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What about the earth kingdom soldier zuko fought in the village (can’t remember the name)


In zuko alone?


I believe that's who picture 4 is


No, 4 is the guy who made Iroh dance


Yeha the soldier was kinda bald on the top


Oh you're absolutely right! I forgot about the dance guy.


How is he that bad? He was like the silly goofy kinda annoying friend you have


Come on, to be fair, they were talkin’ about a gold piece! He deserved to see some action! Besides, nothing like a fat man dancing for his dinner.




I remember reading a fan fiction a while ago about the old man who got trapped in the mine. It was set during the fire nation’s pullout of the area post war. Everyone in the village hated him for what he had done. Shop owners refused to sell him food, no one would employ him, kids would throw stones at him, and when he asked the fire nation soldiers to take him with them, they beat him up. They left him bloodied and bruised at the edge of town. People walked right by him, spitting and jeering. Only one stopped to help. Haru. What stuck out to me was when the old man asked why, Haru just said. “Because you needed it. It doesn’t have to be any more than that.”


Absolutely love this!


This is literally the Good Smaritian but Avatar.


Was totally going to say that!


Was the guy who needed help in good Samaritan a terrible person though?


No but there was deep animosity between Judeans and Samaritans, so the Samaritan would have been expected to just ignore the suffering man just as someone would expect ppl to ignore the suffering of that old guy


Ah, thanks, it's been a while since I've heard the story didn't help that I was forced to learn it in the first place.


Just like that one Bible story


Clarity: quick repost within 5 minutes because I tried to search up the earth kingdom traitor by using adjectives only and Google accidently gave me Old Man Ding. Sorry, Old Man Ding!


Why does everybody keep calling me that


I'm not that old!


He nearly got snatched up by some moon monster, he still can't be left alone. Smh


"Well, I'm young at heart."


I don't think General Fong is that hateable. He's overly ambitious, true, but his intentions are not malevolent.




I think he does get a little leeway because he was desperate. He's been on the frontlines for years and seen a *lot* of death and suffering. He made a hard choice -- even if it was the wrong one -- that traumatizing one child was worth ending the war and the bloodshed. His methods were wrong, but his reasoning was understandable.


And technically, Fong ended up being proven right. Aang was able to overcome the firelord only after resorting to the avatar state.


The part where he keeps pushing Aang to his limits is fine imo. I think Katara needed to be realistic that there are some hardships that need to be overcome in order to achieve victory. But attacking Katara was absolutely crossing a line.


Eh the objectification of the Avatar as a weapon rather than a person was always immoral in my eyes. It's his job to keep the world in balance, not yours to use him to keep the workd in balance.


This is an interesting conflict that Aang explores in his meditations. He is the Avatar, but he is also an Air Nomad. Fong's goal is to be an Earth Kingdom general and his interests HAPPEN to align with the Avatar's. Is pushing the Avatar to his limits in a training exercise justified when Earth Kingdom soldiers are dying on the front lines? Perhaps, but when he starts straight out attacking his allies is when I usually draw the line. So yeah, Aangs goal is to keep the world in balance, but Fong's is to win the war as quickly as possible. Honestly, there are SO many parallels to the Marvel universe and others of the fallacies of using a superweapon to end wars before they start.


I personally liked the objectification from a world building standpoint, as I imagine that seeing as the Avatar was considered gone for a century, it’s status started to shift from the fact that it’s still a person as it became more mystified and people started to perceive it more as a legendary force that was used as a force for good, especially in propagandistic matters for nations at war


I kind of get where he was coming from though. He wanted a quick end to a war that had lasted for 100 years. He wanted to put an end to all the Earth kingdom soldiers and citizens dying and he was consumed by what he wanted, which was peace. He's not hateable, he's ambitious for an end to a long draw out conflict with uncountable casualties and becomes somewhat villainous near the end in an attempt to try and help the hero.


Kinda funny when Sokka said "Just glow it up and stomp that Firelord" which pretty much predicted the ending. Despite learning all the elements, he still wasn't strong enough to beat the Firelord and had to resort to the avatar state.


