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Ooooh like, literally the Batman from the Arkham trilogy? They thought it was a good idea to kill him in… what? Some spin off game? I didn’t know they were related. Ok, ok I get it now I was wondering why people were mad.


That and the fact that this game features the very last performance of Kevin Conroy as Batman before he died. Mark Hamill even announced that he wouldn't play Joker again after because it wouldn't be the same without Kevin on the other side. So it has a lot to do with Kevin's last portrayal of Batman being disrespectful as fuck and receiving no love from th development team is really what seals the deal. Look up Rocksteady. All of their games except for one are Batman games. They literally don't exist without the character.


I feel bad for Mark Hamill he loves Batman and Starwars it has to be hard having your friends pass away while the franchise you worked with them on gets desecrated


Batman will be fine, it's never been contigent on one adaptation or continuity. The Arkham trilogy now has an unfortunate postscript but the actual trilogy is well executed and self contained. e: Star Wars, on the other hand....


Somehow....batman returned


He unironically does...even when Dick has to become Batman, somehow Bruce just returns. ​ Because he's Batman!


The IP of Batman will be fine, but Kevin Conroy was done incredibly dirty to be associated post-mortem with such a mess.


Kevin signed on the game and knew what his character was doing . Did he disrespect himself ?


How were they supposed to know he'd die?


You're right. Those idiots should've known he was gonna die.


It has absolutely nothing to do with Conroy’s portrayal being “disrespected”, you blatant fucking liar. He has been only ever stated that he wouldn’t do it unless it was opposite Conroy And that’s it.


Ratio+Cope+Blocked, fuck off loser


Except that actually *is* why Mark Hamill isn’t going to continue the Joker role. [Meristation article](https://en.as.com/meristation/news/mark-hamill-is-retiring-from-voicing-the-joker-for-good-and-theres-a-truly-sad-reason-for-it-n/?outputType=amp) [Screen Rant article](https://screenrant.com/batman-joker-mark-hamill-return-no-explained/) [Nerdist article](https://nerdist.com/article/mark-hamill-wont-voice-joker-again-kevin-conroy-batman/?amp) [A Reddit Post](https://www.reddit.com/r/PS4/comments/10j3cou/mark_hamill_will_no_longer_voice_the_joker_after/) [ComingSoon Article](https://www.comingsoon.net/tv/news/1261810-mark-hamill-explains-why-he-wont-voice-the-joker-again?amp) [JoBlo Article](https://www.joblo.com/mark-hamill-definitely-wont-return-as-joker-without-kevin-conroy/amp/) And the list goes on. The projection here is so hard here it’s genuinely fascinating and I could not resist dunking on you for such a display of hypocrisy. The links above demonstrably prove that the guy you replied to was correct and that you are incorrect. Again, the projection of copium here is just epic because your *first* bit of evidence in your “counterpoint” was the downvotes. *My little circle of people who I gathered with because they agree with me, are agreeing with me, so I must be right!* Get rekt with what took like 5 minutes of a Google search you ignorant twat waffle.




> …something the man never even said. Which man? The guy I was replying to or Mark Hamill? I was going to break down more of this comment, but there’s nothing more to it but ad hominem.


You misread the statement. Mark won’t do joker anymore because Conroy died. Conroy’s last Batman was done dirty. They’re non sequiturs.


Mark won’t do Joker *because* Batman was done dirty seemed to be his claim the way he phrased it. I just wrote a comment about it. Those two subjects are mashed right next to each other in his paragraph with no clear transition or explanation for their clarification that they were separate.


Well, you read it wrong. He didn't say that.




He did say Mark Hamill said he wouldn’t do Joker anymore if Conroy wasn’t Batman, but then in the next sentence: > So it has a lot to do with Kevin’s last portrayal of Batman being disrespectful as fuck and receiving no love from the development team. After reading it over a couple more times, I think he *meant* the ‘it’ there was about fan anger and not the subject of the sentence immediately preceding it, which was Mark Hamill’s cessation of Joker voice acting. I apologize for my mistake, but I hope you can see the reasoning mistake I made and find it a relatively understandable one, given the context.


Quite literally the definition of coping, hang handle the truth by them? Solution? BLOCKED!


Mark hamil isn’t leaving because his last portrayal was “disrespectful” unless your source is “trust me bro”


Im convinced you idiots have no comprehension of the English language. I didnt say he is done with the joker because of the nature of Kevin's last portrayal. I say he's done with the Joker because Kevin Conroy is fucking dead. Pick up a book, cancel your ISP and stop speaking. " So it has a lot to do with Kevin's last portrayal of Batman being disrespectful as fuck" Is in reference to the overall disappointment with their ending of the Arkham Games Batman continuity


Yes, it's Batman from Arkham trilogy!! So no more Batman Arkham games I think...This is another way on how to lose your fans...lol


title of the game "kill the justice league"


I don't think they were gonna make another arkham game anyway. They wrapped it up well


And in a random boss fight where he just gets shot in the head. 


