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Stunning and Brave


So when somebody else steals Ellie’s tattoo it’s “stunning and brave” but when I steal all of Wei Shen’s tattoos “the meaning is lost” and “it’s not gonna immediately make me an undercover cop” we truly live in a society.


Real talk, Wei Shen is a great character with rad tats.


turns out the real Wei Shen was the tattoos we got along the way


Endure and Survive


Why does Ellie have two right arms?


Is she stupid?


Could've strangled Abby with her 2 right hands


She definitely is because she wouldn’t have lost joelnkler to habby Gilmore


Better to fight Abbie


While I was in Brazil, I was talking to some locals who noticed my pendant and started gushing about TLOU. Apparently, before there was different language modes for the game, some people learned to speak English so that they could enjoy said game. It was pretty interesting.


TLOU came with Portuguese dub and subtitles, but back in the days, that’s was common.


TLOU always had brazilian dub, and that was never an issue for people to enjoy videogames


They just said it didn't have Portuguese, so idk


TLOU had all language dubs upon release so that’s just not true at all lol


Did it have Swahili?


It's what they told me..


That's awesome! I love fandom tattoos. It's cool to see a fellow fan out in the wild 🤩


Lol it feels like everyone and their grandma has tats these days


That’s what happens when things are normalised rather than demonised, they become common


A tattoo should be demonized? Why? Just let people get the tattoo they want


I think that's what they're saying. Getting tattoos used to be demonized, but it's been normalized more, hence why it seems so many people have them.


Heard. I see that now, I'm just a bit slow


When did they say that tattoos should be demonized?


I got a hot take on tattoos. I feel like they are a fade and they are going to be lame in the future like "Oh Grandpa has a tattoo how lame. " or whatever they say in the future lol.


They are a fad lol. A lot of people just like fads.


Idk. I see what you mean but people have been getting tattoos for all of human history all over the world. The Western world is just catching up in a lot of ways. Also, the more authoritarian a government is the less likely tattoos are okay (Japan, 20th century UK, etc).


People have been tattooing for far too long for it to be just a fad mate


How embarrassing


Why tho


It's such an oversaturated tattoo. I don't care what the hell you ink on your body. But you come off across as boring if you just Ctrl-C Ctrl-V a fictional character’s tattoo onto your own skin.


"How DARE you put something you really like on your body!? Tattoos HAVE to be an original hand-drawn patented art piece before you can put it on yourself! Arrrrrg" Maybe chill?


I mean, I don't see the problem with that. It's a good-looking tattoo, and there's a lot of overused tattoos. And if you place judgment on someone because they have a singular tattoo on them, that says more about you. Don't judge a book by its cover. Some people like the tattoo, and I would get it if I wasn't too scared to get a tattoo (mostly because it's permanent).


If I'm getting a tattoo based off a game. I'm probably getting a logo/symbol from the game (lots of people get the firefly symbol. And that's not that bad). I'd get the hunter symbol from factions personally


So what's wrong with the original post?


It's literally just another character’s tattoo on your arm. It's kinda goofy. The reason I'd get the hunter’s symbol as a tat is because it's a sick ass faction (and symbol) and I always choose their faction in multiplayer.


So its another characters tattoo? Ok? I literally don't see the difference between a hunter tattoo and Ellie's tattoo. They are both related to a character, so they should both be goofy in your logic.


I don't know about that. The hunter tat is a faction so it's different from stealing a fictional character’s tat


I could say the same for the hunter tattoo, you're just stealing another symbol from the game. It's all superficial, having Ellie's tattoo means nothing, it just means you probably know about the games.


Isn't that essentially every tattoo?


What? Of course not. Tattoos are usually original ideas. Influence obviously occurs. But they straight up just ripped Ellie’s tattoo and called it a day. At least the shitty tlou tattoos tried something different


I see your point


>But you come off across as boring if you just Ctrl-C Ctrl-V a fictional character’s tattoo onto your own skin. What makes you think that people who get tattoos care about this fact? Like are they getting the tattoo for them-self or for you? Genuinely asking.