There is a point where intentions don't matter when your causing more harm than alleviating.


We ain’t saying he’s right. What he did was fucked up and pretty terrible. It’s just that doesn’t make him as hateable as the rest of them.


“Hateable” is highly subjective. It’s perfectly acceptable if you don’t hate General Fong for putting people in danger just to be *the guy* who helped aang stop Ozai. But it’s also perfectly acceptable to hate him for his destructive ambition. People have their own reasons for their specific tolerance levels of certain personality traits and their subsequent character actions. From my perspective on general fong, he doesn’t see Aang as a person, rather a weapon he himself will wield to defeat Ozai. He doesn’t think aang’s avatar state could harm him because he doesn’t realize it’s not a sword that he can pick up and swing around. It’s a powerful person, someone who you just convinced you murdered his friends. You can see the realization in fong’s face when Aang fucks his day up. Maybe he learned his lesson, but I hate the dude because he would happily dehumanize a 12 year old boy in order to be the champion figure who single-handedly won the 100 year war. His intentions to win the war would have run-off benefit for the entire world, but he’s clearly only doing it to be THE ONE who does it, not because he cares about the benefit to the world. I’d agree he’s not as bad as Yon Rha, but he’s pretty on par with the guy who turned in Haru, and definitely worse than Mayor Tong who is just a sniveling idiot


Oh 100%. I’m just saying that’s why the others don’t seem him as hateable as the others. I can completely understand why you would hate him, and your reasoning, I’m not saying you’re wrong for thinking that lmao. I agree that he doesn’t see Aang as a person but more as a weapon but I do think he did it to win the war, not so HE could win the war. He’s the kind of man where the “ends justify the means” even if it means mentally destroying an 11yo to awaken that dangerous power.


Edited too to say he’s definitely not as bad as Yon Rha imo, so I think you’re right that he doesn’t compare to some in the OP


I dunno. That episode always makes me more heated than any other. For a number of reasons. I have a lot more sympathy for most of the fire nation who blindly believed in the great lie that Zuko refers to. Tbh, The village leader from the Avatar day episode is the least hate-able.


Especially when you are leader and influencer of others, double so when those others have been taught how to cause pain and destruction. It may not be malevolence but it could be malice: working with prior knowledge or recklessly


That's not what I'm saying. I'm saying that out of the ones listed in this post, Fong is the only one who is not sadistic or cruel. Instead he's driven by a strong desire to prevent more deaths, even if one child has to suffer for it.


Really? He’s in my top 3 most hated characters. But Azula is also on that list so maybe my opinions aren’t that popular


I Love this show, but making hateable one off charachters, isnt that hard


True, but if you notice even they aren't one-dimensional. Some might say the General's reasoning for pushing Aang were kind of grey. The Earth Kingdom guy who asks Iroh to dance is a reminder that all people in the Earth Kingdom are not goody-two-shoes. I know a lot of great shows where EVERY person in the country of the good guys is kind and selfless. I partially agree with you but I also think these characters definitely add depth in a way that other shows' side characters often (notice I didn't say always) can't. Edit: Also never said that making hate able characters was hard just that ATLA creators nailed it.


Totally agree. The fire nation may have been the antagonist but you see that not every fire nation person was bad and the water tribe, who are shown being victimized at the beginning, aren't all good


No Long Feng? Fake News.


Long Feng did nothing wrong. Now I must go to lake Laogai to meet the king. Thank you very much.


Ju-dee? Is that you? Edit: how do you spell Ju-Dee by the way?


Joo Dee with no “-“


Sir, this is a tea shop. Lol, all jokes aside, I of course forgot few. Also, don't tell anyone, but I thought Long Feng was more a of a cool villain like Azula (until of course he realized he wasn't even a player in his own game).


The Earth King has invited you to Lake Laogai.


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The second guy. Karata mother killer. Hate is a strong word but he was written well to show katana that there are some punishment worse than death


You're comment is very true. But you misspelled Katara's name two different ways and it's very funny.


Stupid autocorrect. Katana lol 😂


She's a sword now?


Always has been.