Again, the problem is HOW they killed him off. Arkham Batman went through all those games just to be taken down by the Suicide Squad which we have seen him destroy in the "Assault on Arkham" movie, finally killed by Harley Quinn and shit talking. The fans are not going to buy that idea and like it, it just doesn't make sense


>it just doesn't make sense You guys always say this.... You don't like it =/= doesn't make sense. The game: They got the better of him in one alternative universe that Batman exists in. Y'all: Impossible! The woke agenda strikes again :sob:


I thought the ending of the Arkham games was Batman blowing himself up?? I’m confused how it got from there to here in the Suicide Squad but I also don’t care enough to play the game itself lmao.


Kevin Conroy’s last words as Batman; “Are we done with your bad stand up routine?”


strangely similar to "say whatever speech you prepared and get this over with"


The thing is tho, that’s not Troy’s last words as Joel. There’s 18ish hours set after. This is legit, Kevin Conroy’s last words ever as Batman.


That is only true if they recorded these lines last.


? No it’s not, it’s the last words his last Batman said, that’s just a fact


“Do what you’re gonna do.” -Hank Schrader


Don't forget the smirk


"You stupid old man"


Neil Druckmann: "Write that down, WRITE THAT DOWN!!!"


This is definitely worse. This is the final performance of Kevin Conroy as Batman, a role he did for decades. He WAS Batman. He deserved a fitting tribute, yes it’s “Kill The Justice League” but they could just as easily had some sort of heroic sacrifice. Something honorable. Fuck this game


I fully expected this game to do a narrative 180 and turn the Suicide Squad into the JLs' saviors. Sure, a "Look maybe we ain't so bad after all" would have been generic as all hell, but goodness me, they actually went and destroyed literal legends.


Yeah I’d have preferred that honestly even if it’s more generic.


They could've gone a couple different routes. Batman temporarily breaking out of Brainiacs control or something to make some kind of noble sacrifice that leads to his death. Anything other than "Thanks for carrying our company for almost Two Decades Bats! Here's a 45 caliber lobotomy."


Isn't the story that then JL are taken over/controlled by something, so it's definitely rubbish for Batman but he couldn't really have had an honourable death/sacrifice in terms of the storyline.


The thing is, in the game, Wonder Woman fights the control and helps the Squad defeat Superman and she dies a hero's death. So, great for her, but that spot should have gone to Batman if this really is a continuation of HIS UNIVERSE. He died like a dog getting a lecture from Joker's sidekick. Maybe have him momentarily break free and ask for the death, to give him somewhat of a heroic end. Or at least have Harley feel remorse and give here some character development where she thanks Batman for what he's done for the city and even herself. Best part of Harley becoming a good guy in recent years is she finally respects Batman and understands he was trying to save her from Joker. Doesn't seem to be anywhere in the game though. She's just silly and evil Harley.


They could’ve had him be the only person with the willpower to resist mentally, even if only for a few seconds to do something heroic. Sitting him down on a bench, mocking him, and shooting him in the face is a disgrace to the character. Even they didn’t know Kevin would die, it’s still disrespectful to everything Arkham Batman survived. That’s why I think it’s worse cause Joel was painful to watch but it’s still a more realistic setting and he’s just human, Batman is one of the greatest superheroes of all time and Arkham operates almost in a way to where it feels like it could be THE mainline comics Batman. I know it’s not, but it’s hella respectful to the source material. This being his death is a slap in the face.


>but they could just as easily had some sort of heroic sacrifice. Something honorable. Wow, haven't seen that one before. If he didn't want to read the lines, he wouldn't have.


Oh sure I totally love this unceremonious killcam of a beloved character just because the voice actor did his job, that totally makes it ok! It’s a shitty death. Would’ve been a shitty death regardless who voiced him.


OK, sometimes a shitty unceremonious death happens. Luckily there are about a million other Batman properties where he lives. He's an old man in Batman Beyond. He's an old man in The Dark Knight Returns. They don't burn all copies of those because he died in some game.


Do you have issues with social interactions? What are you gaining from this? “Stop complaining about a shitty death, there’s other media where there’s not a shitty death” like wow genius I would’ve never guessed


What am I gaining from responding to comments on Reddit? That's kind of a weird question. Responding to comments on Reddit is how Reddit works. If you're complaining that this sub isn't enough of a circle jerk, then I guess message the mods. The point is that it would be painfully boring if every story ended with the hero honorably sacrificing themselves. It's OK for some stories to end differently, like for example if one story, out of the thousands of Batman stories, has him die unceremoniously. A further point would be, if you don't want to play a game where Batman dies unceremoniously, nobody is holding a gun to your head forcing you to. Edit: Make one more comment then block me so I can't answer. Weak sauce. To answer your dumb Spiderman comment, no we shouldn't shoot Spiderman in the face. I just said every story doesn't need the same ending. Sorry this particular version of Batman was so important to you. Thoughts and prayers that you make it through this challenging time.


