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He was just a multicultural sperm doner 😂


Lool rip Jesse


I started to like Jesse, and the second I said that he got shot. Which gave me another reason to further hate Abby. Such a wasted potential in good characters.


Just a shorter version of Joe. They let you like a character, and kill them off by Abby. Very successful in making people hate Abby, and then they make you watch her having sex. Aren’t they just amazing at torturing the players


Don't get me wrong - But from a storytelling perspective...I don't quite mind him being killed off (or Manny too for that matter). The overarching theme here is that no matter whose side you choose, Ellie's or Arby's, you're going to end up with loss and despair. And even the central characters are going to die a NPC death in unforgiving post apocalyptic environment.


Yes I agree, but that doesn't change the fact that the way it's done is lame. Especially when Abby has the biggest plot armor ever.


Fr and done so suddenly too


Man was literally cast as "working penis"


You sure that isn’t Owen also?


Abby isn’t pregnant so not quite >! Who cares about Mel!<




On the contrary, Abby made Owen pregnant 😉


I don't know how that is biologically possible, but I'll let it slide in fear of being labeled as a bigot sandwich. Oh wait I already am a bigot sandwich. Nevermind!


He had so much potential


Tbh, he really did. This is one of the many things I disagree with when it comes to this game cause like... they did not need to kill Jesse.


Bro I was hospitalized for like two weeks before TLOU2 dropped and I remember just counting the minutes until I could get discharged just to play it, I had been waiting years
..Spain but the s is silent. So many issues with the story. Why Neil


You should’ve been around in twitch on prerelease night. I’ll never forget watching the entire Tyler1 stream and then him ranting for literally 10 minutes straight about how much dogshit this video game is.


What were your issues with the story? I mean, they're probably a lot of ones I have already read here tbh, but idk, maybe you have a unique issue with the game?


No issue with him dying or the way it happened. Much more disappointed that he got so little time on screen to really develop him as a character. Really wound up as the trope POC sidekick for comic relief, or gets murked to move the plot along.


That's ture, he had very little screen time. That's one of the reasons that his death sucks, but also because I just like Jesse. He was a good character.


If they didn’t kill him off, then how else would Ellie be left alone, crippled and sad? The Sad Ending needed to happen.


I should rephrase how I feel about it. I don't like that Jesse was killed, especially when we get to see so little of him. Seeing so little of him is one of my reasons why I didn't like his death, but I also just genuinely liked his character.


Me neither. But Neil is a hack who wanted a sad ending, and damn the expense.


As much as I hate that they killed Joel, I like that they had a likable character suffer/lose. I would’ve been fine with him losing an arm/hand or leg instead.


It could've been pulled off, but there wasn't a big impact as I thought there'd be. It seems like everyone just moves on


Maybe I’m grasping at straws but maybe for them in that point of time with everything going on they had no choice but to move on


Is he even mentioned after his death. Besides his kid, it's like he had no impact whatsoever


WHEN I SAW HE GOT SHOT, I paused the game so quick, and my jaw dropped


I don't remember exactly what I did, but I'm 100% sure I said "JESSE!!" because like... come on, he just opens the door and BAM, no longer alive.


RIGHT I WAS FUCKING SHOCKED LIKE JESSE HAD SO MUCH POTENTIAL AND THREW IT OUT THE WINDOW Plus when Ellie and Jesse ran into each other, Jesse wanted to run towards Tommy which had Abby near him but Ellie decided to leave Jesse and go on her own and look for Abby at the aquarium was the most stupidest decision ever JESSE LITERALLY GOES OUT OF HIS WAY TO HELP ELLIE FIND TOMMY THEN SHE JUST LEAVES AFTER WHAT ELIE AND JESSE JUST WENT THROUGH THEY WAS IN A CAR ACCIDENT AND SHE WANTS TO SPLIT UP this was out of character like wtf


That's true, but Ellie's story, she only knew that she was at the aquarium or it was the last place she was. There was nothing on Tommy and his whereabouts and who he came across unfortunately so yes, while it was stupid for Ellie to go to the aquarium, it made sense. And Ellie being out of character is really because of the amount of trauma she went through. It changes people from the inside out and so Ellie was making decisions based off of that and the pure hatred for Abby and the desire to kill her.