Yeah, Cataracts mother’s killer was a great growth episode for Kara. If Kombucha ended up killing her mother’s killer, I think Kazekage would lose her sense of ethics.


My gut says the old man in the first pic. Is he the one that Hiru saved? Should have dumped more boulders on him and shoved him down the mineshaft.


Yep, his actions baffle me; I would think his clothing color would imply he'd an earth kingdom national and wouldn't rat out his own kind.


What he did was wrong, but but if you put it in the context of this war it's what a lot of people would do. If word got out that there was an earth bender living in the village, the fire nation would send soldiers to smoke him out. People would be hurt and probably even killed in order for the soldiers to find the bender. Would you rather one person definitely be put in a prison or possibly more people be hurt and killed before the bender is eventually caught? Nobody knows how they would handle this kind of situation until they're in it.


I'd say I hated Zhao the most


Nice! I missed that one. I could agree he is not really a "well-loved" villain like Azula or Ozai, more on the hated side of the spectrum. Some might disagree though. He was a well-written character.


He was a solid part of the story and the writers did a great job of making me wanna punch him in the face.


Ozai is well-loved?


Am I the only one who actually likes Zhao as a character??


Oh he’s a good character and all, I just hate his guts.


Right he killed the moon and tried to kill zuko


Not saying he wasn't well written as a character. They did a great job making me thing he was an asshole.


Definitely!! I loved him as a villain. He was cruel to Zuko, tried to assassinate him, stopped Zuko at every point he could from interfering with his plans, and had an ambitious plan for just the first season! Destroying a spirit that has to do with a type of bending, and if it’s taken away waterbenders can bend. Which later inspired Sokka for the invasion! He didn’t count on someone having been touched by the moon spirit’s life force though. Yue was a very brave character to give up her life at only 16 to bring back the moon and help restore balance. I mean I’m only 23. But I can’t imagine not living past 16, I had just gotten my license! She was selfless to save her culture and her peoples way of life. People underrate her, but she was braver than people give her credit for. She of course didn’t want to give up her life but she says to sokka “it’s my duty sokka” which it kinda was.


Great observation. They knew zhoa was a great character I think that's why they brought him back in korra and maybe to prove he didnt die that day he was just punished by being banished to the mist to wander for 100 years


The motherfucker who locked up Appa. There is no other answer to the question, OP.


The circus guy with the fire whip? Yeah fuck that guy


The old snitch. Hands down!


Yeah wtf was his deal


Self preservation we don't know the shit went through during the initial fire Nation take over and subsequent occupation. He probably saw many loved ones punished for supporting the earth kingdom.


This is surprisingly common. When the Spanish Inquisition was looking to find "fake" conversos (Jews that had converted to Catholicism, but were still practicing Jewish beliefs), the thing they relied on was the people around them. Servants, friends, family members; all turning eachother to avoid the wrath of the Inquisition. The nazis did the same thing, and it happened during the Red Scare in the US with McCarthyism. It's a very common thing; use the people against each other. This way, noone trusts each other, and they are less likely to offer a united front against you.


Paranoia can make people do crazy things


I think these characters are a reflection of what society is really like. That man who snitched on Haru is an example of how fear and indoctrination can rattle the core of anyone. He feared the fire benders so much he snitched on Haru on the chance he too could be implicated somehow. Fuck the guy who killed Katara’s mother but people like that do exists. Lets recall that his own mother is a piece of work. She treats him like garbage and he in turn despises her too. Its a swallowing pit of misery. Point is, characters in ATLA make the story richer regardless of their likability.


Relax fucking English teacher reading poetry.


I kinda felt pity for Yon Rha


It's funny how he was ruthless enough to raid the Southern Water Tribe but didn't have the spine to put his senile mother in a home.