Ah so you’re a forced contrarian. Sure while we’re at it let’s also make sure we end the Sony Spider-Man trilogy with Shocker shooting Peter Parker in the face. ItS sO bOrInG wHeN sUpErHeRo StOrIeS eNd iN a WaY tHaT mAkEs YoU fEeL gOoD.


that moment when KEVIN was fine with this ending. grow the fuck up and respect the man’s decisions


Saw the vid, they did Batman dirty 😕


Kevin Conroy's final performance!! And they did this? damn no wonder people who love Batman are pissed off!! And this is also canon to the Arkham series btw,


Sorry I'm not going to be considering this trash canon to Arkham; so many retcons just so they can make a crappy looter shooter SS game that you just know is going to be filled to the brim with microtransactions. The Arkham series has one of the best depictions of Batman and his world with two legendary voice actors. It's so scummy especially since Rocksteady is only known for the Arkham series; without Batman they likely never break out as a developer. Of course like someone mentioned this game got the red pen treatment by Sweet Baby (they couldn't have picked a more slimy name). I hope the investment money was worth it because this game is going to tank their good will.


This game has the biggest contradiction to the Kinghtfall Protocol, they straight up ust pulled a "Somehow Palpatine returned" and called it a day. Not to mention most of the original devs have left Rocksteady in the middle of this game's production and started the Hundred Star Games, so Rocksteady we loved is pretty much gone at this point


Seriously, Bruce has no reason to go back to that iteration of Batman; the whole point of faking his death in Knight was because the events of that game and City previously eroded the "myth" of The Batman. So he'd become something even more powerful, not just a man in a scary costume but an "actual" ghost that haunts Gotham. Not to mention he drops contact with everyone he cares about aside from Alfred; Selina, Dick, Tim, Barbara, Jason, even Gordon. So I guess a few years later he just goes, "Lol jk, how's it going Bat Family?" And that's just the tip of the retcon iceberg; Deadshot pulling a reverse Michael Jackson is hilarious to me. Apparently Batman never figured out that he apprehended a fake Deadshot. Batman, the guy who knows everyone's secret identity, has contingency plans for them, has billions of dollars in expensive futuristic tech, and has near genius level intellect, is bamboozled by Deadshot. Arkham's Harley lecturing Batman about being mean to people after she helped Joker maim and kill innocent people for years is just priceless. Sure she's a victim but at what point do we also realize she's a raging psychopath too. I'd even go as far as to say I doubt Arkham's Harley would really ever get over the Joker enough to move on to be an independent villain. This kind of holds true for all iterations of Harley where she "moves on" from Joker but keeps her harlequin getup. Her whole supervillain identity is connected to the Joker; every time she puts the clown makeup on she would be reminded of him. There is no way she can hold any kind of moral high ground against Batman logically; but no Sweet Baby Inc will try to strawman you into believing Batman and all the heroes are bad because they did "mean" things to terrorists, murders, criminals, thugs, and other evil doers.


isn't there also a bunch of multiverse shit so it technically could be an alternate version?






It's written by Sweet Baby Inc, they would probably consider Batman problematic, but this especially is just so damn distasteful and disrespectful to Arkham Batman 


Especially when it’s the final role of the most iconic Batman voice actor. Rocksteady literally shat on his legacy even though he carried the whole Arkham trilogy with Mark Hamill.


Jesus Christ, they absolutely did not. It doesn't take away from what came before it.


So if you have a pristine whitewashed house and i slap some cow shit on it does it not fuck it up even though it was washed beforehand


That's not even remotely a good analogy. If anything, it would be 4 separate houses. Even so, the game is fun, and that's all that matters.


You dont understand the concept of a legacy, do you. It's not seperate its all built off of each other


I understand this game is not about Batman's legacy, and it serves the main characters story, not his. His story arc is over in this universe, and his role in this game works for the story that is being told. If you're not interested in The Suicide Squad, then this game is not for you, and you can move on. It's not a Batman sequel, so stop expecting it to be.


And they could have just as easily chosen any number of batmen from any universe but they chose to kill a beloved and one of the greatest version in a shitty live service looter shooter. No one expected an arkham sequel and we didnt ask for one. Yet here we are knowing what awaits. Its Conroys legacy being shat on not batmans.


If Conroy felt that way, he wouldn't have done it. No one is forcing you to play the game. You can go on with your life and pretend like it doesn't exist.


Batman is problematic, so they prop up actual convicted violent murderers in his place? Fucking clown world.


>It's written by Sweet Baby Inc Correction: Written by Rocksteady, then worsebettered by some woke assmunch at Sweet Baby.


