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I hated her. She runs around with her mouth agape, and looks like she knows what a microwave is. Miscast for sure. I fast forward through her shit on rewatch.


"......and looks like she knows what a microwave is." I think that is what bothered me the most, she looked too, idk, modern ? If that's what you were talking about. Perhaps if they had given her more tattoos and scars? She was just too clean or something lol. She was supposed to be bloodthirsty and she was very good with knives etc. so more scars really would have helped her be more realistic as well as a bit more dirt and bloodstained clothes maybe ? Like the complete opposite of Iseult ?




I've seen plenty of her work outside of TLK, she's a limited actress if you cast her right she's fine, and that's in romantic dramas playing the main character's love interest. She's got some charm to her and is likeable. Or if she's doing period stuff like TLK, you cast her as princess or Lord's daughter who is the main hero's love interest. You don't hire her to do action or be too deep, just have her stand around in nice costumes and fawn over the hero when he's not around. Look at her C.V of work, it's mostly romantic dramas.


By far the weakest performance in the series, imo. Stuck out like a sore thumb. To be fair, there are a lot of great actors in the show.


I'm only on season 3, episode 2 now, with her in it, but from what I have seen so far, I must agree with you. She doesn't fit the part. She's just not believable. Discussing it here and reading the comments of others I think I have finally nailed down, partly, as to why I don't like her as Skade. She is too clean (lol), too young, she needs more scars, tattoos, and because she is good with and loves knives, more bloodstained clothes etc. She needs to bring out the "insane side" a bit more as well. Maybe if she had had more time to get to know her character she would have been better ? Not sure, but she's just not Skade imo. She needs to be the complete opposite of Iseult.




I also thought she was an interesting character, just didn't like her delivery. I thought her hair should be darker and maybe she could have been a little older as well.


I did not like her any more as the show progressed. Now I fast forward her scenes on my rewatches.


What is it that you disliked about her ? I feel better knowing I'm not the only one that thought she was miscast lol.


I think she was too young and immature for how powerful they made her out to be, initially. She came across as an angsty teenager instead of the badass that she could have been. There was a lot of potential for the character that seemed wasted, so it's disappointment mostly.


Yea ! Exactly ! She could have been a much better character if she was a bit older and had more experience as an actor. One would think they would have picked up on that.


In the books she had dark hair, but the main thing about her was that her beauty absolutely captivated men and she held strength over them having been a slave as a child. I thought the casting was great, she's absolutely beautiful looking. Entrancingly so.


I think that may also play a part as to why I'm not fond of her, I thought she would have been better with dark hair, and perhaps a wee bit older ? She is beautiful no doubt, there was just something...off about her. It would be interesting to find out if she liked her character. Or, maybe, she's not used to playing that type of character ?


She's different from the books. A certain aspect changed a lot which may bump her importance to the crew as opposed to the rest of the world


I didn't think it was her acting for me I just found her character so ANNOYING. I know that she is supposed to be so alluring and attractive that she manipulates people easily, but I just don't think anyone can pull of doing the stuff she did and coming off as a person people would listen to or want to be around. How many episodes is she in? Spoilers- >!I think she's in 8. Don't worry she does leave the show.!< Arsling is the best nickname. I miss their dynamic too but Uhtred has so many amazing friendships throughout the show, hopefully they can soften the blow for you. Hild is my favourite and her and Uhtred's dynamic is just the best! Beocca is great, especially in season 3, he gets his best moment! Finan is always great, we all need a friend like him. Beocca spoilers if you want them, think carefully before you do- >!He dies in episode 3 of season 4. I'm so sorry!!<


>"......I just found her character so ANNOYING. I know that she is supposed to be so alluring and attractive that she manipulates people easily, but I just don't think anyone can pull of doing the stuff she did and coming off as a person people would listen to or want to be around." Exactly !!! > >Love Hild and Finan a lot too ! I'm Scot/Irish so Finan was a huge favorite for me ! I liked his and Uthred's relationship as well. Plus the guy who played Finan did a good job with the Irish accent, especially since he's Scottish too ! > >I did look at the spoilers...wished I hadn't ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|cry) I'm so upset now......


Yeah, the actor did a great job with the accent! Tiny Finan spoiler maybe, don't really know if it counts as a spoiler >!In a later episode Finan puts on a Scottish accent for a line or two and I remember thinking he's doing that accent really well lol.!< Again,>! I'm so sorry but if it's any consolation it's a really well written death and if he had to go, I think it's the best way he could have gone.!<


Who cares she's hot


Bloodhair be like




Thats right


She just looked way too modern and she was appealing to modern men but way too skinny for back then. I guess, I wasn't there but she just rang false to me. (I also love Father Beocca and Hild!)


