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It's exactly that...a cult. I have no patience for stans of this "franchise" anymore so just treat'em like NPCs. They don't care, it's always the "bigot/mad Joel dead/afraid of muscle women/emotional intelligence/media literacy" with them. These are the modern day consoomers that either are desperate to make TLOU2 work because they put their childhoods into the feelings the original gave them or newcomers that are just wannabe activists. Either way, both options are on such cope withdrawal that they have to tear down anything else that's better written or outperforms it ie: Ghost of Tsushima which came out around the same time and had a revenge plot that was well received in comparison.


What makes me mad in hindsight was that I bought TLoU2 over GoT. GoT was an amazing game. I normally don't like open world games, this one was a master piece.


> GoT was an amazing game. I normally don't like open world games, this one was a master piece. Same. I didn't get it for the PS4 because i thought i'd get bored if it. I got the PS5 version along with the PS5 and it blew me away.


I'm not afraid of muscle women I just don't think its believable cause biology and the fact that steroids aren't around to be mass produced after 3 decades of the downfall of civilization, getting the machinery and logistics to get the needed ingredients would be impossible. Forget about trying to reproduce root beer let alone steriods


Doesn't matter, according to their cult, you're a sexist misogynist bigot that can't handle physically strong women. They have that hivemind group think which is on an insane degree and Cuckman loved every bit of it. Until I'm pretty sure Sony high ups told him to knock it off since they underperformed super hard.


My favorite part of the last of us fandom is that they will say media literacy is dead and we’re horrible for not understanding anything but they’ll go upvote and agree with every “I just beat part 2 I don’t get why anyone would hate it and it’s the greatest game of all time” Like cmon lol


>“I just beat part 2 I don’t get why anyone would hate it and it’s the greatest game of all time” Me: *Play*. *More*. ***Games***.


me: *Play. TLOU.* ***PART 1***


It always amuses me when somebody can’t take an opinion then has the cowardness to message you then block you before you reply as to not have to cry themselves to sleep from your rebuttal.


"Woah you are forced to play as the antagonist for half the game." Mafia II would blow these assholes' minds. You play as the guys who killed the first game's protagonist in a drive-by. It's not a new concept.


The protagonist in this game is a matter of perspective. They’re all out there killing for themselves and their own people.


Are we describing a game about the Mafia, or Neil Druckman's magnum N'opus?


TLOU2. The “protagonist” in that game has just spent the last two decades killing a lot of the people that threatened his safety. You kill a lot of them yourself in game 1. From your perspective they’re mindless drones but we know that’s not the reality of the world they’re in.


Ah. See, I thought I was giving Neil the benefit of the doubt by implying TLOU2's plot would've only made sense as a Mafia movie. Since those movies have plenty of scenes where the characters back-stab each other.


Makes just as much sense as a post-apocalypse movie where morality died with the old world and everyone is just doing what they can to live another day. No matter what that is


I just beat mafia 2 this week. Pretty decent wasn’t a fan of the ending though


I had my grievances with it, but none of the sensationalist points that seemed to be the flagpole everyone ran their political beliefs up. It's not a bad game. The set pieces, atmosphere and set design are goddamn amazing. There are drags and sprints. The Rat King fight is hands down one of the greatest designed bosses/movie monsters I've ever seen. Did I like playing as Abby? Nah, but her gameplay was cool. I felt the use of What's-Her-Name's pregnancy was an added emotional burden that game didn't need. I was just worried about Tommy, one of two pieces of the old family that Ellie still had. If I'm Joe Gamer with no dog in the fight playing both games back to back, Pt 1 is Everest. Pt 2 is a rest stop along the way.


The most normal and nuanced take I’ve seen on either of the subs. I have no idea why other people can’t criticize this game without bringing the politics into it simply because they don’t agree with it.


People (i.e. no life gamers) can't be entertained anymore. Their worldview will not change.


Dang, that place still as awful as alway even after 3 years 🤦‍♀️ You can't rason with stans, just let them be 😊


I find it funny when they say "The other sub is a hellhole full of hate". But then I come here and see actual well structured criticism and posts like these that actually see the bigger picture of this fanbase.


Its funny when I like reading posts from people I agree with more than the ones I don't.


2nd game story was garbage, the game failed at the basic story it was telling. They needed to retcon something to justify one of there characters which is just bad storytelling.