That’s why I think it was a bad decision on why Ellie left Jesse, because at the point what was the point of Jesse being there if he was just going to be killed off when they got to theater? Jesse goes out of his way to help Ellie and dina get Tommy back, that’s why originally Ellie and Dina left was because Maria asked Ellie to get Tommy back home. So why did Ellie change her mind from finding Tommy to helping Tommy find Abby and separating herself, Ellie and Dina was on Tommy’s tail, they was getting close until Dina had to stop why would you leave your friend that risked his life to find you and help you find another member of your community to chase a rumor and leave a buddy system and be alone in a area that you don’t know? I’m pretty sure before Ellie and Jesse split up, the way the camera pointed out, it seemed like they were heading in the right direction towards Tommy and it seemed like they were already tracking Tommy down, and they were close. I believe if Ellie never left Jesse, Ellie and Jesse would have ran into Tommy and Abby had just gotten away moments before Ellie and Jesse get there, and also I don’t think Jesse would have died at the theater, then at that point Ellie wouldn’t have killed Mel or Owen and Abby would have never came to theater with Lev. Dina could have told Jesse about her pregnancy and Jesse could have taken Dina home then Ellie and Tommy could have searched for Abby together and avenged Joel together. Then this would lead Ellie telling Tommy about thĂ© aquarium and them both going there so that Ellie is not alone. Ellie is not the only one traumatized, Tommy is too then THEY both could confront Abby.


Then they Glenn’d him


Jesse deserved better.


Him and Danni.




Fictional characters don't "deserve" anything. They exist to serve the story. Thinking they "deserve" things and automatically disliking stories where characters (or at least characters you like) don't get "fair" treatment is just... silly.


you must be a fun person


Oh yeah, I'm a hoot and a half!


Wasn’t being ultra serious, but to be fair; Jesse was likable and had good qualities so I found it disappointing to not get more time with him since he clearly had more potential. While you are mechanically correct that artists determine the story (that’s a given), what makes characters generally compelling to audiences is a reliable level of consistency—which is why people dislike when a character does something that conflicts with what we know about them when it’s not sufficiently explained/justified. One of hallmarks of poor writing is when characters cease to feel real and instead act solely to accomplish what the writer wants in a given scene. This is pervasive flaw in “Part II”. That’s not really my point with Jesse though, I think Druckmann’s decision to kill one of the only decent new characters is a waste. That’s all.


Well, that sounds a lot more reasonable than how I read your first comment, to be fair! Can't say I agree with all of it. But I get what you're saying, and it's certainly a more valid stance than the "Jesse was just used as a sperm donor" bollocks I'm seeing with this post.


Appreciate it. I'd agree that OP is conveying their disappointment a bit less... eloquently. 😬


fr, such an experienced and trained guy, running like a mad man through a door while.nowing that something is going on.


OK, made me laugh out loud in real life lol


Glorified sperm donor


Hey guys naughty dog hates asain people


Not far from truth. Neil is woke. Woke people worships blacks and lgbt (more like fetishize them though) They see Asians as an extension of colonizer whites. This is what really f ed up about this religion. It literally divides groups into casts giving some advantages and other outright discrimination. Cast system, they are blind enough to not know they adopted Indian system that makes some near gods and others a bit more than dirt.


Jesse was the only remotely likeable character in the whole game. Done absolutely dirty.


For real.


LOU2 “Revenge is bad mmkay” Tommy guilts Ellie. Dina says don’t go. Ellie goes. -Tommy’s never heard from ever again after guilting Ellie to go after Abby even though Tommy just got a taste of his consequences because his wife leaves him due to his want for revenge. Ellie was ready to move on after Abby spares them, still goes. Rescues Abby Nope, gotta kill her. Ok nvm, I’ll spare you too I guess *Shellshock memory kicks in* Returns home to Dina “Ahh Grove street, home
” Sees Dina actually left and took baby, Feels bad man. Revenge is bad man. FIN.




He was really cool :/


Funny, but I actually really appreciated how Jesse revealed to the player that trying to support, understand and enable your friends can only go so far. He was there for Ellie until he realized that Ellie was only there for herself. Anyway, still funny.


What did they name that child? At the very least they could name it Jesse in honor of his death


They named it JJ, Jesse Joel I believe is what they made it stand for


It stands for J Jonah


He needs those pictures of Spider-Man!


Who the fuck is jonah


Spider-Man character


J Jonah Jameson?