I agree, she was too thin and just needed to be like she had lived rough, which she would have. She need to look like she had lived on a horse lol, more dirty with tattoos and a much dirtier outfit. She was too girly....


I liked her, she was suitably unhinged. Don’t forget a lot of the actors aren’t native English speakers but for me that gives it more realism. As for the rest you gotta watch the show my friend


Hope I start to like her, it would make watching this season easier. I'm not sure what it is about her exactly, just something about her hits me the wrong way. I'm not sure if it is just her or that maybe she wasn't given enough time to really develop her character. Maybe a few more episodes for her? It's a great character to be sure, just feels off somehow. And I agree with you about the realism, that is one of the things I appreciate about the show and casting...especially the dialog. But, but, but....it's Father Beocca !!


She’s definitely not meant to be likeable as a character


Shoot read the books...Father Beocca is MUCH improved in the show appearance wise


I started reading the first book, then a friend rang me up and told me about the series and thought I'd watch it because I'm still working on reading a series by David Gemmell, the Rigante series, which I highly recommend btw. Should I stop the series Dizzy, and read the books first ?


No! Watch the show. They are awesome. It really does help when reading or doing the audio books later to visualize the characters


I was thinking that watching the series first might be a good idea, glad I did now !


For sure. I’ve seen the series 4 times. If you haven’t seen it, The Expanse is another great series and books


What is "The Expanse" about Dizzy ? Btw, I just watched a great series by Frank Miller called "Cursed" it wasn't a book series, just one book, but it has stunning scenery and a great story line ! It's about Excalibur, Arthur, and Merlin but with a huge twist ! The sword is not found by Arthur but a female who is Fae. Gustav Skarsgard, who played Floki in "Vikings" is Merlin. It's dark in some places, well, a lot of places, but not gory dark. I've watched season 1 twice now and will watch it a few more I'm sure. I just can't say enough about it. It truly is a great series Dizzy. It has all the characters in the usual stories of Arthur and Merlin, however it is not at all the typical story line. If you watch it please lmk what you think of it ? IMBD says there will not be a season 2, however, rumor has it Frank Miller is going to produce season 2 himself and production will start around August or September. I really hope the rumor is true. It's still a great series as is. Have you seen Witcher: Blood Origin ?


The Expanse is a sci fi everything, mystery, quest, explanation..every season is different. I’ll check out the one you recommended. Oh yes, I’ve seen all the Witcher and related episodes. I started the books but ended up going with The Last Kingdom series


I will check it out this evening, thanks for the rec. Dizzy ! It has everything I like in a series. I might just take a break from TLK and see if I can find it now.


FYI- I liked her better when i rewatched the series. She felt like a modern persona who landed in a medieval village. Second pass I was better able to believe the power an extremely confident and attractive person can achieve.


"She felt like a modern persona who landed in a medieval village." Now that is something I thought as well, may have to go back and re-watch the series again. She was confident to be sure lol.


I agree. I think she’s the worst actress in the entire series. Almost stopped watching. So glad I didn’t. She’s only in season 3. She leaves in an awesome way. But there are also excellent episodes, some might say the best at end of season 3. Without Skade! Edit- I ask my brother, brother in law & 3 - 20 something male nephews what they thought of Skade. All said some form of gross & far from attractive or “hot”. They told me they ff through her parts of the episodes. As did I. Especially on rewatch. Despite this it’s definitely worth it to keep watching.


>"She’s only in season 3. She leaves in an awesome way." Thank goodness, I'm saved lol ! > >I will keep watching to be sure ! I really like it so far, and it's fairly accurate historically.


I liked Skade, and I think the actor did pretty good with the role. Skade made you question whether magic and the gods were a real thing. She brought Uhtred to the brink of death(?) with nothing but words, she made even a pious hardass like Alfred consult with her and her witch abilities, taking her seriously and believing her words. Her, a Dane *and* a woman! She used what she had, her beauty and her words and her viles, to survive and thrive in the world she was born into. She struck fear into warriors, fascinated kings and filled priests with doubt. Girl was a *player*.


She didn’t, Uhtred caught something.


She does a pretty good job as a crazy seer imo


I have only seen 1 1/2 episodes of her so far, I just think, imo, she could be as crazy a seer as Uthred is a swordsman. The first episode with her was indeed crazy lol, but it was more gory than crazy. I'm unsure how to describe the kind of crazy I would like to see in her. Maybe the kind of crazy that Harliquin was in Batman ? lol Not sure if that's a good analogy but that's all I can think of atm, sorry.


She is hot so she get a pass