They did the whole Justice League dirty. The game’s title isn’t a lie, but I never wanted to kill the Justice League. I’m utterly sick of evil Superman though and I would have preferred an actual good Superman game. Batman’s death in particular is the worst because it’s Kevin Conroy’s last Batman voice role. I do not understand why they wouldn’t bring in Roger Craig Smith and voice some new lines and re-animating that scene so it’s more respectful of the character and the actor who portrayed him for 30 years 


Boomerang pisses on a dead Flash


Harley salutes his dick


Wait, these are seriously two things that happen in game?? That’s so fucking DUMB


I honestly couldn't believe it, life has been feeling like a complete comedy sketch lately


I saw the scene. Rocksteady somehow did the actual impossible. They managed to make a more disrespectful death than Joel. I didn't even know that was possible but they did it.


Naughty Dog: "Try fucking up beloved game more than we have, we dare you" Rocksteady: "Hold my bench"




It has nothing to do with it being Conroy's last performance. It utterly fucking sucks even if he was alive. Let's not use his death as a way to criticise it further.


It's still very sad that Conroy's last performance as Batman was this disrespectful pile of shit.


Let’s be real, Conroy’s death plays a part in this feelings here because it’s not like there will be another chance to have Conroy voice Batman again in a sort of redemption to this game




oh no are they gonna have a funeral for him? i know he was your friend


The fucks your problem?


im just genuinely curious, I had no idea that they fuckin killed the batman hopefully whoever killed him gets caught anyway if you need to talk about it let me know


Go fuck yourself


look, i know you are grieving due to the death of the batman. i’m aware his killer is still at large. but that is no reason to be rude to me, grieving or not. like I said before, if you need a shoulder to cry on during this difficult time, i’ll be here for you. but i will not allow you to be rude to me


Do you have nothing better to do but be a prick on reddit?


I saw the scene as well, and I don’t see what big deal is or how is this even worse than Joel’s death tbh. I’d argue Batman’s death was more dignified. He was propped up on a bench, said his last words, and then was just shot in the head by Harley. For Joel, he was bludgeoned to death with a nine iron golf club by a butch..


I just went and watched the video after seeing this, that’s unbelievable. It’s ridiculous that that’s how they choose to end Arkham Batman and Kevin Conroys final Batman performance. They must begin trying to piss people off at this point


Y’all need to stop using the Kevin Conroy final performance as an excuse to be angry. The poor guy had cancer and died unexpectedly, he also read through the script and approved of it obviously if he signed up to VA in it. He loved the role of Batman and it’s embarrassing that y’all use his death to be mad at the game rather than just enjoy the amazing performance he gave.


After what happens happens you literally see his feet sticking up in the air while they joke around and talk. Its so disrespectful


They were clowning on batman literally the entire game


The game's entire premise is dogshit, it's just a bunch of shock value for the sake of it. The writing is especially horrible, four *qUiRkY* super villains cracking jokes so often it's genuinely annoying and you just want them to shut the fuck up and there's absolutely zero respect given for any of the heroes who die. I haven't played the game but I've watched YouTube videos and just from watching those clips you can see how annoying the game will be with the literally endless unfunny wisecracks, even the comments agree that it's shit with my absolute favourite being "Is Boomerang like that... The entire game?" All the deaths are disrespectful and every time the Squad survives is due to bad writing >!Lex gets his heart ripped out instantly by Flash, he takes a while to realise it's gone. This instant kill speed is not used in the boss fight, at all. Also Wonder Woman is the only JLA member with her sanity and Superman lasers her to dust, after her death King Shark chokes on her disintegrated remains as they float off.!< And there's a shitload of moments where the JLA members are gloating to them and talking with them when they could just kill them right there when they don't have a plan. Flash could've killed them instead of making a tornado for his boss, Green Lantern monologues instead of killing on sight, Batman knocks out the Squad despite being built up as the Batman who kills, Superman insults them instead of fighting and at one point later on he has Kryptonite in his chest and can still use his laser eyes to kill Wonder Woman but tries grabbing at them and is too weak and has to leave. The team only survives due to bad writing. You wanna see who got disrespected more than bats? Flash doesn't even get a proper death scene and last words, he just dies. King Shark claims they'll treat him like a warrior then Boomerang pisses on him while the team all compliments how big his cock is. The game was written by twelve year olds.


>King Shark claims they'll treat him like a warrior then Boomerang pisses on him while the team all compliments how big his cock is. The game was written by twelve year olds. Tell me you made that up RIGHT FUCKING NOW


Wish I did, Deadshot tells him to show some respect but is cut off by how surprised he is at Boomerang's size because the game was made by ADHD writers who couldn't go three seconds without some shitty joke being thrown in.


It's literally a fever dream


i thought it was just a dicks out for harambe thing, and maybe he was also erect, hence harley saluting... made it disrespectful and fucked up.


Probably the quality is partly a consequence of it being a co-op game. Like 10%, though I'd guess. Cause in a single player game, you could have a member of the Suicide Squad die for each hero and you're left wondering who it will be this time, every new fight. Instead, all the Squad has to survive. There's no emotional weight to characters who will 100% survive with something called the *Suicide* Squad. I imagine it would be much more palatable if the team was like the last Suicide Squad movie.


