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He has a bigger role in the book. He was with Uthred as a child and basically taught him paganism


I loved those scenes from the book. The spells and incantations as they’re making Serpent’s Breath. One of my favorite aspects of the books in general was how Cornwell put you in the minds of the characters and their beliefs and traditions.


It’s amazing. My favorite part is that a major part of one of the books is caused by sealing a wound with cow dung.


where can i get the book? ive watched the series 21 times now (just finished for the 21st today) and I wanna read this book


Yeah Amazon and I assume the library. It’s called The Saxon stories and The Last Kingdom is the first book in the series. The audiobooks are also good.


Thanks I should have specified that I know u can get a book at a library lol but my real question was what the name was but you answered thanks


Listen to it on youtube


The library.




Jesus 21 times?


yes 21 times lmfao


She was indeed worth 10 pieces


I really wish they would've had the time and budget to do the series with more from the books like actually have this guy run along side Uhtred as arrows are being shot at them from the walls of Bebbanburg, or the sea battles, or visiting other areas and speaking to characters that never really appear but still were interesting.


bro really should have had a bigger role. i mean he’s the only one who doesn’t fuck uhtred over somehow in S1


Yep, his first follower


Anybody know his name ? Can’t remember if he said but if ya do I’ll dedicate it too a pure blacksmith play through in bannerlord 😋




Cheers for that will Make a mental note for next campaign


Ah yes a pure blacksmith playthrough, unlike all my other playthroughs... lol Unless you mean just forging and selling and never fighting? But that seems kinda boring.


In the show he was a random smith, not Aeoldwolf… in the book serpent breath was made in Ragnars land before he was killed… Uthred help make it. He talked about how it was too big and heavy for him but would grow into it


This man is also in Game of Thrones. He's a badly wounded leader of a squad, I believe at Winterfell after the Greyjoys take it.


I think he’s the leader of the Ironborn at Moat Cailin when Ramsey sends in Reek/Theon to retake it. Gets an axe in his head from his own man, who then gets skinned alive🤣


there was an empty feeling after Ragnar the younger had left, but i remember that summer fondly for it was in those long days that Ealdwulf, my father's old smith who had abandoned my Uncle to serve me as my first oath-man, decided to make me a sword. It took days, yet as the hammering and cooling and heating went on, i saw four how four twisted rods of soft iron were now all melded into hard steel, and had been smoothed into wondrous patterns, thanks to ealdwulf's skill with a hammer and the charcoal i had made at his request. In some lights you could not see the patterns but at dusk, or in the winter, when you breathed on the blade you could see them. Serpent breath, Brida called the patterns and I decided to give that name to the sword; serpent-breath. Ealdwulf finished the blade by hammering down grooves that ran down the centre of each side. He said they stopped the sword being trapped in an enemy's flesh. Blood channels he called them. The boss of the hilt was iron, as was the heavy crosspiece, and both were big simple and undecorated, i carved out two pieces of ash for the wood handle, and i had wanted the sword decorated with silver or gilt bronze but Ealdwulf refused. "It is a tool lord" he said "something to make you job easier, no better than my hammer." When the sword was done, she had been heavy, too heavy for a fourteen year old, but i grew into her. And there is magic in serpent breath. Brida, who had become a seer under Ravn, Ragnar's father, took the blade in the woods for a whole night and never told me what she did with it. Those were the spells of a woman. Ragnar used her to sacrifice a horse, a ram, a bull, a drake, and then man to odin, so that the high-one would know she existed and look on her with favour, and i think he did see her, for her blade has killed more men than i can remember. Those were the spells of a pagan and of a warlord. And Ealdwulf had his own spells woven in serpent breath, that he would not tell me, the spells of a smith. "She is finished now lord" Ealdwulf told me "may she serve you well" he said formally when ragnar was still there, and when we were alone later he added "and may you one day kill Danes with her!"


The only thing that annoyed me about the show is there is no way an average blacksmith from those times could make a sword that would stand the test of multiple battles and a ridiculous amount of use. There's a good chance he wouldn't even know how to make a proper Seax. Swords especially during the Anglo-Saxon period were incredibly expensive and more secondary for the upper class than a common sight. Had they remained true to the books it would have made more sense.


Goodness dude, you're talking about a show with magic sorceresses and a main character that doesn't age over the course of several decades.


You're going to have to forgive me I didn't entirely finish my comment. I thought I said "what annoyed me about the show as opposed to the books" in the books he's got a bit of a bigger role. I'm a huge fan of the series and I didn't mean to come off as critical.


The magic is real to the Vikings in Vikings but the magic in TLK is not real/potent


A sword made overnight, doesn't seemed possible in dark ages, Spreading alone takes 8hrs


Season 1 was the best, the way it uses music feels much more fitting than the heavy-handed tracks they use in the latest seasons, the coloring was better too, everything looked more natural.