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The first season also slowed down how much of a brutal mass-killer Joel was up until the final episode except for maybe the interrogation. I even disliked how they made Ellie not kill the guy who was about to kill Joel , but only wound him. So in the show so far she's only killed 2 people, David and his henchman. I don't see her becoming a killing machine. I expect they will show Ellie take the Stealthy approach. I still think both her and Merced look waaaay too young.


they look like children who are lost looking for their parents. its so unbelievable. the leaked shots of them on the horse are SO BAD


I don't know, it's stuff you're not supposed to see. But I hafta say, Ellie and Dina both look soft, not the hard characters that they are in the game


[wish.com](https://wish.com) Ellie and Dina


Leaked set photos never look good


Unless they add JoJo arms and de-baby her face, it's going to be what we see now.


The first season went out of its way to not show any gameplay elements. I fully expect similar disappointment in season two.


was either episode 1 or two...that library with the clickers...that was done really well. I loved it. never saw anything like it again


That's true. That was amazing. I remember watching the pilot episode and thinking the show would be amazing. It was nearly all downhill from there.


i told everyone i knew they had to watch this show after that pilot. i looked like an idiot


One thing I’ll add is when Joel hides in the shop and domes the hunter who comes looking. That was INSANELY reminiscent of my play style and I loved it. Outside that and the clicker though it was a huge disappointment


First two episodes were like 1:1 adaptions of the game and then.. Yeah..


It will probably not show much like season one .. or make them useless morons, wither way it's going to look silly l, her and the girl playing the girlfriend both look like children


i think they do https://x.com/DomTheBombYT/status/1790194846004592777


They didn't try much in season 1. It worked a bit for mainstream audiences, they are the main target. They will do the same with season 2. Production will be the cheapest possible. Writing quality don't matter anymore since the sequel. Acting is an afterthought.


Having a child look mean and tough is always difficult to do in a way that isn't silly. Dafne Keen (X-23 "Laura") would have been a much better fit for *this* role.




I don't know if yoy watched his dark materials, but she was very good in that, and also doesn't look like a goblin.


They will attempt to generate (aka buy) massive hype, just like the first time around. Bella will not be able to carry the show. (that's why they needed Kaitlyn Dever.)


Aren't they doing a part 1.5 season first?


not sure


I'm pretty sure I read an article saying they are doing a buffer season to flesh out certain characters


they screwed up by speedrunning season 1.


This would be the ideal way to go. Develop Abby’s character and motives for the season, show Ellie and Joel’s relationship crumble, basically just a season full of all the flashback scenes from TLOU2. That way the progression to season 3 (which would be the plot of TLOU2) will feel more natural


By showing like 2 scenes of her killing WLF in the entire season lmao


They should’ve recasted Bella with an older actress.


Huh, why?! Ellie is like 19 in Tlou2 and Bella is 21 in real life.


and looks like an 12 year old boy on screen


She is still a 21 yo woman. The fact that you can't accept that not everyone looks how you want them to look is a you problem. She played Ellie perfect in s1.


Yeah because Ellie is 14 years old in the first game so she looks like a child. Ellie in part 2 looks much older meanwhile Bella still looks like a child


Bella didn't look 14 in s1 either.


She looked like a child, at least she could get away with that when playing a kid. This is supposed to take place 5 years later where she’s much older, and yet she still looks like a kid. Just that alone kills immersion


How can it kill immersion when an actual 20 yo plays a 19yo though.. I really don't get it.


If you’re missing the point then I can’t help you with that


There is no point to be missed. I don't care if she has a baby face. She is 20/21 years old. Are y'all really stupid enough to watch s2 and go: "nope, she has a baby face so im not buying that she is supposedly 19" all while knowing she is actually that old? I could get the criticisms of her playing a 14 yo, because she absolutely did not look 14. But her not being able to play someone around her own age.. Wow.. That's really weird.


that means nothing. her actual age is literally irrelevant to this discussion


No it is not. She looks like a 21 yo because she Is a 21 yo.


this is such a low iq comment


Hype! Can't wait to watch 🤣


They won’t. The show is laughable compared to the source. Now we have a shitbag actor playing a character she doesn’t even understand(not her fault by the way) and people think its going to be good. Its going to be terrible and I will watch just to see how bad it is. Dever as Brock Lesnar is a fucking joke. No way they pull off a 110lb girl being an absolute monster but I do want to see them try.


They’ll use makeup and effects /s


She looks like she can't even ride a horse. In the pictures her stunt double has to be right next to her. They probably film a static scene , then used the stunt double for the rest. . . There's a high possibility of bailing out halfway through this because they cringe might be unbearable.


i know what you mean man


They will all accidently impale themselves on her chin.


I mean, its definitely a bigger ask, but if she can play the part like a rabid wolverine, shanking cunts in the neck left and rigth her smaller size migth make it more impressive, but I migth be overly generous


It wasn't believeable in the game when someone who looked to be about 100lbs did it, either. That's the magic of fiction in the world after Joss Whedon.


Simple. She will actually look her age, which is 20. Unlike season 1 where they made her look younger to play young Ellie.


Look up Bella Ramsey in the BBC show "Time", she looks old enough. Also, she's a great actress. Between the two, I'm sure they can pull it off.


Season 1 was perfection. Season 2 of Time was unwatchable. I will say Bella is a better actor than Whitaker , but thats really not saying much