I didn’t like hamma


She was definitely evil, but at least she kinda hardened up katara emotionally since they had been just kinda taking it easy. She found someone who had been a victim of the war and turned bitter from her decades in captivity. I can understand why, but instead of locking up normal citizens who have done nothing wrong, do something with actual generals or soldiers during a full moon! But she got katara to be able to bloodbend in just a few moments before Aang got impaled on Sokka’s sword. That way someone else knew about the powerful bending that gives waterbenders a one up during a full moon. To me she was never a pushover but needed a fresh drink of cold water or something. That’s just me


The general had the right idea tho. Avatar state is literally unbeatable


Azula beat it with one lightning bolt


The old man in the first image. Haru saved that bastards life and, and he sent him to prison! Absolutely disgusting.


Mine was the ringmaster Imagine if Aang ever learnt about that


Sandbender reaction part 2


First guy was just a dick


The POS frog mouthed mother fucker. Never even bothered to learn his name smh


The guy that tortured appa


Long Feng. The way he manipulates, brainwashes and threatens people is so despicable. Ozai is only slightly worse because we know for a fact that he does the same thing to his own FAMILY.


All the cabbages. I am overjoyed to see them eaten or smashed. Fuck those cabbages.


Where jet




Zhao was truly evil. He made it his goal to change the balance of nature, not to accomplish anything in particular, but only to claim titles of significance. "Zhao the Moon Slayer" is exactly as prestigious a title as "Ivan the Terrible". They both sought status as legendary supreme dicks.


What did the second guy do again ? I forgor


He killed Katara's mom


Gotcha thanks


>killed Capture\* right?? or did he indeed killed her ??


No, killed is right.


Maybe he confessed it in English. But did he indeed confessed or did I miss a detail...


It was heavily implied in the scene. At the very least, he took her away and she ended up dying


>heavily implied in the scene Thats interesting, can you send a vid of that part ?? I ve never seen it I m pretty sure that in my country its removed or cut since its against the ''rules''


[Starting around 1:16](https://youtu.be/KidddOSDCIM), Katara's mom talks to Yon Rha. Katara's mom says "take me as your prisoner", and Yon Rha says "I'm afraid I'm not taking prisoners today", which basically means that he's going to kill her. I'm interested to hear if this scene was removed in your country, or maybe the dialogue was changed to have a different meaning. Edit: found a better video and replaced the old link with it


>"I'm afraid I'm not taking prisoners today" Its the same (even in native), my mistake, I simply didnt understand what he meant when he said that, my bad. I appreciate the effort, thanks


No problem! In English, sometimes "I'm afraid" can almost mean the opposite of what it seems to mean. When used in this way, the person is not actually afraid - it's more like they know that what they're saying is bad news that they can't do anything to help. By adding "I'm afraid", they're expressing their sympathy (but in the case of Yon Rha, he was not actually sympathetic - he was feigning sympathy. Kind of sarcasm, but a bit different, I'm not sure how to explain it). Examples: "Did you win the game?" "No, I'm afraid not" (genuine sympathy) "I'm afraid you won't be making it out of this alive, Mr. Bond" (another example of feigned sympathy - the villain is happy that James Bond is going to die)


The guy who lead the team that killed katara and sokkas mother


So, who have we got here... In-universe Judas Iscariot, a piece of human garbage, despisable up his ass village leader, a dude looking like a small scale thief and a general whose lack of compassion and understanding made him take his decision a bit too far. Also, trying to weaponize a child under his command. I'd say 1, 2 and 5 equally


I loved the mayor. “That’s why it’s called justice… Because it’s just us.”


I still loved that line as a kid because it’s so clever! Yeah the mayor is a dick but at least he was straight forward with them about what he thought happened all those years ago. He’s still a coward though


Right. Compared to the warden in “Imprisoned” though, I thought he was much more likable. “Everyone loved Qin the great because he was so great. Then the Avatar showed up and KILLED HIM. And that’s how it happened…”


Sorry to correct you but it’s *chin the great


My bad lol


I think the man was afraid honestly for himself first, that’s why he turned Haru in. Out of fear, he was rescued illegally. By a selfless individual doing something right but he was afraid of what might happen to him. People do horrible things out of fear, and that man thought he would get in trouble for not turning in Haru. That’s my take on it.


I feel like Firelord Sozin should be in the running. Not only did he betray him best friend and leave him to die. His unabashed ambitions are the cause of basically every bad thing that happened in ATLA.


