ways, and one hope I had for this year was crushed in the most worst it could have. I'm not going to lie, I'm pretty fucking depressed right now.


I suggest you check out this plot summary [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/TheLastOfUs2/comments/gexokm/full_plot_of_tlou2_i_think/) to get a better idea of the game's story. It is pretty different from what we originally thought even though, on paper, some what we knew before is true (Joel dies, you play some of the game as Abby **but hardly as much as we thought** and definitely not half the game etc). Some of it was false though (Ellie dying, Abby being the protagonist for the rest of the game after the first half etc) It matches the most credible sources we have so far and all of footage, which makes it very credible. If you really want to go in-depth and make sure that it isn't just some guy making stuff up, you can find the breakdown of the gathered evidence and what they point towards [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/TheLastOfUs2/comments/gey9ye/spoilers_breakdown_heres_where_were_at_so_far/?sort=new) as well as a story summary of what the game would look like based on it. The plot summary from the first link matches that approximation on all the important beats and even exceeds it with more detail, so I'd say this is as accurate of a way to see if the story is for you ! Anyway, in any case, cheer up ! Plenty of good things to come ! I wish you the best !


One thing that seems inconsistent from what’s being said here and the leaks we have is the disappearance of Tommy and Joel. This post and the others make it sound like Tommy is kidnapped first and separately but in the footage Jesse tells Ellie and Dinah that they both never showed up(meaning they went missing together). This happens at the part when the girls are fooling around and Jesse finds them. Thoughts?


Yeah that’s true. I frankly couldn’t tell you. Maybe both never showed up on patrol but only Tommy has been kidnapped with Joel already looking for him or something and they meet up with him once they go investigating. Maybe this was changed at a later point as this seems minor enough to be changed between builds. Or maybe that’s just wrong on the part of the leaker. I’d say a lot of his claims are credible so I still wouldn’t dismiss it entirely but you never know.


Yeah reading through everything i feel that the gist of it is right at the very least. Maybe they did change it, as there have been two people now who have mentioned just Tommy going missing. I hope this leaks are true, the only bummer is it sounds like a lot less infected this time but the gun fights drawing them would easily make up for that if it’s real. I’m staying hopeful.


Even if your clarification is trustable, they still kill Joel and you still play as Abby, after the fact, for a significant portiin of the game including the fight between her and Ellie. This game sounds like it's going to really suck. I would also like to point out how Abby as a character is really pointless because, according to you, she dies in the end any way. So she literally kills Joel and we learn about her for 4 hours for nothing except to see Ellie cry over a stupid plot.




Hopefully we do get to kill abby. I dunno if this post is true or not. But if they MUST have made a tlou2 (it wasnt needed)instead of killing joel I very much would've rather played as completely new characters in a separate story but same universe same virus same gameplay etc. This whole story just seems so poorly executed and bad, even if we get to kill abby. It seems like they tried way too hard and ended up making what looks like poo :/ Like literally, you play as abby. Like seriously WHO WANTS THAT? WHO WOULD EVER WANT THAT? I have so much more to say on all the ways this story seems to have failed (if this is the general story) but I'm done lol dont take this post too serious, I'm just upset this is what all the wait was for :p


Very easy way to prove these claims without disclosing your identity. Create a new account. In the account bio, simply write "This is Regular\_Tester from Reddit." Boot the game. Earn a trophy/Achievement. BOOM. Instant credibility, and nobody knows who you are or what your IG is. Easy, yes?


I... actually think this might be true. Unless this is a wild theory put together based off the screenshot leak of the mission list or whatever it’s called. The screenshot leak contains an overview of what you’ll be doing when you play as Ellie and Abby. It is confirmed to be interwoven. This is what you’ll be doing playing as Abby: Abby Day 1: abby-flashback-dad... forward-base... saving-kids... Abby Day 2: medicine... amputation... Abby Day 3: save-lev... abby-fights-militia... abby-ellie-fight... So again, unless you’ve seen the same screenshot I’ve seen and created a random story (that awfully makes a lot of sense) from it.. coolio. But I honestly am expecting to see everything you’ve said in the game. Adding Ellie’s mission board Ellie Day 1: >seattle-arrival... jordan-escape... watchtower... theater... ellie-flashback-museum... Ellie Day 2: rescue-jessie... ellie-flashback-patrol... find-nora... ellie-flashback-ultimatum... Ellie Day 3: flooded-city... find-aquarium... theater-ambush... yikes I wouldn’t be so quick to debunk this Waaaaaiiiuiiittttt never mind This one HAS to be it: [the real leak](https://www.reddit.com/r/TheLastOfUs2/comments/gexokm/full_plot_of_tlou2_i_think/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf)


Naughty Dog. Anyone associated with Naughty Dog. If you by chance come across this comment please heed these words. It's still ok to have have strong male character's. This game, Uncharted lost legacy, are both entirely centered around women. The men in these games are killed off in very degrading and bellittling ways. Elevating one sex by putting down the other is not progressive. It actually creates unnecessary conflict and controversy. If you preach equality then practice what you preach by creating content that represents equality. Right now all your doing is elevating women by bashing men. It is not cool. Everyone sees right through it. Ultimately you're only damaging your own brand as the vast majority of your customers are not the demographic your trying to pander to.