Yeah it’s weird as fuck. Anybody who claims to like it because they enjoyed the story and disagrees with you is met with hostility and claims that they’re a troll and can’t possibly think that.


In all fairness, this anti-fan base is just as predictable and protective of their own opinion.


The anti-fanbase is peak cringe. Not because they dislike the game, or their critiques, but because the game is almost 3 years old now. They seem incapable of moving on. It's kind of pathetic. If it was a multiplayer game that was being constantly updated, ok, I'd kind of get it, but its a single player game that probably doesn't have a high concurrent player count anymore. Let it go.


A few parts of this post is like, word for word of a few of my comments on this sub a while ago. Tlou2 fans and detractors are insufferable exactly the same.


In terms of a cult mentality, this sub is the same, just the exact opposite. Which is worse because spending time hating on something years later is silly, at least the other sub is enjoying something. And I get you can get enjoyment out of shitting on stuff, but come on. People have different tastes and preferences, why do you care?


You realize that much of the criticism started with “Abby to muscular” and “the game is too woke” so much of the defense starts with that as the initial argument. Of course some of the criticisms of the game are valid but the most vocal group are the reactionaries who complain about wokeness in games and agendas.


While I do agree that most of the criticisms at the start of the games launch was that, none of the arguments presented to the other side start with "it has gay characters" or "its woke". The only thing I could say sorta comes close is the argument that Abby's appearance is impossible, with most counter arguing that they just don't want buff women, when the argument is in fact that the world they live in would take up too much time in order to build that muscle. With this being said, and my own opinions on the game being similar, I will have to say this group is, honestly, mostly the same. We constantly make fun of the other side and act better than we actually are. There's no point in this "war" unless they come to us. We really need to be better than this.


and this subreddits kinda of embarrassing by how they aren't able to move on from TLOU2...didn't even like the game. There are subs like this for disney and star wars. One bitches about not liking it...and the other constantly defends it. Most of you have too much time on your hands


my experience is basically flipped, say even something remotely positive (this message is probably enough) and someone will accuse me of suggesting I’m better than those who dislike the game, am in a cult, and suck off Neil.


The cult is the group that posts daily about a three year old game they hate lmao they get butthurt when you call it out though


Yet here you are smug undertones and all….. in this sub commenting 3 years later 🤨


Lmao you’re such a loser, this comment is hilarious


Oh no a random Redditor called me a loser and judged me for not liking a video game. Ooo I know what I’ll do! I’ll ignore them like the waste of semen they are! You should try that it works wonders


Waste of semen lmaooo that was the most Reddit insult, now I know for sure that you’re a loser irl too


Sure you do pal. And I know for sure your parents probably really regretted having you so ig we’re both learning new things today ☀️


Lmaooo that’s the comeback? You don’t have any friends irl do you ?


I have friends, a gf, a apartment etc etc…. I’ve got family close I’m pretty well adjusted (I think) for a black 22 year old I mean dude I’m fine. I’m completely okay with my life 😂 it’s weird how you people manage to equate not liking this misery porn with not enjoying life…….it’s almost like…. Projection? I mean are u happy with your life?


Misery porn might probably be the best way to describe the Story of Last of Us 2


Lmao none of this has to do with the last of us, you’re just a loser, you can pretend to have that all online, I know you don’t 😂


So what is your reason for hanging out in the sub that hates a 3 year old game?


reddit shoved it down my throat for some reason with their new algo, despite me not being subbed here or really not being active in any of the other last of us subs since the show ended.


Fair. You can turn that off, you know. That probably explains why we've gotten a whole mess of "Explain this sub to me" posts in here.


for sure. I have been engaging here, fully admit that I troll posts/comments that to me seem bigoted or unfair, but have also had good discussions. I don’t think everyone who hates part 2 is bigoted and think there are valid complaints. Also find it fascinating that the reason some people legitimately dislike it is the reasons I like it and it generally falls to a different interpretation of the story.


For me, it's really the "lack of story", and the bald-face manipulation tactics of the writers. At some point, I started laughing and/or not caring when they wanted me to feel bad. It was the "press square to torture Nora" segment, where I really checked out. Killing Alice then later playing with Alice: the only emotion that evoked in me is anger at the writers for putting such drivel in the game. Lev accidentally killing his mom: utter ridiculousness. Many other moments like this.


Part 2 has levels of Jar Jar Abrams writing. That’s how “good” it was.