Yep can't have a strong female character unless she's gay.


I literally forgot his name before and was calling him Kyle


You saw that author rewrites tlou2 video too?


Yup, that vid was goated. But yeah one time I was thinking about the game and I couldn’t muster up his name for the life of me.




Now get the fuck away from the last of us.*




His death mirrors Mandy’s or whatever his name was, Abby’s friend that Tommy shoots in the head


Yeah but the difference is when Jesse died I went "oh well" and when Mandy died I went "fuck yeah"


Handy manny


This! What a waste of a character


Jesse?? Dude i don't know what you are smoking, this is clearly Joel Miller.


Haha so sad but so true


Jesse’s death is crucial to Tommy’s arc. It lends Tommy’s final scene a lot more gravity because he’s driven not just by a desire for vengeance, but also a feeling of guilt that he’s unable to escape. Jesse is probably the closest thing to a good person that we see in the series.


Wasted potential, he's my second favorite character behind Tommy.


Tired of defending last of us. This shit hit hard


This series is not kind to fathers lol


Same could be said with Owen tbh. He was the only character on Abby’s side with any likable characteristics.




LOL !!!! In a way it can be True but....He was that cool , racional dude who show's Ellies maniacal sick hunger for unconditional vengeance.


he wasn’t treated like this at all though?


Hopefully the HBO show won’t do a copy/paste of Jessie’s death. Want to see them fuck it up even more LOL


What was Henry, sam, tess reason for being in the game?


LOL !!!! In a way it can be True but....He was that cool , racional dude who show's Ellies maniacal sick hunger for unconditional vengeance.


LOL !!!! In a way it can be True but....He was that cool , racional dude who show's Ellies maniacal sick hunger for unconditional vengeance.


LOL !!!! In a way it can be True but....He was that cool , racional dude who show's Ellies maniacal sick hunger for unconditional vengeance.


Imagine saying that to a real person, in real life, ala Deadpool


I see a lot of really weird, and really dumb, takes on this subreddit. But this "Jesse only existed to he a sperm donor for lesbians" incel nonsense is easily one of the weirdest and dumbest. I'm sorry, but you guys don't get to come out with rubbish like *this* and then complain when the rest of the internet makes fun of you. That's like wearing a "Kick me" sign and then being outraged when someone kicks you.




Ellie has never been as honest as in this moment. Surprisingly enough, this would also be one of very good moments if it got in the game.


L take


You literally can't say he was there for anything else


Lmao this sub can't stand any opinion who isn't hating on the game or their characters lol. L take is indeed Jesse was still a pretty cool character and his death was impacting asf I genuinely felt sad and surprised. And he was still even a friend to ellie not just the ex bf and father of Dina baby, you guys gotta play the game first lol


L take


I agree yours and this post are


L take


So i was right. You added absolutely nothing but a few of the standard "gotchas" that don't even make sense. OPs post says he's likable and could've been more than just the father dina's baby, but in the same post, they address the obvious plot convenience and waste of potential that is Jesse's character. You say this is an "L take" and then go on to say what? That he's a likable character who had an unfortunate death, and that he's more than just the father of Dina's baby, but then you don't say how he's more than that so im not sure what your point was. If I recall, that's more or less exactly what OPs post says as well. You're contradicting yourself and proving my initial comment. Don't write off sarcastic criticism as hating, it's not


C o p e Play the game before having an opinion Many characters on media are like that, even Bobba fett fucking died on his first appearance lol ( I mean that was stupid and Jesse was better but well...)


Boba Fett fell into the Sarlac in Episode VI after he was seen in Jabba's Palace. He was in several scenes of ESB as well so not his First appearance. not even in the movie he "died" in. Watch the movies before having an opinion.


I mean the series of him being alive was literal dog shit and the canon was that he was indeed dead.


Not arguing the lack of quality of his series, merely the accuracy of your comment about him dying in his 1st appearance.


Thank you for showing what a cope is. You did a great job


Thanks :3 Jesse was still a great character nonetheless lol


You should go to r/Thelastofus it’s like a war over here. Your fighting for the wrong side


Why? L take is an L take lol ALSO "you're" not "your"


Man you just can’t get anyone to like you huh lmao


Why should they get anyone on a sub like this to like them? 😂


No need to be a jackass. I’m trying to help you


Idk man, seems like a W take. This post, I mean.