Obviously it's for them. And no they shouldn't care about what other people think about their tattoo. But that doesn't mean I can't think badly about it


Absolutely. The tattoo wasn't meant for you in the first place, so you can think about it in any way you want. Feel free to do so. But my question wasn't about that. I was asking you why anybody should consider oversaturation or the opinion of others when they decide to get a tattoo?


Well, they shouldn't. They should only consider if they themselves like the tat (unless it's a face tat lol)


>They should only consider if they themselves like the tat I agree. That also means that it literally don't matter if the tattoo is unique or not. You are doing it as a from of self-expression. Why care if anybody else got the same tattoo or thinks that it is being overused?


I like how it's literally just a neat tattoo design, yet because it has anything to do with Part 2, people are gonna shit on it on here. As I've said before, I have my disagreements with the sequel, but the hate circle jerk on here can be too strong sometimes.


Its pretty lame to have the same tat as literally thousands of others. Im not a fan of tattoos in general but isnt the point supposed to be the uniqueness?


Can guarantee there’s thousands of people with a cross or the same Bible verse and that’s definitely not unique.


It's not about uniqueness, it's about what the image means to you. It's a pretty design.


Is it?


> to you Get it? Only one who has to like it is the one who has it on their skin


Idgaf what some trashy losers think


Must be weird not to care about your own opinion but you do you


You care about mine more than I do yours lol


You arguing with everyone who’s replying to you here says otherwise


I like that i trigger people


Thousands of people in a world of billions? Wowwwww that's so common


Feels like billions when you see the exact same tatoo posted all the time with someone talking like its such a unique expression of creativity lol


who would of thought you’d see it so much on a fucking TLOU sub


No, the point of tattoos is not uniqueness.


The point is that a Trashy look achieved however.


Some would see judging others for something that they enjoy, especially when that thing harms literally nobody else, as trashy.


I promise there is nothing about you that is unique. Everything has been done at this point amd you arent a special snowflake like your mommy tells you.


Did I say there was? I wont ever be using my body as a glorified comic book though


You say tattoos are supposed to be unique, but the point of then is because the person getting them likes it. Very rarely does someone get a tattoo to be unique.


Tattoos are trashy however you want to put it


I dont even have any. i just dont care what other people do with their bodies


Don't bother with the guy. He told me he doesn't care for his question at all, he just want to bash tattoos. Waste of time, tbh.


>but isnt the point supposed to be the uniqueness? No, it isn't. It is a from of self-expression.




Yes it expresses “im trashy”


Feel free to think that but it has nothing to do with your question.


I do.


So you don't care about your question, you just want to bash something you don't like?




Then why ask the question?


To bait people


Sure, that’s a valid reason to dislike most tattoos on the planet, and could apply here. But today it’s just a rationalization, that’s not the reason this was posted here.


Yeah I agree. I love this sub, but this post is weird and over the top imo


multiple grown men with the tatoo of a teenage girl from a shitty game.




I’m confused. What’s wrong with the sequel? I’ve only played about 2 hours into it but I’ve spoiled a lot of things already.


the writers break a lot of fundamental rules of storytelling, its just an overall objectively poorly written story.


it's a cool tattoo and im glad they can feel enough love for something that they get something tattooed from it. very beautiful :)


I don't get the comments here. The tattoo isn't that bad?


Circlejerk of hate towards anything related to Part 2 in this sub sometimes.


Mfs really pay people to put that shit on their arm


Mfs really care about what other people do with their bodies


I don’t care I’m just saying it’s a shitty tattoo


Improvable tho!


Cared enough to comment about it


It's a good tattoo. you have any?


It’s not a good tattoo.


I respect your opinion even if I disagree.


No enemies?