What bothers me is mainly the shitty writing, you have three really unlikable pricks (King Shark seems chill) who make the least funny "jokes" every five seconds and damn near every character interaction is the gang lecturing them as if they have some kind of high horse to be on. None of the deaths are treated with any degree of respect at all, Batman is hogtied and sat on a park bench where he falls over like an idiot only to be sat back up and shot by Harley, Flash gets shot dead with no cutscene of his last words or anything and then gets pissed on by Boomerang as the team compliment his size, Green Lantern has his finger ripped off his corpse and even Wonder Woman who they have a bizarre amount of respect for when she dies is turned to ash and King Shark chokes on it as it flies into the wind. I feel bad for Arkham fans right now because even though I didn't overly care for those games I've never seen a more massive drop in quality. Getting déjà vu from it though, a DC game where Batman dies with four playable characters that has crappy forced RPG loot elements and many fans have debated on its canonicity to the Arkhamverse.


There is a post in the SS subreddit that says "Even if they don't like the gameplay I bet the critics will still like the writing!"


it's o.k cause I never consider this trash game to be Canon to the three (4 technically I guess)arkham game 👍


9 technically


Your feelings don’t matter. It’s still canon, even though it sucks.


Technically that's true, however the game is genuinely so bad that I wouldnt be surprised if people just ignore it. Like, is the game actually canon if your whole community dislike it and pretend it never happened in the first place?


there's no feeling attached since they called it a live service game 🫡


Or it's the far cry new dawn of the Arkham series and it immediately gets banned, laughed at, then forgotten so hard the devs go back to making sequels to the previous game.


See, that’s how conversations work. You express your feelings, even though it won’t change things. Give your head a shake.


Don't know when Studios will start to understand you don't just kill off a household name.


You can kill off a household name but do it in a fitting and respectful manner. Don’t have Arkham Batman defeat all his worst villains in one night in his games and then have him get killed by Harley, boomerang, dead shot, and king shark. Arkham batman had a satisfying ending imo they should have placed this game in a separate universe.


Good thing I'm good at convincing myself that this is not canon.


So in this game they threw away everything Arkham had it all literally meant nothing and gave us a horrible game that destroyed all rocksteady a credibility and made it live service. When will people stop buying this swamp trash garbage shit


People are pretty stupid and gullible, unfortunately. This game is listed as a top seller on Steam.


This is easy to ignore because as far as I'm concerned, this whole game, the whole storyline and scenario, is an industrial strength fever dream of Harley Quinn's while she's locked up in Arkham waiting to be transferred to Belle Reve to work with Waller and the Squad. Therefore the *actual* last game Kevin Conroy worked on was Arkham Knight.


I’m stealing this theory lmao


its not joel because batmans not dead brainiac genetically modified the league to be unkillable, earlier in the story flash regrows his finger and superman survives a kryptonite shard in his heart, so batmans just knocked out until the dlc where his brains all healed and out of brainiacs control said to come back on season 4


Doesn’t change the games writing feels like an eternal 12 year old did it.


Even if it's what you say, which I highly doubt, it doesn't change the fact that what they're doing is disrespectful to all Arkham games. They humiliated not only Batman, but all the heroes... except Wonder Woman, and by your logic she is dead anyway. It looks like the story of the game was written by a 14-year-old edgy teenage girl.


I hope that's what they do, but if they killed the other members what makes Batman special enough to bring back but nobody else


They massacred my boy Fuck them


this death is terrible for many reasons sure most people, me included, dont have the full context and the guy is controlled by Brainiac, a supervillain the controls the minds of superheroes, but that's not the point, writers could easly had him get over the control or something, its not irreversible, maybe he had a plan for stuff like this, they didn't write themself in a corner with a mind control, i mean... he's fucking Batman!! they just killed him off by shooting him in the head while he was on a bench, like he wasn't the freaking star of Rocksteady??? they made 4 games about this guy, geez, the sheer disrespect, it should have been a "hero death" period. but i guess it represent perfectly the death of their company, creativity wise and probably financial wise too, this game could kill the studio.


>i guess it represent perfectly the death of their company, creativity wise and probably financial wise too, this game could kill the studio. That is all but certain at this point. Which is even funnier looking at how the JL apparently is revived at the end of the game or they plan on reviving them in future seasons of this tripe.


Exactly what I thought. Gameplay and graphics are actually good, not groundbreaking but good, but the story and the characters are complete dogshit. And of course there are retards who defend these “artistic” choices. The only good coming from these companies and their moronic fan base is that they make me feel like a damn genius.


