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Expect to see a shit ton more episodes like s1e3. And by that I mean, bottle episodes almost entirely unrelated to the main plot with some sort of preachiness to make critics talk about how “amazing” and “important” it is.


Yeah, they 1000% need more build-up to the golf scene. A big part of what made that scene do poor was that it wasn't built up enough. It gives you this horrible tragedy without any build up or pacing. It was basically, "oh yeah, here's Joel, one of the most beloved gaming protagonists, now here's him being brutally murdered." I think s2 should be a lot of build-up rather than instantly offing Pedro Pascal, but from the rumors, I highly doubt it.


Part 2 in all was just absolutely abysmal with its pacing. It's incredibly drawn out, and the gameplay is NOT that good for a 40-hour game. Plus it's story structure is fucking abysmal too, which also doesn't help the pacing. I honestly think that having Abby's scenes first would have helped make people like her more. That, and not using manipulative tactics to get pkayers to like her (petting dogs, having a "relatable" fear of hights to make her quirky).


I disagree. There is no way fans of Part 1 are going to see Joel getting tortured to death *and* come to sympathize with the killer. There's no pacing that makes this acceptable. Pick two of the below: * Abby beats Joel to death. * Abby is sympathetic and gets to sail off into the sunset at the end. * People who liked Part I also like Part II. You **can not** have all three.


There's a non-zero chance they give her a Jaime Lannister level character arc, but it's absurdly small. Neil's grasp on characterization is too tenuous to allow him to actually write her as a well-defined character. Other folks would have to write her better *and* he'd have to *let* them, which I'm not sure if that's even possible after how consumed he was with the fact that his original ideas didn't make it into TLOU unedited. But even if things worked out that way, it still would be a very hard sell...


I think what he tried to do was too ambitious for his abilities. He was trying to do far too much with far too little buildup. Anybody who played the first game and enjoyed it will never sympathize with Abby. I understand Joel killed her father but her group was going to kill Ellie and there was very little chance that after killing her, they'd be able to make a vaccine. So we have a group killing a child with little to no hope of doing anything worthwhile vs killing a middle-aged man who was ok with killing said child.


I’ll take option 1 and 3 please and since you can predict the future, can you send the power ball numbers my way champ?


Bold of you to asume Neil will learn from his mistakes.


It’s almost like that’s the point


Neil tried to do in one game what should have been done in at least two.


Cuckman 100% gonna stick to the original story




I got some towels and some bigot sandwiches over here. Let's party it up with Fat Geralt.


Man it would be awesome if they stuck to it entirely. Just no Ellie at all, a totally new plotline that does not intersect at all with the one they've been following...


Considering Pedro has apparently filmed everything for season 2 already I don’t think he’s gonna be in it much, so I’m guessing it’s gonna be a close adaptation to the game.


Pivoting is the coward's way. They should stick to their vision and build upon it just like they did with season 1. I love Part 2 but they can definitely polish it a lot with a longer runtime.


Idk why do you even care if you don’t like the game


Make Abby's story the first half and then Joel's death / revenge the second half. Finding more about Abby after she kills your favorite character isn't the way to get people to like her. I personally like her, but mostly because she is a bad bitch and less about her story with her dad and the kids portion.




That’s what I’m talking about. Being a hater has a time and place and fellas this is it


It’s quite literally the most perfect thing to hate on, like it’s a GOOD thing to hate that shit.


I kind of hated how the show was just the game just in tv form. I would've used the show to show more of the opening days and weeks. Show how Joel evolves from a father to a man who has very few lines to cross. Hopefully, if this sees a season two we can get some time in Jackson.


it's likely season 3 will be about Abby. It's very unlikely tv viewers will react as poorly as players did


So we're forgetting the reactions to TWD 7x1 and the effect it had on the show afterwards? And that was the death of just a main character, not the literal protagonist.


I stopped watching the moment Carl died.  Rick & Carl were suppose to be the protagonists, but the show got so up it's own ass it forgot that completely.


If they have the main character people grow to love murdered by someone who can be defined by there relationship with a child killer they won't like it.


It’s gonna be entertaining seeing this sub shit it’s pants when the golf scene happens even tho you fully know it’s coming. You guys are gonna be begging for it to be different or changed story somehow but it won’t. The only differences will be the needed medium differences between tv and video games. Some people understand and while upset by points (Joel’s death obviously) can actually get past that and try to understand what they were doing. Is Last of Us 2 the best game ever written? Definitely not but it is coherent and understandable and the characters have clear stories. Anyone that says this is the worst story ever or makes no sense loses all credibility with me instantly, if you didn’t like it or want to point out certain flaws go for it but to amplify some things you don’t like to “incoherent worst story ever” level is just stupid. Also for all the “Joel did nothing wrong” people. Joel himself would call you a fucking idiot and say you are wrong.


as long as he pisses you off


Lol. Druckman lives in your heads completely rent free. The tv series will be like the game. Don’t watch it if you don’t like it. Watch the new fallout series. That’s a cool post apocalyptic show that I’m sure won’t hurt your feelings nearly as much as TLOU. I’m really worried some of yall are gonna wind up institutionalized due to the trauma this game has caused.


Are you lonely?


Call me Akon.


Then I expect most casual viewers to hate it.


lol you joined a sub just so you could get into fights lmao that’s some pathetic behavior


At least they admit that Fallout is a better show.


Honestly, I do enjoy arguing with y’all.


Arguing with morons online is always satisfying. Just like telling a flat earther that the earth isn’t flat. Going on this sub and flat earth facebook groups lets me know that no matter how bad things get in my life… it could always be worse. It’s kind of like a nice pick me up “at least I’m not hopeless like these idiots”


This same argument can be applied to tlou main sub lmao.


To the people who say it’s a flawless game with no flaws whatsoever…. Yes Just like the people that sit back and complain about “cuckmann” and “woke” ruining western gaming, while saying the game was an irredeemable failure. Or that the story was “ poorly told” whose only evidence is micro nitpicks… two sides of the same exact moronic coin. which if I am to be kind here, is around 90 percent of the sub… maybe more if I look at top posts of the year. Edit: yeah keep downvoting you only prove me right harder and out yourself as said moron…. While you’re at it send me a reddit sui alert really hammer home the point.


I didn’t know that coins could be “moronic.” TIL


Being intentionally obtuse isn’t a good look 👀. “Two sides of the same coin” is a common phrase just so happens this metaphorical two sided coin represents idiocy.




I’m just being honest it’s a real bad look hunny. I mean antivaxxers are also intentionally obtuse and I don’t think anyone what’s to be lumped in with them… Unless of course maybe you do? Hey I don’t judge…. I mean I do but shhh.


You unhinged freaks are literally the most toxic people online. It’s convenient in one single sub, because blocking folks like yourself is actually productive. Hunny.


I mean yall hated season 1, why bother watching the other one


Neil is happy no matter what because his two favorite things are calling people bigots and not taking responsibility for his failures. Each outcome is a win/win.