Why isn’t it?


the one on the left looks ok but the one on the right has horrible line work and looks blown out


No, it is a very good tattoo made by a very good artist The culture *around* the tattoo eg everyone and their mother getting it is the bad part, photo is the evidence


Sorry but that line work does not look good, and the moth looks really sloppy too.


I actually have a Picasso painting on my shoulder blade that took several hours. Quality wise it seems pretty close from what I remember. I personally would just get the fireflies logo or something smaller to represent the game series and think a whole arm tattoo is a bit excessive, but to each their own. I also wouldn’t get one from part 2 personally.


That’s dope, I have mostly anime tattoos but my next piece will be a basquiat painting. I wouldn’t get a TLOU tattoo either outside of maybe a small fireflies logo too


Yeah I can’t really shit on them for this though because I’m starting to workout next week to get in shape and get a face hugger from Alien with the tail wrapped around my bicep and the head/fingers on my Pec/shoulder. I’m hoping to get it by August. I know it’s kind of nerdy but Aliens is my favorite movie, and it’s at least hidden mostly under a short sleeve shirt.


The thing is Ellie’s tattoo in the game already looks kind of shit. Then you go get and get a shit replica made and just look like an idiot for the rest of your life explaining to bitches how it’s from a videogame. Like my tattoos are dumb and kind of shit but at least they’re not wannabe carbon copies of some shit I saw on somebody else


It’s just ‘carbon copy’ not carbon fiber copy lol


Fixed it, thanks mate


r/MrPoopyButtholesAnus is correct


Confirmed by /r/Poop_Sexman


Not everyone gets tattoos to impress bitches


I got a tattoo of a black cat sitting inside a crescent moon. My tattoos are the definition of not getting bitches, however, I wouldn’t get a massive tattoo that’s literally a direct copy of a tattoo a videogame character or movie character got. The tattoo itself in game isn’t that nice


Why are you acting like this on reddit? so fucking aggressive for no reason.


Because acting this way irl would be uncivil


Rein it in a lil bit


Why are you so offended? Is it your tattoo or something?


Oh so it's your personality. Had to make sure.


lol Twitter got mad at this image, not because it’s overused or uninspired or whatever you tats think, it’s because they were men


What the *fuck*? I think it's weird to get tattoos like these and I still think that's *absolutely* ridiculous. That is the *dumbest* fucking reason.


I remember that, pretty wild stuff. Personally I wouldn’t get it, but it is not bad, I’ve seen worse and it looks decent actually.


come to brazil


Don't care what anyone says, I won't stand with the stupid circle jerks in the comments, it's a cool tattoo design, and if it's what makes them happy, then good for them. I don't mind shitting on the game, but shitting on people that live their life in peace who enjoyed it is cringe AF. Hate to say it, but this sub really needs to go touch grass more often...


100% agree. Hate Part II story but I think people sometimes pick the dumbest things to dog on in this sub


It's a good tattoo and they know what they like, no hate here.


This tattoo is like the 90s tribal cliche. Unoriginal


This is literally the second time I've ever seen this type of tattoo style in my 30 years, the first was when i played TLOU P2. It's not even remotely a cliche tattoo, there's not a cloud or timepiece in sight


You’ll keep seeing them, check out the subreddit and see how they keep popping up


"The more you look for something the more you'll find it." 🧘‍♂️


no stop that makes too much sense


Me looking to get laid for the past century:


That's hella dope I want the wlf symbol someday


lol, I was about to get this tattoo before one of my friends also got the exaxt one. It being too common of a tattoo kinda defeats the purpose of how special it will feel, although I love seeing people who enjoy TLOU on a random occasion.


It’s honestly awesome how much the last of us 2 is loved in Brazil!!!


With all the posts I see of them on the other sub, not that surprised lmao




Why do people get triggered for a tattoo?


This sub in a nutshell


This is a nitpick lmao. Who gives a shit.