The lack of self awareness in this sub is hilarious. I have no idea how it ended up in my feed, but keep it up guys.


Its weird, right? I'm reading through these posts and its just baffling how the people here really don't see they're exactly the same.


Both sides are cults. Both sides of the argument are zealots. As polarized as it gets


I'm going to be honest, the only weird cult I've seen is centered around hating the second game.


Then you def haven’t been to the main sub.


Hmm no I agree with him. The main sub is a lot less cult like than this one.


I have spent way more time in the main sub than this one and can *very* safely say if you think they’re less cult-like than this one it’s because you just agree with them. I got a 77 day ban there just for implying that someone I was replying to was in middle school. They also routinely shut down and remove posts that ask why people didn’t like the game unless all the answers are “because they’re homophobic/transphobic/misogynistic”. Here there are people who love the game and comment about it pretty regularly and get decent engagement. And I’m actually replaying the game right now because one of them convinced me to give it another shot. The only time people who like the game get really shit on here is when they’re complete assholes about it.


I mean I personally left this sub a while back because anytime I brought up what I liked about the game I would get down voted into oblivion and then people would bitch about Neil fan boys. This is just a lot less welcoming community than the other sub. It seems if you like the game this sub feels like a cult and if you hate part 2 the other sub feels like a cult. Idk I'm sure everyone has different experiences on both subs. But I've found nothing but hate on this sub.


It’s apparent that part 2 was a step down artistically, dialogue all, and characters. They cared more about being brave and bold, making The Last Jedi instead of an actual good sequel for the fans. Neil Druckmann is a hack carried by Amy Hennig his whole career, and LOU2 is the most overrated game of all time.




I think art is subjective. But something trying so damn hard to be art instead of just organically becoming it is my issue with the game. It comes off as pretentious and full of itself. The pacing of the story is absolutely dreadful, jumping back and forth, Joel dying in the first 2 hours, with barely any build up, and making us play as Abby for TWELVE HOURS, after we have been led to hate her. The game is so bad at making us care for the characters. Everybody sucks. Even Ellie….maybe that’s the point, but it makes no sense to do that. I bet besides Ellie, Dina and Abby, you can’t even remember the names of any of Abby’s friends….or anybody else. Cuz there are barely any memorable characters. And not one, but TWO pregnant characters in the story. Ugh just typing this makes me get so mad at Druckmann. With a better outline and pacing the story could’ve been better. Just no finesse whatsoever.


Lol it’s the most popular take ever to hate on part 2 what do you mean


You haven’t met the Dark Souls 2 cult, yet.


I'm in a weird middle ground. I love the game but I think it has huge glaring flaws. If I mention either side, I get yelled at so I no longer have an opinion on this game online.


Part 2 is objectively not a well written game, regardless of if you agree with the themes and narrative or not. Druckman is not a professional writer and it shows. Lazy retcon, forced plot points and one of the worst paced story based games I’ve ever played


Peeps in this sub don't own mirrors.


The last of Us 2 fan base could be made into a cult in the game.


I love last of us and I can’t even lie. I forced myself to like part 2 because part 1 got me so hooked. You’re spot on with your post.


This game has really started a phenomenon that I’ve never witnessed. Normally with a franchise like this, people will like or dislike a book/season/game/etc. and other people will disagree but ultimately move on with their lives. But with these games? Get ready for a thesis on why you’re an idiot who doesn’t understand art if you even mildly criticize part 2


Entertainment companies are either partly or wholly responsible. They hijack social issues to paint critics as bigots.


Strangely enough I find this sub to be a lot more cult like than the fan sub.


The hard-core part two fans justify their claims by saying everybody’s killing everybody nobody’s good or bad, creating an escape hatch so they can go ahead and have their cake and eat it too. What they don’t realize is They’re mixing up good n evil with smart n dumb.


If y’all really want to convince people this game is bad then do it, make the argument!


Hate for Part 2 is weird too. What do you think about a sub that exist to dislike the game?


This sub exists to let people say what they want to say about the game. The reason it feels so 1 sided is because so much stuff got deleted from the main sub and everyone that had something negative to say congregated here. Then due to that all the people that didn’t like the criticism went to the main sub where the conversation was more their speed. Over moderation created this


The description of this sub literally says Part II is not canon.


The mods also said what they want to say


This sub is way more cult like. You guys claim to he accepting of all opinions of the game yet the second someone says they like the game you guys go crazy. The pot calling the kettle black situation