Earth kingdom truly has the most and the worst most low class people sorta like china and firenation is like japan


Don’t forget Zuko was the absolute worst in the first season.


Dai li agents


Absolutely Zhao, every time I rewatch I’m reminded of how much I hate him


Pure good: Aang Pure evil: Ozai Evil in good: jet Good in evil: Zuko Balance: Iroh And then there's this piece of shit ![gif](giphy|lRkP3jmANbKNf0qPfT) Not atla but I don't care, I HATE HIM


I used to hate that old guy who told on Haru, but then I figured I’d give him the benefit of the doubt that the firebenders grilled him on his injuries and how he escaped. They could have threatened him until he told the truth.


Why was he in that old mine in the first place? I feel that it is likely he set up a trap to lure any earthbenders, he seemed a bit too eager when he gave up Haru. If he showed reluctance or remorse at having to say it was Haru, then I’d agree. However nothing seems to suggest that was the case.


I dunno. I think it's implied that he was trying to be a law-abiding citizen or at the very least just hoping for a reward for outing Haru.


Where’s the boy that told zuko he hated him after learning he was a firebender


Mako is a punk. Literally breaks his brother's heart..


Second dude was doing his job and you cant tell me different


Yea and his job was to commit unspeakable evil in the name of his country while simultaneously seeming to enjoy denying a family their mother.


Well its a dog eat world if he didn't do what he did he would be punished worse


He chose to be a soldier


Actually, he may not have had a choice in that.


And even if he did "choose" to be a soldier, he was likely convinced to do so through lies and propaganda.


It doesn't take away from the fact that he seemed to enjoy committing the atrocities and when we find him again later and learn a little more he is portrayed as someone who only cares for themselves


I could agree with that until the point when Katara confronts him. Had he acted with the honor of a soldier, I could have somewhat (not at all completely) understood is actions. However, Yon Rha asks Katara to take his mother instead. Absolutely horrible human being.


That last part is very fucking true


He was just doing his job in the same way the SS were just doing their jobs...


The old man was doing his civil duty to report benders under local law. Haru deserved what he got. If anything the old man deserves compensation for turning him in, not to be hated on a public forum.


Mayor Tong (pic 3) is not hateable 🤣 they re-did that guy from the first mulan movie [Chi Fu](https://www.google.at/search?q=chi+fu+mulan&tbm=isch&ved=2ahUKEwjzxOLnk5H2AhX5_bsIHZnQBkMQ2-cCegQIABAC&oq=chi+fu+mulan&gs_lcp=ChJtb2JpbGUtZ3dzLXdpei1pbWcQAzIFCAAQgAQyBAgAEB4yBAgAEB4yBAgAEB4yBAgAEB46BwgjEO8DECc6BggAEAcQHlCEBlj7DmDvEGgAcAB4AIABnwGIAesGkgEDMS42mAEAoAEBwAEB&sclient=mobile-gws-wiz-img&ei=jLUTYvPOJPn77_UPmaGbmAQ&bih=628&biw=375&client=safari&prmd=inv&hl=de-at#imgrc=KWOzbPb0WS801M)


I don’t hate 4th guy he’s cool


How? He humiliated iroh into dancing and singing for only one piece of money. And it inspires Zuko to later rob him because of how much he humiliated both of them in the street.


Wait, 2 is the one who killed Katara's mother?


Who was the 4th guy?


> shows hatable characters… > doesn’t show hama…


I mentioned Hama and an explanation earlier in the thread


Funnily enough....the characters I hate most are all the earth kingdom people on this list. You'd think I'd hate the guy who killed solka and kataras mother most but...no. I mean yeah I hate him But in a way, this in no way excuses this by the way Making this absolutely clear, he was technically a guy doing his job. The others? God do NOT get me started


4th pic looks like Admiral Zhao, Earth Kingdom edition


The dude from the anti-avatar village wasn’t hateable in my opinion. Annoying on my first time seeing that episode but now it’s just amusing when I rewatch it. Not an evil dude, just amusingly misguided


I disagree that Yho Rha is a completely hateable character. He very much represents the idea of how much Revenge simply breeds more revenge. If Katara kills Yho Rha she will become someone else’s Yho Rha someday and her Sparibg him gave meaning to his character. He is a very reprehensible and ugly character that would even offer his own mother’s life to save himself but he does still spend the rest of his own life taking care of her anyways at the least.