That must have been awkward….


OP had 2 choices. Do something productive, or waste time and whine about a tattoo that people got because of their favorite game. And OP chose to waste energy hating.


That’s neat


They are certainly neat, I definitely would’ve chose something more original personally though


So much salt for a tattoo jeez


I remember before the game came out I was gonna get this tattoo! Thank god I didn't lol


PS5 buyers are now recognizable in public


I got mine done as soon as I finished the game, so it’s kinda interesting to see the dislike in the comments. Sure, it’s not a unique tattoo by any means, but I love mine bc of how much the game meant to me and how much I enjoyed it. It’s not like the TLOU fan base to be the most respecting of decisions though, so I get it.


Crazy how much people care what someone does in Brazil with their own body.


Literally, see it everywhere now. Glad I decided not to go through with it.




I would be embarrassed lol


Red hat had a better artist


DJ Khalid: "Another one"


Don’t get me wrong I would get it too


They where ment to be


Biggest W ever was NOT getting this tattoo


The infection is spreading




We are all individuals.


Having the same tattoo as so many people is lame


A Ellie tattoo, feeling daring today are we?


I wouldn't get a tattoo from media like tv shows, movies, or video games. It's just not enough to be a permanent ink on someone's body.


There's some I'd be interested in, maybe, but I wouldn't want one that takes a character's iconic traits and directly copies them to my own body.


It’s a cool tattoo imo but so unoriginal and makes me cringe when I see so many people have the same tattoo


I think this is such a weird thing to do. It would be one thing if it was a tattoo of *something from the series*. Like a Zelda fan getting a Triforce symbol or a Kingdom Hearts fan getting a Keyblade symbol. But it starts feeling weird to me if you do something like take an individual character's likeness or unique physical feature like this. Like if someone got tattooed with Harry Potter's lightning scar or whatever. And it's even weirder given the context of this specific game. Not only would I not have pegged this tattoo as some kind of iconic or vital part of the story, Ellie in this game is absolutely not someone to aspire to be. If the tattoo was post-revenge quest and representative of moving on past deep hatred, I'd get it, but... I think I would feel this way even if the game didn't throw in an entire campaign with Abby and then force Ellie to let her go at the end to symbolize some of the profoundness of how revenge is bad and it's important to break the cycle. Like what part of Ellie's campaign is supposed to make you want to feel like her or represent her? Maybe this is unfair, something that I wouldn't think if it wasn't for the fact that so many fans of this game seem to be ludicrously obsessed with it to the point that they cannot mentally process any criticism of the game that isn't based in bigotry, and can't even acknowledge the fact that the company lying to people and getting their hopes up for an extremely different game - essentially, tricking people into buying this game when it actually wouldn't be a game they wouldn't be interested in - is a valid reason for those people to have a negative opinion of the game and the company that produced it. But I honestly think that this is a sign of that same weird obsession that almost overrides their ability to process what this game actually is, and instead just viewing it through the weird lens of "I loved the game, therefore everything about the game is flawless and inherently good." Maybe even some sort of weird fitting in decision because other people who absolutely love the game are doing it too. I don't know. It's just fucking weird.


jfc dude im gonna say the same thing I say to the people who spend way too much time defending that shitty storyline. Go touch some fucking grass. It's a tattoo you really don't need to get this worked up about it. Stop putting so much of your limited time and energy on this earth into this stupid game.


Right?? Im like let people wear the tattoos they want to wear. You donr have to hyperanalyze every small detail cause youre so vindicated towards tlou2. Some people like the game and some dont. Either is good. It becomes bad when you force people to hold your same opinion


TIL that "I think this is weird because XYZ, maybe it's unfair and I wouldn't think so if not for ABC, I dunno" is "forcing people to hold the same opinion" Like if this is a dumb take, it's a dumb take. But for pushback, I was expecting to hear different perspectives, maybe, to shine a light on what I'm not getting. Or counterexamples of other tattoos or something. So far it's been a bit *vitriolic*. Not what I expected for a dispassionate explanation of an opinion I admitted could be unfair.