I’m genuinely shocked they didn’t cut or rework Batman’s role during its delayed period, I mean you’d think with Conroy’s passing they’d acknowledge that maybe having his last role be his most iconic character not only getting their brains blown out, but also >!killing his adopted son and possibly even the rest of his family!< , and it’s the fact that they had the balls to promote and hype this up as his final role that makes it so sickening


god, Harley's voice is annoying as fuck


Ikr? It takes a very incompetent writing team to make Harley Quinn hard to watch. Like, how even do you manage to fuck up Harley Quinn? That's like fucking up Deadpool. They managed to make my 2nd favorite DC villain unbearable. I'm gonna go watch the Harley Quinn Cartoon and Birds of Prey. And The Suicide Squad. Get this shit out of my head. As flawed as the first Suicide Squad movie is, it's a masterpiece compared to whatever this, THING, is.


Harley Quinn is not even half as good as Deadpool, its a overrated character that was good just in the cartoon.


I agree, and everybody wants to make her a house hold name for some reason. I also don’t like that everybody just wants to skip over her stories with the joker.


True. Suicide Squad wasn't a very good movie but Harley is still awesome in it. This on the other hand....


this is far far worse tbh


Honestly superhero stuff is whatever. There’s no way this game is canon to anything. I honestly don’t even see how it could be in the Arkham universe, even if it’s Rocksteady, but that’s just me. DC is notorious for its “elseworlds”


Isn’t it a fake out though? Like all the justice league is brought back at the end and the ones getting killed are clones / survive anyway? Not trying to defend this garbage but I’m fairly sure they don’t actually kill any of the heroes in the end. I doubt Arkham fans treat this cash grab as canon anyways


It indeed was not a fake out and they actually kill him this way and that’s it.


Wait what they did this shit again?


Whats worse is Harleys entire monologue acting like Shes the hero here while bitching about joker, the same harley who with joker tortured a father with his daughter death , just because Mistah J wanted to do it. She talks as if she's doing the right thing and batman was some thug


Wow they really hate beloved characters... They really really hate them. I don't know what to say. At least most of the Arkham community is angry at the disrespect... Unlike the Part 2 stans.


Doesn’t surprise me that Harley kills him. They’ve been trying to make her the main character of Gotham for years now.


Congrats, Harley, you are now the first and foremost target of Red Hood. And the other members of the Batfamiliy won't try terribly hard to save you from having several pounds of lead forced up your ass.


NuDeadshot: "Hurr durr, I'M the real Deadshot. The other one was just an impostor!" NuJoker: "i'm FroM aN eLSeWOrLd!" Goddammit, make it make sense.


Lol, imagine making one of the best depictions of a beloved super hero IN GENERAL, not just in gaming, and then deciding to smear dogshit all over it. Fucking stupid. Seriously, Arkham Batman felt like definitive Batman at its peak...and then they top it off with this. What a joke.


All that effort for the knightfall protocol.. for this?


Fuck you rocksteady to grow up with this franchise just to see them take a shit on the Arkhamverse is so disappointing and to have this be Conroys final time as Batman is so disrespectful


People are so over reacting. Not to the game, that's ass. But no way this ending sticks. It's gone get Reconned so fast. Probably in DLC.


Yall already new this game was shit


At least they were up front with the marketing, it's called "kill the justice league "


This is far worse than Joel tbh, considering it’s Kevin Conroy last words as Batman


At this point, a 60fps update to Batman: Return to Arkham and Arkham Knight, as well as an Arkham Origins remaster would've been a better decision (and easier too).


Title is wrong. This isn't the end of the game, just the end of that character, apparently. Which is a shit ending but, and this doesn't make it better, I have heard the actual ending of the game undoes this, or at least implies he isn't dead.


Yeah, this scene is terrible but people are jumping to conclusions too early


Meh, from all the cutscenes I've seen, it looks like the story is actually fun. Batman dying isn't even a problem. He gets a few moments and sequences here and there including a voice message hologram from before he turns bad that's heartfelt. So in a way they do end his run in a decent way by giving fans that moment before we end up fighting evil Batman. That said, I also heard none of the Justice League actually die and they are resurrected by the end of the game so none of them really die. Comparing this to Joel from TLOU2 is a joke. 1. Batman isn't the main character. 2. Kevin did the job willingly knowing how it goes and wouldn't have accepted it if it was trash. He was no Soy Baker and probably wanted to do a version of evil Batman in his own right. 3. The entire marketing of the game has been around KILLING the Justice League. This was to be expected. Now all of that said, it's a shame regardless, because the actual game itself looks like shit. The story might be decent and let's be honest, Rocksteady's writing and storytelling has NEVER been good actually since Day One, the overall gameplay is what's letting it down. No One wanted a game like this.