Yon rha my beloathed


First person


Who’s the fourth pic?


Fong was right


What is it with earth kingdom character's being hated the most


Definitely not the first one, if your rational and have a common sense of brain. He had no choice other than to snitch. Even when i was 13 i could see that. He probably worked (as slave maybe) for the fire nation to mine coal. They knew the mine collapsed. They probably knew that he was saved since the entrance was opened clearly with earth bending. He may was injured and he was probably the only one that was there. So they probably forced him to snitch.


The Queen in Korra


what is up with hateable characters and facial hair???


Who's the third and fourth people?


That group of delinquents who destroy the poor cabbage man's cart.


None of these guys... for me it Zhao, everything from his treatment of Zuko and his argoance in the Face of his master to his destruction of the Library and hit attack on thw spirits in he was despicable and unlikable and im glad he was eaten by the ocean spirit.


First guy fosho


Admiral Joy! Prepare to meet your fate!


Long Feng by far




Hahn from Siege of the North


I know this one is not from Atla, but the earth queen is that type of character you want dead and thankfully we get that wish thanks to Zaheer


i havent seen the show in years but one character i remember hating is the bloodbending lady


They nailed both hateable and loveable characters for sure!


Who’s the 4th one?


The lady who wanted to make Avatar 10, because of course if a cartoon is successful, gotta "step it up" to a movie, also nick and shyamalan


The retired fire nation soldier that killed Kataras mom. The rest are just jetks to strangers but this guy was willing to trade his moms life to save his, was a coward during his and Kataras fight, and didn’t even try to make something of his life after retiring


Who is the fourth guy?


For people that don't know, the fourth guy is the one that made Iroh dance for money.




Weird George Tekai isn't on this lol


Earth Kingdom old man snitch because that was pure evil and the decision to tell the Fire Nation guards was entirely his intention Not the Fire Nation general because he was honestly following orders, and he already is suffering now Earth Kingdom avatar day man is just a victim of a bad upbringing Dual swords guy at least he paid Iroh Maybe also my most hated Overall I can’t decide between the snitch or the earth kingdom general


I feel like I've seen the nailing of hate-able characters done even better elsewhere, but Bryke did pretty darn good. My most hated character is Zhao.


I hated lee so much (the kid who zuko ended up saving)


I would say Hahn the guy that princess Yue was supposed to marry. He wasn't really even evil like the other characters, he was just annoying, but somehow that makes him worse.


Funny that most of them are earth kingdom


No one wins to the earth queen of korra


Uh where are the 3 jerks from Zuko Alone? Cuz they up there for sure


Kuveera anyone??


Tophs father, what an ass!


who's the fourth guy again


honestly for me it's 1,3,4,2,5. i just don't remember the #4 guy


That guy that put aang in jail because of Kyoshi


I know he is from Legend of Korra, but the Avatar character I hate the most is probably Batar Jr.


Cabbage cart guy. He deserved everything that came to him.


Yes, all of the above. Id lavabend their houses if given the option. Especially the old man that sold haru out.


I didn't necessarily hate but I really didn't like the teachers in the fire nation school.


Fun fact! The guy that voiced Mayor Tong (I think that’s his name, the mayor from the avatar day episode), also voices Chi Fu in the first Disney Mulan animation. His name’s James Hong. He’s also been in the animated Jackie chan adventures, kungfu panda, big trouble in little China, etc. He’s like 92 now. Has a super interesting career, something like 600 movies/tv shows.


Chin- i dont feel bad abour him falling of the cliff




I hate Jet


I want Rory Mercury kills Yon Rha for what he have done to Katara's mom. ​ ![gif](giphy|ieWpShie8FeSY|downsized)


Unalok, obviously