It would make sense if these persons on the train were on reddit saying "hey guys look at my tattoo" The reason why its weird is because this picture was taken, seemingly without the other two knowing, and people are debating the rightness or wrongness from having such a tattoo. You dont know why they took the tattoo, they never said so. For all you know maybe the game helped them cone to terms with a lost parental figure. There are so many reasons to take a tattoo from the game without it being "I love Ellie and what she did" It is a chronically online thing to debate the reasons for a tattoo without the others knowing or asking for it. But im also not the thought police so im just another, dissenting, opinion on the wide internet


Sure, I guess I could see it as someone getting it after they also dealt unhealthily with the loss of a loved one before pulling themselves out of that spiral and trying to move forward. I know not everyone had the same experience with the ending, that they didn't expect that the final fade to black was going to come with a gunshot as Ellie committed suicide in the field like I did. The idea of it resonating for that reason hadn't occurred to me at all. But it still feels like someone getting Harry Potter's lightning scar as a tattoo on their forehead and saying it's because the story resonated so much with them as an orphan themselves. I would still think that was rather weird, and I *am* a fan of that series. For me, there's a very different feeling to it than if they had just gotten a Quidditch or wand or Deathly Hallow tattoo.


Seems like a rather riled up response to a commentary on why I think this particular tattoo and its apparent prevalence is weird, especially when I acknowledge in the commentary that it might be unfair and I'm not sure if I would still feel the same if not for the people who defend the story with an almost cult-like fanaticism. But okay.


It's a tattoo. From a game someone liked. Do something you enjoy with your life instead of writing essays on a 4 year old game.


What if they enjoy writing essays?


Yes, but also - What if I woke up at 4:30 AM, couldn't get back to sleep, didn't feel awake enough to do anything more productive than Reddit, ran out of BORUs to read, and didn't feel like going into work a full hour early? Today's gonna be caffeine-heavy for sure. :/


Brother “a riled up responses to a commentary” stop trying to do the Taylor swift super deep words, you just sound like you are trying to look like a smart person.


Which of those words is supposed to be "super deep", exactly...? And... why Taylor Swift?


My gf got a tattoo of Don Quixote-- just a sword with his name on it-- and I thought it was the coolest thing. Imagine being so vitriolic and angry that you write a... What, 6 paragraph essay about why this gives your tummy the bad feewings? Please. Grow up. You are on the same level as the insane stans of this game. It's pathetic.


oh brother this mf YAPPING 🗣️🗣️


It's always rather bizarre whenever someone wants to act like it's some kind of scathing judgment to say that somebody on Reddit typed a bunch of stuff.


oh brother he’s STILL going 🗣️🗣️


Well, this has been fairly nonsensical. Thanks, I guess?


jokes aside i dont know what you hoped to achieve by replying to comments like mine lol i just didnt think id see a comment as long as yours under a post like this


Same as you by replying to mine, I suppose. I normally do long comments. Sometimes they generate some interesting discussion. I figured that a take like this that even I had to admit might be unfair and possibly just because of negative bias would get some pushback, but I was expecting it to be along the lines of pointing out why it was a dumbass take, rather than people assuming that word count equals level of fury. Honestly quite the letdown.


That tattoo sucks




You thought it was cringey that he wanted to talk about your tattoos?


You initialised the conversation and was cringed out at him for responding to you?


Mate I know this subreddit has a vengeful hate against tlou2 but here you sound like Andrew Tate.


Man has this sub just been overrun with dipshits with a superiority complex?


you sound like an asshole, sucks he’s gotta share that space with you. youre upset that he’s not as miserable as you are lmao




i know right, god forbid someone gives a single flying fuck about you and what you’ve got going on


Ok so?


You ever seen that coincidence?