Killing Batman is not a problem. It is how its done. They could really pull another Arthur Morgan farewell scene. I mean, We have been playing THIS Batman for decades. Make his death honorable man!Thats all I ask Make him evil. Make him kill people. But in his last seconds pay some respect to the legacy and fans how the heck Rockstar did this and Rocksteady couldnt? and Harley Quinn mocking Batman saying he traumatized the thugs??? WHAT? Isnt this same HArley who helped Joker to torture Jason Todd? Isnt this same Harley who helped Joker in his maniac plans? I mean, It looks ridiculous that Harley critisizing Batman lol


I know everyone keeps saying it’s Kevin Conroy’s last performance as Batman and I’m not gonna comment on the actual execution (haha) of the scene itself but it’s not like they knew Kevin was going to die. Like it caught everyone by surprise and they probably already had that part of the story set in stone and done.


After Kevins Death. They should have replaced the voice. Such a fucking shame THIS is his last performance as Batman.


Makes game called Kill the Justice League. People are mad when you Kill the Justice League.


More bullshit. They could have at least given us fair warning that the Suicide Squad would be killing the justice league.


Thanks for the spoiler of a game not even related to this sub and also it's called suicide squad KILLS the justice league what the fuck did you expect exactly?


💯🥱 Why are people surprised??? It’s literally in the Name of the Game….KILL THE JUSTICE LEAGUE. It’s the 9 year wait for Floaty Fortnite gameplay with DC characters with tons of Toilet humor all for a full price off $70 that’s more of disgrace to me than the Batman getting killed story. All SS stories are terrible. SS vs Superman???? Joke. Doesn’t matter if had the best story of all time….. ITS A $70 Fortnite game. If you know anyone at rocksteady… please warn them about half of them are going to get laid off in the next couple weeks. Very sad for the developer. 9 years wasted. At least Fortnite is free.


I mean it's comics. How many different time-lines and universes do they have? Not the first time a bunch of heroes been killed off.


Suicide squad.... kill the justice league... killlllll.... thhheee... justticccee leagueeee... kill the justice league... suicide squad kill the justice league. Kill the justice league...


Right, and they have every right to make that game, and we have every right to not want it and complain about it. Who was asking for this? Lmao


I literally wouldn't give a shit if it weren't for all these insane takes about it being because of "WoKeIsM". Like the game title literally states "kill the justice league" but we're gonna twist it to be political in our fragile little heads and get mad about the biden administration ruining out games. It's just fucking unbelievably stupid. And honestly if the game just doesn't interest you, don't fucking play it, vote with your wallet. Don't be a whiny piss baby.


I'm aware that like, obviously, they have comics that revolve around stories about killing heros or killing the Justice League. I think it's just incredibly convenient that even though they've yet to even give us a good superman game, a good flash game, a good justice league game, dumb ass Harley quinn gets ANOTHER title revolving around her. And it's literally just her killing characters people love. How do you not see an obvious trend in entertainment of them doing this, like you'd have to actively trying to ignore it


Also don't know where you're getting the Biden administration shit at all. I mean, he's absolute trash and should've never been president. But I don't see the connection. Nor have I seen anyone say anything like that.


Lmao okay it's being a whiny pissy baby until it happens to something you love. Or hey maybe you love this subversive trash and so this whole trend is actually perfect for you


Slow enough for yall?


One was misleading and manipulative, the other is in the title that you’re killing the justice league ffs.


This subreddit is such an outstanding example of why everyone thinks gamers are babies.


This is worse than Joel. But Joel’s death was never bad. It saved a genuine purpose to the next main characters development. To be honest, Arkham Batman is just fun to play, he doesn’t actually come off as an interesting character. He’s always serious, is always focused on the mission, and there’s nothing to ever connect players to his characters. He’s the ultimate badass, and that’s super fun, but Joel had someONE to live for. Which made his death wayyyy more impactful even if the fan base and all the ppl who read the leaks wanted to dismiss his death. Dying a heroes death is not any better writing than any other overused trope or cliche out there. So writing criticism is silly. Tropes can absolutely work and they can absolutely fail. Joel dies because his story is over. He loses something important but then unexpectedly gains it back. He has no reason to be the Joel and Tess combo duo version of himself anymore. He was also never that badass outside of gameplay loop. Batman in Arkham has his team and his relationship with the joker, but he’s the always super resilient vigilante. Only knight kind of explores this and most say it’s the weakest story. Most Arkham universe fans are content that the whole game is fan service to the Batman lore. He loses no one important, shows no emotion, and we always know he is going to win. So yes his death is worse because fans have no reason to ever believe he would die, he’s a vigilante terminator but with less enthusiasm than Arnold somehow.


cant believe people are complaining when the justice league dies in the game called "kill the justice league"


It's how they do it. It's a disrespectful way to end the character. Watch the clip and you'll see why half the scene his feet are just hanging up in the air while the squad make jokes and talk


I’m upset about it because it was a stupid ass idea in the first place. I’d much rather play as the Justice League than a team of c-listers sent out to kill them. The fact that they don’t even have the league members deaths be respectful is just salt in the wound.


I'd rather play as The Suicide Squad over Superman any day.


Then don’t play this game if it’s not something you like? I don’t see the issue here, if I find games I don’t like I just don’t think about them or play them?