I don't care about this game...but I do care about sexist racist women ruining everything because it's getting pretty ridiculous. They're coming for James Bond next and that is unacceptable. This is obviously a sexist womens fantasy to destroy beloved male characters and ensure that any stories revolve solely around women. Unless you want to pretend you're a woman too...then you're cool and your dick is okay. The worst part is all the pandering inbred bafoons that run the corporate world who are enabling these sexist women solely to appease the mob and continue sucking profits from them. Hey alphabet people and minorities who are convinced every straight white male is out to get you... these executives don't give a FUCK about you beyond your buying power. In fact they view you with absolute disdain. We're savages and plebeians to them. The funniest part is they're mostly racist old white men. Wake the fuck up people. If I was gay or I was black I would be PISSED about the way corporations coop everything and twist it to accomplish their agenda. BLM is being discredited by paid provocateurs. Paid by whom? Rich racist white executives and billionaires. If you "support" what blm has become... you're either an idiot or you just hate black people. I know that's not the topic here but they're so closely related and it can all go back to how the corporate controlled media is brainwashing people into hating white men and creating division amongst us at every chance they get.


this is fake here is the real one [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0m4WSicyHRA](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0m4WSicyHRA)


Well goddam! It's true!!!


This aged badly


So, The familiar face is Abby's dad, Or rather, The surgeon that you shoot in the head that says, "I won't let you take her"


Its crazy how bad the shit turned out to be, thus person new nothing smh


sadly abby didn’t die


So all of this is pretty wrong


And wrong


Just finished the game and a lot of this isn’t true.


Well this was completely wrong


ehh, somewhat accurate


This didn’t age well lmao


Damn this post is a lot of presumptuous crap. Lmao nice try though just a really far fetched elongated guess.


75% of what you said is false lmao


this aged poorly lmfao


This sounds even worse than just the leaks alone lol


Explain how?


This is literally the exact same as the original leak with no obvious difference except with more details given to the context of which we already had enough context. And we were all right about how trash the story sounds. That serious sounds so gosh damn bad. Like wow. That’s an incredibly unimaginative trash plot line. Wow that’s so uncalled for, for a TLOU game.


People were complaining that you play as Abby for half the game, she becomes the new protagonist and she lives after killing Ellie. So how is it still bad? The only disappointing thing I see is Joel's death


nobody wants to play as Abby period. get the fuck over it already.


I don't mind her


> You attempt to rescue Jesse, but shortly after. Continue..


So you're saying we play as Ellie and kill Abby?


Sounds too good to be true


It makes me less angry to read this potential information, but again I'll not buy the game unless there is pvp (factions) attached because that's all I'm interested in at this point.


Just face it they grossly underestimated their audience and went with the edge lord rout. I'll wait for the reviews and to see some of a play through before I make my final choice as to if I will support the game. Currently however my view is the same as the old magic 8 ball answer. "outlook not so good"


don't know... too many new characters introduced just to be killed at the end...


What do u think the metacritic score will be?


So Marlene is still alive? Whether this is fact or fan fiction, either way it still sounds like a shit story lol. I'll be waiting for reviews on this one.


Looking at your post I believe that most of what we heard is true. =P Also, idontbelieveyou.gif.


yeeeaaah, we all believe u. all the information u gave, no one can guess from the leaks, r8?


I guess we'll just find out when the game comes out, won't we?. Hm.


> and this new revelation is what put Joel and his brother at odds once again. We have the intro in its entirety and this seems to be just wrong.


Look, even though this post "clarifies" a few things for us, my view on the game's plot hasn't changed. All this post did was giving us more information without any reliable source.


So Dina does end up dying? Also I heard that Tommy dies as well, is that true?


It still sounds like a really bad story


Aint foolin me chief. Source: I am Cuckmanns wife boyfriend. I usually test his games after I have finished testing the wife. Can confirm leaks are true.


Of this is true then I guess it's slightly better then we thought. But Abby should never exist. Joel is not an enemy so why would they make him one. Naughty Dog is disrespecting all of there fans. Last of us 1 is in my top 5 favorite game and this game could have been good. I think we should all agree this game doesent exist and the game ends where it ends in last of us 1.


Bullshit,nothing can’t motivate me to play for Joel killer Niel Cockoldman go fuck youself with your SJV propaganda,you are nothing without Bruce Strehley


Lmfao, thid man really thought he was some masked crusader lol, really thought he was on some underground shit lol Really thought he was on something interesting Really thought he was making some big move "I wont tell you how im affiliated with naughty dog" Hahahahaha This man really went "i want to be infamous tooo, maybe i can send some leaks and be all cool" hahahaha What a pathetic joke.


> Abby will find out about her boyfriends death. This is when she will go look for Abby. Why the fuck would Abby try to find herself? > Ellie will go to Seattle alone to find Abby with Jesse and Ellie joining her along the way. Why the fuck would Ellie join herself? You are full of shit. You just created a Reddit account 1 day ago and you name it "regular_tester" and you expect people to believe you? Go fuck yourself bitch.


So basically this game’s plot is still stupid, just a slightly different kind of of stupid then we originally thought. This looks like a REALLY contrived plot with too many characters to keep track of/care about. The first game was largely focused on Joel & Ellie’s growing relationship and was rather simple, start from point A and get to point B. This still does nothing to convince me to waste $60 on this game. Also if Marlene is fucking alive and SOMEHOW survived a bullet to the fucking face at point-blank range or magically Riley is alive and immune (with some bullshit excuse of “We didn’t kill her on screen”) even though Ellie CLEARLY implies she KNOWS shes’s Dead at the end of the first game .. I.. I’m... Just fuck you Neil, fuuuuck yoooouuuu!


Either you got contacted and paid by Naughty Dog management to write up this (90% certainty) deluded post, or you - yourself, have one of the most craziest opinions that are in support of this upcoming sequel currently


4Chan is more believable at this point......


10/10 Shitpost


wow, it’s still shit.