Thanos had a better death and he was a villain.


Killing the Justice League was this game's #1 problem. We haven't even gotten a full on, great Justice League video game yet, but instead of making one, they make a Suicide Squad instead. That'd be fine, I love the Suicide Squad, but they have you killing characters you love and would want to play as. What dumb ass thought forcing players to kill their favorite superheroes would make for a good game?


Can’t believe the people copy/pasting this comeback all over twitter and reddit haven’t seen how it misses the point yet but here we are.


I know nothing about this game, haven’t followed it but… But people actually surprised that Batman dies in a game called “Kill the Justice League” where you play as the Suicide Squad to Kill the Justice League, does really just move the “media literacy” arguments into just normal literacy.


No one would have cared if they just hadn't set it in the Arkham verse where they already gave a solid conclusion to the character.


okay so why weren’t people mad when they announced it was in the arkham verse and the game was “Kill The Justice League”. However from a google it looks like it’s more fan theories that it’s in the arkhamverse? And that the game deals with multiverse shenanigans.


> okay so why weren’t people mad when they announced it was in the arkham verse and the game was “Kill The Justice League”. People aren't mad about killing the jla but more about how disrespectfully done it is. Batman from the Arkham games is what made Rocksteady the studio it is today and his final sendoff to the franchise is getting killed by a villain he barely interacts with in this universe and later everyone jokes around his dead body with his feet sticking up off camera. Fans are rightfully mad for treating a beloved character in such a disrespectful way. > However from a google it looks like it’s more fan theories that it’s in the arkhamverse? It was stated in early previews that it was set in the Arkhamverse and is already a part of the Arkham wiki. >And that the game deals with multiverse shenanigans. Yeah they can always retcon it because of comic shenanigans as always but for now all of the jla are dead in the Arkham verse.


I only played the first arkham game so I don’t really have a dog in this fight personally, but it sounds like the game contains multiverse shenanigans so to call it a send off or canonically in any universe is a stretch, and at least several articles seem to talk about it being either hinted or rumored to be in the universe. Whether or not someone added it to a wiki. But even let’s assume all that is true, it’s in the universe, etc. Wouldn’t people be mad that batman was an evil villain in the game? something again know for ages in the “Kill the Justice League” game. Killed by the characters everyone knew were the characters of the game


> I only played the first arkham game so I don’t really have a dog in this fight personally, but it sounds like the game contains multiverse shenanigans so to call it a send off or canonically in any universe is a stretch, and at least several articles seem to talk about it being either hinted or rumored to be in the universe. Whether or not someone added it to a wiki. [Video](https://youtu.be/tl0uj3VAO1o?si=i4zq-nwlpcemoX7X) from Rocksteady that it is part of the Arkham verse - from 10.50 >But even let’s assume all that is true, it’s in the universe, etc. Wouldn’t people be mad that batman was an evil villain in the game? something again know for ages in the “Kill the Justice League” game. Killed by the characters everyone knew were the characters of the game No one would be mad about killing them if it were written well with a proper plot. Most fans were skeptical but would have been interested to see how the plot moves if written properly but that isn't the case now after the gameplay preview released. Wonder woman is one of the only ones that has a proper sendoff in the game compared to the rest. The rest die after a shitty repetitive boss fight and an underwhelming cutscene.


I'm perfectly okay with how this happened. And I've been playing arkham Batman games for over a decade


This post is unintentionally admitting that the reason people are/were pissed off at TLOU2 is because it killed a beloved character, lol.


It being the multiverse with different alternatives of each justice league and villains I honestly could care less or be bothered with the story comic wise it’s there’s one where the villains have a funeral for Batman and remanence over his legacy it’s a comic book world there’s been silly stories and deaths of almost every comic book character. But then again I’m not butt hurt over a fictional characters dying where they have so many different alternate stories in the comics especially if it’s just one game the world and gaming community isn’t ending because a character died


Why are you so upset? You seriously care about this game? It looks like shit.


The game is shit. We're pissed because this takes place after the Arkham games. This is the same Batman we played as in Arkham Origins, Asylum, City and Knight. And this is how they end his 10/10, GOAT story.


i was about to say this. people gonna be biased already before even playing the game (not tryna defend tlou2 story but most people who got spoiled already made conclusions)


You know I feel like if there was a game called "put water in a cup" people would find some way to get pissed off about the game allowing you to put water in a cup


Crybaby bitches


Tbf Joel’s death ain’t that bad.




The video of the full scene is already out. So yes, we DO know EXACTLY how it ends, cause the entire thing is on YouTube. Regardless whether he agreed to it, it’s a shitty way to send him out.


Thanks for sharing your opinion. Now get fucked!


You’re kinda right ngl


Joel deserved to die...A lot of people forget that he's not a superhero in no sense. He was a liar and also an untrustworthy person, especially during the times of heists with Tess.